Exemplo n.º 1
def MapSynapsesAndSurfaces(input_meta_filename, output_meta_filename):
    # read in the meta data files
    input_data = ReadMetaData(input_meta_filename)
    output_data = ReadMetaData(output_meta_filename)

    input_synapse_directory = input_data.SynapseDirectory()
    output_synapse_directory = output_data.SynapseDirectory()

    # create the output synapse directory if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(output_synapse_directory):
        os.makedirs(output_synapse_directory, exist_ok=True)

    # read in all of the input syanpses
    input_synapses = {}

    for iz in range(input_data.StartZ(), input_data.EndZ()):
        for iy in range(input_data.StartY(), input_data.EndY()):
            for ix in range(input_data.StartX(), input_data.EndX()):
                input_synapse_filename = '{}/{:04d}z-{:04d}y-{:04d}x.pts'.format(input_synapse_directory, iz, iy, ix)

                # ignore the local points
                global_pts, _ = ReadPtsFile(input_data, input_synapse_filename)

                for label in global_pts:
                    if not label in input_synapses:
                        input_synapses[label] = []

                    # add the array from this block to the input synapses
                    input_synapses[label] += global_pts[label]

    # create an output dictionary of synapses per block
    output_synapses_per_block = {}

    # iterate over all output blocks
    for iz in range(output_data.StartZ(), output_data.EndZ()):
        for iy in range(output_data.StartY(), output_data.EndY()):
            for ix in range(output_data.StartX(), output_data.EndX()):
                # create empty synapses_per_block dictionaries whose keys will be labels
                output_synapses_per_block[(iz, iy, ix)] = {}

    # for every label, go through the discovered synapses from the input data
    for label in input_synapses.keys():
        input_synapses_per_label = input_synapses[label]

        for input_global_index in input_synapses_per_label:
            # the global iz, iy, ix coordinates remain the same across blocks
            global_iz, global_iy, global_ix = input_data.GlobalIndexToIndices(input_global_index)

            # get the new block from the global coordinates
            output_block_iz = global_iz // output_data.BlockZLength()
            output_block_iy = global_iy // output_data.BlockYLength()
            output_block_ix = global_ix // output_data.BlockXLength()

            if not label in output_synapses_per_block[(output_block_iz, output_block_iy, output_block_ix)]:
                output_synapses_per_block[(output_block_iz, output_block_iy, output_block_ix)][label] = []

            # get the new global index
            output_global_index = output_data.GlobalIndicesToIndex(global_iz, global_iy, global_ix)

            output_synapses_per_block[(output_block_iz, output_block_iy, output_block_ix)][label].append(output_global_index)

    # write all of the synapse block files
    output_synapses_directory = output_data.SynapseDirectory()
    for iz in range(output_data.StartZ(), output_data.EndZ()):
        for iy in range(output_data.StartY(), output_data.EndY()):
            for ix in range(output_data.StartX(), output_data.EndX()):
                output_synapse_filename = '{}/{:04d}z-{:04d}y-{:04d}x.pts'.format(output_synapse_directory, iz, iy, ix)

                # write the pts file (use global indices)
                WritePtsFile(output_data, output_synapse_filename, output_synapses_per_block[(iz, iy, ix)], input_local_indices = False)

    # get the input/output directories for the surfaces
    input_surfaces_directory = input_data.SurfacesDirectory()
    output_surfaces_directory = output_data.SurfacesDirectory()

    # create the output synapse directory if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(output_surfaces_directory):
        os.makedirs(output_surfaces_directory, exist_ok=True)

    # iterate over all labels
    for label in range(1, input_data.NLabels()):
        start_time = time.time()

        # skip over labels that do not exist
        input_surface_filename = '{}/{:016d}.pts'.format(input_surfaces_directory, label)
        if not os.path.exists(input_surface_filename): continue

        # read in the input global points
        input_global_points, _ = ReadPtsFile(input_data, input_surface_filename)

        # create an empty dictionary for the output points
        output_global_points = {}
        output_global_points[label] = []

        for input_global_index in input_global_points[label]:
            # the global iz, iy, ix coordinates remain the same across blocks
            global_iz, global_iy, global_ix = input_data.GlobalIndexToIndices(input_global_index)

            # get the new global index
            output_global_index = output_data.GlobalIndicesToIndex(global_iz, global_iy, global_ix)


        # write the new surface filename
        output_surface_filename = '{}/{:016d}.pts'.format(output_surfaces_directory, label)
        WritePtsFile(output_data, output_surface_filename, output_global_points, input_local_indices = False)

        print ('Completed label {} in {:0.2f} seconds'.format(label, time.time() - start_time))
Exemplo n.º 2
def ConvertSynapsesAndProject(meta_filename, input_synapse_directory, xyz,
    data = ReadMetaData(meta_filename)

    resolution = data.Resolution()

    # create an empty set of synapses
    synapses = {}

    # iterate over all labels
    for label in range(1, data.NLabels()):
        # read the surfaces for this label
        surface_filename = '{}/{:016d}.pts'.format(data.SurfacesDirectory(),
        # some surfaces (i.e., labels) will not exist in the volume
        if not os.path.exists(surface_filename): continue

        # read in the surface points, ignore the local coordinates
        surfaces, _ = ReadPtsFile(data, surface_filename)
        surface = surfaces[label]

        npts = len(surface)
        surface_point_cloud = np.zeros((npts, 3), dtype=np.int32)

        for index, iv in enumerate(surface):
            iz, iy, ix = data.GlobalIndexToIndices(iv)

            surface_point_cloud[index, :] = (iz * resolution[OR_Z],
                                             iy * resolution[OR_Y],
                                             ix * resolution[OR_X])

        # create an empty array for the synapses
        synapses[label] = []

        projected = 0
        missed = 0

        # read in the original synapses
        input_synapse_filename = '{}/syn_{:04}.txt'.format(
            input_synapse_directory, label)
        if os.path.exists(input_synapse_filename):
            with open(input_synapse_filename, 'r') as fd:
                for line in fd:
                    # separate the line into coordinates
                    coordinates = line.strip().split()

                    if xyz:
                        ix = round(int(coordinates[0]) / conversion_rate[OR_X])
                        iy = round(int(coordinates[1]) / conversion_rate[OR_Y])
                        iz = round(int(coordinates[2]) / conversion_rate[OR_Z])
                        iz = round(int(coordinates[0]) / conversion_rate[OR_Z])
                        iy = round(int(coordinates[1]) / conversion_rate[OR_Y])
                        ix = round(int(coordinates[2]) / conversion_rate[OR_X])

                    # create a 2D vector for this point
                    vec = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.int32)
                    vec[0, :] = (iz * resolution[OR_Z], iy * resolution[OR_Y],
                                 ix * resolution[OR_X])

                    closest_point = surface[scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
                        surface_point_cloud, vec).argmin()]

                    closest_iz, closest_iy, closest_ix = data.GlobalIndexToIndices(

                    deltaz = resolution[OR_Z] * (iz - closest_iz)
                    deltay = resolution[OR_Y] * (iy - closest_iy)
                    deltax = resolution[OR_X] * (ix - closest_ix)

                    distance = math.sqrt(deltaz * deltaz + deltay * deltay +
                                         deltax * deltax)

                    # skip distances that are clearly off (over 200 nanometers)
                    max_deviation = 800
                    if distance < max_deviation:
                        # add to the list of valid synapses
                        projected += 1
                        missed += 1

                print('Synapses within {} nanometers from surface: {}'.format(
                    max_deviation, projected))
                print('Synapses over {} nanometers from surface: {}'.format(
                    max_deviation, missed))

    # divide all synapses into blocks
    synapses_per_block = {}

    # iterate over all blocks
    for iz in range(data.StartZ(), data.EndZ()):
        for iy in range(data.StartY(), data.EndY()):
            for ix in range(data.StartX(), data.EndX()):
                # create empty synapses_per_block dictionaries whose keys will be labels
                synapses_per_block[(iz, iy, ix)] = {}

    # for every label, iterate over the discovered synapses
    for label in synapses.keys():
        synapses_per_label = synapses[label]

        # iterate over all of the projected synapses
        for global_index in synapses_per_label:
            global_iz, global_iy, global_ix = data.GlobalIndexToIndices(

            block_iz = global_iz // data.BlockZLength()
            block_iy = global_iy // data.BlockYLength()
            block_ix = global_ix // data.BlockXLength()

            # create the array for this label per block if it does not exist
            if not label in synapses_per_block[(block_iz, block_iy, block_ix)]:
                synapses_per_block[(block_iz, block_iy, block_ix)][label] = []

            synapses_per_block[(block_iz, block_iy,

    # write all of the synapse block files
    synapse_directory = data.SynapseDirectory()
    if not os.path.exists(synapse_directory):
        os.makedirs(synapse_directory, exist_ok=True)

    for iz in range(data.StartZ(), data.EndZ()):
        for iy in range(data.StartY(), data.EndY()):
            for ix in range(data.StartX(), data.EndX()):
                synapse_filename = '{}/{:04d}z-{:04d}y-{:04d}x.pts'.format(
                    synapse_directory, iz, iy, ix)

                # write the pts file (use global indices)
                             synapses_per_block[(iz, iy, ix)],