Exemplo n.º 1
 def pre_rebase(self, destination):
     # Get the stored configs is any
     patches_branch = 'patches/' + destination
     config = self.load_original_config(patches_branch)
     if config is not None:
         set_patch_config(patches_branch, config)
     # Remove back to the base
def _test_unary_package_repository(release_dir, version, directory=None):
    print("Testing in {0} at version {1}".format(release_dir, version))
    with change_directory(release_dir):
        ### Import upstream
        user('git-bloom-import-upstream --quiet')
        # does the upstream branch exist?
        assert branch_exists('upstream', local_only=True), "no upstream branch"
        # does the upstrea/<version> tag exist?
        ret, out, err = user('git tag', return_io=True)
        assert out.count('upstream/' + version) == 1, "no upstream tag created"
        # Is the package.xml from upstream in the upstream branch now?
        with inbranch('upstream'):
            assert os.path.exists('package.xml'), \
                   "upstream did not import: '" + os.getcwd() + "': " + \
            with open('package.xml') as f:
                package_xml = f.read()
                assert package_xml.count(version), "not right file"

        ### Release generator
        with bloom_answer(bloom_answer.ASSERT_NO_QUESTION):
            ret = user('git-bloom-generate -y release -s upstream --quiet')
        # patch import should have reported OK
        assert ret == code.OK, "actually returned ({0})".format(ret)
        # do the proper branches exist?
        assert branch_exists('release/foo'), "no release/foo branch"
        assert branch_exists('patches/release/foo'), \
               "no patches/release/foo branch"
        # was the release tag created?
        ret, out, err = user('git tag', return_io=True)
        assert out.count('release/foo/' + version) == 1, \
               "no release tag created"

        ### Make patch
        with inbranch('release/foo'):
            if os.path.exists('include/foo.h'):
                user('git rm include/foo.h')
                if not os.path.exists('include'):
                user('touch include/foo.h')
                user('git add include/foo.h')
            user('git commit -m "A release patch"')

        ### Test import and export
        with inbranch('release/foo'):

        ### Release generator, again
        with bloom_answer(bloom_answer.ASSERT_NO_QUESTION):
            ret = user('git-bloom-generate -y release -s upstream --quiet')
        # patch import should have reported OK
        assert ret == code.OK, "actually returned ({0})".format(ret)
        # do the proper branches exist?
        assert branch_exists('release/foo'), "no release/foo branch"
        assert branch_exists('patches/release/foo'), \
               "no patches/release/foo branch"
        # was the release tag created?
        ret, out, err = user('git tag', return_io=True)
        assert out.count('release/foo/' + version) == 1, \
               "no release tag created"