Exemplo n.º 1
def test_fuerte_package_repository(directory=None):
    Release a single catkin stack (fuerte) repository.
    directory = directory if directory is not None else os.getcwd()
    # Setup
    upstream_url = create_upstream_catkin_fuerte_repository('foo', directory)
    release_url = create_release_repo(upstream_url, 'git', 'fuerte_devel')
    release_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'foo_release_clone')
    release_client = VcsClient('git', release_dir)
    with change_directory(release_dir):
        ### Import upstream
        user('git-bloom-import-upstream --quiet')
        # does the upstream branch exist?
        assert branch_exists('upstream', local_only=True), "no upstream branch"
        # does the upstrea/0.1.0 tag exist?
        ret, out, err = user('git tag', return_io=True)
        assert out.count('upstream/0.1.0') == 1, "no upstream tag created"
        # Is the package.xml from upstream in the upstream branch now?
        with inbranch('upstream'):
            assert os.path.exists('stack.xml'), \
                   "upstream did not import: '" + os.getcwd() + "': " + \
            assert open('stack.xml').read().count('0.1.0'), "not right file"

        ### Release generator
        with bloom_answer(bloom_answer.ASSERT_NO_QUESTION):
            ret = user('git-bloom-generate -y release -s upstream --quiet')
        # patch import should have reported OK
        assert ret == code.OK, "actually returned ({0})".format(ret)
        # do the proper branches exist?
        assert branch_exists('release/foo'), "no release/foo branch: " + \
        assert branch_exists('patches/release/foo'), \
               "no patches/release/foo branch"
        # was the release tag created?
        ret, out, err = user('git tag', return_io=True)
        assert out.count('release/foo/0.1.0') == 1, "no release tag created"

        ### Release generator, again
        with bloom_answer(bloom_answer.ASSERT_NO_QUESTION):
            ret = user('git-bloom-generate -y release -s upstream --quiet')
        # patch import should have reported OK
        assert ret == code.OK, "actually returned ({0})".format(ret)
        # do the proper branches exist?
        assert branch_exists('release/foo'), "no release/foo branch: " + \
        assert branch_exists('patches/release/foo'), \
               "no patches/release/foo branch"
        # was the release tag created?
        ret, out, err = user('git tag', return_io=True)
        assert out.count('release/foo/0.1.0') == 1, "no release tag created"
Exemplo n.º 2
def match_branches_with_prefix(prefix, get_branches):
    debug("match_branches_with_prefix(" + str(prefix) + ", " +
          str(get_branches()) + ")")
    branches = []
    # Match branches
    existing_branches = get_branches()
    for branch in existing_branches:
        if branch.startswith('remotes/origin/'):
            branch = branch.split('/', 2)[-1]
        if branch.startswith(prefix):
    return list(set(branches))
Exemplo n.º 3
def match_branches_with_prefix(prefix, get_branches):
    debug("match_branches_with_prefix(" + str(prefix) + ", " +
          str(get_branches()) + ")")
    branches = []
    # Match branches
    existing_branches = get_branches()
    for branch in existing_branches:
        if branch.startswith('remotes/origin/'):
            branch = branch.split('/', 2)[-1]
        if branch.startswith(prefix):
    return list(set(branches))
Exemplo n.º 4
def match_branches_with_prefix(prefix, get_branches, prune=False):
    debug("match_branches_with_prefix(" + str(prefix) + ", " +
          str(get_branches()) + ")")
    branches = []
    # Match branches
    existing_branches = get_branches()
    for branch in existing_branches:
        if branch.startswith('remotes/origin/'):
            branch = branch.split('/', 2)[-1]
        if branch.startswith(prefix):
    branches = list(set(branches))
    if prune:
        # Prune listed branches by packages in latest upstream
        with inbranch('upstream'):
            pkg_names, version, pkgs_dict = get_package_data('upstream')
            for branch in branches:
                if branch.split(prefix)[-1].strip('/') not in pkg_names:
    return branches
Exemplo n.º 5
def match_branches_with_prefix(prefix, get_branches, prune=False):
    debug("match_branches_with_prefix(" + str(prefix) + ", " +
          str(get_branches()) + ")")
    branches = []
    # Match branches
    existing_branches = get_branches()
    for branch in existing_branches:
        if branch.startswith('remotes/origin/'):
            branch = branch.split('/', 2)[-1]
        if branch.startswith(prefix):
    branches = list(set(branches))
    if prune:
        # Prune listed branches by packages in latest upstream
        with inbranch('upstream'):
            pkg_names, version, pkgs_dict = get_package_data('upstream')
            for branch in branches:
                if branch.split(prefix)[-1].strip('/') not in pkg_names:
    return branches
Exemplo n.º 6
def open_pull_request(track, repository, distro):
    # Get the diff
    release_file = get_release_file(distro)
    if repository in release_file.repositories:
        orig_version = release_file.repositories[repository].version
        orig_version = None
    updated_release_file = generate_ros_distro_diff(track, repository, distro)
    if updated_release_file is None:
        # There were no changes, no pull request required
        return None
    version = updated_release_file.repositories[repository].version
    updated_distro_file = yaml_from_release_file(updated_release_file)
    # Determine if the distro file is hosted on github...
    gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path = get_gh_info(get_release_file_url(distro))
    if None in [gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path]:
        warning("Automated pull request only available via github.com")
    # Get the github user name
    gh_username = None
    bloom_user_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".bloom_user")
    if os.path.exists(bloom_user_path):
        with open(bloom_user_path, "r") as f:
            gh_username = f.read().strip()
    gh_username = gh_username or getpass.getuser()
    response = raw_input("github user name [{0}]: ".format(gh_username))
    if response:
        gh_username = response
        info("Would you like bloom to store your github user name (~/.bloom_user)?")
        if maybe_continue():
            with open(bloom_user_path, "w") as f:
            with open(bloom_user_path, "w") as f:
                f.write(" ")
            warning("If you want to have bloom store it in the future remove the ~/.bloom_user file.")
    # Get the github password
    gh_password = getpass.getpass("github password (This is not stored):")
    if not gh_password or not gh_username:
        error("Either the github username or github password is not set.")
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    # Check for fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Checking for rosdistro fork on github..."))
    gh_user_repos = fetch_github_api("https://api.github.com/users/{0}/repos".format(gh_username), use_pagination=True)
    if gh_user_repos is None:
        error("Failed to get a list of repositories for user: '******'".format(gh_username))
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    if "rosdistro" not in [x["name"] for x in gh_user_repos if "name" in x]:
            "Github user '{0}' does not have a fork ".format(gh_username)
            + "of the {0}:{1} repository, create one?".format(gh_org, gh_repo)
        if not maybe_continue():
            warning("Skipping the pull request...")
        # Create a fork
        create_fork(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password)
    # Clone the fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + "Cloning {0}/{1}...".format(gh_username, gh_repo)))
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    new_branch = None
    title = "{0}: {1} in '{2}' [bloom]".format(repository, version, gh_path)
    body = """\
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `{0}`:
- previous version: `{1}`
- new version: `{2}`
- distro file: `{3}`
- bloom version: `{4}`
        repository, orig_version or "null", version, gh_path, bloom.__version__
    with change_directory(temp_dir):

        def _my_run(cmd):
            info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + str(cmd)))
            # out = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            out = None
            from subprocess import call

            call(cmd, shell=True)
            if out:
                info(out, use_prefix=False)

        _my_run("git clone https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git".format(gh_username, gh_repo))
        with change_directory(gh_repo):
            _my_run("git remote add bloom https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git".format(gh_org, gh_repo))
            _my_run("git remote update")
            _my_run("git fetch")
            branches = get_branches()
            new_branch = "bloom-{repository}-{count}"
            count = 0
            while new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count) in branches:
                count += 1
            new_branch = new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count)
            # Final check
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Title: @{yf}" + title))
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Body : \n@{yf}" + body))
            msg = fmt(
                "@!Open a @|@{cf}pull request@| @!@{kf}from@| @!'@|@!@{bf}"
                + "{gh_username}/{gh_repo}:{new_branch}".format(**locals())
                + "@|@!' @!@{kf}into@| @!'@|@!@{bf}"
                + "{gh_org}/{gh_repo}:{gh_branch}".format(**locals())
                + "@|@!'?"
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            _my_run("git checkout -b {0} bloom/{1}".format(new_branch, gh_branch))
            with open("{0}".format(gh_path), "w") as f:
                info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Writing new distribution file: ") + str(gh_path))
            _my_run("git add {0}".format(gh_path))
            _my_run('git commit -m "{0}"'.format(title))
            _my_run("git push origin {0}".format(new_branch))
    # Open the pull request
    return create_pull_request(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password, gh_branch, new_branch, title, body)
Exemplo n.º 7
def open_pull_request(track, repository, distro, distro_file_url=ROS_DISTRO_FILE):
    # Get the diff
    distro_file_url = distro_file_url.format(distro)
    distro_file_raw = fetch_distro_file(distro_file_url)
    distro_file = yaml.load(distro_file_raw)
    if repository in distro_file['repositories']:
        orig_version = distro_file['repositories'][repository].get('version', None)
        orig_version = None
    udiff_patch_file, updated_distro_file = generate_ros_distro_diff(track, repository, distro,
                                                                     distro_file_url, distro_file,
    if None in [udiff_patch_file, updated_distro_file]:
        # There were no changes, no pull request required
        return None
    version = distro_file['repositories'][repository]['version']
    # Determine if the distro file is hosted on github...
    distro_file_url = distro_file_url.format(distro)
    gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path = get_gh_info(distro_file_url)
    if None in [gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path]:
        warning("Automated pull request only available via github.com")
    # Determine if we have a .netrc file
    gh_username = None
        netrc_hosts = netrc.netrc().hosts
    except Exception as e:
        error("Failed to parse ~/.netrc file: {0}".format(e))
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    for host in netrc_hosts.keys():
        if 'github.com' in host:
            gh_username = netrc_hosts[host][0]
            gh_password = netrc_hosts[host][2]
    if None in [gh_username, gh_password]:
        error("Either the github username or github password is not set in the ~/.netrc file.")
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    # Check for fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Checking for rosdistro fork on github..."))
    gh_user_repos = fetch_github_api('https://api.github.com/users/{0}/repos'.format(gh_username))
    if gh_user_repos is None:
        error("Failed to get a list of repositories for user: '******'".format(gh_username))
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    if 'rosdistro' not in [x['name'] for x in gh_user_repos if 'name' in x]:
        warning("Github user '{0}' does not have a fork ".format(gh_username) +
                "of the {0}:{1} repository, create one?".format(gh_org, gh_repo))
        if not maybe_continue():
            warning("Skipping the pull request...")
        # Create a fork
        create_fork(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password)
    # Clone the fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + "Cloning {0}/{1}...".format(gh_username, gh_repo)))
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    new_branch = None
    title = "{0}: {1} in '{2}' [bloom]".format(repository, version, os.path.basename(gh_path))
    body = """\
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `{0}`:
- previous version: `{1}`
- new version: `{2}`
- distro file: `{3}`
- bloom version: `{4}`
""".format(repository, orig_version or 'null', version, gh_path, bloom.__version__)
    with change_directory(temp_dir):
        def _my_run(cmd):
            info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + str(cmd)))
            out = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            if out:
                info(out, use_prefix=False)
        _my_run('git clone https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(gh_username, gh_repo))
        with change_directory(gh_repo):
            _my_run('git remote add bloom https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(gh_org, gh_repo))
            _my_run('git remote update')
            _my_run('git fetch')
            branches = get_branches()
            new_branch = 'bloom-patch-{0}'
            count = 0
            while new_branch.format(count) in branches:
                count += 1
            new_branch = new_branch.format(count)
            # Final check
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Title: @{yf}" + title))
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Body : \n@{yf}" + body))
            msg = fmt("@!Open a @|@{cf}pull request@| @!@{kf}from@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                      "{gh_username}/{gh_repo}:{new_branch}".format(**locals()) +
                      "@|@!' @!@{kf}into@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                      "{gh_org}/{gh_repo}:{gh_branch}".format(**locals()) +
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            _my_run('git checkout -b {0} bloom/{1}'.format(new_branch, gh_branch))
            with open('{0}'.format(gh_path), 'w') as f:
                info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Writing new distribution file: ") + str(gh_path))
            _my_run('git add {0}'.format(gh_path))
            _my_run('git commit -m "{0}"'.format(title))
            _my_run('git push origin {0}'.format(new_branch))
    # Open the pull request
    return create_pull_request(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password, gh_branch, new_branch, title, body)
Exemplo n.º 8
def open_pull_request(track, repository, distro):
    # Get the diff
    release_file = get_release_file(distro)
    if repository in release_file.repositories:
        orig_version = release_file.repositories[repository].version
        orig_version = None
    updated_release_file = generate_ros_distro_diff(track, repository, distro)
    if updated_release_file is None:
        # There were no changes, no pull request required
        return None
    version = updated_release_file.repositories[repository].version
    updated_distro_file = yaml_from_release_file(updated_release_file)
    # Determine if the distro file is hosted on github...
    gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path = get_gh_info(
    if None in [gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path]:
        warning("Automated pull request only available via github.com")
    # Get the github user name
    gh_username = None
    bloom_user_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.bloom_user')
    if os.path.exists(bloom_user_path):
        with open(bloom_user_path, 'r') as f:
            gh_username = f.read().strip()
    gh_username = gh_username or getpass.getuser()
    response = raw_input("github user name [{0}]: ".format(gh_username))
    if response:
        gh_username = response
            "Would you like bloom to store your github user name (~/.bloom_user)?"
        if maybe_continue():
            with open(bloom_user_path, 'w') as f:
            with open(bloom_user_path, 'w') as f:
                f.write(' ')
                "If you want to have bloom store it in the future remove the ~/.bloom_user file."
    # Get the github password
    gh_password = getpass.getpass("github password (This is not stored):")
    if not gh_password or not gh_username:
        error("Either the github username or github password is not set.")
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    # Check for fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Checking for rosdistro fork on github..."))
    gh_user_repos = fetch_github_api(
    if gh_user_repos is None:
        error("Failed to get a list of repositories for user: '******'".format(
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    if 'rosdistro' not in [x['name'] for x in gh_user_repos if 'name' in x]:
            "Github user '{0}' does not have a fork ".format(gh_username) +
            "of the {0}:{1} repository, create one?".format(gh_org, gh_repo))
        if not maybe_continue():
            warning("Skipping the pull request...")
        # Create a fork
        create_fork(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password)
    # Clone the fork
        fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" +
            "Cloning {0}/{1}...".format(gh_username, gh_repo)))
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    new_branch = None
    title = "{0}: {1} in '{2}' [bloom]".format(repository, version, gh_path)
    body = """\
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `{0}`:
- previous version: `{1}`
- new version: `{2}`
- distro file: `{3}`
- bloom version: `{4}`
""".format(repository, orig_version or 'null', version, gh_path,
    with change_directory(temp_dir):

        def _my_run(cmd):
            info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + str(cmd)))
            # out = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            out = None
            from subprocess import call
            call(cmd, shell=True)
            if out:
                info(out, use_prefix=False)

        _my_run('git clone https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(
            gh_username, gh_repo))
        with change_directory(gh_repo):
                'git remote add bloom https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(
                    gh_org, gh_repo))
            _my_run('git remote update')
            _my_run('git fetch')
            branches = get_branches()
            new_branch = 'bloom-{repository}-{count}'
            count = 0
            while new_branch.format(repository=repository,
                                    count=count) in branches:
                count += 1
            new_branch = new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count)
            # Final check
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Title: @{yf}" + title))
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Body : \n@{yf}" + body))
            msg = fmt(
                "@!Open a @|@{cf}pull request@| @!@{kf}from@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                "{gh_username}/{gh_repo}:{new_branch}".format(**locals()) +
                "@|@!' @!@{kf}into@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                "{gh_org}/{gh_repo}:{gh_branch}".format(**locals()) + "@|@!'?")
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            _my_run('git checkout -b {0} bloom/{1}'.format(
                new_branch, gh_branch))
            with open('{0}'.format(gh_path), 'w') as f:
                    fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Writing new distribution file: ") +
            _my_run('git add {0}'.format(gh_path))
            _my_run('git commit -m "{0}"'.format(title))
            _my_run('git push origin {0}'.format(new_branch))
    # Open the pull request
    return create_pull_request(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password,
                               gh_branch, new_branch, title, body)