Exemplo n.º 1
def export_upstream(uri, tag, vcs_type, output_dir, show_uri, name):
    tag = tag if tag != ":{none}" else None
    output_dir = output_dir or os.getcwd()
    if uri.startswith("git@"):
        uri_is_path = False
        uri_parsed = urlparse(uri)
        uri = uri if uri_parsed.scheme else uri_parsed.path
        uri_is_path = False if uri_parsed.scheme else True
    name = name or "upstream"
    with temporary_directory() as tmp_dir:
            "Checking out repository at '{0}'".format(show_uri or uri)
            + (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else ".")
        if uri_is_path:
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, uri)
            repo_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "upstream")
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, repo_path)
            if not upstream_repo.checkout(uri, tag or ""):
                    "Failed to clone repository at '{0}'".format(uri)
                    + (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else "."),
        if get_root() is not None and has_submodules(upstream_repo.get_path()):
bloom does not support exporting git repositories with submodules, see:

- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/bloom/issues/202
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/bloom/issues/217
- https://github.com/vcstools/vcstools/issues/84
        tarball_prefix = "{0}-{1}".format(name, tag) if tag else name
        tarball_path = os.path.join(output_dir, tarball_prefix)
        full_tarball_path = tarball_path + ".tar.gz"
        info("Exporting to archive: '{0}'".format(full_tarball_path))
        if not upstream_repo.export_repository(tag or "", tarball_path):
            error("Failed to create archive of upstream repository at '{0}'".format(show_uri))
            if tag and vcs_type == "git":  # can only check for git repos
                with change_directory(upstream_repo.get_path()):
                    if not tag_exists(tag):
                        warning("'{0}' is not a tag in the upstream repository...".format(tag))
                    if not branch_exists(tag):
                        warning("'{0}' is not a branch in the upstream repository...".format(tag))
        if not os.path.exists(full_tarball_path):
            error("Tarball was not created.", exit=True)
        info("md5: {0}".format(calculate_file_md5(full_tarball_path)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def export_upstream(uri, tag, vcs_type, output_dir, show_uri, name):
    tag = tag if tag != ':{none}' else None
    output_dir = output_dir or os.getcwd()
    if uri.startswith('git@'):
        uri_is_path = False
        uri_parsed = urlparse(uri)
        uri = uri if uri_parsed.scheme else uri_parsed.path
        uri_is_path = False if uri_parsed.scheme else True
    name = name or 'upstream'
    with temporary_directory() as tmp_dir:
        info("Checking out repository at '{0}'".format(show_uri or uri) +
             (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else '.'))
        if uri_is_path:
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, uri)
            repo_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'upstream')
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, repo_path)
            if not upstream_repo.checkout(uri, tag or ''):
                error("Failed to clone repository at '{0}'".format(uri) +
                      (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else '.'),
        if get_root() is not None and has_submodules(upstream_repo.get_path()):
bloom does not support exporting git repositories with submodules, see:

- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/bloom/issues/202
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/bloom/issues/217
- https://github.com/vcstools/vcstools/issues/84
        tarball_prefix = '{0}-{1}'.format(name, tag) if tag else name
        tarball_path = os.path.join(output_dir, tarball_prefix)
        full_tarball_path = tarball_path + '.tar.gz'
        info("Exporting to archive: '{0}'".format(full_tarball_path))
        if not upstream_repo.export_repository(tag or '', tarball_path):
            error("Failed to create archive of upstream repository at '{0}'".
            if tag and vcs_type == 'git':  # can only check for git repos
                with change_directory(upstream_repo.get_path()):
                    if not tag_exists(tag):
                            "'{0}' is not a tag in the upstream repository...".
                    if not branch_exists(tag):
                            "'{0}' is not a branch in the upstream repository..."
        if not os.path.exists(full_tarball_path):
            error("Tarball was not created.", exit=True)
        info("md5: {0}".format(calculate_file_md5(full_tarball_path)))
Exemplo n.º 3
def export_upstream(uri, tag, vcs_type, output_dir, show_uri, name):
    tag = tag if tag != ':{none}' else None
    output_dir = output_dir or os.getcwd()
    if uri.startswith('git@'):
        uri_is_path = False
        uri_parsed = urlparse(uri)
        uri = uri if uri_parsed.scheme else uri_parsed.path
        uri_is_path = False if uri_parsed.scheme else True
    name = name or 'upstream'
    with temporary_directory() as tmp_dir:
        info("Checking out repository at '{0}'".format(show_uri or uri) +
             (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else '.'))
        if uri_is_path:
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, uri)
            repo_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'upstream')
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, repo_path)
            if not upstream_repo.checkout(uri, tag or ''):
                error("Failed to clone repository at '{0}'".format(uri) +
                      (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else '.'),
        tarball_prefix = '{0}-{1}'.format(name, tag) if tag else name
        tarball_path = os.path.join(output_dir, tarball_prefix)
        full_tarball_path = tarball_path + '.tar.gz'
        info("Exporting to archive: '{0}'".format(full_tarball_path))
        if not upstream_repo.export_repository(tag or '', tarball_path):
            error("Failed to create archive of upstream repository at '{0}'"
            if tag and vcs_type == 'git':  # can only check for git repos
                with change_directory(upstream_repo.get_path()):
                    if not tag_exists(tag):
                        warning("'{0}' is not a tag in the upstream repository..."
                    if not branch_exists(tag):
                        warning("'{0}' is not a branch in the upstream repository..."
        if not os.path.exists(full_tarball_path):
            error("Tarball was not created.", exit=True)
        info("md5: {0}".format(calculate_file_md5(full_tarball_path)))
Exemplo n.º 4
def export_upstream(uri, tag, vcs_type, output_dir, show_uri, name):
    tag = tag if tag != ':{none}' else None
    output_dir = output_dir or os.getcwd()
    if uri.startswith('git@'):
        uri_is_path = False
        uri_parsed = urlparse(uri)
        uri = uri if uri_parsed.scheme else uri_parsed.path
        uri_is_path = False if uri_parsed.scheme else True
    name = name or 'upstream'
    with temporary_directory() as tmp_dir:
        info("Checking out repository at '{0}'".format(show_uri or uri) +
            (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else '.'))
        if uri_is_path:
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, uri)
            repo_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'upstream')
            upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(vcs_type, repo_path)
            if not upstream_repo.checkout(uri, tag or ''):
                error("Failed to clone repository at '{0}'".format(uri) +
                      (" to reference '{0}'.".format(tag) if tag else '.'),
        tarball_prefix = '{0}-{1}'.format(name, tag) if tag else name
        tarball_path = os.path.join(output_dir, tarball_prefix)
        full_tarball_path = tarball_path + '.tar.gz'
        info("Exporting to archive: '{0}'".format(full_tarball_path))
        if not upstream_repo.export_repository(tag or '', tarball_path):
            error("Failed to create archive of upstream repository at '{0}'"
            if tag:
                with change_directory(upstream_repo.get_path()):
                    if not tag_exists(tag):
                        warning("'{0}' is not a tag in the upstream repository..."
                    if not branch_exists(tag):
                        warning("'{0}' is not a branch in the upstream repository..."
        if not os.path.exists(full_tarball_path):
            error("Tarball was not created.", exit=True)
        info("md5: {0}".format(calculate_file_md5(full_tarball_path)))
Exemplo n.º 5
def open_pull_request(track, repository, distro):
    # Get the diff
    distribution_file = get_distribution_file(distro)
    if repository in distribution_file.repositories and \
       distribution_file.repositories[repository].release_repository is not None:
        orig_version = distribution_file.repositories[repository].release_repository.version
        orig_version = None
    updated_distribution_file = generate_ros_distro_diff(track, repository, distro)
    if updated_distribution_file is None:
        # There were no changes, no pull request required
        return None
    version = updated_distribution_file.repositories[repository].release_repository.version
    updated_distro_file_yaml = yaml_from_distribution_file(updated_distribution_file)
    # Determine if the distro file is hosted on github...
    base_org, base_repo, base_branch, base_path = get_gh_info(get_disitrbution_file_url(distro))
    if None in [base_org, base_repo, base_branch, base_path]:
        warning("Automated pull request only available via github.com")
    # Get the github interface
    gh = get_github_interface()
    # Determine the head org/repo for the pull request
    head_org = gh.username  # The head org will always be gh user
    head_repo = None
    # Check if the github user and the base org are the same
    if gh.username == base_org:
        # If it is, then a fork is not necessary
        head_repo = base_repo
        info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Checking on github for a fork to make the pull request from..."))
        # It is not, so a fork will be required
        # Check if a fork already exists on the user's account with the same name
        base_full_name = '{base_org}/{base_repo}'.format(**locals())
            repo_data = gh.get_repo(gh.username, base_repo)
            if repo_data.get('fork', False):  # Check if it is a fork
                # If it is, check that it is a fork of the destination
                parent = repo_data.get('parent', {}).get('full_name', None)
                if parent == base_full_name:
                    # This is a valid fork
                    head_repo = base_repo
        except GithubException as exc:
            debug("Received GithubException while checking for fork: {exc}".format(**locals()))
            pass  # 404 or unauthorized, but unauthorized should have been caught above
        # If not head_repo, then either the fork has a different name, or there isn't one
        if head_repo is None:
            info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + "{head_org}/{base_repo} is not a fork, searching...".format(**locals())))
            # First we should look at every repository for the user and see if they are a fork
            user_repos = gh.list_repos(gh.username)
            for repo in user_repos:
                # If it is a fork and the parent is base_org/base_repo
                if repo.get('fork', False) and repo.get('parent', {}).get('full_name', '') == base_full_name:
                    # Then this is a valid fork
                    head_repo = repo['name']
        # If not head_repo still, a fork does not exist and must be created
        if head_repo is None:
            warning("Could not find a fork of {base_full_name} on the {gh.username} Github account."
            warning("Would you like to create one now?")
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            # Create a fork
                gh.create_fork(base_org, base_repo)  # Will raise if not successful
                head_repo = base_repo
            except GithubException as exc:
                error("Aborting pull request: {0}".format(exc))
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" +
             "Using this fork to make a pull request from: {head_org}/{head_repo}".format(**locals())))
    # Clone the fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + "Cloning {0}/{1}...".format(head_org, head_repo)))
    new_branch = None
    title = "{0}: {1} in '{2}' [bloom]".format(repository, version, base_path)
    body = """\
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `{0}` to `{2}`:

- distro file: `{3}`
- bloom version: `{4}`
- previous version for package: `{1}`
""".format(repository, orig_version or 'null', version, base_path, bloom.__version__)
    body += get_changelog_summary(generate_release_tag(distro))
    with temporary_directory() as temp_dir:
        def _my_run(cmd, msg=None):
            if msg:
                info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + sanitize(msg)))
                info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + sanitize(str(cmd))))
            from subprocess import check_call
            check_call(cmd, shell=True)
        # Use the oauth token to clone
        rosdistro_url = 'https://{gh.token}:[email protected]/{base_org}/{base_repo}.git'.format(**locals())
        rosdistro_fork_url = 'https://{gh.token}:[email protected]/{head_org}/{head_repo}.git'.format(**locals())
        _my_run('mkdir -p {base_repo}'.format(**locals()))
        with change_directory(base_repo):
            _my_run('git init')
            branches = [x['name'] for x in gh.list_branches(head_org, head_repo)]
            new_branch = 'bloom-{repository}-{count}'
            count = 0
            while new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count) in branches:
                count += 1
            new_branch = new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count)
            # Final check
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Title: @{yf}" + title))
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Body : \n@{yf}" + body))
            msg = fmt("@!Open a @|@{cf}pull request@| @!@{kf}from@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                      "{head_repo}/{head_repo}:{new_branch}".format(**locals()) +
                      "@|@!' @!@{kf}into@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                      "{base_org}/{base_repo}:{base_branch}".format(**locals()) +
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            _my_run('git checkout -b {new_branch}'.format(**locals()))
            _my_run('git pull {rosdistro_url} {base_branch}'.format(**locals()), "Pulling latest rosdistro branch")
            with open('{0}'.format(base_path), 'w') as f:
                info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Writing new distribution file: ") + str(base_path))
            _my_run('git add {0}'.format(base_path))
            _my_run('git commit -m "{0}"'.format(title))
            _my_run('git push {rosdistro_fork_url} {new_branch}'.format(**locals()), "Pushing changes to fork")
    # Open the pull request
    return gh.create_pull_request(base_org, base_repo, base_branch, head_org, new_branch, title, body)