Exemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        file_index = index // self.traj_per_file
        path = self.filenames[file_index]

            with h5py.File(path, 'r') as F:
                ex_index = index % self.traj_per_file   # get the index
                key = 'traj{}'.format(ex_index)

                # Fetch data into a dict
                if key + '/images' in F.keys():
                    data_dict = AttrDict(images=(F[key + '/images'].value))
                    data_dict = AttrDict()
                for name in F[key].keys():
                    if name in ['states', 'actions', 'pad_mask']:
                        data_dict[name] = F[key + '/' + name].value.astype(np.float32)

                # Make length consistent
                end_ind = np.argmax(data_dict.pad_mask * np.arange(data_dict.pad_mask.shape[0], dtype=np.float32), 0)
                start_ind = np.random.randint(0, end_ind - 1) if self.randomize_start else 0
                start_ind, end_ind, data_dict = self.sample_max_len_video(data_dict, start_ind, end_ind)

                # Randomize length
                if self.randomize_length:
                    end_ind = self._randomize_length(start_ind, end_ind, data_dict)

                # Collect data into the format the model expects
                data_dict.end_ind = end_ind
                data_dict.start_ind = start_ind

            raise ValueError("Problem when loading file from {}".format(path))

        return data_dict
Exemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, inputs, phase='train'):
        forward pass at training time
            images shape = batch x time x height x width x channel
            pad mask shape = batch x time, 1 indicates actual image 0 is padded
        if self._hp.non_goal_conditioned:
            if 'demo_seq' in inputs:
                inputs.demo_seq[torch.arange(inputs.demo_seq.shape[0]), inputs.end_ind] = 0.0
                inputs.demo_seq_images[torch.arange(inputs.demo_seq.shape[0]), inputs.end_ind] = 0.0
            inputs.I_g = torch.zeros_like(inputs.I_g)
            if "I_g_image" in inputs:
                inputs.I_g_image = torch.zeros_like(inputs.I_g_image)
            if inputs.I_0.shape[-1] == 5: # special hack for maze
                inputs.I_0[..., -2:] = 0.0
                if "demo_seq" in inputs:
                    inputs.demo_seq[..., -2:] = 0.0

        # swap in actions if we want to train action sequence decoder
        if self._hp.train_on_action_seqs:
            inputs.demo_seq = torch.cat([inputs.actions, torch.zeros_like(inputs.actions[:, :1])], dim=1)

        model_output = AttrDict()
        inputs.reference_tensor = find_tensor(inputs)

        if 'start_ind' not in inputs:
            start_ind = torch.zeros(self._hp.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=inputs.reference_tensor.device)
            start_ind = inputs.start_ind
        self.run_encoder(inputs, start_ind)
        end_ind = inputs.end_ind if 'end_ind' in inputs else None
        if self._hp.regress_length:
            # predict total sequence length
            model_output.update(self.length_pred(inputs.enc_e_0, inputs.enc_e_g))
            if self._use_pred_length and (self._hp.length_pred_weight > 0 or end_ind is None):
                end_ind = torch.argmax(model_output.seq_len_pred.sample().long(), dim=1)
                if self._hp.action_conditioned_pred or self._hp.non_goal_conditioned:
                    # don't use predicted length when action conditioned
                    end_ind = torch.ones_like(end_ind) * (self._hp.max_seq_len - 1)
        # TODO clean this up. model_output.end_ind is not currently used anywhere
        model_output.end_ind = end_ind
        # Run the model to generate sequences
        model_output.update(self.predict_sequence(inputs, model_output, start_ind, end_ind, phase))
        if self.prune_sequences:
            if phase == 'train':
                inputs.model_enc_seq = self.get_matched_pruned_seqs(inputs, model_output)
                inputs.model_enc_seq = self.get_predicted_pruned_seqs(inputs, model_output)
            inputs.model_enc_seq = pad_sequence(inputs.model_enc_seq, batch_first=True)
            if len(inputs.model_enc_seq.shape) == 5:
                inputs.model_enc_seq = inputs.model_enc_seq[..., 0, 0]
            if self._hp.attach_inv_mdl and phase == 'train':
                model_output.update(self.inv_mdl(inputs, full_seq=self._inv_mdl_full_seq or self._hp.train_inv_mdl_full_seq))
            if self._hp.attach_state_regressor:
                regressor_inputs = inputs.model_enc_seq
                if not self._hp.supervised_decoder:
                    regressor_inputs = regressor_inputs.detach()
                model_output.regressed_state = batch_apply(regressor_inputs, self.state_regressor)
            if self._hp.attach_cost_mdl and self._hp.run_cost_mdl and phase == 'train':
                # There is an issue here since SVG doesn't output a latent for the first imagge
                # Beyong conceptual problems, this breaks if end_ind = 199
        return model_output
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if 'one_datum' in self.data_conf and self.data_conf.one_datum:
            index = 1

        file_index = index // self.traj_per_file
        path = self.filenames[file_index]

            with h5py.File(path, 'r') as F:
                ex_index = index % self.traj_per_file  # get the index
                key = 'traj{}'.format(ex_index)

                # Fetch data into a dict
                if key + '/images' in F.keys():
                    data_dict = AttrDict(images=(F[key + '/images'].value))
                    data_dict = AttrDict()
                for name in F[key].keys():
                    if name in ['states', 'actions', 'pad_mask']:
                        data_dict[name] = F[key + '/' + name].value.astype(

                # remove spurious states at end of trajectory
                if self.filter_repeated_tail:
                    data_dict = self._filter_tail(data_dict)

                # maybe subsample seqs
                if self.subsampler is not None:
                    data_dict = self._subsample_data(data_dict)

                if 'robosuite_full_state' in F[key].keys():
                    data_dict.robosuite_full_state = F[
                        key + '/robosuite_full_state'].value
                if 'regression_state' in F[key].keys():
                    data_dict.states = F[key +

                # Make length consistent
                end_ind = np.argmax(
                    data_dict.pad_mask *
                    np.arange(data_dict.pad_mask.shape[0], dtype=np.float32),
                start_ind = np.random.randint(0, end_ind -
                                              1) if self.randomize_start else 0
                start_ind, end_ind, data_dict = self.sample_max_len_video(
                    data_dict, start_ind, end_ind)

                # Randomize length
                if self.randomize_length:
                    end_ind = self._randomize_length(start_ind, end_ind,

                # repeat last frame until end of sequence
                data_dict.norep_end_ind = end_ind
                if self.repeat_tail:
                    data_dict, end_ind = self._repeat_tail(data_dict, end_ind)

                # Collect data into the format the model expects
                data_dict.end_ind = end_ind
                data_dict.start_ind = start_ind

                # for roboturk env rendering
                if 'robosuite_env_name' in F[key].keys():
                    data_dict.robosuite_env_name = F[
                        key + '/robosuite_env_name'].value
                if 'robosuite_xml' in F[key].keys():
                    data_dict.robosuite_xml = F[key + '/robosuite_xml'].value

        except:  # KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Problem when loading file from {}".format(path))

        return data_dict