Exemplo n.º 1
def _ct_dark_cleanup(oldnumim, gain_bit_dict, gain_state,
                     dark_sh_dict, dark_shutter_state):
    print('\nReturning to intial conditions (pre-count).')
    yield from bps.abs_set(fccd.cam.num_images, oldnumim, wait=True)

    yield from bps.mv(fccd.cam.fcric_gain, gain_state)
    yield from bps.mv(inout, dark_sh_dict.get(dark_shutter_state))
    yield from bps.sleep(fccd.cam.acquire_period.value)

    print('\tTotal images per trigger are NOW:\t {}'.format(
    print('\tFCCD FCRIC gain value is NOW:\t\t {}\n\n'.format(
Exemplo n.º 2
def tablev_scan():
    send signal to DO01 to trigger tablev_scan
    yield from bps.mv(table_trigger, 0) # start tablev_scan
    yield from bps.sleep(1)
    # sleep until we see the busy signal go high
    cnt = 0
    while (table_busy.read()[table_busy.name]['value'] < 0.5) and cnt < 100: 
        print('waiting for busy signal...') 
        yield from bps.sleep(2)
        cnt += 1 

    # Turn off trigger signal
    yield from bps.mv(table_trigger, 1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_mv_progress(RE, hw):
    motor1 = hw.motor1
    motor2 = hw.motor2

    RE.waiting_hook = ProgressBarManager()
    assert RE.waiting_hook.delay_draw == 0.2

    # moving time > delay_draw
    motor1.delay = 0.5
    motor1.delay = 0.5
    RE(mv(motor1, 0, motor2, 0))

    # moving time < delay_draw
    motor1.delay = 0.01
    motor1.delay = 0.01
    RE(mv(motor1, 0, motor2, 0))
Exemplo n.º 4
def _setup_mm(mm_mode):

    if mm_mode == 'Current':
        monitor_during = [MM.readcurr]
        yield from bps.mv(MM.readtype, mm_mode)
    elif mm_mode == 'Voltage':
        monitor_during = [MM.readvolt]
        yield from bps.mv(MM.readtype, mm_mode)
    elif mm_mode == 'none':
        monitor_during = []
        raise ValueError(f'you passed mm_mode={mm_mode} '
                         'but the value must be one of '
                         '{"Current", "Voltage"}')

    return monitor_during
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_mv_progress(RE, hw):
    motor1 = hw.motor1
    motor2 = hw.motor2

    RE.waiting_hook = ProgressBarManager()
    assert RE.waiting_hook.delay_draw == 0.2

    # moving time > delay_draw
    motor1.delay = 0.5
    motor1.delay = 0.5
    RE(mv(motor1, 0, motor2, 0))

    # moving time < delay_draw
    motor1.delay = 0.01
    motor1.delay = 0.01
    RE(mv(motor1, 0, motor2, 0))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def dark_plan(self, detector):
     """The plan to take dark."""
     # Restage to ensure that dark frames goes into a separate file.
     yield from bps.unstage(detector)
     yield from bps.stage(detector)
     yield from bps.mv(self.shutter, self.shutter_close)
     # The `group` parameter passed to trigger MUST start with
     # bluesky-darkframes-trigger.
     yield from bps.trigger(detector, group='bluesky-darkframes-trigger')
     yield from bps.wait('bluesky-darkframes-trigger')
     snapshot = SnapshotDevice(detector)
     yield from bps.mv(self.shutter, self.shutter_open)
     # Restage.
     yield from bps.unstage(detector)
     yield from bps.stage(detector)
     return snapshot
Exemplo n.º 7
def moveE(energy):

    args_list = []

    args_list.append((mono.energy, energy))

    if undulator.downstream.tracking is True:

        target_energy = undulator.downstream.offset + energy
        current_energy = undulator.downstream.energy.get(
        ) + undulator.downstream.deadband

        if current_energy < target_energy:
            args_list[0] += (undulator.downstream.energy,
                             target_energy + undulator.downstream.backlash)
            args_list[0] += (undulator.downstream.start_button, 1)

            args_list.append((undulator.downstream.energy, target_energy))
            args_list[-1] += (undulator.downstream.start_button, 1)

            args_list[0] += (undulator.downstream.energy, target_energy)
            args_list[0] += (undulator.downstream.start_button, 1)

    for args in args_list:
        yield from mv(*args)
Exemplo n.º 8
def level_s_stage():
    """level_s_stage level s_stage vx, vy

    double wafer stage: (-85, 85), (-58, 85)
    # level on y axis
    yield from bps.mv(s_stage.px, 20, s_stage.py, -46)
    yield from level_stage_single(lrf, s_stage.vy, s_stage.py, 105, -46)

    # level on x axis
    yield from bps.mv(s_stage.px, 28,29, s_stage.py, 0)
    yield from level_stage_single(lrf, s_stage.vx, s_stage.px, -73,28 )

    # level on y axis
    yield from bps.mv(s_stage.px, 20, s_stage.py, -46)
    yield from level_stage_single(lrf, s_stage.vy, s_stage.py, 105, -46)
Exemplo n.º 9
def _unstick_GslitsSizeMotors():
    """Workaround for issue #425 (and #404)."""
    pause = 4
    logger.info("Workaround for Guard Slit 'motor stuck in moving'.")
    yield from bps.sleep(pause)     # activity pause, empirical

    logger.info("Sync H&V axes.")
    yield from bps.mv(
        guard_slit.h_sync_proc, 1,
        guard_slit.v_sync_proc, 1,

    # NOTE: These steps did not affect the process outcome.
    # # write the .STUP field on each motor
    # for axis in "top bot inb outb".split():
    #     logger.info("Unstick %s.", axis)
    #     m = getattr(guard_slit, axis)
    #     try:
    #         yield from bps.abs_set(m.status_update, 1, timeout=.1)
    #         yield from bps.sleep(pause)     # activity pause, empirical
    #     except FailedStatus:
    #         pass
    #     except Exception as exc:
    #         logger.error("%s: %s", axis, exc)

    # move each motor *individually*
    for axis in "top bot inb outb".split():
        m = getattr(guard_slit, axis)
        logger.info("Move %s a little bit.\n", m.name)
        yield from bps.mvr(m, 0.1)
        logger.info("Move %s back.\n", m.name)
        yield from bps.mvr(m, -0.1)

    logger.info("Workaround Complete.")
Exemplo n.º 10
def fermat_master_plan(*args, exp_time=None, **kwargs):
    # Synchronize exposure times
    merlin.cam.acquire_period.put(exp_time + 0.005)

    scan_md = {}
    scan_md['scan']['merlin'] = {
        'merlin_exp_time': exp_time,
        'merlin_exp_period': exp_time + 0.005

    plan = bp.rel_spiral_fermat(*args, **kwargs)
    d = plot_raster_path(plan,
    num_points = d['path'].get_path().vertices.shape[0]

    print(f"Number of points: {num_points}")
    yield from bps.mv(merlin.total_points, num_points, merlin.hdf5.num_capture,
    merlin.hdf5.stage_sigs['num_capture'] = num_points
    yield from rel_spiral_fermat(*args, **kwargs, md=scan_md)
Exemplo n.º 11
def batch_parse_and_execute(hhm, sample_stage, batch, plans_dict):
    tm = trajectory_manager(hhm)
    for ii in range(batch.rowCount()):
        experiment = batch.item(ii)
        repeat = experiment.repeat
        for jj in range(experiment.rowCount()):
            sample = experiment.child(jj)
            print('  ' + sample.name)
            print('  ' + str(sample.x))
            print('  ' + str(sample.y))
            yield from mv(sample_stage.x, sample.x, sample_stage.y, sample.y)
            for kk in range(sample.rowCount()):
                scan = sample.child(kk)
                traj_index = scan.trajectory
                print('      ' + scan.scan_type)
                plan = plans_dict[scan.scan_type]
                kwargs = {
                    'name': sample.name,
                    'comment': '',
                    'delay': 0,
                    'n_cycles': repeat
                tm.init(traj_index + 1)
                yield from plan(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def resetAll(self):
     """bluesky plan to reset all to preset values"""
     yield from bps.mv(
Exemplo n.º 13
def move_after_scan(thismotor):
    Call this to pluck a point from a plot and move the plotted motor to that x-value.
    BMMuser = user_ns['BMMuser']
    if BMMuser.motor is None:
        print(error_msg('\nThere\'s not a current plot on screen.\n'))
        return (yield from null())
    if thismotor is not BMMuser.motor:
                '\nThe motor you are asking to move is not the motor in the current plot.\n'
        return (yield from null())
    print('Single click the left mouse button on the plot to pluck a point...')
    cid = BMMuser.fig.canvas.mpl_connect(
        'button_press_event', interpret_click)  # see derivedplot.py and
    while BMMuser.x is None:  #  https://matplotlib.org/users/event_handling.html
        yield from sleep(0.5)
    if BMMuser.motor2 is None:
        yield from mv(thismotor, BMMuser.x)
        print('%.3f  %.3f' % (BMMuser.x, BMMuser.y))
        #yield from mv(BMMuser.motor, BMMuser.x, BMMuser.motor2, BMMuser.y)
    cid = BMMuser.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid)
    BMMuser.x = BMMuser.y = None
Exemplo n.º 14
def wafer_edge(motor='x'):
    '''Fit an error function to the linear scan against It. Plot the
    result. Move to the centroid of the error function.'''
    if motor == 'x':
        motor = user_ns['xafs_linx']
        motor = user_ns['xafs_liny']
    yield from linescan(motor, 'it', -2, 2, 41, pluck=False)
    table = user_ns['db'][-1].table()
    yy = table[motor.name]
    signal = table['It'] / table['I0']
    if float(signal[2]) > list(signal)[-2]:
        ss = -(signal - signal[2])
        ss = signal - signal[2]
    mod = StepModel(form='erf')
    pars = mod.guess(ss, x=numpy.array(yy))
    out = mod.fit(ss, pars, x=numpy.array(yy))
    target = out.params['center'].value
    yield from mv(motor, target)
    yield from resting_state_plan()
        f'Edge found at X={user_ns["xafs_x"].position} and Y={user_ns["xafs_y"].position}'
Exemplo n.º 15
def xanes_batch_plan(xypos=[], erange=[], estep=[], acqtime=1.0,
                     waittime=10, peakup_N=2, peakup_E=None):
    Setup a batch XANES scan at multiple points.
    This scan can also run peakup_fine() between points.

    xypos       <list>  A list of points to run XANES scans
    erange      <list>  A list of energy points to send to the XANES plan
    estep       <list>  A list of energy steps to send to the XANES plan
    acqtime     <float> Acquisition time for each data point.
    peakup_N    <int>   Run a peakup every peakup_N scans. Default is no peakup
    peakup_E    <float> The energy to run peakup at. Default is current energy


    # Check positions
    if (xypos == []):
        print('You need to enter positions.')

    # Check erange and estep
    if (erange == []):
        print('You need to enter erange.')
    if (estep == []):
        print('You need to enter estep.')

    # Get current energy and use it for peakup
    if (peakup_E == None):
        peakup_E = energy.position.energy

    # Convert keV to eV
    if (peakup_E < 1000):
        peakup_E = peakup_E * 1000

    # Loop through positions
    N = len(xypos)
    for i in range(N):
        print(f'Moving to:')
        print(f'\tx = {xypos[i][0]}')
        print(f'\ty = {xypos[i][1]}')
        if (len(xypos[i]) == 3):
            print(f'\tz = {xypos[i][2]}')

        # Move above edge and peak up
        if (i % peakup_N == 0):
            yield from mv(energy, peakup_E)
            yield from peakup_fine()

        # Run the energy scan
        yield from xanes_plan(erange=erange, estep=estep, acqtime=acqtime)

        # Wait
        if (i != (N-1)):
            print(f'Scan complete. Waiting {waittime} seconds...')
Exemplo n.º 16
    def plan():
        yield from bps.mov(xs.total_points, xnum)
        # added to "prime" the detector
        #yield from abs_set(xs.settings.trigger_mode, 'TTL Veto Only')

        yield from bps.mov(xs.external_trig, True)
        ystep = 0

        for step in np.linspace(ystart, ystop, ynum):
            yield from abs_set(scanrecord.time_remaining,
                               (ynum - ystep) * ( dwell * xnum + 3.8 ) / 3600.)
            ystep = ystep + 1
            # 'arm' the xs for outputting fly data
            yield from bps.mov(xs.fly_next, True)
#            print('h5 armed\t',time.time())
            if step == ystart:
                firststep = True
                firststep = False
            yield from fly_each_step([], ymotor, step, firststep)
#            print('return from step\t',time.time())
        yield from bps.mov(xs.external_trig, False,
                          ion.count_mode, 1)
        if shutter is True:
            yield from mv(shut_b, 'Close')
Exemplo n.º 17
def fast_shutter_per_step(detectors, motor, step):
    def move():
        grp = _short_uid('set')
        yield Msg('checkpoint')
        yield Msg('set', motor, step, group=grp)
        yield Msg('wait', None, group=grp)

    yield from move()
    # Open and close the fast shutter (Mo Foil) between XANES points
    # Open the shutter
    yield from mv(Mo_shutter, 0)
    yield from bps.sleep(1.0)
    # Step? trigger xspress3
    yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor])
    # Close the shutter
    yield from mv(Mo_shutter, 1)
Exemplo n.º 18
def recover_mirrors():
    m2_xu, m2_xd, m2_yu, m2_ydo, m2_ydi = user_ns['m2_xu'], user_ns['m2_xd'], user_ns['m2_yu'], user_ns['m2_ydo'], user_ns['m2_ydi']
    m3_xu, m3_xd, m3_yu, m3_ydo, m3_ydi = user_ns['m3_xu'], user_ns['m3_xd'], user_ns['m3_yu'], user_ns['m3_ydo'], user_ns['m3_ydi']
    yield from abs_set(m2_yu.home_signal,  1)
    yield from abs_set(m2_xu.home_signal,  1)
    yield from abs_set(m3_yu.home_signal,  1)
    yield from abs_set(m3_xu.home_signal,  1)
    yield from sleep(1.0)
    print('Begin homing lateral and vertical motors in M2 and M3:\n')
    hvalues = (m2_yu.hocpl.get(), m2_ydo.hocpl.get(), m2_ydi.hocpl.get(), m2_xu.hocpl.get(), m2_xd.hocpl.get(),
               m3_yu.hocpl.get(), m3_ydo.hocpl.get(), m3_ydi.hocpl.get(), m3_xu.hocpl.get(), m3_xd.hocpl.get())
    while any(v == 0 for v in hvalues):
        hvalues = (m2_yu.hocpl.get(), m2_ydo.hocpl.get(), m2_ydi.hocpl.get(), m2_xu.hocpl.get(), m2_xd.hocpl.get(),
                   m3_yu.hocpl.get(), m3_ydo.hocpl.get(), m3_ydi.hocpl.get(), m3_xu.hocpl.get(), m3_xd.hocpl.get())
        strings = ['m2_yu', 'm2_ydo', 'm2_ydi', 'm2_xu', 'm2_xd', 'm3_yu', 'm3_ydo', 'm3_ydi', 'm3_xu', 'm3_xd',]
        for i,v in enumerate(hvalues):
            strings[i] = go_msg(strings[i]) if hvalues[i] == 1 else error_msg(strings[i])
        print('  '.join(strings), end='\r')
        yield from sleep(1.0)
    yield from mv(m2_yu,  MODEDATA['m2_yu']['E'],
                  m2_ydo, MODEDATA['m2_ydo']['E'],
                  m2_ydi, MODEDATA['m2_ydi']['E'],
                  m2_xu,  MODEDATA['m2_xu']['E'],
                  m2_xd,  MODEDATA['m2_xd']['E'],
                  m3_yu,  MODEDATA['m3_yu']['E'],
                  m3_ydo, MODEDATA['m3_ydo']['E'],
                  m3_ydi, MODEDATA['m3_ydi']['E'],
                  m3_xu,  MODEDATA['m3_xu']['E'],
                  m3_xd,  MODEDATA['m3_xd']['E'])
Exemplo n.º 19
def dark_plan(detector, dark_frame_cache, max_age, shutter):
    if (dark_frame_cache.just_started or  # first run after instantiation
        (dark_frame_cache.last_collected is not None and
         time.monotonic() - dark_frame_cache.last_collected > max_age)):
        init_shutter_state = shutter.get()
        yield from bps.mv(shutter, 0)
        yield from bps.trigger(detector, group='cam')
        yield from bps.wait('cam')
        yield from bps.mv(shutter, init_shutter_state)

        teleport(detector, dark_frame_cache)
        dark_frame_cache.just_started = False
        dark_frame_cache.update_done = True
        dark_frame_cache.update_done = False
Exemplo n.º 20
def tune_usaxs_optics(side=False, md={}):
    tune all the instrument optics currently in configuration

    This plan is for staff use.
    Users are advised to use preUSAXStune() instead.
    yield from mode_USAXS()

    suspender_preinstalled = suspend_BeamInHutch in RE.suspenders
    if not suspender_preinstalled:
        yield from bps.install_suspender(suspend_BeamInHutch)

    yield from tune_mr(md=md)
    yield from tune_m2rp(md=md)
    if side:
        yield from tune_msrp(md=md)
        yield from tune_asrp(md=md)
    yield from tune_ar(md=md)
    yield from tune_a2rp(md=md)

    if not suspender_preinstalled:
        yield from bps.remove_suspender(suspend_BeamInHutch)

    yield from bps.mv(
 def align_y(self, force=False, drop=None):
     '''Fit an error function to the xafs_y scan against It. Plot the
     result. Move to the centroid of the error function.'''
     xafs_y = user_ns['xafs_y']
     db = user_ns['db']
     yield from linescan(xafs_y, 'it', -1, 1, 31, pluck=False)
     table = db[-1].table()
     yy = table['xafs_y']
     signal = table['It'] / table['I0']
     if drop is not None:
         yy = yy[:-drop]
         signal = signal[:-drop]
     if float(signal[2]) > list(signal)[-2]:
         ss = -(signal - signal[2])
         self.inverted = 'inverted '
         ss = signal - signal[2]
         self.inverted = ''
     mod = StepModel(form='erf')
     pars = mod.guess(ss, x=numpy.array(yy))
     out = mod.fit(ss, pars, x=numpy.array(yy))
     self.y_plot(yy, out)
     target = out.params['center'].value
     yield from mv(xafs_y, target)
Exemplo n.º 22
def move_then_count(
    motors: typing.List[ophyd.device.Device],
    detectors: typing.Optional[typing.List[ophyd.device.Device]] = None,
    positions: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] = None,
) -> typing.Generator[bluesky.utils.Msg, None, None]:
    if not isinstance(motors, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Parameter 'motors' should be a list or a tuple: type(motors) = {type(motors)}"
    if not isinstance(detectors, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Parameter 'detectors' should be a list or a tuple: type(detectors) = {type(detectors)}"
    if not isinstance(positions, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Parameter 'positions' should be a list or a tuple: type(positions) = {type(positions)}"
    if len(motors) != len(positions):
        raise TypeError(
            f"The lists of 'motors' and 'positions' should have the same number of elements: "
            f"len(motors) = {len(motors)}, len(positions) = {len(positions)}")

    mv_args = [val for tup in zip(motors, positions) for val in tup]
    yield from bps.mv(*mv_args)
    yield from count(detectors)
Exemplo n.º 23
def per_step_plan(detectors, motors, actions, *args, log=None, **kwargs):
    '''execute one step and return detecors readings

    Applies the actions to the motors and reads the detectors.

        detectors: detectors to read from
        motors:    motors to apply the actions to
        actions:   keras-rl requested actions

        the detector readings.
    if log is None:
        log = logger

    motors = list(motors)
    action = list(actions)

    # There should be a func
    ml = []
    for m, a in zip(motors, action):
        ml.extend([m, a])
    args = tuple(ml)

    log.debug(f'Executing move (bps.mv) {args}')
    yield from bps.mv(*args)

    r = (yield from bps.trigger_and_read(detectors))
    log.debug(f'Read {detectors} to {r}')

    return r
Exemplo n.º 24
def center(signal_key='xsp3_channel1_rois_roi01_value',
    # first move the stage to the copper
    yield from copper()

    # do a z-scan while reading the xps3
    num = 10
    yield from bp.rel_scan([xsp3], pz, -3, 3, num=num)

    # grab the data to find the signal peak, no need to fill data, ROI's are scalars
    df = db[-1].table()
    ds = df[signal_key]
    dz = df[motor_key]

    # find the location of the signal maximum
    # need to check out the data type of the xps3
    deriv = ds.diff() / dz.diff()
    left_z = dz[deriv == deriv.max()].item()
    right_z = dz[deriv == deriv.min()].item()
    nz = (right_z - left_z) / 2 + left_z
    print(f'({left_z}, {right_z})--> {nz}')
    # set the z offset so that the stage is zeroed at the signal max
    # user_readback=dial+offset
    curr_offset = pz.user_offset.get()
    pz.user_offset.set(curr_offset - nz)

    # move to the home location
    #yield from home()
    yield from bps.mv(px, 0, py, 0, pz, 0)
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: plans.py Projeto: pcdshub/sxr
def rel_smooth_sweep_test(mot_x, target):
    rel_smooth_sweep_test is a test method.
    logging.info('driving motor to {:0.4f}'.format(target))
    yield from mv(mot_x, target)
    logging.info('motor arrived at {:0.4f}'.format(target))
Exemplo n.º 26
    def peak_analysis(self, initial_position):
        if self.peak_detected():
            self.tune_ok = True
            if self.peak_choice == "cen":
                final_position = self.peaks.cen
            elif self.peak_choice == "com":
                final_position = self.peaks.com
                final_position = None
            self.center = final_position
            self.tune_ok = False
            final_position = initial_position

        yield from bps.mv(self.axis, final_position)

        stream_name = "PeakStats"
        results = TuningResults(name=stream_name)

        if self.peaks is None:
            logger.info("PeakStats object is None.")

        t = results.report(print_enable=False)
        logger.info("%s\n%s", stream_name, str(t))
Exemplo n.º 27
 def calib_dist(self, position: tp.Any, stream: str, output_dir: str = "xpdacq_calib", pyfai_kwargs=None,
     """Calibration the distance and add it to the plan."""
     yield from bps.mv(self.motor, position)
     ais = yield from self.calibrate([self.detector], [self.calib_cpt], config_det=False, output_dir=output_dir,
                                     pyfai_kwargs=pyfai_kwargs, md=md)
     self.add_dist(position, stream, ais[0])
Exemplo n.º 28
def my_move_per_step(step: dict, pos_cache: dict):
    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    for motor, pos in step.items():
        if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
        yield from bps.mv(motor, pos)
        pos_cache[motor] = pos
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_mv_with_timeout(hw):
    # special-case mv because the group is not configurable
    # move motors first to ensure that movement is absolute, not relative
    actual = list(mv(hw.motor1, 1, hw.motor2, 2, timeout=42))
    for msg in actual[:2]:
        msg.command == 'set'
        msg.kwargs['timeout'] == 42
Exemplo n.º 30
def center_sample_y():
    yield from linescan('it', xafs_liny, -1.5, 1.5, 61, pluck=False)
    table = db[-1].table()
    diff = -1 * table['It'].diff()
    inflection = table['xafs_liny'][diff.idxmax()]
    yield from mv(xafs_liny, inflection)
    print(bold_msg('Optimal position in y at %.3f' % inflection))
Exemplo n.º 31
 def align_linear(self, force=False, drop=None):
     '''Fit an error function to the linear scan against It. Plot the
     result. Move to the centroid of the error function.'''
     if self.orientation == 'parallel':
         motor = user_ns['xafs_liny']
         motor = user_ns['xafs_linx']
     yield from linescan(motor, 'it', -2.3, 2.3, 51, pluck=False)
     table  = user_ns['db'][-1].table()
     yy     = table[motor.name]
     signal = table['It']/table['I0']
     if drop is not None:
         yy = yy[:-drop]
         signal = signal[:-drop]
     if float(signal[2]) > list(signal)[-2] :
         ss     = -(signal - signal[2])
         self.inverted = 'inverted '
         ss     = signal - signal[2]
         self.inverted    = ''
     mod    = StepModel(form='erf')
     pars   = mod.guess(ss, x=numpy.array(yy))
     out    = mod.fit(ss, pars, x=numpy.array(yy))
     target = out.params['center'].value
     yield from mv(motor, target)
     self.y_plot(yy, out)
Exemplo n.º 32
def move_and_do_one(bt: Beamtime,
                    sample_ind: tp.Union[int, str],
                    plan_ind: tp.Union[int, str, tp.Generator],
                    wait_time: float = 0.,
                    sample_x: str = "sample_x",
                    sample_y: str = "sample_y",
                    x_controller: str = "x_controller",
                    y_controller: str = "y_controller") -> tp.Generator:
    """Move to the sample and conduct the plan."""
    sample = translate_to_sample(bt, sample_ind)
    plan = translate_to_plan(bt, plan_ind, sample)
    xc = xpd_configuration[x_controller]
    yc = xpd_configuration[y_controller]
    x = float(get_from_sample(sample, sample_x))
    y = float(get_from_sample(sample, sample_y))
    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    print("Start moving to sample {} at ({}, {}).".format(sample_ind, x, y))
    yield from bps.mv(xc, x, yc, y)
    print("Finish. ")
    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    print("Start sleeping for {} s.".format(wait_time))
    yield from bps.sleep(wait_time)
    print("Wake up.")
    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    print("Start plan {} for sample {}".format(plan_ind, sample_ind))
    yield from plan
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_bluesky_magics(pln, plnargs, magic, line, detectors_factory,
                        RE, hw):
    # Build a FakeIPython instance to use the magics with.
    dets = [hw.invariant1]
    hw.invariant1._ophyd_labels_ = set(['detectors', 'favorite_detectors'])
    hw.invariant2._ophyd_labels_ = set(['detectors'])
    ip = FakeIPython({'motor1': hw.motor1, 'motor2': hw.motor2,
                      'invariant1': hw.invariant1, 'invariant2': hw.invariant2,
                      'dets': dets}
    sm = BlueskyMagics(ip)
    detectors = detectors_factory(hw)
    if detectors:
        # Test deprecated usage of %ct.
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            BlueskyMagics.detectors = detectors

    # Spy on all msgs processed by RE.
    msgs = []

    def collect(msg):

    RE.msg_hook = collect
    BlueskyMagics.RE.msg_hook = collect

    # Test magics cause the RunEngine to execute the messages we expect.
    RE(bps.mv(hw.motor1, 10, hw.motor2, 10))  # ensure known initial state
    expected = msgs.copy()
    RE(bps.mv(hw.motor1, 10, hw.motor2, 10))  # ensure known initial state
    if detectors:
        # Test deprecated usage of %ct. Must catch warning.
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            getattr(sm, magic)(line)
        # Normal usage, no warning.
        getattr(sm, magic)(line)
    actual = msgs.copy()
    compare_msgs(actual, expected)
    if detectors:
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_mv(hw):
    # special-case mv because the group is not configurable
    # move motors first to ensure that movement is absolute, not relative
    actual = list(mv(hw.motor1, 1, hw.motor2, 2))
    for msg in actual[:2]:
        msg.command == 'set'
    assert set([msg.obj for msg in actual[:2]]) == set([hw.motor1, hw.motor2])
    assert actual[2] == Msg('wait', None)
Exemplo n.º 35
def _ct_dark(detectors, gain_bit_input, gain_bit_dict):
    yield from bps.mv(fccd.cam.fcric_gain, gain_bit_input)
    # if _gain_bit_input != 0:
    #     yield from bps.sleep(fccd.cam.acquire_period.value*2.01) # This has to be 2 until we can selectively remove dark images get_fastccd_images()
    print('\n\nGain bit set to {} for a gain value of {}\n'.format(
        gain_bit_input, gain_bit_dict.get(gain_bit_input)))

    # TODO use md csxtools dark correction
    yield from bp.count(detectors,
                        md={'fccd': {
                            'image': 'dark',
                            'gain': gain_bit_dict.get(gain_bit_input)}})
Exemplo n.º 36
 def move():
     yield Msg('checkpoint')
     grp = _short_uid('set')
     for motor, pos in step.items():
         if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
             # This step does not move this motor.
         yield Msg('set', motor, pos, group=grp)
         pos_cache[motor] = pos
     yield Msg('wait', None, group=grp)
     # this means "take the attenuator out of the beam"
     yield from mv(attn_shutter, 'Retract')
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_mvr(RE, hw):
    # special-case mv because the group is not configurable
    # move motors first to ensure that movement is relative, not absolute
    actual = []
    RE.msg_hook = lambda msg: actual.append(msg)
    RE(mvr(hw.motor1, 1, hw.motor2, 2))
    actual = list(mv(hw.motor1, 1, hw.motor2, 2))
    for msg in actual[:2]:
        msg.command == 'set'
    assert set([msg.obj for msg in actual[:2]]) == set([hw.motor1, hw.motor2])
    assert actual[2] == Msg('wait', None)
Exemplo n.º 38
def one_1d_step_pseudo_shutter(detectors, motor, step):
    Inner loop of a 1D step scan

    This is the default function for ``per_step`` param in 1D plans.
    from bluesky.plans import Msg
    from bluesky.preprocessors import trigger_and_read
    from bluesky.plan_stubs import mv, _short_uid
    def move():
        grp = _short_uid('set')
        yield Msg('checkpoint')
        yield Msg('set', motor, step, group=grp)
        yield Msg('wait', None, group=grp)
        yield from mv(attn_shutter, 'Retract')
    yield from move()
    ret = (yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor]))
    yield from mv(attn_shutter, 'Insert')
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 39
def one_nd_step_check_beam(detectors, step, pos_cache): 
    from bluesky.plans import Msg
    from bluesky.preprocessors import trigger_and_read
    from bluesky.plan_stubs import mv, _short_uid
    def move():
        yield Msg('checkpoint')
        grp = _short_uid('set')
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield Msg('set', motor, pos, group=grp)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos
        yield Msg('wait', None, group=grp)

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from move()
    ret = (yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors)))
    # this means "put the attenuator in the beam"
    yield from mv(attn_shutter, 'Insert')
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 40
def one_nd_step_pseudo_shutter(detectors, step, pos_cache):
    Inner loop of an N-dimensional step scan

    This is the default function for ``per_step`` param`` in ND plans.

    detectors : iterable
        devices to read
    step : dict
        mapping motors to positions in this step
    pos_cache : dict
        mapping motors to their last-set positions
    from bluesky.plans import Msg
    from bluesky.preprocessors import trigger_and_read
    from bluesky.plan_stubs import mv, _short_uid
    def move():
        yield Msg('checkpoint')
        grp = _short_uid('set')
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield Msg('set', motor, pos, group=grp)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos
        yield Msg('wait', None, group=grp)
        # this means "take the attenuator out of the beam"
        yield from mv(attn_shutter, 'Retract')

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from move()
    ret = (yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors)))
    # this means "put the attenuator in the beam"    
    yield from mv(attn_shutter, 'Insert')
    return ret
def set_reference_foil(element = None):
    # Adding reference foil element list
    with open('/nsls2/xf08id/settings/json/foil_wheel.json') as fp:
        reference_foils = json.load(fp)
    elems = [item['element'] for item in reference_foils]

    if element is None:
        yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel1, 0)
        yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel2, 0)
        if element in elems:
            indx = elems.index(element)
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel2, reference_foils[indx]['fw2'])
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel1, reference_foils[indx]['fw1'])
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel1, 0)
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel2, 0)
def set_foil_reference(element = None):

    # Adding reference foil element list
    reference_foils = json.loads(open('/nsls2/xf08id/settings/json/foil_wheel.json').read())
    elems = [item['element'] for item in reference_foils]

    #reference = {'Ti': {'foilwheel1': 30,  'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'V':  {'foilwheel1': 60,  'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Cr': {'foilwheel1': 90,  'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Mn': {'foilwheel1': 120, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Fe': {'foilwheel1': 150, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Co': {'foilwheel1': 180, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Ni': {'foilwheel1': 210, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Cu': {'foilwheel1': 240, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Zn': {'foilwheel1': 270, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Pt': {'foilwheel1': 300, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Au': {'foilwheel1': 330, 'foilwheel2': 0},
    #             'Se': {'foilwheel2': 60,  'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Pb': {'foilwheel2': 90,  'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Nb': {'foilwheel2': 120, 'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Mo': {'foilwheel2': 150, 'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Ru': {'foilwheel2': 180, 'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Rh': {'foilwheel2': 210, 'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Pd': {'foilwheel2': 240, 'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Ag': {'foilwheel2': 270, 'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Sn': {'foilwheel2': 300, 'foilwheel1': 0},
    #             'Sb': {'foilwheel2': 330, 'foilwheel1': 0}
    #             }

    if element is None:
        yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel1, 0)
        yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel2, 0)
        if element in elems:
            indx = elems.index(element)
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel2, reference_foils[indx]['fw2'])
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel1, reference_foils[indx]['fw1'])
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel1, 0)
            yield from mv(foil_wheel.wheel2, 0)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def move():
     grp = _short_uid('set')
     yield Msg('checkpoint')
     yield Msg('set', motor, step, group=grp)
     yield Msg('wait', None, group=grp)
     yield from mv(attn_shutter, 'Retract')
Exemplo n.º 44
def spiral_continuous(detectors,
                      x_motor, y_motor, x_start, y_start, npts,
                      probe_size, overlap=0.8,  *,
                      tilt=0.0, per_step=None, md=None):
    '''Continuously increasing radius spiral scan.

    centered around (x_start, y_start) which is generic regarding
    motors and detectors.

    x_motor : object
        any 'setable' object (motor, etc.)
    y_motor : object
        any 'setable' object (motor, etc.)
    x_start : float
        x center
    y_start : float
        y center
    npts : integer
        number of points
    probe_size : float
        radius of probe in units of motors
    overlap : float
        fraction of probe overlap

    Not implemented yet:
    tilt : float, optional (not yet enabled)
        Tilt angle in radians, default = 0.0

    per_step : callable, optional
        hook for cutomizing action of inner loop (messages per step)
        See docstring of bluesky.plans.one_nd_step (the default) for
    md : dict, optional

    # #TODO clean up pattern args and _md.  Do not remove motors from _md.
    pattern_args = dict(x_motor=x_motor, y_motor=y_motor,
                        x_start=x_start, y_start=y_start, npts=npts,
                        probe_size=probe_size, overlap=overlap,

    # cyc = plan_patterns.spiral(**pattern_args)# - leftover from spiral.

    bxs = []
    bzs = []

    bx_init = x_start
    bz_init = y_start

    for i in range(0, npts):
        R = np.sqrt(i/np.pi)
        # this is to get the first point to be the center
        T = 2*i/(R+0.0000001)
        bx = (overlap*probe_size*R * np.cos(T)) + bx_init
        bz = (overlap*probe_size*R * np.sin(T)) + bz_init

    motor_vals = [bxs, bzs]
    x_range = max(motor_vals[0]) - min(motor_vals[0])
    y_range = max(motor_vals[1]) - min(motor_vals[1])
    motor_pos = cycler(x_motor, bxs) + cycler(y_motor, bzs)

    # Before including pattern_args in metadata, replace objects with reprs.
    pattern_args['x_motor'] = repr(x_motor)
    pattern_args['y_motor'] = repr(y_motor)
    _md = {'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, detectors)),
                         'x_motor': repr(x_motor), 'y_motor': repr(y_motor),
                         'x_start': x_start, 'y_start': y_start,
                         'overlap': overlap,  # 'nth': nth,
                         'tilt': tilt,
                         'per_step': repr(per_step)},
           'extents': tuple([[x_start - x_range, x_start + x_range],
                             [y_start - y_range, y_start + y_range]]),
           'plan_name': 'spiral_continuous',
           'plan_pattern': 'spiral_continuous',
           'plan_pattern_args': pattern_args,
           # - leftover from spiral.
           # 'plan_pattern_module': plan_patterns.__name__,
           'hints': {}}

        dimensions = [(x_motor.hints['fields'], 'primary'),
                      (y_motor.hints['fields'], 'primary')]
    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
        _md['hints'].update({'dimensions': dimensions})
    _md.update(md or {})

    cont_sp_plan = bp.scan_nd(detectors, motor_pos, per_step=per_step, md=_md)

    reset_plan = bps.mv(x_motor, x_start, y_motor, y_start)

    def plan_steps():
        yield from cont_sp_plan
        print('Moving back to first point position.')
        yield from reset_plan

        return (yield from plan_steps())

    except Exception:
        # Catch the exception long enough to clean up.
        print('Moving back to first point position.')
        yield from reset_plan
Exemplo n.º 45
def EfixQ(detectors, E_start, E_end, steps, E_shift=0, *,
          per_step=None, md=None):
    '''Fixed Q energy scan based on an orientation matrix

    for CSX-1 mono (pgm.energy)

    If using higher order harmonic of mono, adjust H K L, not energy.


    E_start : float
        starting energy [eV]
    E_stop : float
        stoping energy [eV]
    steps : integer
        number of points
    E_shift : float
        shift in energy calibration relative to orientation matrix (i.e, )
    per_step : callable, optional
        hook for cutomizing action of inner loop (messages per step)
        See docstring of bluesky.plans.one_nd_step (the default) for
    md : dict, optional

    x_motor = pgm.energy  # This is CSX-1's mono motor name for energy
    x_start = E_start
    pattern_args = dict(x_motor=x_motor, x_start=E_start,
                        steps=steps, E_shift=E_shift)

    E_init = x_motor.readback.value
    tardis.calc.energy = (x_motor.setpoint.value + E_shift)/10000
    h_init = tardis.position.h
    k_init = tardis.position.k
    l_init = tardis.position.l
    delta_init = delta.user_readback.value
    theta_init = theta.user_readback.value
    gamma_init = gamma.user_readback.value

    deltas = []
    thetas = []
    gammas = []

    # TODO no plus one, use npts as arugument.
    E_vals = np.linspace(E_start, E_end, steps+1)
    x_range = max(E_vals) - min(E_vals)

    for E_val in E_vals:
        tardis.calc.energy = (E_val + E_shift)/10000
        angles = tardis.forward([h_init, k_init, l_init])

    motor_pos = (cycler(delta, deltas)
                 + cycler(theta, thetas)
                 + cycler(gamma, gammas)
                 + cycler(x_motor, E_vals))

    # TODO decide to include diffractometer motors below?
    # Before including pattern_args in metadata, replace objects with reprs.
    pattern_args['x_motor'] = repr(x_motor)
    _md = {'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, detectors)),
                         'x_motor': repr(x_motor), 'x_start': x_start,
                         'x_range': x_range,
                         'per_step': repr(per_step)},
           'extents': tuple([[x_start - x_range, x_start + x_range]]),
           'plan_name': 'EfixQ',
           'plan_pattern': 'scan',
           'plan_pattern_args': pattern_args,
           # this is broken TODO do we need this
           # 'plan_pattern_module': plan_patterns.__name__,
           'hints': {}}
        dimensions = [(x_motor.hints['fields'], 'primary')]
        # print(dimensions)
    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
        _md['hints'].update({'dimensions': dimensions})
    _md.update(md or {})

    # this works without subs,
    Escan_plan = scan_nd(detectors, motor_pos, per_step=per_step, md=_md)

    reset_plan = bps.mv(x_motor, E_init, delta, delta_init, theta,
                        theta_init, gamma, gamma_init)

    # yield from print('Starting an Escan fix Q at ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})'.format(h_init,k_init,l_init))

    def plan_steps():
        print('Starting fixed Q energy scan for '
              '({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}\n\n)'.format(
                  tardis.h.position, tardis.k.position, tardis.l.position))
        yield from Escan_plan
        print('\nMoving back to motor positions immediately before scan\n')
        yield from reset_plan
        yield from bps.sleep(1)
        tardis.calc.energy = (pgm.energy.readback.value + E_shift)/10000
        print('Returned to Q at ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})'.format(
            tardis.h.position, tardis.k.position, tardis.l.position))

        return (yield from plan_steps())

    except Exception:
        print('\nMoving back to motor positions immediately before scan\n')
        yield from reset_plan
        yield from bps.sleep(1)
        tardis.calc.energy = (pgm.energy.readback.value + E_shift)/10000
        print('Returned to Q at ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})'.format(
            tardis.h.position, tardis.k.position, tardis.l.position))
Exemplo n.º 46
def EfixQapprox(detectors, E_start, E_end, npts, E_shift=0, *,
                per_step=None, md=None):
    '''Approximate fixed Q energy scan based on delta, theta positions

    for CSX-1 mono (pgm.energy)

    E_start : float
        starting energy [eV]
    E_stop : float
        stoping energy [eV]
    npts : integer
        number of points
    E_shift : float
        shift in energy calibration relative to orientation matrix
        (i.e, ) - not used currently
    per_step : callable, optional
        hook for cutomizing action of inner loop (messages per step)
        See docstring of bluesky.plans.one_nd_step (the default) for
    md : dict, optional

    x_motor = pgm.energy  # This is CSX-1's mono motor name for energy
    x_start = E_start
    pattern_args = dict(x_motor=x_motor, x_start=E_start, npts=npts)

    deltas = []
    thetas = []
    deltaCALC = 0
    thetaCALC = 0

    E_init = x_motor.readback.value
    lam_init = 12398/E_init
    delta_init = delta.user_readback.value
    theta_init = theta.user_readback.value
    dsp = lam_init/(2*np.sin(np.radians(delta_init/2)))
    theta_offset = delta_init/2 - theta_init

    E_vals = np.linspace(E_start, E_end, npts)  #
    lam_vals = np.linspace(12398/E_start, 12398/E_end, npts)
    x_range = max(E_vals) - min(E_vals)

    for lam_val in lam_vals:
        deltaCALC = np.degrees(np.arcsin(lam_val/2/dsp))*2
        thetaCALC = deltaCALC/2 - theta_offset

    motor_pos = (cycler(delta, deltas)
                 + cycler(theta, thetas)
                 + cycler(x_motor, E_vals))

    # TODO decide to include diffractometer motors below?
    # Before including pattern_args in metadata, replace objects with reprs.
    pattern_args['x_motor'] = repr(x_motor)
    _md = {'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, detectors)),
                         'x_motor': repr(x_motor), 'x_start': x_start,
                         'x_range': x_range,
                         'per_step': repr(per_step)},
           'extents': tuple([[x_start - x_range, x_start + x_range]]),
           'plan_name': 'EfixQapprox',
           'plan_pattern': 'scan',
           'plan_pattern_args': pattern_args,
           # this is broken TODO do we need this?
           # 'plan_pattern_module': plan_patterns.__name__,
           'hints': {}}
        dimensions = [(x_motor.hints['fields'], 'primary')]
        # print(dimensions)
    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
        _md['hints'].update({'dimensions': dimensions})
    _md.update(md or {})

    # this works without subs,
    Escan_plan = scan_nd(detectors, motor_pos, per_step=per_step, md=_md)

    reset_plan = bps.mv(x_motor, E_init, delta, delta_init, theta, theta_init)

    # Check for suitable syntax..
    # yield from print('Starting an Escan fix Q at ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})'.format(h_init,k_init,l_init))

    def plan_steps():
        yield from Escan_plan
        print('/nMoving back to motor positions immediately before scan/n')
        yield from reset_plan

        return (yield from plan_steps())

    except Exception:
        print('/nMoving back to motor positions immediately before scan/n')
        yield from reset_plan
Exemplo n.º 47
def ct_dark(numim=None, detectors=None, gain_std=0):
    """Collect dark images for fccd and add metadata tag for dark and gain.

The pre-count shutter & gain states preserved.

    numim: int

        Number of images to be measured. If different from current
        setting, the number of images will revert back to the original
        after the scan is complete.

    detectors: list
        List of detectors to be recorded.
        Default = [fccd]

    gain_std: int
        List of detectors to be recorded.
        Default = 0   (which is 'Auto' or x8, the most sensitive gain)


    if detectors is None:
        detectors = [fccd]

        # TODO figureout kwargs and self to mkae up to line 44 a
        # single definition
        oldnumim = fccd.cam.num_images.value

        # Printing info
            '\nStarting procedure to acquire darks '
            '{:3.3}Hz or {:3.3f}s.\n'.format(
                1/fccd.cam.acquire_time.value, fccd.cam.acquire_time.value))

        print('\tCurrent number of images = {}.\n'.format(

        yield from bps.sleep(.3)

        if numim is not None:
            print('\tSetting to {} images.\n'.format(numim))
            yield from bps.abs_set(fccd.cam.num_images, numim, wait=True)

        dark_shutter_state = inout.status.value
        dark_sh_dict = {'Inserted': 'In', 'Not Inserted': 'Out'}
        gain_state = fccd.cam.fcric_gain.value
        gain_bit_dict = {0: 'auto', 1: 'x2', 2: 'x1'}

        yield from bps.mv(inout, 'In')
        # This has to be 2 until we can selectively remove dark images
        # get_fastccd_images()
        yield from bps.sleep(fccd.cam.acquire_period.value*2.01)
        # SET TO 1 TO ARM FOR NEXT EVENT so that the FastCCD1 is
        # already bkg subt
        yield from bps.mv(fccd.fccd1.capture_bgnd, 1)

        # take darks
        yield from _ct_dark(detectors, gain_std, gain_bit_dict)

        # Putting things back
        yield from _ct_dark_cleanup(oldnumim, gain_bit_dict,
                                    gain_state, dark_sh_dict,

    except Exception:
        yield from _ct_dark_cleanup(oldnumim, gain_bit_dict, gain_state,
                                    dark_sh_dict, dark_shutter_state)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        yield from _ct_dark_cleanup(oldnumim, gain_bit_dict,
                                    gain_state, dark_sh_dict,