Exemplo n.º 1
    def poscommand2(self, idxorwp):
        # stack.stack("POS %s " % idxorwp )
        # super(TimeWindow, self).poscommand(idxorwp)
        wp = idxorwp.upper()
        reflat, reflon = bs.scr.getviewctr()
        wp2 = bs.navdb.getwpindices(wp, reflat, reflon)

        # try:
        i = self.wpid.index(wp)  #int(wp2[0])
        # except:
        #     return -1
        # print('i is: ', i)
        # print(len((self.wpRTA)))
        # print(len((self.wpTW)))

        # Position report
        lines = "Info on " + wp + ":\n" \
                + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.wplat[wp2[0]], \
                        bs.navdb.wplon[wp2[0]]) + "\n" \
                + "RTA: %s; TW: %s [s]" % (str(self.wpRTA[i]), str(self.wpTW[i]))
        return True, lines
Exemplo n.º 2
    def poscommand(
            self, idxorwp
    ):  # Show info on aircraft(int) or waypoint or airport (str)
        """POS command: Show info or an aircraft, airport, waypoint or navaid"""
        # Aircraft index
        if type(idxorwp) == int and idxorwp >= 0:

            idx = idxorwp
            acid = self.id[idx]
            actype = self.type[idx]
            latlon = latlon2txt(self.lat[idx], self.lon[idx])
            alt = round(self.alt[idx] / ft)
            hdg = round(self.hdg[idx])
            trk = round(self.trk[idx])
            cas = round(self.cas[idx] / kts)
            tas = round(self.tas[idx] / kts)
            gs = round(self.gs[idx] / kts)
            M = self.M[idx]
            VS = round(self.vs[idx] / ft * 60.)
            route = self.ap.route[idx]

            # Position report
            lines = "Info on %s %s index = %d\n" %(acid, actype, idx)     \
                  + "Pos: "+latlon+ "\n"                                  \
                  + "Hdg: %03d   Trk: %03d\n"        %(hdg, trk)              \
                  + "Alt: %d ft  V/S: %d fpm\n"  %(alt,VS)                \
                  + "CAS/TAS/GS: %d/%d/%d kts   M: %.3f\n"%(cas,tas,gs,M)

            # FMS AP modes
            if self.swlnav[idx] and route.nwp > 0 and route.iactwp >= 0:

                if self.swvnav[idx]:
                    if self.swvnavspd[idx]:
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (incl.VNAVSPD), "
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (NOT VNAVSPD), "

                lines += "LNAV to " + route.wpname[route.iactwp] + "\n"

            # Flight info: Destination and origin
            if self.ap.orig[idx] != "" or self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                lines = lines + "Flying"

                if self.ap.orig[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines + " from " + self.ap.orig[idx]

                if self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines + " to " + self.ap.dest[idx]

            # Show a/c info and highlight route of aircraft in radar window
            # and pan to a/c (to show route)
            return True, lines

        # Waypoint: airport, navaid or fix
            wp = idxorwp.upper()

            # Reference position for finding nearest
            reflat, reflon = bs.scr.getviewctr()

            lines = "Info on " + wp + ":\n"

            # First try airports (most used and shorter, hence faster list)
            iap = bs.navdb.getaptidx(wp)
            if iap >= 0:
                aptypes = ["large", "medium", "small"]
                lines = lines + bs.navdb.aptname[iap]+"\n"                 \
                        + "is a "+ aptypes[max(-1,bs.navdb.aptype[iap]-1)] \
                        +" airport at:\n"                                    \
                        + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.aptlat[iap],                 \
                                     bs.navdb.aptlon[iap]) + "\n"          \
                        + "Elevation: "                                      \
                        + str(int(round(bs.navdb.aptelev[iap]/ft)))        \
                        + " ft \n"

                # Show country name
                    ico = bs.navdb.cocode2.index(bs.navdb.aptco[iap].upper())
                    lines = lines + "in "+bs.navdb.coname[ico]+" ("+      \
                    ico = -1
                    lines = lines + "Country code: " + bs.navdb.aptco[iap]
                    runways = bs.navdb.rwythresholds[
                    if runways:
                        lines = lines + "\nRunways: " + ", ".join(runways)

            # Not found as airport, try waypoints & navaids
                iwps = bs.navdb.getwpindices(wp, reflat, reflon)
                if iwps[0] >= 0:
                    typetxt = ""
                    desctxt = ""
                    lastdesc = "XXXXXXXX"
                    for i in iwps:

                        # One line type text
                        if typetxt == "":
                            typetxt = typetxt + bs.navdb.wptype[i]
                            typetxt = typetxt + " and " + bs.navdb.wptype[i]

                        # Description: multi-line
                        samedesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i] == lastdesc
                        if desctxt == "":
                            desctxt = desctxt + bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                        elif not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + "\n" + bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]

                        # Navaid: frequency
                        if bs.navdb.wptype[i] in ["VOR", "DME", "TACAN"
                                                  ] and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + " " + str(
                                bs.navdb.wpfreq[i]) + " MHz"
                        elif bs.navdb.wptype[i] == "NDB" and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + " " + str(
                                bs.navdb.wpfreq[i]) + " kHz"

                    iwp = iwps[0]

                    # Basic info
                    lines = lines + wp +" is a "+ typetxt       \
                           + " at\n"\
                           + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.wplat[iwp],  \
                    # Navaids have description
                    if len(desctxt) > 0:
                        lines = lines + "\n" + desctxt

                    # VOR give variation
                    if bs.navdb.wptype[iwp] == "VOR":
                        lines = lines + "\nVariation: "+ \
                                     str(bs.navdb.wpvar[iwp])+" deg"

                    # How many others?
                    nother = bs.navdb.wpid.count(wp) - len(iwps)
                    if nother > 0:
                        verb = ["is ", "are "][min(1, max(0, nother - 1))]
                        lines = lines +"\nThere "+verb + str(nother) +\
                                   " other waypoint(s) also named " + wp

                    # In which airways?
                    connect = bs.navdb.listconnections(wp, \
                    if len(connect) > 0:
                        awset = set([])
                        for c in connect:

                        lines = lines + "\nAirways: " + "-".join(awset)

            # Try airway id
                else:  # airway
                    awid = wp
                    airway = bs.navdb.listairway(awid)
                    if len(airway) > 0:
                        lines = ""
                        for segment in airway:
                            lines = lines+"Airway "+ awid + ": " + \
                                    " - ".join(segment)+"\n"
                        lines = lines[:-1]  # cut off final newline
                        return False, idxorwp + " not found as a/c, airport, navaid or waypoint"

            # Show what we found on airport and navaid/waypoint
            return True, lines
Exemplo n.º 3
    def poscommand(self, idxorwp):# Show info on aircraft(int) or waypoint or airport (str)
        """POS command: Show info or an aircraft, airport, waypoint or navaid"""
        # Aircraft index
        if type(idxorwp)==int and idxorwp >= 0:

            idx           = idxorwp
            acid          = self.id[idx]
            actype        = self.type[idx]
            latlon        = latlon2txt(self.lat[idx], self.lon[idx])
            alt           = round(self.alt[idx] / ft)
            hdg           = round(self.hdg[idx])
            trk           = round(self.trk[idx])
            cas           = round(self.cas[idx] / kts)
            tas           = round(self.tas[idx] / kts)
            gs            = round(self.gs[idx]/kts)
            M             = self.M[idx]
            VS            = round(self.vs[idx]/ft*60.)
            route         = self.ap.route[idx]

            # Position report
            lines = "Info on %s %s index = %d\n" %(acid, actype, idx)     \
                  + "Pos: "+latlon+ "\n"                                  \
                  + "Hdg: %03d   Trk: %03d\n"        %(hdg, trk)              \
                  + "Alt: %d ft  V/S: %d fpm\n"  %(alt,VS)                \
                  + "CAS/TAS/GS: %d/%d/%d kts   M: %.3f\n"%(cas,tas,gs,M)

            # FMS AP modes
            if self.swlnav[idx] and route.nwp > 0 and route.iactwp >= 0:

                if self.swvnav[idx]:
                    if self.swvnavspd[idx]:
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (incl.VNAVSPD), "
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (NOT VNAVSPD), "

                lines += "LNAV to " + route.wpname[route.iactwp] + "\n"

            # Flight info: Destination and origin
            if self.ap.orig[idx] != "" or self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                lines = lines +  "Flying"

                if self.ap.orig[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines +  " from " + self.ap.orig[idx]

                if self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines +  " to " + self.ap.dest[idx]

            # Show a/c info and highlight route of aircraft in radar window
            # and pan to a/c (to show route)
            return True, lines

        # Waypoint: airport, navaid or fix
            wp = idxorwp.upper()

            # Reference position for finding nearest
            reflat, reflon = bs.scr.getviewctr()

            lines = "Info on "+wp+":\n"

            # First try airports (most used and shorter, hence faster list)
            iap = bs.navdb.getaptidx(wp)
            if iap>=0:
                aptypes = ["large","medium","small"]
                lines = lines + bs.navdb.aptname[iap]+"\n"                 \
                        + "is a "+ aptypes[max(-1,bs.navdb.aptype[iap]-1)] \
                        +" airport at:\n"                                    \
                        + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.aptlat[iap],                 \
                                     bs.navdb.aptlon[iap]) + "\n"          \
                        + "Elevation: "                                      \
                        + str(int(round(bs.navdb.aptelev[iap]/ft)))        \
                        + " ft \n"

               # Show country name
                    ico = bs.navdb.cocode2.index(bs.navdb.aptco[iap].upper())
                    lines = lines + "in "+bs.navdb.coname[ico]+" ("+      \
                    ico = -1
                    lines = lines + "Country code: "+bs.navdb.aptco[iap]
                    runways = bs.navdb.rwythresholds[bs.navdb.aptid[iap]].keys()
                    if runways:
                        lines = lines + "\nRunways: " + ", ".join(runways)

            # Not found as airport, try waypoints & navaids
                iwps = bs.navdb.getwpindices(wp,reflat,reflon)
                if iwps[0]>=0:
                    typetxt = ""
                    desctxt = ""
                    lastdesc = "XXXXXXXX"
                    for i in iwps:

                        # One line type text
                        if typetxt == "":
                            typetxt = typetxt+bs.navdb.wptype[i]
                            typetxt = typetxt+" and "+bs.navdb.wptype[i]

                        # Description: multi-line
                        samedesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]==lastdesc
                        if desctxt == "":
                            desctxt = desctxt +bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                        elif not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt +"\n"+bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]

                        # Navaid: frequency
                        if bs.navdb.wptype[i] in ["VOR","DME","TACAN"] and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + " "+ str(bs.navdb.wpfreq[i])+" MHz"
                        elif bs.navdb.wptype[i]=="NDB" and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt+ " " + str(bs.navdb.wpfreq[i])+" kHz"

                    iwp = iwps[0]

                    # Basic info
                    lines = lines + wp +" is a "+ typetxt       \
                           + " at\n"\
                           + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.wplat[iwp],  \
                    # Navaids have description
                    if len(desctxt)>0:
                        lines = lines+ "\n" + desctxt

                    # VOR give variation
                    if bs.navdb.wptype[iwp]=="VOR":
                        lines = lines + "\nVariation: "+ \
                                     str(bs.navdb.wpvar[iwp])+" deg"

                    # How many others?
                    nother = bs.navdb.wpid.count(wp)-len(iwps)
                    if nother>0:
                        verb = ["is ","are "][min(1,max(0,nother-1))]
                        lines = lines +"\nThere "+verb + str(nother) +\
                                   " other waypoint(s) also named " + wp

                    # In which airways?
                    connect = bs.navdb.listconnections(wp, \
                    if len(connect)>0:
                        awset = set([])
                        for c in connect:

                        lines = lines+"\nAirways: "+"-".join(awset)

               # Try airway id
                else:  # airway
                    awid = wp
                    airway = bs.navdb.listairway(awid)
                    if len(airway)>0:
                        lines = ""
                        for segment in airway:
                            lines = lines+"Airway "+ awid + ": " + \
                                    " - ".join(segment)+"\n"
                        lines = lines[:-1] # cut off final newline
                        return False,idxorwp+" not found as a/c, airport, navaid or waypoint"

            # Show what we found on airport and navaid/waypoint
            return True, lines