Exemplo n.º 1
    def _send_authentication(self):
        if not self._username or not self._password:
            return False

        logger.debug('Authenticating as %s', self._username)
            struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT, self.MAGIC['request'],
                        self.COMMANDS['auth_negotiation']['command'], 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 0))

        (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas,
         extra_content) = self._get_response()

        if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']:
            return False

        if status == self.STATUS['unknown_command']:
            logger.debug('Server does not requires authentication.')
            self.authenticated = True
            return True

        methods = extra_content

        if b'PLAIN' not in methods:
            raise AuthenticationNotSupported(
                'This module only supports '
                'PLAIN auth for now.', status)

        method = b'PLAIN'
        auth = '\x00%s\x00%s' % (self._username, self._password)
        if isinstance(auth, text_type):
            auth = auth.encode()

                self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['auth_request']['struct'] %
                (len(method), len(auth)), self.MAGIC['request'],
                self.COMMANDS['auth_request']['command'], len(method), 0, 0, 0,
                len(method) + len(auth), 0, 0, method, auth))

        (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas,
         extra_content) = self._get_response()

        if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']:
            return False

        if status == self.STATUS['auth_error']:
            raise InvalidCredentials("Incorrect username or password", status)

        if status != self.STATUS['success']:
            raise MemcachedException(
                'Code: %d Message: %s' % (status, extra_content), status)

        logger.debug('Auth OK. Code: %d Message: %s', status, extra_content)

        self.authenticated = True
        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def authenticate(self, username, password):
        Authenticate user on server.

        :param username: Username used to be authenticated.
        :type username: basestring
        :param password: Password used to be authenticated.
        :type password: basestring
        :return: True if successful.
        :raises: InvalidCredentials, AuthenticationNotSupported, MemcachedException
        :rtype: bool
        logger.info('Authenticating as %s' % username)
            struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT, self.MAGIC['request'],
                        self.COMMANDS['auth_negotiation']['command'], 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 0))

        (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas,
         extra_content) = self._get_response()

        if status == self.STATUS['unknown_command']:
            logger.debug('Server does not requires authentication.')
            return True

        methods = extra_content

        if not 'PLAIN' in methods:
            raise AuthenticationNotSupported('This module only supports '
                                             'PLAIN auth for now.')

        method = 'PLAIN'
        auth = '\x00%s\x00%s' % (username, password)
                self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['auth_request']['struct'] %
                (len(method), len(auth)), self.MAGIC['request'],
                self.COMMANDS['auth_request']['command'], len(method), 0, 0, 0,
                len(method) + len(auth), 0, 0, method, auth))

        (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas,
         extra_content) = self._get_response()

        if status == self.STATUS['auth_error']:
            raise InvalidCredentials("Incorrect username or password")

        if status != self.STATUS['success']:
            raise MemcachedException('Code: %d Message: %s' %
                                     (status, extra_content))

        logger.debug('Auth OK. Code: %d Message: %s' % (status, extra_content))

        self.authenticated = True
        return True