def get_imu(use_dummy=False): scl, sda = (22, 23) if sys.platform == "esp32" else (5, 4) i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(scl), sda=Pin(sda), freq=100000, timeout=1000) devices = i2c.scan() print("I2C scan ->", devices) if 40 not in devices: if devices: print("I2C(scl={}, sda={}) devices:".format(scl, sda), devices) missing_imu_msg = "No IMU @ I2C(scl={}, sda={})".format(scl, sda) if not use_dummy: raise Exception(missing_imu_msg) print(missing_imu_msg + ". Using dummy data.") return bno055_fake.BNO055() for i in range(10, 0, -1): try: bno = bno055.BNO055(i2c, verbose=config.TRACE_SPI) print("Using BNO055 @ I2C(scl={}, sda={})".format(scl, sda)) bno.operation_mode(bno055.NDOF_MODE) return bno except OSError as err: if i == 1 or not is_retriable_error(err): raise err print("Error finding BNO055: {:s}; retrying".format(str(err)), file=sys.stderr) time.sleep_ms(1000)
def __init__(self): #オブジェクトの生成 self.rightmotor = motor.motor(ct.const.RIGHT_MOTOR_IN1_PIN, ct.const.RIGHT_MOTOR_IN2_PIN, ct.const.RIGHT_MOTOR_VREF_PIN) self.leftmotor = motor.motor(ct.const.LEFT_MOTOR_IN1_PIN, ct.const.LEFT_MOTOR_IN2_PIN, ct.const.LEFT_MOTOR_VREF_PIN) self.gps = gps.GPS() self.bno055 = bno055.BNO055() = self.RED_LED = led.led(ct.const.RED_LED_PIN) self.BLUE_LED = led.led(ct.const.BLUE_LED_PIN) self.GREEN_LED = led.led(ct.const.GREEN_LED_PIN) #開始時間の記録 self.startTime = time.time() self.timer = 0 self.landstate = 0 #landing stateの中でモータを一定時間回すためにlandのなかでもステート管理するため self.v_right = 100 self.v_left = 100 #変数 self.state = 0 self.laststate = 0 self.landstate = 0 #stateに入っている時刻の初期化 self.preparingTime = 0 self.flyingTime = 0 self.droppingTime = 0 self.landingTime = 0 self.pre_motorTime = 0 self.waitingTime = 0 self.runningTime = 0 self.goalTime = 0 #state管理用変数初期化 self.countPreLoop = 0 self.countFlyLoop = 0 self.countDropLoop = 0 self.countGoal = 0 self.countAreaLoopEnd = 0 # 終了判定用 self.countAreaLoopStart = 0 # 開始判定用 self.countAreaLoopLose = 0 # 見失い判定用 self.countgrass = 0 #GPIO設定 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #GPIOの設定 GPIO.setup(ct.const.FLIGHTPIN_PIN, GPIO.IN) #フライトピン用 date = self.filename = '{0:%Y%m%d}'.format(date) self.filename_hm = '{0:%Y%m%d%H%M}'.format(date) if not os.path.isdir( '/home/pi/Desktop/wolvez2021/Testcode/EtoEtest/%s/' % (self.filename)): os.mkdir('/home/pi/Desktop/wolvez2021/Testcode/EtoEtest/%s/' % (self.filename))
def task3_imu_read(): ## BNO055 object is created before while loop imu = bn.BNO055(bn.ndof) while True: ## The shared variable q2 holds the current Pitch Value q2.put(imu.get_sensor_reading(bn.EULER_P) / 16) ## The shared variable q3 holds the current Roll Value q3.put(imu.get_sensor_reading(bn.EULER_R) / 16) yield (0)
import motor import encoder import bno055 as bn import closed_loop as loop import utime imu = bn.BNO055(bn.ndof) # while(1): # utime.sleep_ms(200) # x = imu.get_sensor_reading(bn.EULER_H) # x = x/16 # y = imu.get_sensor_reading(bn.EULER_R) # y = y/16 # z = imu.get_sensor_reading(bn.EULER_P) # z = z/16 # print("Heading : " + str(x) + " Roll Val: " + str(y) + " Pitch Val: " + str(z)) cL = loop.Closed_Loop() cL.set_setpoint(0) while (1): #print("Enter a gain: ") gain_set = input() cL.set_cont_gain(float(gain_set)) mot1 = motor.MotorDriver() last_time = utime.ticks_ms() times = [] positions = [] while (1): utime.sleep_ms(10) #times.append(utime.ticks_ms())
import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import sys import numpy as np import bno055 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #GPIOの設定 bno055 = bno055.BNO055() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #GPIOの設定 bno055.setupBno() if bno055.begin() is not True: print("Error initializing device") exit() try: while True: bno055.bnoread(),3) bno055.ay=round(bno055.ay,3),3) bno055.gx=round(bno055.gx,3),3) bno055.gz=round(bno055.gz,3) bno055.ex=round(bno055.ex,3) bno055.ey=round(bno055.ey,3) bno055.ez=round(bno055.ez,3) accel="ax="+str(","\ +"ay="+str(bno055.ay)+","\ +"az="+str(
scl=pyb.Pin.cpu.C9, sda=pyb.Pin.cpu.A8, freq=400000, timeout=10000) i.scan() import bno055 #s = bno055.BNO055(i) while True: devices = i.scan() print("Found devices: %s" % (repr(devices))) if 41 in devices: break s = bno055.BNO055(i, address=41) time.sleep(1) #s.operation_mode(bno055.COMPASS_MODE) s.operation_mode(bno055.NDOF_MODE) #s.operation_mode(bno055.M4G_MODE) import math while True: try: ex, ey, ez = s.euler() w, x, y, z = s.quaternion() ysqr = y * y
import bno055 from machine import I2C, Pin scl, sda = (Pin(22), Pin(23)) if sys.platform == "esp32" else (Pin(5), Pin(4)) i2c = I2C(scl=scl, sda=sda, timeout=1000) # HUZZAH8266 s = bno055.BNO055(i2c) s.operation_mode(bno055.NDOF_MODE) # s.operation_mode() s.temperature() s.accelerometer() s.magnetometer() s.gyroscope() s.euler()
# # micropython i2c driver # import micropython import bno055 as imu from time import sleep accel_range = int('00000000',2) ##accel = 2g accel_range = int('00000001',2) ##accel = 4g care if not in fusion mode. top 8 bits impact power and BW if __name__ == "__main__": '''Reads or Writes to i2c peripheral. This loop reads and prints 10 euler vectors''' aye = pyb.I2C (1, pyb.I2C.MASTER) nerd = imu.BNO055(aye, 0x28, accel_range) for x in range(10): x_data = nerd.get_eul() sleep(100.0/1000.0) def scan_list(): aye = pyb.I2C (1, pyb.I2C.MASTER) adr_list = [] adr_list = pyb.I2C.scan(aye) return adr_list
import logging import sys import time import bno055 bno = bno055.BNO055() if not bno.begin(): raise RuntimeError('Failed to initialize BNO055! Is the sensor connected?') status, self_test, error = bno.get_system_status() print('System status: {0}'.format(status)) print('Self test result (0x0F is normal): 0x{0:02X}'.format(self_test)) # Print out an error if system status is in error mode. if status == 0x01: print('System error: {0}'.format(error)) print('See datasheet section 4.3.59 for the meaning.') # Print BNO055 software revision and other diagnostic data. sw, bl, accel, mag, gyro = bno.get_revision() print('Software version: {0}'.format(sw)) print('Bootloader version: {0}'.format(bl)) print('Accelerometer ID: 0x{0:02X}'.format(accel)) print('Magnetometer ID: 0x{0:02X}'.format(mag)) print('Gyroscope ID: 0x{0:02X}\n'.format(gyro)) print('Reading BNO055 data, press Ctrl-C to quit...') while True: heading, roll, pitch = bno.read_euler() print('Heading={0:0.2F} Roll={1:0.2F} Pitch={2:0.2F}'.format(