Exemplo n.º 1
	ai_mark = 'O' if opponent == 'X' else 'X'
	next_play = opponent if starter == '1' else ai_mark
	rules.next_play = next_play
	player.set_mark(ai_mark) #computer's mark (i.e., X)
	end_game = False
	while not end_game:
		mark = rules.get_current_player()

		if mark == ai_mark:
			position = player.next_move()
			print 'Robot plays position %d' % position
			board.add_mark(mark, int(position))
			position = raw_input("Pick a position to play between 1 and 9: ")
			while position not in [str(x) for x in xrange(1,10)]:
				position = raw_input("Invalid: Pick a number between 1 and 9: ")
			valid = board.add_mark(mark, int(position))
			while not valid:
				mark = raw_input("Already taken - pick an open position: ")
				valid = board.add_mark(mark, int(position))

		end_game, result = rules.end_game(position)

	print result