Exemplo n.º 1
 def try_to_block_oppoent_immediate_win(self, color):
     # xoooo.
     # ooo.o
     # oo.oo
     result = []
     EMPTY_POINT = where1d(self.board == EMPTY)
     opponent = GoBoardUtil.opponent(color)
     for point in EMPTY_POINT:
         if self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                 point, 1, opponent, 5, False,
                 False) or self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                     point, self.NS, opponent, 5, False,
                     False) or self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                         point, self.NS + 1, opponent, 5, False,
                         False) or self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                             point, self.NS - 1, opponent, 5, False, False):
             # print(str(color) + " block with " + str(point))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 2
 def try_to_play_immediate_win(self, color):
     # xxxx.
     # xxx.x
     # xx.xx
     # xxx.xxx
     result = []
     EMPTY_POINT = where1d(self.board == EMPTY)
     for point in EMPTY_POINT:
         if self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                 point, 1, color, 5, False,
                 False) or self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                     point, self.NS, color, 5, False,
                     False) or self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                         point, self.NS + 1, color, 5, False,
                         False) or self.check_in_line_with_empty(
                             point, self.NS - 1, color, 5, False, False):
             # print(str(color) + " immediate win " + str(point))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 3
    def open_four(self, color):
        # if you have a move that creates an open four position of type .XXXX., then play it.
        # Examples of this scenario are: .X.XX. and .XXX..

        found_points = []
        empty_pts = where1d(self.board == 0)

        for point in empty_pts:
            if self.straight_check(point, 1, color, 4, False, True):  #f (1)
            elif self.straight_check(point, self.NS, color, 4, False, True):
            elif self.straight_check(point, self.NS + 1, color, 4, False,
            elif self.straight_check(point, self.NS - 1, color, 4, False,

        return found_points
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _detect_and_process_capture(self, nb_point):
     Check whether opponent block on nb_point is captured.
     If yes, remove the stones.
     Returns the stone if only a single stone was captured,
         and returns None otherwise.
     This result is used in play_move to check for possible ko
     if self._fast_liberty_check(nb_point):
         return None
     opp_block = self._block_of(nb_point)
     if self._has_liberty(opp_block):
         return None
     captures = list(where1d(opp_block))
     self.board[captures] = EMPTY
     self.liberty_of[captures] = NULLPOINT
     single_capture = None 
     if len(captures) == 1:
         single_capture = nb_point
     return single_capture
Exemplo n.º 5
 def block_open_four(self, color):
     EMPTY_POINT = where1d(self.board == EMPTY)
     patterns = {
         '.x.xx.': 0,
         '.xx.x.': 0,
         '?.xxx..': 1,
         '..xxx.?': 0,
         '-.xxx.-': 1
     for point in EMPTY_POINT:
         for pattern in patterns.keys():
             for shift in [
                     1, -1, self.NS, -self.NS, self.NS + 1, -self.NS - 1,
                     self.NS - 1, -self.NS + 1
                 isFound, result = self.check_pattern(
                     pattern, point, color, shift, patterns[pattern])
                 if isFound:
                     return result
     return []
Exemplo n.º 6
 def try_play_intersection(self, color):
     #    .
     # .oo..
     #    o
     #    o
     #    .
     EMPTY_POINT = where1d(self.board == EMPTY)
     for point in EMPTY_POINT:
         count = 0
         if self.check_in_line_with_empty(point, 1, color, 3, False, True):
             count += 1
         if self.check_in_line_with_empty(point, self.NS, color, 3, False,
             count += 1
         if self.check_in_line_with_empty(point, self.NS + 1, color, 3,
                                          False, True):
             count += 1
         if self.check_in_line_with_empty(point, self.NS - 1, color, 3,
                                          False, True):
             count += 1
         if count >= 2:
             # print(str(color) + " win intersection " + str(point))
             return point
     return False
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_empty_points(self):
         The empty points on the board
     return where1d(self.board == EMPTY)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_color_points(self, color):
         All points of color on the board
     return where1d(self.board == color)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def get_color_points(self, color):
     return where1d(self.board == color)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def winDetection(self):
        myWins = []
        theirWins = []
        my2mWins = []
        their2mWins = []

        size = self.size
        startPoint = size + 2

        points = where1d(self.board == self.current_player)

        # horizontal checks
        for rowStart in range(startPoint, startPoint + size * size + 1,
                              size + 1):
            winStr = ""
            for point in range(rowStart, rowStart + size):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                # check 2-move wins
                if len(winStr) == 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr, my2mWins, their2mWins,
                                     point, 1)
                    # reduce the string to a 5-long string
                    winStr = winStr[1:]

                # check for 1-move wins
                if len(winStr) == 5:
                    if self.checkWin(winDict, winStr, myWins, theirWins, point,
                        # return early if we found a win, because we can just play that
                        return myWins, [], [], []

        # vertical checks
        for colStart in range(startPoint, startPoint + size):
            winStr = ""
            for point in range(colStart,
                               colStart + (size + 1) * (size - 1) + 1,
                               size + 1):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                if len(winStr) == 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr, my2mWins, their2mWins,
                                     point, size + 1)
                    winStr = winStr[1:]
                if len(winStr) == 5:
                    if self.checkWin(winDict, winStr, myWins, theirWins, point,
                                     size + 1):
                        # return early if we found a win, because we can just play that
                        return myWins, [], [], []

        # diagonal I
        #print("Diag I")
        exists = size - 5
        checkRight = startPoint + 1
        checkDown = startPoint + size + 1
        dIStarts = [startPoint]
        for i in range(0, exists):
            checkRight += 1
            checkDown += size + 1
        dSize = size
        reduceDSize = True
        for start in dIStarts:
            point = start
            winStr = ""
            for i in range(0, dSize):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                if len(winStr) == 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr, my2mWins, their2mWins,
                                     point, size + 2)
                    winStr = winStr[1:]
                if len(winStr) == 5:
                    if self.checkWin(winDict, winStr, myWins, theirWins, point,
                                     size + 2):
                        # return early if we found a win, because we can just play that
                        return myWins, [], [], []

                point += size + 2
            if reduceDSize:
                dSize -= 1
            reduceDSize = not reduceDSize

        # diagonal II
        #print("diag II")
        checkLeft = startPoint + (size - 1) - 1
        checkDown = startPoint + (size - 1) + (size + 1)
        dIIStarts = [startPoint + size - 1]
        exists = size - 5
        for i in range(0, exists):
            checkLeft -= 1
            checkDown += size + 1
        dSize = size
        reduceDSize = True
        for start in dIIStarts:
            point = start
            winStr = ""
            for i in range(0, dSize):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                if len(winStr) == 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr, my2mWins, their2mWins,
                                     point, size)
                    winStr = winStr[1:]
                if len(winStr) == 5:
                    if self.checkWin(winDict, winStr, myWins, theirWins, point,
                        # return early if we found a win, because we can just play that
                        return myWins, [], [], []

                point += size
            if reduceDSize:
                dSize -= 1
            reduceDSize = not reduceDSize

        return myWins, theirWins, my2mWins, their2mWins
Exemplo n.º 11
    def BlockOpenFour(self):
        color = WHITE + BLACK - self.current_player
        moves = where1d(self.board == EMPTY)
        move_list = []
        for i in moves:
            rowc, rows, rd, rs1, rs2 = self.checkrow2(i, color)
            colc, cols, cd, cs1, cs2 = self.checkcol2(i, color)
            d1c, d1s, d1, ds1, ds2 = self.checkd12(i, color)
            d2c, d2s, d2, d21, d22 = self.checkd22(i, color)

            if rowc == 4 and rows == 1:
                if rd == 1 and self.board[i + 5] == 0:
                    move_list.append(i + 5)
                elif rd == -1 and self.board[i - 5] == 0:
                    move_list.append(i + 5)
            if colc == 4 and cols == 1:
                if cd == 1:
                    if self.board[i + 5 * self.NS] == 0:
                        move_list.append(i + 5 * self.NS)
                elif cd == -1:
                    if self.board[i - 5 * self.NS] == 0:
                        move_list.append(i - 5 * self.NS)
            if d1c == 4 and d1s == 1:
                if d1 == 1:
                    if self.board[i + 5 * (self.NS + 1)] == 0:
                        move_list.append(i + 5 * (self.NS + 1))
                elif d1 == -1:
                    if self.board[i - 5 * (self.NS + 1)] == 0:
                        move_list.append(i - 5 * (self.NS + 1))
            if d2c == 4 and d2s == 1:
                if d2 == 1:
                    if self.board[i + 5 * (self.NS - 1)] == 0:
                        move_list.append(i + 5 * (self.NS - 1))
                elif d2 == -1:
                    if self.board[i - 5 * (self.NS - 1)] == 0:
                        move_list.append(i - 5 * (self.NS - 1))

            if rowc == 4 and rows == 2:
            if colc == 4 and cols == 2:
            if d1c == 4 and d1s == 2:
            if d2c == 4 and d2s == 2:

            if rowc == 4 and rows == 2 and rd == 0:
            if colc == 4 and cols == 2 and cd == 0:
            if d1c == 4 and d1s == 2 and d1 == 0:
            if d2c == 4 and d2s == 2 and d2 == 0:

        move_list = list(set(move_list))

        return move_list
Exemplo n.º 12
def count_colors(goboard):
    count = []
    for color in range(BORDER + 1):
        points_in_color = where1d(goboard.board == color)
    return count
Exemplo n.º 13
    def gogui_rules_final_result_cmd(
            self, args):  #----------Done----------------------
        """ Implement this function for Assignment 1
            This command checks if the game is over
            and outputs one of the following game results: """

        result = "unknown"
        colour = self.board.current_player
        if colour == 1:
            colour = 'b'
            colour = 'w'
        #print("#############:", colour)
        board_color = colour.lower()
        color = color_to_int(board_color)
        moves = GoBoardUtil.generate_legal_moves(self.board,
        gtp_moves = []
        for move in moves:
            # check if a PASS
            if move == "PASS":
            coords = point_to_coord(move, self.board.size)
            if self.board.board[move] != 0:
            board_copy = self.board.copy()
            opp_color = GoBoardUtil.opponent(color)
            board_copy.board[move] = color
            capture = False
            single_captures = []
            neighbors = board_copy._neighbors(move)
            No = False
            for nb in neighbors:
                if board_copy.board[nb] == opp_color:
                    single_capture = None
                    opp_block = board_copy._block_of(nb)
                    if not board_copy._has_liberty(opp_block):
                        captures = list(where1d(opp_block))
                        board_copy.board[captures] = 0
                        if len(captures) == 1:
                            single_capture = nb
                        if len(captures) >= 1:
                            No = True
                    if single_capture != None:
                        # use single captures to detect suicide
            if not No:
                if single_captures != []:
                block = board_copy._block_of(move)
                if not board_copy._has_liberty(block):  # undo suicide move


        if not gtp_moves:
            result = GoBoardUtil.opponent(color)
        if result == 1:
            result = 'black'
        elif result == 2:
            result = 'white'

Exemplo n.º 14
    def play_cmd(self, args):  #-----------Done--------------------
        """ Modify this function for Assignment 1
        play a move args[1] for given color args[0] in {'b','w'}
        Check in following order:
        wrong color
        wrong coordinate
            board_color = args[0].lower()
            board_move = args[1]
            color = color_to_int(board_color)

            #wrong color
            if self.board.current_player != color:
                #figure out a way to implement this elegantly
                self.respond("illegal move: \"{}\" wrong color".format(
                    " ".join(args)))

            #Check if move is "PASS"
            if board_move.lower() == "pass":
                #Pass is not allowd so generate Illegal move message
                self.respond("illegal move: \"{}\" wrong coordinate".format(
                    " ".join(args)))
                coord = move_to_coord(board_move, self.board.size)
                if coord:
                    move = coord_to_point(coord[0], coord[1], self.board.size)

            # check for spot occupation, ex. empty
            if self.board.board[move] != 0:
                self.respond("illegal move: \"{}\" occupied".format(
                    " ".join(args)))

            board_copy = self.board.copy()

            #test for captures, then suicide
            # General case: deal with captures, suicide, and next ko point
            opp_color = GoBoardUtil.opponent(color)
            board_copy.board[move] = color
            capture = False
            single_captures = []
            neighbors = board_copy._neighbors(move)
            for nb in neighbors:
                if board_copy.board[nb] == opp_color:
                    single_capture = None
                    opp_block = board_copy._block_of(nb)
                    if not board_copy._has_liberty(opp_block):
                        captures = list(where1d(opp_block))
                        board_copy.board[captures] = 0
                        if len(captures) == 1:
                            single_capture = nb
                        if len(captures) >= 1:
                            self.respond("illegal move: \"{}\" capture".format(
                                " ".join(args)))
                    if single_capture != None:
                        # use single captures to detect suicide
            if single_captures != []:
                self.respond("illegal move: \"{}\" capture".format(
                    " ".join(args)))

            block = board_copy._block_of(move)
            if not board_copy._has_liberty(block):  # undo suicide move
                self.respond("illegal move: \"{}\" suicide".format(
                    " ".join(args)))

            # try to playe the move
            if not self.board.play_move(move, color):
                #false, probably the wrong move
                self.respond("Illegal move: {}".format(board_move))


        except Exception as e:
            # return an error message
            self.respond('Error: {}'.format(str(e)))
            self.respond("illegal Move: \"{}\" wrong coordinate ex".format(
                " ".join(args)))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def valid_point(self):
     a = where1d(self.board == BLACK)
     b = where1d(self.board == WHITE)
     c = where1d(self.board == EMPTY)
     return np.concatenate([a, b, c])
Exemplo n.º 16
    def order_the_point(self, color):
        white_points = where1d(self.board == WHITE)
        black_points = where1d(self.board == BLACK)
        final_final_list = []
        final_4 = []
        final_3 = []
        final_2 = []
        final_1 = []
        if color == 2:
            for point in white_points:
                # check 4 block first:
                # here we need 2 lists to track the duplicate elements
                if self.check_n(point, 4) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 4)
                    list_4 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_4]
                    # for all points
                    final_4 = final_4 + list_4

            for point in white_points:
                if self.check_n(point, 3) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 3)
                    # remove the duplication
                    list_3 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_3]
                    # combine these 2
                    final_3 = final_3 + list_3
            final_3 = [x for x in final_3 if x not in final_4]
            final_final_list = final_4 + final_3
            for point in white_points:
                if self.check_n(point, 2) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 2)
                    # remove the duplication
                    list_2 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_2]
                    final_2 = final_2 + list_2
            final_2 = [x for x in final_2 if x not in final_final_list]
            final_final_list = final_final_list + final_2
            for point in white_points:
                if self.check_n(point, 1) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 1)
                    # remove the duplication
                    list_1 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_1]
                    final_1 = final_1 + list_1
            final_1 = [x for x in final_1 if x not in final_final_list]
            final_final_list = final_final_list + final_1
            list_temp = self.generate_legal_moves(color)
            total_list = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_final_list]
            final_final_list = final_final_list + total_list

            for point in black_points:
                # check 4 block first:
                # here we need 2 lists to track the duplicate elements
                if self.check_n(point, 4) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 4)
                    list_4 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_4]
                    # for all points
                    final_4 = final_4 + list_4

            for point in black_points:
                if self.check_n(point, 3) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 3)
                    # remove the duplication
                    list_3 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_3]
                    # combine these 2
                    final_3 = final_3 + list_3
            final_3 = [x for x in final_3 if x not in final_4]
            final_final_list = final_4 + final_3
            for point in black_points:
                if self.check_n(point, 2) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 2)
                    # remove the duplication
                    list_2 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_2]
                    final_2 = final_2 + list_2
            final_2 = [x for x in final_2 if x not in final_final_list]
            final_final_list = final_final_list + final_2
            for point in black_points:
                if self.check_n(point, 1) != False:
                    list_temp = self.check_n(point, 1)
                    # remove the duplication
                    list_1 = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_1]
                    final_1 = final_1 + list_1
            final_1 = [x for x in final_1 if x not in final_final_list]
            final_final_list = final_final_list + final_1
            list_temp = self.generate_legal_moves(color)
            total_list = [x for x in list_temp if x not in final_final_list]
            final_final_list = final_final_list + total_list
        return final_final_list
Exemplo n.º 17
    def scan_board(self):
        myWins = []
        theirWins = []
        my2mWins = []
        their2mWins = []

        size = self.size
        startPoint = size + 2

        points = where1d(self.board == self.current_player)

        # Horizontal Checks
        for rowStart in range(startPoint, startPoint + size * size + 1,
                              size + 1):
            winStr = "#"  # start with border to get track specials
            for point in range(rowStart, rowStart + size):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                if len(winStr) >= 7:
                    if winStr[-7:] in specialBlockFourDict:
                        adj = specialBlockFourDict[winStr[-7:]]
                        their2mWins.append(point - adj)

                # check 2-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr[-6:], my2mWins,
                                     their2mWins, point, 1)

                # check for 1-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 5:
                    self.checkWin(winDict, winStr[-5:], myWins, theirWins,
                                  point, 1)
            # account for final border
            winStr += "#"
            if len(winStr) >= 7:
                if winStr[-7:] in specialBlockFourDict:
                    adj = specialBlockFourDict[winStr[-7:]] - 1
                    their2mWins.append(point - adj)

        # Vertical Checks
        for colStart in range(startPoint, startPoint + size):
            winStr = "#"
            for point in range(colStart,
                               colStart + (size + 1) * (size - 1) + (size + 2),
                               size + 1):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                if len(winStr) >= 7:
                    if winStr[-7:] in specialBlockFourDict:
                        i = specialBlockFourDict[winStr[-7:]]
                        adj = i * (size + 1)
                        their2mWins.append(point - adj)
                # check 2-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr[-6:], my2mWins,
                                     their2mWins, point, size + 1)
                # check for 1-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 5:
                    self.checkWin(winDict, winStr[-5:], myWins, theirWins,
                                  point, size + 1)

        # diagonal I
        exists = size - 5
        checkRight = startPoint + 1
        checkDown = startPoint + size + 1
        dIStarts = [startPoint]
        for i in range(0, exists):
            checkRight += 1
            checkDown += size + 1
        dSize = size
        reduceDSize = True
        for start in dIStarts:
            point = start
            winStr = "#"
            for i in range(0, dSize):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                # check 2-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 7:
                    if winStr[-7:] in specialBlockFourDict:
                        i = specialBlockFourDict[winStr[-7:]]
                        adj = i * (size + 2)
                        their2mWins.append(point - adj)
                if len(winStr) >= 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr[-6:], my2mWins,
                                     their2mWins, point, size + 2)
                # check for 1-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 5:
                    self.checkWin(winDict, winStr[-5:], myWins, theirWins,
                                  point, size + 2)
                point += size + 2
            winStr += "#"
            if len(winStr) >= 7:
                if winStr[-7:] in specialBlockFourDict:
                    i = specialBlockFourDict[winStr[-7:]]
                    adj = i * (size + 2)
                    their2mWins.append(point - adj)
            if reduceDSize:
                dSize -= 1
            reduceDSize = not reduceDSize

        # diagonal II
        checkLeft = startPoint + (size - 1) - 1
        checkDown = startPoint + (size - 1) + (size + 1)
        dIIStarts = [startPoint + size - 1]
        exists = size - 5
        for i in range(0, exists):
            checkLeft -= 1
            checkDown += size + 1
        dSize = size
        reduceDSize = True
        for start in dIIStarts:
            point = start
            winStr = "#"
            for i in range(0, dSize):
                winStr += self.getPointRep(self.current_player, point)
                # check 2-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 7:
                    if winStr[-7:] in specialBlockFourDict:
                        i = specialBlockFourDict[winStr[-7:]]
                        adj = i * (size + 2)
                        their2mWins.append(point - adj)
                # check 2-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 6:
                    self.checkThreat(threatDict, winStr[-6:], my2mWins,
                                     their2mWins, point, size)
                # check for 1-move wins
                if len(winStr) >= 5:
                    self.checkWin(winDict, winStr[-5:], myWins, theirWins,
                                  point, size)

                point += size
            winStr += "#"
            if len(winStr) >= 7:
                if winStr[-7:] in specialBlockFourDict:
                    i = specialBlockFourDict[winStr[-7:]]
                    adj = i * (size)
                    their2mWins.append(point - adj)
            if reduceDSize:
                dSize -= 1
            reduceDSize = not reduceDSize

        myWins = list(set(myWins))
        theirWins = list(set(theirWins))
        my2mWins = list(set(my2mWins))
        their2mWins = list(set(their2mWins))

        return myWins, theirWins, my2mWins, their2mWins
Exemplo n.º 18
    def genmove_cmd(self, args):  #------------Done---------------------
        """ Modify this function for Assignment 1 """
        """ generate a move for color args[0] in {'b','w'} """
        board_color = args[0].lower()
        color = color_to_int(board_color)
        move = self.go_engine.get_move(self.board, color)
        move_coord = point_to_coord(move, self.board.size)
        move_as_string = format_point(move_coord)

        # our code
        colour = 1
        if board_color == 'w':
            colour == 2
        elif board_color == 'b':
            colour == 1
        moves = GoBoardUtil.generate_legal_moves(self.board, colour)
        gtp_moves = []
        for Move in moves:
            # check if a PASS
            if Move == "PASS":
            coords = point_to_coord(Move, self.board.size)
            if self.board.board[Move] != 0:
            board_copy = self.board.copy()
            opp_color = GoBoardUtil.opponent(color)
            board_copy.board[Move] = color
            capture = False
            single_captures = []
            neighbors = board_copy._neighbors(move)
            No = False
            for nb in neighbors:
                if board_copy.board[nb] == opp_color:
                    single_capture = None
                    opp_block = board_copy._block_of(nb)
                    if not board_copy._has_liberty(opp_block):
                        captures = list(where1d(opp_block))
                        board_copy.board[captures] = 0
                        if len(captures) == 1:
                            single_capture = nb
                        if len(captures) >= 1:
                            No = True
                    if single_capture != None:
                        # use single captures to detect suicide
            if not No:
                if single_captures != []:
                block = board_copy._block_of(Move)
                if not board_copy._has_liberty(block):  # undo suicide move


        if not gtp_moves:
            if format_point(move_coord) in gtp_moves:
                self.board.play_move(move, color)
                self.respond("Illegal move: {}".format(move_as_string))