def test_black_pawn_attack(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "p.pppppp", #7 ".p......", #6 "P.P.....", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 ".P.PPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('b6') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a5', 'b5', 'c5'})
def test_black_pawn_attack_starting(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "PPP.....", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "...PPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('b7') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a6', 'c6'})
def test_white_pawn_attack_starting(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "...ppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "ppp.....", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('b2') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a3', 'c3'})
def test_white_rook_attack(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "p.pp..pp", #7 "........", #6 ".p.R.p..", #5 "P.......", #4 "...b....", #3 ".PPPPPPP", #2 ".NBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('d5') self.assertEqual(moves, {'b5', 'c5', 'd3', 'd4', 'd6', 'd7', 'e5', 'f5'})
def test_white_pawn_attack(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 ".p.ppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "p.p.....", #4 ".P......", #3 "P.PPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('b3') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a4', 'b4', 'c4'})
def test_white_bishop_attack(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 ".ppp.ppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 ".p......", #4 "BP......", #3 "PbPPPPPP", #2 "RN.QKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('a3') self.assertEqual(moves, {'b2', 'b4'})
def test_white_bishop(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "BP......", #3 "P.PPPPPP", #2 "RN.QKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('a3') self.assertEqual(moves, {'b2', 'b4', 'c1', 'c5', 'd6', 'e7'})
def test_black_knight_attack(self): b = Board("r.bqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "..n.....", #6 "P...P...", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('c6') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a5', 'b4', 'b8', 'd4', 'e5'})
def test_black_knight_start(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('b8') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a6', 'c6'})
def test_black_bishop_attack(self): b = Board("rn.qkbnr", #8 "pBpppppp", #7 "bp......", #6 ".P......", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('a6') self.assertEqual(moves, {'b5', 'b7'})
def test_white_king_in_check(self): b = Board(".nbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "r...K...", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQ.BNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.in_check(White) self.assertEqual(moves, True)
def test_king_that_cannot_move(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('e1') self.assertEqual(moves, set())
def test_black_queen_start(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('d8') self.assertEqual(moves, set())
def test_black_king_in_check(self): b = Board("rnbq.bnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "R..k....", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 ".NBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.in_check(Black) self.assertEqual(moves, True)
def test_white_knight_attack(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 ".ppp.ppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "p...p...", #4 "..N.....", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "R.BQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('c3') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a4', 'b1', 'b5', 'd5', 'e4'})
def test_white_king_not_in_check(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "R.......", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 ".NBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.in_check(White) self.assertEqual(moves, False)
def test_white_pawn_starting(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('e2') self.assertEqual(moves, {'e3', 'e4'})
def test_white_rook_start(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('a1') self.assertEqual(moves, set())
def test_black_rook(self): b = Board(".nbqkbnr", #8 ".ppppppp", #7 "r.......", #6 "........", #5 "p.......", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('a6') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a5', 'a7', 'a8', 'b6', 'c6', 'd6', 'e6', 'f6', 'g6', 'h6'})
def test_king_taking_a_piece(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "....K...", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQ.BNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('e6') self.assertEqual(moves, {'d5', 'd6', 'd7', 'e5', 'e7', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7'})
def test_black_rook_attack(self): b = Board(".nbqkbnr", #8 ".ppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "pP.r.P..", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('d5') self.assertEqual(moves, {'b5', 'c5', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd6', 'e5', 'f5'})
def test_white_rook(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "P.......", #5 "........", #4 "R.......", #3 ".PPPPPPP", #2 ".NBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('a3') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a1', 'a2', 'a4', 'b3', 'c3', 'd3', 'e3', 'f3', 'g3', 'h3'})
def test_black_queen(self): b = Board("rnb.kbnr", #8 "pp.ppppp", #7 "........", #6 "q.p.....", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('a5') self.assertEqual(moves, {'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a6', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6', 'c3', 'c7', 'd2', 'd8'})
def test_white_queen_attack(self): b = Board("", #8 "p.....pp", #7 "..npb...", #6 ".p.Q.p..", #5 "..p.p...", #4 "...b....", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('d5') self.assertEqual(moves, {'b5', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'd3', 'd4', 'd6', 'e4', 'e5', 'e6', 'f5'})
def test_white_queen(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "....P.Q.", #4 "........", #3 "PPPP.PPP", #2 "RNB.KBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) moves = b.valid_moves('g4') self.assertEqual(moves, {'d1', 'd7', 'e2', 'e6', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'g3', 'g5', 'g6', 'g7', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5'})
def test_move(self): b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "........", #3 "PPPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) move = b.move('a2','a3') moved_b = Board("rnbqkbnr", #8 "pppppppp", #7 "........", #6 "........", #5 "........", #4 "P.......", #3 ".PPPPPPP", #2 "RNBQKBNR", #1 #abcdefgh ) comparison = move.__eq__(moved_b) self.assertEqual(comparison, True)
def detect_glyph(image, hBox, vBox, game): augmented = Augmented() board = Board(image) board.start(size = 4) if board.hasTui(): tuis = board.getTuis(getClassifier()) board.causalBoard, causalTuis = feedCausal(board, tuis, hBox, vBox) causalOutput(board, causalTuis) game.setArea(board.causalBoard) display(board) cv2.namedWindow('score', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('score', game.getScoreBoard()) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord(' '): # end subround game.endSubRound(causalTuis[:]) return augmented.start(board, causalTuis) else: display(board) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord(' '): # end subround[:]) return []
def main(): #camera setup cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) print 'Video resolution: '+' x '.join(set_res(cap,1280,720)) tuis = [] hBox = causalBox(winSize = 10) vBox = causalBox(winSize = 10) ret = True clf = getClassifier() plyerName = ["John","Doe","Tommy","Emmanuel"] game = GameCtrler(plyerName) causalTuis = None while ret: now = time.time() # get the time ret, rawImg = if ret is False: print "Error aquring image" break board = Board(rawImg) board.getA4(size = 4) board.getCircle() # setup causal Box lenNeighbor = np.round(board.size*210/14) vBox.setThresh(lenNeighbor) hBox.setThresh(lenNeighbor) # check if circles in A4 if board.horizontalCircles is not None or board.verticalCircles is not None: board.drawCircles() tuis = board.getTuis() hTuiTmp = [] vTuiTmp = [] for tui in tuis: # latter + name tui.getLetter() if tui.letter.size == 0: print 'letter size 0' else: letterPercentage = float(np.count_nonzero(tui.letter))/tui.letter.size*100.0 if letterPercentage > 3.9: # if letter area is more than 3.9% of img tui.getHuMoment() tui.getTuiName(clf) # split h and v tuis for feed in causalbox if tui.position[0] == 'h': hTuiTmp.append((tui.position[1], elif tui.position[0] == 'v': vTuiTmp.append((tui.position[1], else: print "invalid h/v tui position" hBox.feedIn(hTuiTmp) # feed causalbox vBox.feedIn(vTuiTmp) # choose v or h causalBoard = board.vertical.copy() if len(vBox.tuis) > len(hBox.tuis) else board.horizontal.copy() causalTuis = vBox.tuis[:] if len(vBox.tuis) > len(hBox.tuis) else hBox.tuis[:] game.setArea(causalBoard) #set player area for i in causalTuis: ,i.position,np.round(board.size*210/14),(0,255,0),2) # draw the outer circle ,i.position,2,(0,0,255),3) # draw the center of the circle if i.isLegit: cv2.putText(causalBoard, i.getVotedName(), i.position, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1,(255,0,0),4) # write name on img cv2.namedWindow('a', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('a',causalBoard) cv2.namedWindow('score', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('score',game.getScoreBoard()) else: print 'No circle in both hor and ver a4' # display cv2.namedWindow('thresh', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('thresh',board.thresh) cv2.namedWindow('boardDetect', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('boardDetect',board.boardDetect) # condition for exit # if len(tuis) > 0: # ret = stop(cv2.waitKey(1), tuis) # else: # ret = stop(cv2.waitKey(1)) if causalTuis is None: ret = playerDebug(cv2.waitKey(1), game) else: ret = playerDebug(cv2.waitKey(1), game, causalTuis) # time controller elapsed = time.time() - now # how long was it running? if elapsed < 0.2: time.sleep(0.2-elapsed) # sleep accordingly so the full iteration takes 1 second elapsed = time.time() - now # how long was it running? # print str(elapsed)+":", cv2.destroyAllWindows() return 0