def test_other_attrs_raise(self):
     d = document.UnlockedDocumentProxy(document.Document())
     assert curdoc() is not d
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
         assert str(e) == "Only add_next_tick_callback may be used safely without taking the document lock; "
         "to make other changes to the document, add a next tick callback and make your changes "
         "from that callback."
     for attr in dir(d._doc):
         if attr in ["add_next_tick_callback", "remove_next_tick_callback"]: continue
         with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
             getattr(d, "foo")
 def test_next_tick_callback_works(self):
     d = document.UnlockedDocumentProxy(document.Document())
     assert curdoc() is not d
     curdoc_from_cb = []
     def cb():
     callback = d.add_next_tick_callback(cb)
     assert len(curdoc_from_cb) == 1
     assert curdoc_from_cb[0] is d._doc
     def cb2(): pass
     callback = d.add_next_tick_callback(cb2)