def bolt_obj_2_feature_vector(all_features_obj_dict, feature_name_list):
    For each object - pull out features and store in feature_obj
    with the same structure as all_bolt_data
        Dictionary - "tap", "slide", "slow_slide", 
                     "thermal_hold", "squeeze"

    Directly store the features into a vector
    See createFeatureVector for more details on structure


    # Store in feature class object
    all_features_vector_dict = dict()

    # For all motions
    for motion_name in all_features_obj_dict:

        feature_obj_list = all_features_obj_dict.get(motion_name)

        all_adjective_labels_dict = dict()
        feature_vector_list = list()
        feature_label_list = list()

        # For all objects
        for bolt_feature_obj in feature_obj_list:

            # Create feature vector
            feature_vector, object_id = utilities.createFeatureVector(
                bolt_feature_obj, feature_name_list)

            # Create label dictionary
            labels = bolt_feature_obj.labels
            for adjective in labels:
                # Check if it is the first time adjective added
                if (all_adjective_labels_dict.has_key(adjective)):
                    adjective_array = all_adjective_labels_dict[adjective]
                    adjective_array = list()

                # Store array
                all_adjective_labels_dict[adjective] = adjective_array

        # Store all of the objects away
        all_features_vector_dict[motion_name] = (np.array(feature_vector_list),

    return (all_features_vector_dict, all_adjective_labels_dict)
def bolt_obj_2_feature_vector(all_features_obj_dict, feature_name_list):
    For each object - pull out features and store in feature_obj
    with the same structure as all_bolt_data
        Dictionary - "tap", "slide", "slow_slide", 
                     "thermal_hold", "squeeze"

    Directly store the features into a vector
    See createFeatureVector for more details on structure

    # Store in feature class object
    all_features_vector_dict = dict()
    # For all motions
    for motion_name in all_features_obj_dict:
        feature_obj_list = all_features_obj_dict.get(motion_name)

        all_adjective_labels_dict = dict()
        feature_vector_list = list()
        feature_label_list = list()

        # For all objects
        for bolt_feature_obj in feature_obj_list:

            # Create feature vector
            feature_vector, object_id = utilities.createFeatureVector(bolt_feature_obj, feature_name_list) 

            # Create label dictionary
            labels = bolt_feature_obj.labels
            for adjective in labels:
                # Check if it is the first time adjective added
                if (all_adjective_labels_dict.has_key(adjective)):
                    adjective_array = all_adjective_labels_dict[adjective]
                    adjective_array = list()
                # Store array
                all_adjective_labels_dict[adjective] = adjective_array

        # Store all of the objects away
        all_features_vector_dict[motion_name] = (np.array(feature_vector_list), feature_label_list)
    return (all_features_vector_dict, all_adjective_labels_dict)      
def bolt_obj_2_feature_vector(all_features_obj_dict, feature_name_list):
    Pull out PCA components from all data

    For each object - pull out features and store in feature_obj
    with the same structure as all_bolt_data
        Dictionary - "tap", "slide", "slow_slide", 
                     "thermal_hold", "squeeze"

    Directly store the features into a vector
    See createFeatureVector for more details on structure

    # DO PCA Calculations here 

    # Store in feature class object
    all_features_vector_dict = dict()
    # Store labels
    for motion_name in all_features_obj_dict:
        feature_obj_list = all_features_obj_dict.get(motion_name)

        all_adjective_labels_dict = dict()
        feature_vector_list = list()

        # For all objects
        for bolt_feature_obj in feature_obj_list:

            # Create feature vector
            feature_vector = utilities.createFeatureVector(bolt_feature_obj, feature_name_list) 

            # Create label dictionary
            labels = bolt_feature_obj.labels
            for adjective in labels:
                # Check if it is the first time adjective added
                if (all_adjective_labels_dict.has_key(adjective)):
                    adjective_array = all_adjective_labels_dict[adjective]
                    adjective_array = list()
                # Store array
                all_adjective_labels_dict[adjective] = adjective_array

        # Store all of the objects away
        all_features_vector_dict[motion_name] = np.array(feature_vector_list)
    return (all_features_vector_dict, all_adjective_labels_dict)      

    def true_false_results(predicted_labels, true_labels):
    #FP = (predicted_labels - true_labels).tolist().count(1)
    #FN = (predicted_labels - true_labels).tolist().count(-1)
    #TP = (predicted_labels & true_labels).tolist().count(1)
    #TN = ((predicted_labels | true_labels) ^ True).tolist().count(1)

    return(TP, TN, FP, FN)

    #def matthews_corr_coef(TP,TN,FP,FN):

        MCC = (TP*TN - FP*FN)/(np.sqrt(((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN))))
        MCC = (TP*TN - FP*FN)/1

    return (MCC)

#def train_knn(train_vector, train_labels, test_vector, test_labels):
    train_knn - expects a vector of features and a nx1 set of
                corresponding labels.  Finally the number of
                neighbors used for comparison

    Returns a trained knn classifier