Exemplo n.º 1
def store_book_info_for_user_and_isbn(user_id, isbn, isbns_to_retry):
    # add book object
    b = Book()  # create temp book object
    query_book = Book.get(
    )  # check if Book object is already in DB
    if not query_book:
        temp_arr = get_books_for_book_title_using_google_books(
            'isbn:' + isbn
        if len(temp_arr) == 0:
            AZ = AmazonScraper()
            amazon_dict = AZ.get_amazon_purchase_choices_for_keyword(isbn)
            if len(amazon_dict) == 0:
                isbn_info = {}
                isbn_info['isbn'] = isbn
                isbn_info['user_id'] = user_id
                isbn_info['retries'] = 0
                return False
            temp_book = Book()
            temp_book.isbn = amazon_dict[0].get('isbn')
            temp_book.title = amazon_dict[0].get('title')
            temp_book.author = amazon_dict[0].get('author')
            temp_book.thumbnail_link = amazon_dict[0].get('thumbnail_link')
            temp_book.subtitle = ''

        temp_var = temp_arr[0]
        b.isbn = temp_var.isbn
        b.author = temp_var.author
        if(temp_var.subtitle is None):
            b.title = temp_var.title  # check if subtitle is null
            b.title = (
                temp_var.title +
                ': ' + temp_var.subtitle  # check if subtitle is null
        b.thumbnail_link = temp_var.thumbnail_link

        # Sometimes, the isbn found by the scraper differs from the one
        # in the file
        # In this case, a duplicate book would be created (same isbn)
        # Check for found isbn first before saving book
        possible_duplicate_book = Book.get(isbn=b.isbn)
        if possible_duplicate_book:
            b = possible_duplicate_book
            b.save()  # save book

    else:  # if book in DB, set b.id to id of DB book
        b.id = query_book.id

    # Make purchase choice
    p = PurchaseChoice()
    p.id = b.id
    p.price = randint(55, 250)  # default to 10
    p.type = 'Hardcover'
    p.isRental = False
    p.link = ''  # change to valid link
    p.local_seller_id = user_id  # change to user once login is created
    p.isLocalSeller = True

    booksV = BooksViewed()
    booksV.user_id = user_id
    booksV.book_id = b.id
    return True
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_book_from_isbn(self, isbn):
     errors = []
     book = get_books_for_book_title_using_google_books('isbn:' + isbn)
     if not book:
         errors.append('ISBN is invalid')
     return book, errors