Exemplo n.º 1
    def init(self, boot_spec):
        ExpSwitcher.init(self, boot_spec)

        streamels = boot_spec.get_observations().get_streamels()
        if ((streamels.size != 1) or
            (streamels[0]['kind'] != ValueFormats.Discrete)):
            msg = 'I expect the observations to be symbols (one discrete var).'
            raise UnsupportedSpec(msg)

        self.lower = streamels[0]['lower']
        nsymbols = int(1 + (streamels[0]['upper'] - self.lower))
        if nsymbols > 10000:
            msg = ('Are you sure you want to deal with %d symbols?'
                   % nsymbols)
            raise Exception(msg)

        self.y_stats = SymbolsStatistics(nsymbols, window=self.window)
Exemplo n.º 2
class SymbolsStats(ExpSwitcher):
        A simple agent that estimates various statistics 
        of the observations. 

    def __init__(self, beta, window):
        ExpSwitcher.__init__(self, beta)
        self.window = window

    def init(self, boot_spec):
        ExpSwitcher.init(self, boot_spec)

        streamels = boot_spec.get_observations().get_streamels()
        if ((streamels.size != 1) or
            (streamels[0]['kind'] != ValueFormats.Discrete)):
            msg = 'I expect the observations to be symbols (one discrete var).'
            raise UnsupportedSpec(msg)

        self.lower = streamels[0]['lower']
        nsymbols = int(1 + (streamels[0]['upper'] - self.lower))
        if nsymbols > 10000:
            msg = ('Are you sure you want to deal with %d symbols?'
                   % nsymbols)
            raise Exception(msg)

        self.y_stats = SymbolsStatistics(nsymbols, window=self.window)

    def process_observations(self, obs):
        y = obs['observations']
        dt = obs['dt'].item()
        symbol = y[0].item() - self.lower
        self.y_stats.update(symbol, dt)

    def publish(self, pub):

        def display_solution(name, caption, R, S):
            D = euclidean_distances(S)
            sec = pub.section(name)
            sec.text('info', caption)
            with sec.plot('S') as pl:
                pl.plot(S[0, :], S[1, :], 'k.')

            if S.shape[0] == 3:
                import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3

                for angle in [0, 45, 90]:
                    with sec.plot('S3d%s' % angle) as pl:
                        fig = pl.gcf()
                        ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)
                        ax.view_init(30, angle)
                        col = S[2, :]
                        ax.scatter(S[0, :], S[1, :], S[2, :], c=col)

            if False:  # TODO: use cheaper solution for point cloud as in
                    # calib
                with sec.plot('D_vs_R') as pl:
                    pl.plot(D.flat, R.flat, 'k.')

        deltas = range(1, self.window)
        for d in deltas:
            R = self.y_stats.get_transition_matrix(delta=d)
            S = self.get_embedding(R, ndim=2)
            display_solution('delta%d' % d, 'Using delta=%d' % d, R, S)

            S3 = self.get_embedding(R, ndim=3)
            display_solution('delta%dS3' % d, 'Using delta=%d' % d, R, S3)

        Ts = [self.y_stats.get_transition_matrix(delta=d) for d in deltas]
        T = np.array(Ts)
        R = np.sum(T, axis=0)
        S = self.get_embedding(R, ndim=2)
        display_solution('deltasum', 'Summing all of them', R, S)
        S3 = self.get_embedding(R, ndim=3)
        display_solution('deltasum3', 'Summing all of them', R, S3)

    @contract(R='array[NxN]', ndim='int,>=2')
    def get_embedding(self, R, ndim):
        D = 1 - R
        D = D * np.pi / D.max()
        np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)

#        if pub is not None:
#            P = D * D
#            B = double_center(P)
#            plot_spectrum(pub, 'B', B)

        S = mds(D, ndim=ndim)
        return S