Exemplo n.º 1
class Config(object):
    # get a token from @BotFather
    TG_BOT_TOKEN = get_config("TG_BOT_TOKEN", "1324051195:AAEzq8UZhpZTViNdIig0SzizRP3rMIK3oCs")
    # The Telegram API things
    APP_ID = int(get_config("APP_ID", 1667813))
    API_HASH = get_config("API_HASH", "1f6921c27bf6cd01aba471a14ff33bcb")
     # Get these values from my.telegram.org
    # array to store the channel ID who are authorized to use the bot
    AUTH_USERS = set(
        int(x) for x in get_config(
            "AUTH_USERS", 1004538768
    # the download location, where the HTTP Server runs
    # Telegram maximum file upload size
    MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2097152000
    TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2097152000
    FREE_USER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2097152000
    # default thumbnail to be used in the videos
    DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S = get_config("DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S", "https://telegra.ph/file/170504c96e2fa1ebbc708.jpg")
    # proxy for accessing youtube-dl in GeoRestricted Areas
    # Get your own proxy from https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/1091#issuecomment-230163061
    HTTP_PROXY = get_config("HTTP_PROXY", None)
    # maximum message length in Telegram
    # add config vars for the display progress
    LOG_FILE_ZZGEVC = get_config("LOG_FILE_ZZGEVC", "Log.txt")
      # because, https://t.me/c/1494623325/5603
Exemplo n.º 2
class Config(object):
    # get a token from @BotFather
    TG_BOT_TOKEN = get_config("TG_BOT_TOKEN", "")
    # The Telegram API things
    APP_ID = int(get_config("APP_ID", 12345))
    API_HASH = get_config("API_HASH")
    # Get these values from my.telegram.org
    # array to store the channel ID who are authorized to use the bot
    # the download location, where the HTTP Server runs
    # Telegram maximum file upload size
    MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1572864000
    TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1572864000
    FREE_USER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1572864000
    # default thumbnail to be used in the videos
    # proxy for accessing youtube-dl in GeoRestricted Areas
    # Get your own proxy from https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/1091#issuecomment-230163061
    HTTP_PROXY = get_config("HTTP_PROXY", None)
    # maximum message length in Telegram
    # add config vars for the display progress
    LOG_FILE_ZZGEVC = get_config("LOG_FILE_ZZGEVC", "Log.txt")
    # because, https://t.me/c/1494623325/5603
Exemplo n.º 3
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hello, {} \n\nThis is a Telegram <b>Video Compress Bot</b>. \n\n<b>Please send me any Telegram video file I will compress it as s small video file!</b> \n\n/help for more details."

    ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."

    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."

    DOWNLOAD_START = "Downloading ...\n"

    UPLOAD_START = "Uploading ...\n"

    COMPRESS_START = "Trying to compress ..."

    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."

    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.95GB due to Telegram API limitations."

    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "📥 Downloaded in {}\n\n📀 Compressed in {}\n\n📤 Uploaded in {}\n\nBy @NewCompressorBot"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⏳ ETA: {}\n🚀 Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file."

    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."

    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."

    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "✅ Downloaded Successfully."


    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."

    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "no-one gonna help you\n{}"

    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."

    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "⚠️ Already one Process going on! ⚠️ \n\nCheck Live Status on Updates Channel."

    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "STRINGS_HELP_MESSAGE", """<b>How To Compress Videos? 🤔</b>

1. Send or Forward Me The Video File 
2. Reply To That Video File: /compress (10-90). Eg: <code>/compress 50</code>

Note: Must Define/Type A Number Within 10-90 As Compressing Percentage After /compress Command, Otherwise Video Won't Be Uploaded! 😑
                               "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>")
Exemplo n.º 4
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hello , \n\nThis Is A Telegram Video Compress Bot \n\n<b>Please Send Me Any Telegram Big File I Will Try My Best To Convert It To Small File</b> \n\n/help for more details ... \n\nBy @David9010"
    ABS_TEXT = " Please Dont Be Selfish."
    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select The Format To Convert Or Download: <a href='{}'>File Size Might Be Approximate</a> \nSend Photo To Set custom thumbnail Or Use /deletethumbnail To Clear Thumbnail Data."
    DOWNLOAD_START = "Iam Downloading ⬇️... \n"
    UPLOAD_START = "Iam Uploading⬆️... \n"
    COMPRESS_START = "Compressing The File.."
    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "Size Greater Than Maximum Allowed Size (50MB). Neverthless, Trying To Upload."
    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded In {} Seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I Cannot Upload Files Greater Than 1.5GB Due To Telegram API Limitations."
    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "Downloaded in {}\n\nCompressed In {}\n\nUploaded In {}\n\nThanks For Using Me Please Join @TeluguCartoonWorld❤️"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⭕ ETA: {}\n⭕ Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom Video / File Thumbnail Saved. This Image Will Be Used In The Video / File."
    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom Thumbnail Cleared Successfully."
    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."
    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "✅ Downloaded Successfully."
    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail Found."
    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "Sorry You Cant Use It Use Please Try Again With Correct One\n{}"
    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "⭕User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> Added To {} Till {}."
    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Already One Process Is Going On. \n Or \n A Media Already Exists. \n  Please Send /cancel To Delete Existingng Media."
    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "Hi I Am Video Compressor Bot \n\n1. Please Send Me Any Telegram Big File I Will Try My Best To Convert It On To Small File \n2. Reply To The File - /compress And Persentage \nEg:- <code>/compress 50</code> \n\nAny Doubts Ask My Master :- @David9010"
    WRONG_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "Current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>"
Exemplo n.º 5
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hello, \n\nThis is a Telegram <b>Video Compress Bot</b>. \n\n<b>Please send me any Telegram big video file I will compress it as s small video file!</b> \n\n/help for more details. \n\nSupport Group: @Linux_Repo"
    ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."
    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."
    DOWNLOAD_START = "📥 Downloading ... 📥 \n"
    UPLOAD_START = "📤 Uploading ... 📤 \n"
    COMPRESS_START = "📀 Trying to compress ... 📀"
    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."
    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.95GB due to Telegram API limitations."
    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "📥 Downloaded in {}\n\n📀 Compressed in {}\n\n📤 Uploaded in {}\n\nBy @Discovery_Updates"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⏳ ETA: {}\n🚀 Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file."
    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."
    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."
    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "✅ Downloaded Successfully."
    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."
    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "no-one gonna help you\n{}"
    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."
    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "⚠️ Already one Process going on! ⚠️ \n\nCheck Live Status on Updates Channel."
    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "Hi, I am Video Compressor Bot \n\n1. Send me your telegram big video file \n2. Reply to the file with: `/compress 50` \n\nSupport Group: @Linux_Repo"
    WRONG_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>"
Exemplo n.º 6
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hi, \nI'm Syn-Video-Compressor \nYou can Compress Telegram Videos \n\n/help for more details."
    ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."
    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."
    DOWNLOAD_START = "📥 Downloading 📥 \n"
    UPLOAD_START = "📤 Uploading 📤 \n"
    COMPRESS_START = "📀 Trying to compress ... 📀"
    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."
    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.95GB due to Telegram API limitations."
    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "📥 Downloaded in {}\n\n📀 Compressed in {}\n\n📤 Uploaded in {}"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⏳ ETA: {}\n🚀 Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file."
    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."
    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."
    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "✅ Downloaded Successfully."
    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."
    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "no-one gonna help you\n{}"
    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."
    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "⚠️ Already One Process going on! ⚠️"
    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "How to Use Me? Follow These steps! \n\n1. Send me your Telegram Video. \n2. Reply the file - /compress And Persentage \nEg: <code>/compress 50</code> \n\nIf bot didn't respond, contact @synuser"
    WRONG_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>"
Exemplo n.º 7
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "<b>Hello, My Name Is 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦 𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗢 𝗕𝗢𝗧 🥳.\n\nI'm A <u>𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗢 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗢𝗥 𝗕𝗢𝗧</u>\n\nSend Me Any 𝗧𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 Be It 𝗗𝗼𝗰𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁/𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 & I'll 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 It & Resend You A Smaller Packed Size, See /help For More Information\n\n❌ 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗖𝗔𝗡 𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗬 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠 <u>𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡</u> 𝗧𝗢 𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗜𝗗 𝗕𝗢𝗧 𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗢𝗔𝗗.\n\n𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗧𝗼 @FlixBots 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝘁𝘀</b>"
    ABS_TEXT = "Please Don't Be Selfish."
    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select The Desired Format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf You Want To Set Custom Thumbnail, Send A Photo Before Or Quickly After Tapping On Any Of The Below Buttons.\nYou Can Use /deletethumbnail To Delete The Auto-Generated Thumbnail."
    DOWNLOAD_START = "<b>𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗧𝗼 𝗠𝘆 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗼𝘄 📁</b>\n"
    UPLOAD_START = "<b>𝗨𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗧𝗼 𝗧𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 𝗡𝗼𝘄 🌐</b>\n"
    COMPRESS_START = "<b>𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗡𝗼𝘄.. 📀</b>"
    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."
    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 𝟮𝗚𝗕 due to Telegram API limitations."
    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "<b>📁 𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗜𝗻 {}</b>\n\n<b>📀 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗜𝗻 {}</b>\n\n<b>🌐 𝗨𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗜𝗻 {}</b>\n\n𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗧𝗼 @FlixBots 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝘁𝘀"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "<b>𝗘𝗧𝗔 :</b> {}\n<b>𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 :</b> {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom Video/File Thumbnail Saved. This Image Will Be Used In The Video/File."
    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom Thumbnail Cleared Succesfully. ❌"
    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "Media Cleared Succesfully. ❌"
    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗮 𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 📩."
    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail Found. 😒"
    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "no-one gonna help you\n{}"
    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."
    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "<b>𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗜𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗡𝗼𝘄 ⚠️.\n\n𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗱 /cancel 𝗧𝗼 𝗗𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗮.</b>"
    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "<b><u>More Help & Commands!</u>\n\n<u>Convert To Video</u>\n➠ Send Me Any Telegram File Or Video.\n➠ Reply To That Message With /compress (percentage) Command. Example /compress 50\n\n𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗧𝗼 @FlixBots 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝘁𝘀</b>"
    WRONG_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>"
Exemplo n.º 8
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "**Hai , I Am Video Compress Bot.**"
    ABS_TEXT = "**It's Abs Text, I Can't Do That.**"
    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select The Format To Convert Or Download: <a href='{}'>File Size Might Be Approximate</a> \nSend Photo To Set custom thumbnail Or Use /deletethumbnail To Clear Thumbnail Data."
    DOWNLOAD_START = "**Downloading ⬇️**"
    UPLOAD_START = "**Uploading ⬆️**"
    COMPRESS_START = "**Compressing The File..⏳**"
    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "**Size Greater Than Maximum Allowed Size (50MB). Neverthless, Trying To Upload.**"
    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "⭕**Downloaded In** {} **Seconds**.\n⭕**Detected File Size** : {}\n**Sorry. But, I Cannot Upload Files Greater Than 1.9GB Due To Telegram API Limitations.**"
    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "⭕**Downloaded In** {}\n⭕**Compressed In** {}\n**⭕Uploaded In** {}\n**© David_Botz**"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "**⭕ETA** : {}\n⭕**Progress** : {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "**Custom Video / File Thumbnail Saved. This Image Will Be Used In The Video / File.**"
    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "**✓ Custom Thumbnail Cleared Successfully.**"
    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "**✓ Media cleared succesfully.**"
    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "**✓ Downloaded Successfully.**"
    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "**No Custom ThumbNail Found.**"
    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "**Sorry You Cant Use It , Please Try Again With Correct One\n{}**"
    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "⭕User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> Added To {} Till {}."
    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "**Already One Person Using Me**""
    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "<b>Hi I Am Video Compressor Bot \n\n1. Please Send Me Any Telegram Big File I Will Try My Best To Convert It On To Small File \n2. Reply To The File - /compress And Persentage \nEg:- <code>/compress 50</code> \n\nAny Doubts Ask My Master :- @David_Botz</b>"
    WRONG_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "Current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>"
Exemplo n.º 9
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hello, \n\nI am Telegram Video Compressor BOT 🔥\n\n<b>Please Sent Me Any Telegram Big Video File I Will Compress It To A Small Video File For You! 🥳</b> \n\n/help for more details... \n\nSupport Group :@I_Am_Only_One_1"

    ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."

    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."

    DOWNLOAD_START = "📥 Downloading 📥 \n"

    UPLOAD_START = "📤 Uploading 📤 \n"

    COMPRESS_START = "📀 Trying to Compress... 📀"

    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."

    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} Seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.5GB due to Telegram API limitations."

    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "📥 Downloaded in {}\n\n📀 Compressed in {}\n\n📤 Uploaded in {}\n\nBy, @I_Am_Only_One_1 🔥"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⏳ S1 ETA: {}\n🚀 Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file."

    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."

    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."

    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "✅ Downloaded Successfully."


    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."

    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "no-one gonna help you\n{}"

    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."

    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "⚠️ Already One Process Going On! \nPlease Send /cancel To Delete Existing Media. ⚠️"

    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "Hi, I am Video Compressor BOT 🔥\n\n1. Send Me Your Telegram Big Video File \n2. Reply The File - /compress And Persentage \nFor Example:- <code>/compress 50</code> \n\nSupport Group :@I_Am_Only_One_1"
                               "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>")
Exemplo n.º 10
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Namaste .\n      I am Video Compress Bot . Works only HERE @CompressZONE "

    ABS_TEXT = "<b> My father - @priyanshu_bhardwaj </b> \n\n Compress Your File here :- @CompressZone \n Source :- https://github.com/bhardwajjEE/tgvideoCompress"

    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."

    DOWNLOAD_START = "Downloading ...🦏   "

    UPLOAD_START = "Uploading ...🐝  "

    COMPRESS_START = "Compressing ...🔧  "

    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."

    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.95 GB due to Telegram limitations. 🔒  "

    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "By @TGcompressBot 🐥\n\n 🐘 Downloaded in {}\n🗜️ Compressed in {} 👷\n🕊️ Uploaded in {}"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⏳ Estimated Time : {}\n🌱 Work Done : {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video. "

    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."

    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully. 🚽 "

    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "Downloaded Successfully..✌️ "

    CUSTOM_CAPTION_UL_FILE = "say Thanks to @tgcompressbot"

    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found. 💀 "

    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "no-one gonna help you ... 😬\n{}"

    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."

    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "<b> I am Not Free Now ; Another process is GoiNg Now....🚕 "

    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "Here is simple guide to use me 🤖 \n\n1. Send me video which you want to compress ...🔧 \n\n2. Reply <b> '/compress@tgcompressbot Percentage' </b> to video...💡 \n\n3. I will do Rest Things ..🐾\n\n\n <b> Made in BHARAT with 💌</b> "
                               "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>")
Exemplo n.º 11
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hello, \n\nI am made to compress video files. Send me any file and i will compress it.</b> \n\n/help for more details... \n\n"

    ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."

    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."

    DOWNLOAD_START = " Downloading... \n"

    UPLOAD_START = " Uploading...  \n"

    COMPRESS_START = "Compressing..."

    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."

    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.5GB due to Telegram API limitations."

    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "Downloaded in {}\n\n Compressed in {}\n\n Uploaded in {}"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = " ETA: {}\n Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file."

    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = " Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."

    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = " Media cleared succesfully."

    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = " Downloaded Successfully."


    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."

    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "wrong format bruh\n{}"

    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."

    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = " Already One Process going on. \n or \n A media already exists. \n  Please send /cancel to delete existing media. "

    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "By now you must have known what I do. Let me tell you the commands. \n\n1. Send me a telegram file which you want to compress (either Forward or upload it.) \n2. Reply the file - /compress And Percentage \nEg:- <code>/compress 75</code> \n\n With this command, a 1000MB File Will be converted into 750MB.  \n\n  If you still need help, contact me @FireBreather_1"
                               "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>")
Exemplo n.º 12
class Command:
    START = get_config(
    COMPRESS = get_config(
    CANCEL = get_config(
    STATUS = get_config(
    EXEC = get_config(
    HELP = get_config(
    UPLOAD_LOG_FILE = get_config(
Exemplo n.º 13
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hello, \nIf You Want to Use this Bot.\nDM me Here - @MasterAyushAryan_Bot . \n\nThis is a Telegram Video Compress Bot \n\n<b>Please send me any Telegram big file I Will compress a small file</b> \n\n/help for more details... \n\nSupport Group :@Dx_Support (closed)"

    ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."

    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."

    DOWNLOAD_START = "📥 Downloading 📥 \n"

    UPLOAD_START = "📤 Uploading 📤 \n"

    COMPRESS_START = "📀 Trying to compress... 📀"

    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."

    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.5GB due to Telegram API limitations."

    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "📥 Downloaded in {}\n\n📀 Compressed in {}\n\n📤 Uploaded in {}"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⏳ ETA: {}\n🚀 Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file."

    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."

    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."

    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "✅ Downloaded Successfully."


    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."

    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "no-one gonna help you\n{}"

    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."

    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "⚠️ Already One Process going on. \n or \n A media already exists. \n  Please send /cancel to delete existing media. ⚠️"

    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "If You Want to Use this Bot.\nDM me Here - @MasterAyushAryan_Bot . \nVideo Compressor Bot is Here .\n\n1. Send your telegram big video file \n2. Reply the file - /compress And Persentage \nEg:- <code>/compress 50</code> \n\nSupport Group :@Dx_Support (closed)"
                               "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>")
Exemplo n.º 14
class Localisation:
    START_TEXT = "Hello, \n\nThis is a Telegram 🎦 Video 🗜️ Compressor 🤖 Bot \n\n<b>Please sent me any Telegram 🎦/📁, I Will 🗜️ into a small 📁</b> \n\n/help for more details... \n\n@publicleech1"

    ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."

    FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>📁 size might be approx.</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send 🖼️ before or quickly after tapping on any of the 👇👇👇 buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to 🗑️ the auto-generated thumbnail."

    DOWNLOAD_START = "📥 Downloading 📥 \n"

    UPLOAD_START = "📤 Uploading 📤 \n"

    COMPRESS_START = "Trying to 🗜️ Compress 🎦"

    RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "Size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to ⬆️ Upload."

    RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.96GB due to Telegram API limitations."

    COMPRESS_SUCCESS = "📥 Downloaded in {}\n\n📀 Compressed in {}\n\n📤 Uploaded in {}"

    COMPRESS_PROGRESS = "⏳ ETA: {}\n🚀 Progress: {}%"

    SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom 🎦 / 📁 thumbnail saved ✅ This 🖼️ will be used in the 🎦 / 📁."

    DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."

    FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."

    SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "✅ Downloaded Successfully."


    NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."

    NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "No-one gonna help you\n{}"

    USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."

    FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "⚠️ Already One Process going on. \n or \n A media already exists. \n  Please send /cancel to 🗑️ existing media. ⚠️"

    HELP_MESSAGE = get_config(
        "Hi am Video Compressor Bot \n\n1. Sent your telegram big video file \n2. Reply the file - /compress And Persentage \nEg:- <code>/compress 50</code> \n\n@publicleech1"
                               "current CHAT ID: <code>{CHAT_ID}</code>")
Exemplo n.º 15
class Command:
    START = get_config("COMMAND_START", "start@SINNER_CM_bot")
    COMPRESS = get_config("COMMAND_COMPRESS", "compress@SINNER_CM_bot")
    CANCEL = get_config("COMMAND_CANCEL", "cancel@SINNER_CM_bot")
    STATUS = get_config("COMMAND_STATUS", "status@SINNER_CM_bot")
    EXEC = get_config("COMMAND_EXEC", "exec@SINNER_CM_bot")
    HELP = get_config("COMMAND_HELP", "help@SINNER_CM_bot")
Exemplo n.º 16
class Config(object):
    # You can keep this default
    SESSION_NAME = get_config("SESSION_NAME", "Video Compressor")
    # Put MongoDB URL
    DATABASE_URL = get_config("DATABASE_URL", "")
    # get a token from @BotFather
    TG_BOT_TOKEN = get_config("TG_BOT_TOKEN", "")
    # The Telegram API things
    APP_ID = int(get_config("APP_ID", 12345))
    API_HASH = get_config("API_HASH", "")
    LOG_CHANNEL = get_config("LOG_CHANNEL")
    UPDATES_CHANNEL = get_config("UPDATES_CHANNEL")  # Without `@` LOL
    # Get these values from my.telegram.org
    # array to store the channel ID who are authorized to use the bot
    AUTH_USERS = set(
        int(x) for x in get_config("AUTH_USERS", should_prompt=True).split())
    # the download location, where the HTTP Server runs
    DOWNLOAD_LOCATION = get_config("DOWNLOAD_LOCATION", "/app/downloads")
    # Telegram maximum file upload size
    BOT_USERNAME = get_config("BOT_USERNAME", "")
    MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2097152000
    TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2097152000
    FREE_USER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2097152000
    # default thumbnail to be used in the videos
    # proxy for accessing youtube-dl in GeoRestricted Areas
    # Get your own proxy from https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/1091#issuecomment-230163061
    HTTP_PROXY = get_config("HTTP_PROXY", None)
    # maximum message length in Telegram
    # add config vars for the display progress
    LOG_FILE_ZZGEVC = get_config("LOG_FILE_ZZGEVC", "Log.txt")
    # because,