def main(argv): if not len(argv): usage() sys.exit(1) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "m:o:s:d:raf", ["message=","output=","search=","delete=","run","add","filter"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) add = False filters = False search = None output = None for o, a in opts: if o in ("-r", "--run"): runbot() if o in ("-m", "--message"): bot.output(a) print "Sent." sys.exit(0) if o in ("-mw", "--message"): bot.output(a,'C') print "Sent." sys.exit(0) if o in ("-s", "--search"): search = a if o in ("-o", "--output"): output = a if o in ("-a", "--add"): add = True if o in ("-f", "--filter"): filters = True if o in ("-d", "--delete"): delete(a) if add and search and output: database.add_filter(search,output) print "Filter added successfully." elif filters and (search or output): fsearch(search, output) else: usage()
def process(text,sender,chatroom): userary = ['void1', 'void2'] gods = ['mousepak','beobachten'] # bosstry lvl boss unit if text.find('!boss') > -1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] if p !=None: bosstypes = {"d":0, "h":1, "m":2} suggested_troops = {"berserker":[0,1,0,50,300,2000,4000,10000,15000,20000,30000,45000,60000], "ranger":[0,1,0,84,500,3334,6667,16667,25000,33334,50000,75000,100000], "guardian":[0,1,0,250,1500,10000,20000,50000,75000,100000,150000,225000,300000], "xbow":[1,0,0,63,375,2500,5000,12500,18750,25000,37500,56250,75000], "knight":[1,0,0,28,167,1112,2223,5556,8334,11112,16667,25000,33334], "mage":[0,0,1,36,215,1429,2858,7143,10715,14286,21429,32143,42858], "warlock":[0,0,1,21,125,834,1667,4167,6250,8334,12500,18750,25000], "templar":[0,1,0,100,600,4000,8000,20000,30000,40000,60000,90000,120000], "paladin":[1,0,0,42,250,1667,3334,8334,12500,16667,25000,37500,50000]} research_bonus = [1, 0.99, 0.97, 0.94, 0.90, 0.85, 0.80, 0.75, 0.70, 0.65, 0.60, 0.55, 0.5] try: tokens = text.split() cmd = tokens[0] type = tokens[1][:1] num = tokens[1][1:] unit = tokens[2] research_lvl = 0 if len(tokens) == 4: research_lvl = int(tokens[3]) if research_lvl > 12: research_lvl = 12 # print research_lvl # print len(tokens) troops = suggested_troops[unit][int(float(num))+2] if suggested_troops[unit][bosstypes[type]] == 1: troops = suggested_troops[unit][int(float(num))+2]*0.67 troops = troops * research_bonus[research_lvl] response = 'suggested troop numbers to send : '+str(int(round(troops, 0))) bot.whisper(response, sender) except (IndexError, ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): bot.whisper('try again: !boss {d|h|m}{1-10} type - type can be berserker, ranger, guardian, xbow, knight, mage, warlock, templar or paladin', sender) bot.whisper('e.g. !boss d7 knight', sender) return # quit if sender.lower() in gods and text.find('!die') >= 0: bot.whisper('Cya!', sender) sys.exit(0) # restart all bots if sender.lower() in gods and text.find('!restart') >= 0: bot.whisper('Attempting restart!', sender) os.system("pkill -f 'python -r'") # help if text.find('!help') > -1 and len(text.split(' ',1)) == 1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' Available commands.. !fight, !shoot, !tickle and !parp.','C') if p !=None: bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' Most commands whisper to remove chat spam. Type `help name` to find out more about the function `name`. Available commands.. help, boss, check, city, claim, hunt.','C') if sender in str(userary): bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' *Privileged commands.. history','C') if sender in str(gods): bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' *Master commands.. alliance, die, msg, whisper','C') return if text.find('!help') > -1 and len(text.split(' ',1)) > 1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] if p !=None: try: arg = text.split(' ',1)[1] if arg == 'boss': bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' info about boss command.','C') elif arg == 'city': bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' info about city command.','C') else: bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' Not found','C') except ValueError: bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' something went wrong','C') except (Exception, e): print 'Something bad just happened!\n', e return # record alliance members to database table if sender.lower() in gods and text.find('!alliance') > -1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': alliance_data = connect.getAllianceInfo(7) db = database.get_db() db.execute('delete from alliance_names') db.execute('vacuum') for index, item in enumerate(alliance_data): rep = item['n'] db.execute('insert or replace into alliance_names (player) values (?)',(rep,)) database.commit() bot.whisper('Done', sender) # print(alliance_data) return # !history response if text.find('!history') > -1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] if p !=None: histname = text.split(' ',1)[1] lynxcmd = "lynx -source -auth=="+config.EXTUSER+":"+config.EXTPASS+" '"+config.EXTURL+"bot_lookup.php?world=39&player="+histname+"'" histdata = os.popen(lynxcmd).read() print(sender+' '+histdata) histdata2 = histdata.split('#') bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' '+histdata2[0],'C') bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' '+histdata2[1],'C') bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' '+histdata2[2],'C') bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' '+histdata2[3],'C') return # !city info response if text.find('!city') > -1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] if p !=None: print('room = '+chatroom) cityxy = text.split(' ',1)[1] cityxy = str(cityxy).replace("[coords]","") cityxy = cityxy.replace("[/coords]","") cityxy = cityxy.replace(" ","") # print(cityxy) cityx = cityxy.split(':')[0] cityy = cityxy.split(':')[1] lynxcmd = "lynx -source -auth="+config.EXTUSER+":"+config.EXTPASS+" '"+config.EXTURL+"bot_city.php?world=39&x="+cityx+"&y="+cityy+"'" citydata = os.popen(lynxcmd).read() # print(sender+' '+lynxcmd) print(sender+' '+citydata) citydata2 = citydata.split('#') # print(len(citydata2)) # print(citydata2[0]) for botout in range(0, len(citydata2)-1): bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' '+citydata2[botout],'C') else: bot.output('/whisper '+sender+' done','C') return # Make the bot speak if sender.lower() in gods and text.find('!msg') > -1: chandata = text.replace('!msg ','') bot.output(chandata,'C') return # Make the bot whisper if text.strip().find('!whisper') == 0 and sender.lower() in gods: tokens = text.split() cmd = tokens[0] target = tokens[1] message = ' '.join(tokens[2:]) bot.whisper(message, target) return # add claim if text.find('!claim') > -1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] if p !=None: try: arg = text.split(' ',1)[1] xy = arg.split(':',1) x = str(xy[0]).replace("[coords]","") x = x.replace(" ","") y = str(xy[1]).replace("[/coords]","") if len(x) > 3 or len(y) > 3: raise IndexError if database.check_claim(x,y): bot.whisper('Location already claimed by ' + database.check_claim(x,y) + '. :(', sender) else: database.add_claim(x,y,sender) bot.whisper(x + ':' + y + ' successfully claimed!', sender) except IndexError: bot.whisper('Looks like you made a typo.', sender) return return # check claim if text.find('!check') > -1 and chatroom == 'rivatein': # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] if p !=None: try: arg = text.split(' ',1)[1] xy = arg.split(':',1) x = str(xy[0]).replace("[coords]","") x = x.replace(" ","") y = str(xy[1]).replace("[/coords]","") if len(x) > 3 or len(y) > 3: raise IndexError if database.check_claim(x,y): bot.whisper(x + ':' + y + ' is claimed by ' + database.check_claim(x,y) + '. :(', sender) else: bot.whisper(x + ':' + y + ' is not claimed yet!', sender) except IndexError: bot.whisper('Looks like you made a typo.', sender) return return # Look for bosses, but only on whispers if '!hunt' in text and 'rivate' in chatroom: # check within alliance table db = database.get_db() d = db.execute('select player from alliance_names where player=?',(sender,)) p = None for r in d: p = r[0] if p !=None: cooldown = 60 * 5 x = None y = None cont = None lvl_max = 10 lvl_min = 7 # Let's not give some people an unfair advantage... if 'lekke' in sender.lower(): bot.whisper('Sorry Lekke, you are too good to use me...', sender) return # First check that player isn't spamming this function be enforcing a cool down period now = int(time.time()) db = database.get_db() resp = db.execute('select time from boss_cooldown where player = ?',(sender.lower(),)) last_req = resp.fetchone() if last_req: last_req = int(last_req[0]) elapsed = now - last_req if elapsed < cooldown: if sender.lower() in gods: bot.whisper("Cheating... [elapsed is %d secs]"%elapsed, sender) else: def ptime(s): # pretty time mins = s/60 secs = s%60 out = "" if mins > 0: out += '%d min, '%mins out += '%d sec'%secs return out bot.whisper("Easy there killer :P Wait %s, then try again"%(ptime(cooldown - elapsed))) return try: tokens = text.split() cmd = tokens[0] source = tokens[1] source = str(source).replace("[coords]","") source = source.replace("[/coords]","") source = source.replace(" ","") if len(tokens) > 2: lvl_min = int(tokens[2]) if len(tokens) > 3: lvl_max = int(tokens[3]) if ':' in source: # source is a city x,y = map(int, source.split(':')) elif 'c' in source.lower(): # source is a continent cont = int(source.lower().strip('c')) x = ((cont % 10) * 100) + 50 y = ((cont / 10) * 100) + 50 else: raise ValueError except (IndexError, ValueError, TypeError): bot.whisper('try again: !hunt city_coords OR cont [min level=7] [max level=10]>', sender) bot.whisper('e.g. !hunt c22 8', sender) return db.execute('insert or replace into boss_cooldown (player, time) values (?, ?)',(sender,now)) database.commit() if lvl_min < 1: lvl_min = 1 if lvl_max > 10: lvl_max = 10 if lvl_max < lvl_min: lvl_min = lvl_max # get all bosses on the continent cells = world.pos2contcells(x,y) world_data = connect.getWorldInfo(cells) bosses = world.parse_bosses(world_data) # limit to the lvl_min and continent we're interested in bosses = [b for b in bosses if b['alive'] and b['level'] >= lvl_min and b['level'] <= lvl_max and world.get_cont(b['x'],b['y']) == world.get_cont(x,y)] # sort by highest level first or distance depending on request if cont: bosses = sorted(bosses, key=lambda a: -a['level']) else: import math bosses = sorted(bosses, key=lambda a: math.sqrt((x - a['x'])**2 + (y - a['y'])**2)) # restrict number returned if len(bosses) > 10: bosses = bosses[:10] # create the response if len(bosses) > 0: response = ', '.join(["%s%d %03d:%03d"%(b['name'][0], b['level'], b['x'], b['y']) for b in bosses]) else: response = 'None found, mate.' bot.whisper(response, sender) return # Player commands # if 'botx' in text.lower(): # bot.output(sender+' touched me in an inappropriate way','C') # Random facts if 'random' in text.lower() and 'botx' not in text.lower(): db = database.get_db() resp = db.execute('select fact from random_facts order by random() limit 1') responce = 'RANDOM..'+str(resp.fetchone())[3:-3] bot.output(responce,chatroom)
def process(text,sender,chatroom): # CXX response rg = re.compile('(C)(\\d+)',re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) m = if m: bot.output('C''? I think some idiots must live there.',chatroom) # !fight response if text.find('!fight') > -1: n = random.randint(1,9) fightee = text.split(' ',1)[1] if n < 4: bot.output('On this day, '+sender+' fought '+fightee+', and '+sender+' came out victorious!',chatroom) elif n < 7: bot.output('On this day, '+sender+' fought '+fightee+', and '+fightee+' came out victorious!',chatroom) elif n < 9: bot.output('On this day, '+sender+' fought '+fightee+', and obsessive1 came out victorious!',chatroom) else: bot.output('On this day, '+sender+' fought '+fightee+', and God came out victorious!',chatroom) # !tickle response if text.find('!tickle') > -1: n = random.randint(1,9) ticklee = text.split(' ',1)[1] if n < 4: bot.output(sender+' tickled '+ticklee+' until they parped in their pants.',chatroom) elif n < 7: bot.output(sender+' tickled '+ticklee+' with their you know what.',chatroom) elif n < 9: bot.output(sender+' got kicked in the face tickling '+ticklee+'.',chatroom) else: bot.output(sender+' was killed by a freak serial tickler named '+ticklee,chatroom) # !shoot-er if text.find('!shoot') > -1: leader = 'becaz' shootee = text.split(' ',1)[1] if shootee.lower() == leader.lower(): bot.output('Who dare shoot the Monkey high priest! :o',chatroom) bot.output(sender+' died at the wrath of '+leader+'.',chatroom) else: bot.output(sender+' killed '+shootee+'. :(',chatroom) # parp response if text.find('parp') > -1: n = random.randint(1,4) if n == 1: bot.output(sender+' parped in their pants. Probably best to stay away for a while.',chatroom) elif n == 2: bot.output(sender+' parped a wet one.',chatroom) elif n == 3: bot.output(sender+' parped lightening.',chatroom) else: bot.output(sender+' parped like a boss.',chatroom) # add claim if text.find('!claim') > -1 and chatroom == 'A': try: arg = text.split(' ',1)[1] xy = arg.split(':',1) x = xy[0] y = xy[1] if len(x) > 3 or len(y) > 3: raise IndexError if database.check_claim(x,y): bot.output('City already claimed by ' + database.check_claim(x,y) + ". :(") else: database.add_claim(x,y,sender) bot.output(x + ':' + y + ' successfully claimed!') except IndexError: bot.output('Looks like you made a typo.') # check claim if text.find('!check') > -1 and chatroom == 'A': try: arg = text.split(' ',1)[1] xy = arg.split(':',1) x = xy[0] y = xy[1] if len(x) > 3 or len(y) > 3: raise IndexError if database.check_claim(x,y): bot.output(x + ':' + y + ' is claimed by ' + database.check_claim(x,y) + " :(") else: bot.output(x + ':' + y + ' is not claimed yet!') except IndexError: bot.output('Looks like you made a typo.')