Exemplo n.º 1
    def forward(self, X: Tensor, num_samples: int = 1) -> Tensor:
        r"""Sample from a tempered value of the acquisition function value.

            X: A `batch_shape x N x d`-dim Tensor from which to sample (in the `N`
                dimension) according to the maximum posterior value under the objective.
                Note that if a batched model is used in the underlying acquisition
                function, then its batch shape must be broadcastable to `batch_shape`.
            num_samples: The number of samples to draw.

            A `batch_shape x num_samples x d`-dim Tensor of samples from `X`, where
            `X[..., i, :]` is the `i`-th sample.
        # TODO: Can we get the model batch shape property from the model?
        # we move the `N` dimension to the front for evaluating the acquisition function
        # so that X_eval has shape `N x batch_shape x 1 x d`
        X_eval = X.permute(-2, *range(X.ndim - 2), -1).unsqueeze(-2)
        acqval = self.acq_func(X_eval)  # N x batch_shape
        # now move the `N` dimension back (this is the number of categories)
        acqval = acqval.permute(*range(1, X.ndim - 1), 0)  # batch_shape x N
        weights = torch.exp(self.eta * standardize(acqval))  # batch_shape x N
        idcs = batched_multinomial(weights=weights,
        # now do some gathering acrobatics to select the right elements from X
        return torch.gather(X, -2,
                            idcs.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*idcs.shape, X.size(-1)))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_batched_multinomial(self):
     num_categories = 5
     num_samples = 4
     Trulse = (True, False)
     for batch_shape, dtype, replacement, use_gen, use_out in itertools.product(
         ([], [3], [2, 3]), (torch.float, torch.double), Trulse, Trulse,
         weights = torch.rand(*batch_shape, num_categories, dtype=dtype)
         out = None
         if use_out:
             out = torch.empty(*batch_shape, num_samples, dtype=torch.long)
         samples = batched_multinomial(
             generator=torch.Generator() if use_gen else None,
                          torch.Size([*batch_shape, num_samples]))
         if use_out:
             self.assertTrue(torch.equal(samples, out))
         if not replacement:
             for s in samples.view(-1, num_samples):
                 self.assertTrue(torch.unique(s).size(0), num_samples)
Exemplo n.º 3
def initialize_q_batch(X: Tensor,
                       Y: Tensor,
                       n: int,
                       eta: float = 1.0) -> Tensor:
    r"""Heuristic for selecting initial conditions for candidate generation.

    This heuristic selects points from `X` (without replacement) with probability
    proportional to `exp(eta * Z)`, where `Z = (Y - mean(Y)) / std(Y)` and `eta`
    is a temperature parameter.

    When using an acquisiton function that is non-negative and possibly zero
    over large areas of the feature space (e.g. qEI), you should use
    `initialize_q_batch_nonneg` instead.

        X: A `b x batch_shape x q x d` tensor of `b` - `batch_shape` samples of
            `q`-batches from a d`-dim feature space. Typically, these are generated
            using qMC sampling.
        Y: A tensor of `b x batch_shape` outcomes associated with the samples.
            Typically, this is the value of the batch acquisition function to be
        n: The number of initial condition to be generated. Must be less than `b`.
        eta: Temperature parameter for weighting samples.

        A `n x batch_shape x q x d` tensor of `n` - `batch_shape` `q`-batch initial
        conditions, where each batch of `n x q x d` samples is selected independently.

        >>> # To get `n=10` starting points of q-batch size `q=3`
        >>> # for model with `d=6`:
        >>> qUCB = qUpperConfidenceBound(model, beta=0.1)
        >>> Xrnd = torch.rand(500, 3, 6)
        >>> Xinit = initialize_q_batch(Xrnd, qUCB(Xrnd), 10)
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    batch_shape = X.shape[1:-2] or torch.Size()
    if n > n_samples:
        raise RuntimeError(f"n ({n}) cannot be larger than the number of "
                           f"provided samples ({n_samples})")
    elif n == n_samples:
        return X

    Ystd = Y.std(dim=0)
    if torch.any(Ystd == 0):
            "All acquisition values for raw samples points are the same for "
            "at least one batch. Choosing initial conditions at random.",
        return X[torch.randperm(n=n_samples, device=X.device)][:n]

    max_val, max_idx = torch.max(Y, dim=0)
    Z = (Y - Y.mean(dim=0)) / Ystd
    etaZ = eta * Z
    weights = torch.exp(etaZ)
    while torch.isinf(weights).any():
        etaZ *= 0.5
        weights = torch.exp(etaZ)
    if batch_shape == torch.Size():
        idcs = torch.multinomial(weights, n)
        idcs = batched_multinomial(
                                           len(batch_shape) + 1), 0),
            num_samples=n).permute(-1, *range(len(batch_shape)))
    # make sure we get the maximum
    if max_idx not in idcs:
        idcs[-1] = max_idx
    if batch_shape == torch.Size():
        return X[idcs]
        return X.gather(dim=0,
                        index=idcs.view(*idcs.shape, 1,
                                        1).expand(n, *X.shape[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 4
def gen_value_function_initial_conditions(
    acq_function: AcquisitionFunction,
    bounds: Tensor,
    num_restarts: int,
    raw_samples: int,
    current_model: Model,
    options: Optional[Dict[str, Union[bool, float, int]]] = None,
) -> Tensor:
    r"""Generate a batch of smart initializations for optimizing
    the value function of qKnowledgeGradient.

    This function generates initial conditions for optimizing the inner problem of
    KG, i.e. its value function, using the maximizer of the posterior objective.
    Intutively, the maximizer of the fantasized posterior will often be close to a
    maximizer of the current posterior. This function uses that fact to generate the
    initital conditions for the fantasy points. Specifically, a fraction of `1 -
    frac_random` (see options) of raw samples is generated by sampling from the set of
    maximizers of the posterior objective (obtained via random restart optimization)
    according to a softmax transformation of their respective values. This means that
    this initialization strategy internally solves an acquisition function
    maximization problem. The remaining raw samples are generated using
    `draw_sobol_samples`. All raw samples are then evaluated, and the initial
    conditions are selected according to the standard initialization strategy in
    'initialize_q_batch' individually for each inner problem.

        acq_function: The value function instance to be optimized.
        bounds: A `2 x d` tensor of lower and upper bounds for each column of
            task features.
        num_restarts: The number of starting points for multistart acquisition
            function optimization.
        raw_samples: The number of raw samples to consider in the initialization
        current_model: The model of the KG acquisition function that was used to
            generate the fantasy model of the value function.
        options: Options for initial condition generation. These contain all
            settings for the standard heuristic initialization from
            `gen_batch_initial_conditions`. In addition, they contain
            `frac_random` (the fraction of fully random fantasy points),
            `num_inner_restarts` and `raw_inner_samples` (the number of random
            restarts and raw samples for solving the posterior objective
            maximization problem, respectively) and `eta` (temperature parameter
            for sampling heuristic from posterior objective maximizers).

        A `num_restarts x batch_shape x q x d` tensor that can be used as initial
        conditions for `optimize_acqf()`. Here `batch_shape` is the batch shape
        of value function model.

        >>> fant_X = torch.rand(5, 1, 2)
        >>> fantasy_model = model.fantasize(fant_X, SobolQMCNormalSampler(16))
        >>> value_function = PosteriorMean(fantasy_model)
        >>> bounds = torch.tensor([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])
        >>> Xinit = gen_value_function_initial_conditions(
        >>>     value_function, bounds, num_restarts=10, raw_samples=512,
        >>>     options={"frac_random": 0.25},
        >>> )
    options = options or {}
    seed: Optional[int] = options.get("seed")
    frac_random: float = options.get("frac_random", 0.6)
    if not 0 < frac_random < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"frac_random must take on values in (0,1). Value: {frac_random}")

    # compute maximizer of the current value function
    value_function = _get_value_function(
        sampler=getattr(acq_function, "sampler", None),
        project=getattr(acq_function, "project", None),
    from botorch.optim.optimize import optimize_acqf

    fantasy_cands, fantasy_vals = optimize_acqf(
        num_restarts=options.get("num_inner_restarts", 20),
        raw_samples=options.get("raw_inner_samples", 1024),
            k: v
            for k, v in options.items()
            if k not in ("frac_random", "num_inner_restarts",
                         "raw_inner_samples", "eta")

    batch_shape = acq_function.model.batch_shape
    # sampling from the optimizers
    n_value = int((1 - frac_random) * raw_samples)  # number of non-random ICs
    if n_value > 0:
        eta = options.get("eta", 2.0)
        weights = torch.exp(eta * standardize(fantasy_vals))
        idx = batched_multinomial(
            weights=weights.expand(*batch_shape, -1),
        ).permute(-1, *range(len(batch_shape)))
        resampled = fantasy_cands[idx]
        resampled = torch.empty(0,
    # add qMC samples
    randomized = draw_sobol_samples(bounds=bounds,
                                    n=raw_samples - n_value,
    # full set of raw samples
    X_rnd = torch.cat([resampled, randomized], dim=0)

    # evaluate the raw samples
    with torch.no_grad():
        Y_rnd = acq_function(X_rnd)

    # select the restart points using the heuristic
    return initialize_q_batch(X=X_rnd,
                              eta=options.get("eta", 2.0))