Exemplo n.º 1
    def create_wsgi_handler(self):
        wsgi_template = cuisine.text_strip_margin(
            |import os
            |import sys
            |import site
            |# prevent errors with 'print' commands
            |sys.stdout = sys.stderr
            |# adopted from http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/VirtualEnvironments
            |def add_to_path(dirs):
            |    # Remember original sys.path.
            |    prev_sys_path = list(sys.path)
            |    # Add each new site-packages directory.
            |    for directory in dirs:
            |        site.addsitedir(directory)
            |    # Reorder sys.path so new directories at the front.
            |    new_sys_path = []
            |    for item in list(sys.path):
            |        if item not in prev_sys_path:
            |            new_sys_path.append(item)
            |            sys.path.remove(item)
            |    sys.path[:0] = new_sys_path
            |     $virtualenv_path
            |     '$src_root',
            |os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '$settings_module'
            |import django.core.handlers.wsgi
            |application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

        if self.use_virtualenv:
            virtualenv_template = cuisine.text_strip_margin("""
            |    os.path.normpath('$site_root/$virtualenv_name/lib/python$python_version/site-packages'),

            context = {
                'site_root': self.remote_site_path,
                'python_version': self.python.get_short_version(),
                'virtualenv_name': self.virtualenv_name

            virtualenv_path = cuisine.text_template(virtualenv_template, context)
            virtualenv_path = ''

        if self.env_path:
            context = self.__dict__.copy()
            context['virtualenv_path'] = virtualenv_path
            return cuisine.text_template(wsgi_template, context)
            raise RuntimeError("Properties env_path and $project_local_path should be set to configure web server")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def create_apache_config(self):
        apache_template = cuisine.text_strip_margin(
            |<VirtualHost *:80>
            |    ServerAdmin $server_admin
            |    DocumentRoot $static_root
            |    Alias $media_url $media_root/
            |    <Directory $media_root>
            |           Order deny,allow
            |           Allow from all
            |    </Directory>
            |    Alias $static_url $static_root/
            |    <Directory $static_root>
            |           Order deny,allow
            |           Allow from all
            |    </Directory>
            |    WSGIScriptAlias / $wsgi_handler_path
            |    WSGIDaemonProcess $project_name
            |    WSGIProcessGroup %{GLOBAL}

        return cuisine.text_template(apache_template, self.__dict__)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_wsgi_handler(self):

        if self.use_virtualenv:
            virtualenv_template = cuisine.text_strip_margin(
            |    os.path.normpath('$site_root/$virtualenv_name/lib/python$python_version/site-packages'),

            context = {
                "site_root": self.remote_site_path,
                "project_root": self.remote_project_path,
                "python_version": self.python.get_short_version(),
                "virtualenv_name": self.virtualenv_name,

            virtualenv_path = cuisine.text_template(virtualenv_template, context)

            virtualenv_path = ""

        if self.env_path:
            context = self.settings.__dict__
            context["virtualenv_path"] = virtualenv_path
            return cuisine.text_template(self.wsgi_template, context)
            raise RuntimeError("Properties env_path and $project_local_path should be set to configure web server")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_backup_script(self, folder=None, project_name=None):
        folder = folder or "/tmp"
        project_name = project_name or self.database_name

        tmpl = cuisine.text_strip_margin(
            |echo *:*:${database_name}:${user}:${password} > ~/.pgpass
            |chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
            |file_full_path="${folder}/${project_name}_db_`date +%s`.sql.gz"
            |pg_dump -O -x ${database_name} | gzip > $file_full_path
            |echo $file_full_path | env python /usr/local/bin/s3.py
            |rm ~/.pgpass
            |rm $file_full_path

        context = {
            "database_name": self.database_name,
            "user": self.user,
            "password": self.password,
            "folder": folder,
            "project_name": project_name,

        return cuisine.text_template(tmpl, context)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_backup_script(self, folder=None):
        folder = folder or "/tmp"

        tmpl = cuisine.text_strip_margin(
            |media_full_path="${folder}/${project_name}_media_`date +%s`.tar.gz"
            |tar -cvzf $media_full_path ${media_root}
            |echo $media_full_path | env python /usr/local/bin/s3.py
            |rm $media_full_path

        context = {"project_name": self.project_name, "media_root": self.media_root, "folder": folder}

        return cuisine.text_template(tmpl, context)