Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_save(self):
        history = History()
        history.entries = []
        for line in ['#1', '#2', '#3', '#4']:
            history.append_to(history.entries, line)

        # save only last 2 lines
        history.save(self.filename, self.encoding, lines=2)

        # empty the list of entries and load again from the file
        history.entries = ['']
        history.load(self.filename, self.encoding)

        self.assertEqual(history.entries, ['#3', '#4'])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_save(self):
        history = History()
        history.entries = []
        for line in ["#1", "#2", "#3", "#4"]:
            history.append_to(history.entries, line)

        # save only last 2 lines
        history.save(self.filename, self.encoding, lines=2)

        # empty the list of entries and load again from the file
        history.entries = [""]
        history.load(self.filename, self.encoding)

        self.assertEqual(history.entries, ["#3", "#4"])
Exemplo n.º 3
class Repl(object):
    """Implements the necessary guff for a Python-repl-alike interface

    The execution of the code entered and all that stuff was taken from the
    Python code module, I had to copy it instead of inheriting it, I can't
    remember why. The rest of the stuff is basically what makes it fancy.

    It reads what you type, passes it to a lexer and highlighter which
    returns a formatted string. This then gets passed to echo() which
    parses that string and prints to the curses screen in appropriate
    colours and/or bold attribute.

    The Repl class also keeps two stacks of lines that the user has typed in:
    One to be used for the undo feature. I am not happy with the way this
    works.  The only way I have been able to think of is to keep the code
    that's been typed in in memory and re-evaluate it in its entirety for each
    "undo" operation. Obviously this means some operations could be extremely
    slow.  I'm not even by any means certain that this truly represents a
    genuine "undo" implementation, but it does seem to be generally pretty

    If anyone has any suggestions for how this could be improved, I'd be happy
    to hear them and implement it/accept a patch. I researched a bit into the
    idea of keeping the entire Python state in memory, but this really seems
    very difficult (I believe it may actually be impossible to work) and has
    its own problems too.

    The other stack is for keeping a history for pressing the up/down keys
    to go back and forth between lines.

    XXX Subclasses should implement echo, current_line, current_word

    def __init__(self, interp, config):
        """Initialise the repl.

        interp is a Python code.InteractiveInterpreter instance

        config is a populated bpython.config.Struct.
        self.config = config
        self.buffer = []
        self.interp = interp
        self.interp.syntaxerror_callback = self.clear_current_line
        self.match = False
        self.s = ""
        self.cpos = 0
        self.s_hist = []
        self.rl_history = History(allow_duplicates=self.config.hist_duplicates)
        self.stdin_history = History()
        self.stdout_history = History()
        self.evaluating = False
        self.completer = BPythonCompleter(self.interp.locals, config)
        self.parser = ReplParser(self)
        self.matches = []
        self.matches_iter = MatchesIterator()
        self.argspec = None
        self.list_win_visible = False
        self._C = {}
        self.interact = Interaction(self.config)
        self.ps1 = '>>> '
        self.ps2 = '... '

        # Necessary to fix mercurial.ui.ui expecting sys.stderr to have this
        # attribute
        self.closed = False

        pythonhist = os.path.expanduser(self.config.hist_file)
        if os.path.exists(pythonhist):
                                 getpreferredencoding() or "ascii")

    def register_command(self, name, function=None, without_completion=False):
        def inner(function, name=name):
            if not name:
                name = function.__name__.replace('_', '-')
            if self.interp.register_command(name, function) and not without_completion:
                name += " "

        if not function:
            return inner
            return inner(function, name)

    def history(self):
        return self.stdin_history

    def current_line(self):
        raise (NotImplementedError("current_line should be implemented in subclass"))

    def clear_current_line(self):
        """This is used as the exception callback for the Interpreter instance.
        It prevents autoindentation from occuring after a traceback."""
        raise (NotImplementedError("clear_current_line should be implemented in subclass"))

    def reevaluate(self):
        raise (NotImplementedError("reevaluate should be implemented in subclass"))

    def tab(self):
        raise (NotImplementedError("tab should be implemented in subclass"))

    def tokenize(self, s, newline=False):
        """Tokenize a line of code."""
        return self.parser.tokenize(s, newline)

    def startup(self):
        Execute PYTHONSTARTUP file if it exits. Call this after front
        end-specific initialisation.

    def stdout(self):
        return str(self.stdout_history)

    def stdin(self):
        return str(self.stdin_history)

    def current_string(self):
        """If the line ends in a string get it, otherwise return ''"""
        return self.parser.get_current_string()

    def current_word(self):
        """Return the current word, i.e. the (incomplete) word directly to the
        left of the cursor"""
        return self.parser.get_current_word()

    def get_current_sbracket(self):
        return self.parser.get_current_sbracket()

    def is_first_word(self):
        return self.parser.is_first_word()

    def is_only_word(self):
        return self.parser.is_only_word()

    def is_assignment_statement(self):
        return self.parser.is_assignment_statement()

    def get_object(self, name):
        return self.interp.get_object(name)

    def set_argspec(self):
        """Check if an unclosed parenthesis exists, then attempt to get the
        argspec() for it. On success, update self.argspec and return True,
        otherwise set self.argspec to None and return False"""

        if not self.config.arg_spec:
            self.argspec = None
            func, arg_number = self.parser.get_current_func()
            self.argspec = self.interp.get_argspec(self, func, arg_number)

    def current_object(self):
        """Return the object which is bound to the
        current name in the current input line. Return `None` if the
        source cannot be found."""
        obj = None
        line = self.current_line
        if inspection.is_eval_safe_name(line):
            obj = self.get_object(line)

        return obj

    def complete(self, tab=False):
        """Construct a full list of possible completions and construct and
        display them in a window. Also check if there's an available argspec
        (via the inspect module) and bang that on top of the completions too.
        The return value is whether the list_win is visible or not."""

        current_word = self.current_word
        current_string = self.current_string
        sb_expr, sb_attr = self.get_current_sbracket()
        line = self.current_line.lstrip()
        if sb_expr:
            self.completer.get_item_complete(sb_expr, sb_attr)
            self.matches = self.completer.matches
            self.matches_iter.update(sb_attr, self.matches)
            return bool(self.matches)
        elif not current_word:
            self.matches = []
            return bool(self.argspec)
        elif not (current_word or current_string):
            return bool(self.argspec)
        elif current_string:
            if tab:
                # Filename completion
                self.matches = self.completer.matches
                self.matches_iter.update(current_string, self.matches)
                return bool(self.matches)
                # Do not provide suggestions inside strings, as one cannot tab
                # them so they would be really confusing.
                self.matches = []
                return False
        elif (self.config.complete_magic_methods
                and self.buffer
                and self.buffer[0].startswith("class ")
                and line.startswith('def ')):
            self.matches = [name for name in self.config.magic_methods
                            if name.startswith(current_word)]
            self.matches_iter.update(current_word, self.matches)
            return bool(self.matches)
        elif line.startswith('class ') or line.startswith('def '):
            self.matches = []
            return False
        elif line.startswith('from ') or line.startswith('import '):
            self.completer.import_complete(current_word, self.current_line)
            self.matches = self.completer.matches
            self.matches_iter.update(current_word, self.matches)
            return bool(self.matches)

        e = False
            if len(self.buffer) == 0 and self.is_first_word:
                self.completer.complete(current_word, with_command=True)
        except (AttributeError, re.error, TimeOutException):
            e = True
        except Exception as err:
            raise err
            # This sucks, but it's either that or list all the exceptions that could
            # possibly be raised here, so if anyone wants to do that, feel free to send me
            # a patch. XXX: Make sure you raise here if you're debugging the completion
            # stuff !
            e = True
            matches = self.completer.matches

        if not e and self.argspec and isinstance(self.argspec, inspection.ArgSpec):
            matches.extend(name + '=' for name in self.argspec[1][0]
                           if isinstance(name, basestring) and name.startswith(current_word))
            if PY3:
                matches.extend(name + '=' for name in self.argspec[1][4]
                               if name.startswith(current_word))

        if e or not matches:
            self.matches = []
            if not self.argspec:
                return False
            # remove duplicates
            self.matches = sorted(set(matches))

        if len(self.matches) == 1 and not self.config.auto_display_list:
            self.list_win_visible = True
            return False

        self.matches_iter.update(current_word, self.matches)
        return True

    def format_docstring(self, docstring, width, height):
        """Take a string and try to format it into a sane list of strings to be
        put into the suggestion box."""
        lines = docstring.split('\n')
        out = []
        i = 0
        for line in lines:
            i += 1
            if not line.strip():
            for block in textwrap.wrap(line, width):
                out.append('  ' + block + '\n')
                if i >= height:
                    return out
                i += 1
                # Drop the last newline
        out[-1] = out[-1].rstrip()
        return out

    def next_indentation(self):
        """Return the indentation of the next line based on the current
        input buffer."""
        if self.buffer:
            indentation = next_indentation(self.buffer[-1],
            if indentation and self.config.dedent_after > 0:
                line_is_empty = lambda line: not line.strip()
                empty_lines = takewhile(line_is_empty, reversed(self.buffer))
                if sum(1 for _ in empty_lines) >= self.config.dedent_after:
                    indentation -= 1
            indentation = 0
        return indentation

    def formatforfile(self, s):
        """Format the stdout buffer to something suitable for writing to disk,
        i.e. without >>> and ... at input lines and with "# OUT: " prepended to
        output lines."""

        def process():
            for line in s.split('\n'):
                if line.startswith(self.ps1):
                    yield line[len(self.ps1):]
                elif line.startswith(self.ps2):
                    yield line[len(self.ps2):]
                elif line.rstrip():
                    yield "# OUT: %s" % (line,)

        return "\n".join(process())

    def write2file(self):
        """Prompt for a filename and write the current contents of the stdout
        buffer to disk."""

            fn = self.interact.file_prompt('Save to file (Esc to cancel): ')
            if not fn:
                self.interact.notify("Save cancelled.")
        except ValueError:
            self.interact.notify("Save cancelled.")

        if fn.startswith('~'):
            fn = os.path.expanduser(fn)
        if not fn.endswith('.py') and self.config.save_append_py:
            fn += '.py'

        mode = 'w'
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            mode = self.interact.file_prompt('%s already exists. Do you want '
                                             'to (c)ancel, (o)verwrite or '
                                             '(a)ppend? ' % (fn, ))
            if mode in ('o', 'overwrite'):
                mode = 'w'
            elif mode in ('a', 'append'):
                mode = 'a'
                self.interact.notify('Save cancelled.')

        s = self.formatforfile(self.stdout)

            f = open(fn, mode)
        except IOError:
            self.interact.notify("Disk write error for file '%s'." % (fn, ))
            self.interact.notify('Saved to %s.' % (fn, ))

    def push(self, s, insert_into_history=True):
        """Push a line of code onto the buffer so it can process it all
        at once when a code block ends"""
        if s.lstrip(' ') and s.lstrip(' ')[0] == '!':
            self.buffer = []

        s = s.rstrip('\n')

        if insert_into_history:
            if self.config.hist_length:
                histfilename = os.path.expanduser(self.config.hist_file)
                oldhistory = self.rl_history.entries
                self.rl_history.entries = []
                if os.path.exists(histfilename):
                    self.rl_history.load(histfilename, getpreferredencoding())
                    self.rl_history.save(histfilename, getpreferredencoding(), self.config.hist_length)
                except EnvironmentError as e:
                    self.interact.notify("Error occured while writing to file %s (%s) " % (histfilename, e.strerror))
                    self.rl_history.entries = oldhistory

        if len(self.buffer) == 1:
            line = self.buffer[0]
            if self.interp.is_commandline(line) and not self.is_assignment_statement:
                result = self.interp.runcommand(line)
                self.buffer = []
                return result

        more = self.interp.runsource('\n'.join(self.buffer))

        if not more:
            self.buffer = []

        return more

    def undo(self, n=1):
        """Go back in the undo history n steps and call reeavluate()
        Note that in the program this is called "Rewind" because I
        want it to be clear that this is by no means a true undo
        implementation, it is merely a convenience bonus."""
        if not self.history:
            return None

        if len(self.history) < n:
            n = len(self.history)

        entries = list(self.rl_history.entries)

        self.history.entries = self.history[:-n]


        self.rl_history.entries = entries

    def flush(self):
        """Olivier Grisel brought it to my attention that the logging
        module tries to call this method, since it makes assumptions
        about stdout that may not necessarily be true. The docs for
        sys.stdout say:

        "stdout and stderr needn't be built-in file objects: any
         object is acceptable as long as it has a write() method
         that takes a string argument."

        So I consider this to be a bug in logging, and this is a hack
        to fix it, unfortunately. I'm sure it's not the only module
        to do it."""

    def close(self):
        """See the flush() method docstring."""