Exemplo n.º 1
"""Tools for preparing code to be run in the REPL (removing blank lines, etc)"""

from bpython.lazyre import LazyReCompile

#TODO specifically catch IndentationErrors instead of any syntax errors

indent_empty_lines_re = LazyReCompile(r'\s*')

def indent_empty_lines(s, compiler):
    """Indents blank lines that would otherwise cause early compilation

    Only really works if starting on a new line"""
    lines = s.split('\n')
    ends_with_newline = False
    if lines and not lines[-1]:
        ends_with_newline = True
    result_lines = []

    for p_line, line, n_line in zip([''] + lines[:-1], lines,
                                    lines[1:] + ['']):
        if len(line) == 0:
            p_indent = indent_empty_lines_re.match(p_line).group()
            n_indent = indent_empty_lines_re.match(n_line).group()
            result_lines.append(min([p_indent, n_indent], key=len) + line)

    return '\n'.join(result_lines) + ('\n' if ends_with_newline else '')
Exemplo n.º 2
    return min(len(line), cursor_offset + 1), line

def beginning_of_line(cursor_offset, line):
    return 0, line

def end_of_line(cursor_offset, line):
    return len(line), line

forward_word_re = LazyReCompile(r"\S\s")

def forward_word(cursor_offset, line):
    match = forward_word_re.search(line[cursor_offset:] + ' ')
    delta = match.end() - 1 if match else 0
    return (cursor_offset + delta, line)

def last_word_pos(string):
    """returns the start index of the last word of given string"""
    match = forward_word_re.search(string[::-1])
    index = match and len(string) - match.end() + 1
Exemplo n.º 3
"""Extracting and changing portions of the current line

All functions take cursor offset from the beginning of the line and the line of
Python code, and return None, or a tuple of the start index, end index, and the

from itertools import chain
from collections import namedtuple
from bpython.lazyre import LazyReCompile

current_word_re = LazyReCompile(r'[\w_][\w0-9._]*[(]?')
LinePart = namedtuple('LinePart', ['start', 'stop', 'word'])

def current_word(cursor_offset, line):
    """the object.attribute.attribute just before or under the cursor"""
    pos = cursor_offset
    matches = current_word_re.finditer(line)
    start = pos
    end = pos
    word = None
    for m in matches:
        if m.start() < pos and m.end() >= pos:
            start = m.start()
            end = m.end()
            word = m.group()
    if word is None:
        return None
    return LinePart(start, end, word)

Exemplo n.º 4
import inspect
import io
import keyword
import pydoc
from collections import namedtuple
from six.moves import range

from pygments.token import Token

from bpython._py3compat import PythonLexer, py3
from bpython.lazyre import LazyReCompile

if not py3:
    import types

    _name = LazyReCompile(r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*$')

ArgSpec = namedtuple('ArgSpec', ['args', 'varargs', 'varkwargs',  'defaults',
                                 'kwonly', 'kwonly_defaults', 'annotations'])

FuncProps = namedtuple('FuncProps', ['func', 'argspec', 'is_bound_method'])

class AttrCleaner(object):
    """A context manager that tries to make an object not exhibit side-effects
       on attribute lookup."""

    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __enter__(self):
Exemplo n.º 5
# encoding: utf-8

"""Tools for preparing code to be run in the REPL (removing blank lines,

from bpython.lazyre import LazyReCompile

# TODO specifically catch IndentationErrors instead of any syntax errors

indent_empty_lines_re = LazyReCompile(r'\s*')
tabs_to_spaces_re = LazyReCompile(r'^\t+')

def indent_empty_lines(s, compiler):
    """Indents blank lines that would otherwise cause early compilation

    Only really works if starting on a new line"""
    lines = s.split('\n')
    ends_with_newline = False
    if lines and not lines[-1]:
        ends_with_newline = True
    result_lines = []

    for p_line, line, n_line in zip([''] + lines[:-1], lines,
                                    lines[1:] + ['']):
        if len(line) == 0:
            p_indent = indent_empty_lines_re.match(p_line).group()
            n_indent = indent_empty_lines_re.match(n_line).group()
            result_lines.append(min([p_indent, n_indent], key=len) + line)
Exemplo n.º 6
            color = cnames[d["bg"].lower()]
        if color != "default":
            atts["bg"] = BG_COLORS[color]
    if d["bold"]:
        atts["bold"] = True
    return fmtstr(d["string"], **atts)

peel_off_string_re = LazyReCompile(
    re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL,

def peel_off_string(s):
    m = peel_off_string_re.match(s)
    assert m, repr(s)
    d = m.groupdict()
    rest = d["rest"]
    del d["rest"]
    return d, rest
Exemplo n.º 7
class EvaluationError(Exception):
    """Raised if an exception occurred in safe_eval."""

def safe_eval(expr, namespace):
    """Not all that safe, just catches some errors"""
        return eval(expr, namespace)
    except (NameError, AttributeError, SyntaxError):
        # If debugging safe_eval, raise this!
        # raise
        raise EvaluationError

attr_matches_re = LazyReCompile(r"(\w+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)")

def attr_matches(text, namespace):
    """Taken from rlcompleter.py and bent to my will.

    # Gna, Py 2.6's rlcompleter searches for __call__ inside the
    # instance instead of the type, so we monkeypatch to prevent
    # side-effects (__getattr__/__getattribute__)
    m = attr_matches_re.match(text)
    if not m:
        return []

    expr, attr = m.group(1, 3)
    if expr.isdigit():
Exemplo n.º 8
class AttrCompletion(BaseCompletionType):

    attr_matches_re = LazyReCompile(r"(\w+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)")

    def matches(self, cursor_offset, line, **kwargs):
        if 'locals_' not in kwargs:
            return None
        locals_ = kwargs['locals_']

        r = self.locate(cursor_offset, line)
        if r is None:
            return None

        if locals_ is None:
            locals_ = __main__.__dict__

        assert '.' in r.word

        for i in range(1, len(r.word) + 1):
            if r.word[-i] == '[':
                i -= 1
        methodtext = r.word[-i:]
        matches = set(''.join([r.word[:-i], m])
                      for m in self.attr_matches(methodtext, locals_))

        # TODO add open paren for methods via _callable_prefix (or decide not
        # to) unless the first character is a _ filter out all attributes
        # starting with a _
        if r.word.split('.')[-1].startswith('__'):
        elif r.word.split('.')[-1].startswith('_'):
            matches = set(match for match in matches
                          if not match.split('.')[-1].startswith('__'))
            matches = set(match for match in matches
                          if not match.split('.')[-1].startswith('_'))
        return matches

    def locate(self, current_offset, line):
        return lineparts.current_dotted_attribute(current_offset, line)

    def format(self, word):
        return after_last_dot(word)

    def attr_matches(self, text, namespace):
        """Taken from rlcompleter.py and bent to my will.

        # Gna, Py 2.6's rlcompleter searches for __call__ inside the
        # instance instead of the type, so we monkeypatch to prevent
        # side-effects (__getattr__/__getattribute__)
        m = self.attr_matches_re.match(text)
        if not m:
            return []

        expr, attr = m.group(1, 3)
        if expr.isdigit():
            # Special case: float literal, using attrs here will result in
            # a SyntaxError
            return []
            obj = safe_eval(expr, namespace)
        except EvaluationError:
            return []
        with inspection.AttrCleaner(obj):
            matches = self.attr_lookup(obj, expr, attr)
        return matches

    def attr_lookup(self, obj, expr, attr):
        """Second half of original attr_matches method factored out so it can
        be wrapped in a safe try/finally block in case anything bad happens to
        restore the original __getattribute__ method."""
        words = self.list_attributes(obj)
        if hasattr(obj, '__class__'):
            words = words + rlcompleter.get_class_members(obj.__class__)
            if not isinstance(obj.__class__, abc.ABCMeta):
                except ValueError:

        if not py3 and isinstance(obj, (InstanceType, ClassType)):
            # Account for the __dict__ in an old-style class.

        matches = []
        n = len(attr)
        for word in words:
            if self.method_match(word, n, attr) and word != "__builtins__":
                matches.append("%s.%s" % (expr, word))
        return matches

    if py3:
        def list_attributes(self, obj):
            return dir(obj)
        def list_attributes(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, InstanceType):
                    return dir(obj)
                except Exception:
                    # This is a case where we can not prevent user code from
                    # running. We return a default list attributes on error
                    # instead. (#536)
                    return ['__doc__', '__module__']
                return dir(obj)
Exemplo n.º 9
    return min(len(line), cursor_offset + 1), line

def beginning_of_line(cursor_offset, line):
    return 0, line

def end_of_line(cursor_offset, line):
    return len(line), line

forward_word_re = LazyReCompile(r"\S\s")

def forward_word(cursor_offset, line):
    match = forward_word_re.search(line[cursor_offset:] + " ")
    delta = match.end() - 1 if match else 0
    return (cursor_offset + delta, line)

def last_word_pos(string):
    """returns the start index of the last word of given string"""
    match = forward_word_re.search(string[::-1])
    index = match and len(string) - match.end() + 1
Exemplo n.º 10
"""Tools for preparing code to be run in the REPL (removing blank lines,

from bpython.lazyre import LazyReCompile

# TODO specifically catch IndentationErrors instead of any syntax errors

indent_empty_lines_re = LazyReCompile(r"\s*")
tabs_to_spaces_re = LazyReCompile(r"^\t+")

def indent_empty_lines(s, compiler):
    """Indents blank lines that would otherwise cause early compilation

    Only really works if starting on a new line"""
    lines = s.split("\n")
    ends_with_newline = False
    if lines and not lines[-1]:
        ends_with_newline = True
    result_lines = []

    for p_line, line, n_line in zip([""] + lines[:-1], lines,
                                    lines[1:] + [""]):
        if len(line) == 0:
            p_indent = indent_empty_lines_re.match(p_line).group()
            n_indent = indent_empty_lines_re.match(n_line).group()
            result_lines.append(min([p_indent, n_indent], key=len) + line)
Exemplo n.º 11
"""Extracting and changing portions of the current line

All functions take cursor offset from the beginning of the line and the line of
Python code, and return None, or a tuple of the start index, end index, and the
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from itertools import chain
from collections import namedtuple

from bpython.lazyre import LazyReCompile

current_word_re = LazyReCompile(r'[\w_][\w0-9._]*[(]?')
LinePart = namedtuple('LinePart', ['start', 'stop', 'word'])

def current_word(cursor_offset, line):
    """the object.attribute.attribute just before or under the cursor"""
    pos = cursor_offset
    matches = current_word_re.finditer(line)
    start = pos
    end = pos
    word = None
    for m in matches:
        if m.start() < pos and m.end() >= pos:
            start = m.start()
            end = m.end()
            word = m.group()
    if word is None:
        return None
    return LinePart(start, end, word)