Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, model=None):
        self.file_def = None
        self.file_def_train = None
        self.file_solver = None
        self.file_weights = None
        self.file_mean = None

        self.net = None
        self.mu = None

        # paths to dbs with training in validation patches
        self.db_images = None
        self.db_train = None
        self.db_val = None
        self.db_test = None
        self.db_keys = None

        self.sz_key = 256  # gob idx is resource_uuid + sub_id + augmented_id, something like: 00-79Hfk6V5wPQZwuWMDcQxH5-650-9 with 32 chars
        self.sz_keyenc = 128  # 64 # sha256 hashed key

        self.goodness_function = None

        devices = self.get_device_info()
        if len(devices) < 1:
            raise ConnoisseurException(
                'No Caffe available devices were detected...')

        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(model)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def classify(self, image, model, args):
        ''' segment image produicing a semantic mask
        num_points = int(args.get('points', 10))
        border = int(args.get('border', 0))
        my_goodness = float(args.get('goodness', model.minimum_goodness*100))/100.0
        my_accuracy = float(args.get('accuracy', model.minimum_accuracy*100))
        my_confidence = float(args.get('confidence', 0))

        # color output mode
        color_mode = args.get('colors', 'ids')
        if color_mode not in self.color_modes:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.BAD_REQUEST, 'Requested color mode "%s" is not supported'%color_mode)

        # compute output file name and test cached result
        workdir = args['_workdir']
        _mkdir (workdir)
        filename = '%s_%s_conf%.2f_a%s_c%s_n%s_b%s.png'%(image.uniq, color_mode, my_goodness, my_accuracy, my_confidence, num_points, border)
        output_file = os.path.join(workdir, filename)

        with Locks(None, output_file, failonexist=True) as l:
            if l.locked: # the file is not being currently written by another process
                self.do_classify(image, model, args, output_file, color_mode)

        # return results
        if os.path.exists(output_file):
            with Locks(output_file):

        return DataToken(data=output_file, mime='image/png', name='Segments', filename=filename)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_adapted_image_size(self):
     """ returns (H,W) of the whole as seen by this adapter """
     if self.pix is None:
         raise ConnoisseurException(
             'AdapterRGB2DResized: image was not properly initialized')
     return self.pix.shape[0:2]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_adapted_image_patch(self, gob, **kw):
        """ return image pixels for a given gobject as a numpy array """
        if self.pix is None:
            raise ConnoisseurException(
                'AdapterRGB2DResized: image was not properly initialized')

        c = gob.centroid()
        i = int(c[1] * self.si)
        j = int(c[0] * self.sj)
        # print 'Requested gob: %s'%(gob)
        # print 'Scaled i,j: %s,%s'%(i,j)
        # print 'Patch size: %s'%(self.model.db_patch_size)
        # print 'Pix size: %s'%(str(self.pix.shape))

        if self.patch_width == 0 and self.patch_height == 0 or self.patch_width == self.model.db_patch_size[
                0] and self.patch_height == self.model.db_patch_size[1]:
            return image_patch(self.pix, i, j, self.model.db_patch_size[1],
            p = image_patch(self.pix, i, j, self.patch_height,
            return scipy.misc.imresize(
                p, (self.model.db_patch_size[1], self.model.db_patch_size[0]),
Exemplo n.º 5
 def classify(self, image, model, args):
     """returns classified results
        image: instance of XImage
        model: instance of ClassifierModel
        args: dict with arguments parsed from URL
     raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Class adapter must implement "classify" method')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def classify(self, image, model, args):
        ''' uniformly sampled points '''

        Worig, Horig = image.size()
        num_points = int(args.get('points', 100))
        border = float(args.get('border', 5))
        border = int(round(border * np.mean([Worig, Horig]) / 100.0))
        pts, num_points_x, num_points_y, sw, sh = distribute_points(
            num_points, Worig, Horig, border, equal=False, return_all=True)

        # estimate superpixel size
        W = self.side
        sx = 1.0
        if max(Worig, Horig) > W:
            sx = float(W) / max(Worig, Horig)
        sw = int(
            round(sw * sx)
        )  # this provides an approximate number of centroids as requested

        # load SLIC super-pixel segmented image
        log.debug('Requesting superpixels of size: %s', sw)
        pix = image.pixels(
            % (self.side, self.side, sw))
        W, H = pix.shape[0:2]

        # get regional centroids
        label_offset = 1  # region prop function uses 0 as background, we bump the class number and later subtract
        segments = skimage.measure.regionprops(pix + label_offset, cache=True)
        num_segs = len(segments)
        log.debug('Segmented the image into %s segments', num_segs)
        if num_segs < 1:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NO_CONTENT,
                                       'Centroids classifier: no results')

        # compute scaling factor
        sx = 1.0
        sy = 1.0
        if Worig != W or Horig != H:
            sx = float(W) / Worig
            sy = float(H) / Horig
                'Classify: Original image is larger, use scaling factors: %s,%s',
                sx, sy)

        # scale params to resized image
        border = int(round(border * sx))

        points = []
        for i, s in enumerate(segments):
            x, y = s.centroid
            if x > border and y > border and x <= W - border and y <= H - border:
                points.append((x / sx, y / sy))

        return classify_points(image, model, args, points,
                               'Regional centroids')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def validate(self, classes, my_goodness):
        ''' classes is a dictionary similar to model classes dict with inited and added variables:
                v['true_positive'] = 0
                v['false_negative'] = 0
                v['false_positive'] = 0
                v['false_positive_classes'] = [] # we need to compute weighted false positive later based on number of tested samples in each set
                v['n'] = 0
                v['discarded'] = 0

        # classify samples from the test set
        ldb = lmdb.open(self.db_test, readonly=True)
        try:  # protect the writing process
            with ldb.begin(buffers=True) as txn:
                cursor = txn.cursor()
                for key, value in cursor:
                    #pylint: disable=no-member
                    datum = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()

                    # convert datum data into a 2D image like array WxHxC
                    x = np.fromstring(datum.data, dtype=np.uint8)
                    x = x.reshape(1, datum.channels, datum.height,
                                  datum.width).squeeze().transpose((1, 2, 0))
                    # mean subtraction
                    if self.mu is not None:
                        x = x - self.mu
                    out_class, goodness = self.classify(x)

                    classes[datum.label]['n'] += 1
                    if classes[out_class].get('ignored', False) is True:
                        classes[datum.label]['discarded'] += 1
                    if goodness < my_goodness:
                        classes[datum.label]['discarded'] += 1

                    # update class list
                    if datum.label == out_class:
                        classes[datum.label]['true_positive'] += 1
                        classes[datum.label]['false_negative'] += 1
                        classes[out_class]['false_positive'] += 1

        except Exception:
            log.exception('Problem validating the model')
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                                       'Problem validating the model')

        return classes
Exemplo n.º 8
def classify_points(image, model, args, pts, name='Points'):
    ''' classify a list of points'''

    adapter = model.create_adapter_pixels(model=model, args=args, image=image)
    my_goodness = float(args.get('goodness',
                                 model.minimum_goodness * 100)) / 100.0
    my_accuracy = float(args.get('accuracy', model.minimum_accuracy * 100))
    my_confidence = float(args.get('confidence', 0))

    results = []
    for x, y in pts:
            pix = adapter.get_adapted_image_patch(gob=point(x=y, y=x))
            out_class, goodness = model.classify(pix)
            label, accuracy, ignored = get_class_info(model,
            confidence = get_sample_confidence(accuracy, goodness)

            if goodness >= my_goodness and accuracy >= my_accuracy and confidence >= my_confidence and ignored is False:
                #print '%s,%s classified as "%s" with %s goodness score'%(x, y, label, goodness)
                #log.debug('%s,%s classified as "%s" with %s goodness score'%(x, y, label, goodness))
                    'gob': 'point',
                    'vertex': [(x, y)],
                    'label': label,
                    'id': out_class,
                    'accuracy': accuracy,
                    'goodness': goodness,
                    'confidence': confidence,
        except Exception:
            log.debug('x: %s y: %s', x, y)
            log.exception('Exception in image_patch/model.classify')

    if len(results) < 1:
        raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NO_CONTENT,
                                   'Point classifier: no results')

    # hierarchical passes over samples whose classes have child models

    # return results
    return DataToken(data=results, mime='table/gobs', name=name)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def format(self, data, args):
        """ converts table to CSV """

        df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data))
        out = []

        # test headers for formatting
        h = df.columns.values.tolist()  # pylint: disable=no-member
        if validate_header(h, hxyz) is True:
            # read xyz
            for i in range(df.shape[0]):
                out.append((df['y'][i], df['x'][i]))
        elif validate_header(h, hgobs) is True:
            # read gobs
            for i in range(df.shape[0]):
                v = df['vertices'][i].split(',')
                out.append((v[1], v[0]))
            raise ConnoisseurException(
                'Importer %s: unsupported format' % (self.name))

        # produce [(x,y), (x,y), ...]
        args['_points'] = out
Exemplo n.º 10
 def cache_sample_preview(self, class_id, sample_id, filename):
     x = None
     cur_sample = -1
     rdb = lmdb.open(self.db_images, readonly=True)
     with rdb.begin() as rtxn:
         cursor = rtxn.cursor()
         for key, value in cursor:
             #pylint: disable=no-member
             datum = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()
             if datum.label != class_id:
             cur_sample += 1
             if cur_sample < sample_id:
             x = np.fromstring(datum.data, dtype=np.uint8)
             x = x.reshape(1, datum.channels, datum.height,
                           datum.width).squeeze().transpose((1, 2, 0))
     if x is None:
         raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NOT_FOUND,
                                    'Requested sample was not found')
     skimage.io.imsave(filename, x)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def train(self, method='finetune'):
        args = [
            'train', '-gpu', 'all', '-solver',

        # fine-tuning
        if method == 'finetune':
            args.extend(['-weights', self.fix_path(self.file_weights)])

        # recovery from snapshot
        if method == 'snapshot':
            # find the latest snapshot
            files = [
                f for f in os.listdir(self.path)
                if f.endswith('.solverstate') and f.startswith('weights_iter_')
            files.sort(key=lambda x: int(
                x.replace('weights_iter_', '').replace('.solverstate', '')))
            latest_snapshot = os.path.join(self.path, files[-1])
            args.extend(['--snapshot=%s' % self.fix_path(latest_snapshot)])

        # capture output to update the loss/accuracy plot,
        # we need to parse: training loss, testing loss and testing accuracy for n iterations
        # right now we capture after run finished
        #args.extend(['>', 'out.log'])
        o = self.run_caffe_bin(self.COMMAND_CAFFE, args)
        if o is None:
            raise ConnoisseurException(
                'Error while running Caffe, intermediate states were preserved...'

        # parse output
        # o

        # rename final snapshot to weights file
            files = [
                f for f in os.listdir(self.path)
                if f.endswith('.caffemodel') and f.startswith('weights_iter_')
            files.sort(key=lambda x: int(
                x.replace('weights_iter_', '').replace('.caffemodel', '')))
            latest = os.path.join(self.path, files[-1])
            log.debug('Moving %s to %s', latest, self.file_weights)
            os.rename(latest, self.file_weights)
        except Exception:
            raise ConnoisseurException(
                'Error while updating weights, intermediate states were preserved...'

        # remove temporary snapshots
        files = [
            f for f in os.listdir(self.path) if f.startswith('weights_iter_')
        for f in files:
            log.debug('Removing %s', f)
            safe_remove_dir_file(os.path.join(self.path, f))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def split_samples_training_testing(self, sample_preview_paths=None):

        # testing_percent indicates the size of the testing set in percent
        # the validation set will be the same size as the testing set
        # the training set will include everything else
        # by default we'll use the 60%/20%/20% split for Training/Validation/Test
        total_samples_test = 0
        total_samples_val = 0
        total_samples_train = 0
        for k, c in self.model.classes_model.iteritems():
            v = c['samples']
            n_val = (v * self.model.testing_percent) / 100
            n_test = n_val
            n_train = v - n_val - n_test
            c['samples_training'] = n_train
            c['samples_validation'] = n_val
            c['samples_testing'] = n_test
            total_samples_test += n_test
            total_samples_val += n_val
            total_samples_train += n_train

        classes = copy.deepcopy(self.model.classes_model)
        classes_by_id = dict((v['id'], v) for k, v in classes.iteritems())

        for k, c in classes.iteritems():
            c['preview'] = 0


        # clear dbs

        # estimate db sizes
        if os.name == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
            el_sz = self.get_db_element_size()
            db_train_sz = self.get_lmdb_size(total_samples_train,
                                             self.sz_keyenc, el_sz)
            db_val_sz = self.get_lmdb_size(total_samples_val, self.sz_keyenc,
            db_test_sz = self.get_lmdb_size(total_samples_test, self.sz_keyenc,
            db_train_sz = int(1e12)
            db_val_sz = int(1e12)
            db_test_sz = int(1e12)

        # create split dbs
        error = None
        dbs = ['samples_training', 'samples_validation', 'samples_testing']
        rdb = lmdb.open(self.db_images, readonly=True)
        tdb = lmdb.open(self.db_train, map_size=db_train_sz, lock=True)
        vdb = lmdb.open(self.db_val, map_size=db_val_sz, lock=True)
        tedb = lmdb.open(self.db_test, map_size=db_test_sz, lock=True)
        try:  # protect the writing process
            with rdb.begin(buffers=True) as rtxn:
                cursor = rtxn.cursor()
                with vdb.begin(write=True) as vtxn:
                    with tdb.begin(write=True) as ttxn:
                        with tedb.begin(write=True) as tetxn:
                            for key, value in cursor:
                                #pylint: disable=no-member
                                datum = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()
                                c = classes_by_id[datum.label]

                                # randomly decide which set to write the sample into
                                out_set = random.randint(0, 2)
                                c[dbs[out_set]] -= 1

                                if out_set == 2 and c[dbs[out_set]] >= 0:
                                    tetxn.put(key, datum.SerializeToString())
                                elif out_set == 1 and c[dbs[out_set]] >= 0:
                                    vtxn.put(key, datum.SerializeToString())
                                    ttxn.put(key, datum.SerializeToString())

                                precache_key = '{0}.{1}'.format(
                                    c['id'], c['preview'])
                                if sample_preview_paths and precache_key in sample_preview_paths:
                                    filename = sample_preview_paths.get(
                                    x = np.fromstring(datum.data,
                                    x = x.reshape(
                                        1, datum.channels, datum.height,
                                            (1, 2, 0))
                                    skimage.io.imsave(filename, x)
                                    c['preview'] = c['preview'] + 1

        except (lmdb.MapFullError, lmdb.DbsFullError, lmdb.BadTxnError):
            log.exception('LMDB split file size exhausted')
            error = responses.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE
        except Exception:
            log.exception('Problem splitting LMDB files')
            error = responses.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

        if error is not None:
            raise ConnoisseurException(error,
                                       'Problem splitting sample database')

        # compute mean of the dataset
        args = [self.fix_path(self.db_images), self.fix_path(self.file_mean)]
        o = self.run_caffe_bin(self.COMMAND_MEAN, args)
        if o is None:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                                       'Error while running Caffe')
Exemplo n.º 13
    def update_sample_db(self, image):
        if isinstance(image, (str, unicode)) is True:
            image = XImage(base_url=image)

        adapter_pixels = self.model.create_adapter_pixels(model=self.model,
        adapter_gobs = self.model.create_adapter_gobs(model=self.model,

        # get gobjects
        gobs = adapter_gobs.get_gobjects()
        if len(gobs) < 1:
        log.debug('number gobs: %s', len(gobs))
        log.debug('total_samples: %s', self.model.total_samples)

        # estimate db sizes
        if os.name == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
            db_img_sz = self.get_lmdb_size(self.model.total_samples,
            db_key_sz = self.get_lmdb_size(self.model.total_samples,
                                           self.sz_keyenc * 2, self.sz_key)
            db_img_sz = int(1e12)
            db_key_sz = int(1e12)

        log.debug('db_img_sz %s', db_img_sz)
        log.debug('db_key_sz %s', db_key_sz)

        # write samples with randomized keys
        keys = {}
        error = None
        ldb = lmdb.open(self.db_images, map_size=db_img_sz, lock=True)
            with ldb.begin(write=True) as txn:
                for g in gobs:
                    c = g.type
                    if c not in self.model.classes_model and not self.model.use_background_class:
                    elif c not in self.model.classes_model and self.model.use_background_class is True:
                        c = self.model.background_class_name

                    #log.debug('Processing sample from class %s', c)
                    cid = self.model.classes_model[c][
                        'id']  # get numerical value for class name

                    #pix = adapter_pixels.get_adapted_image_patch(gob=g)
                    # test if augmentation is used
                    if 'samples_actual' in self.model.classes_model[c]:
                        #log.debug('Using augmentation')
                        pixs = adapter_pixels.get_augmented_image_patches(
                        #log.debug('Using single patch')
                        pixs = [adapter_pixels.get_adapted_image_patch(gob=g)]

                    for i, pix in enumerate(pixs):
                        #log.debug('Pix shape: %s', pix.shape)
                        if self.patch_shape_matches_db(pix) is not True:
                                'Patch size does not match, requires %s but has %s, skipping...'
                                % (str(self.model.db_patch_size), str(
                            # dima: we could reshape the patch to match here

                        #pix = pix[:,:,::-1] # RGB -> BGR
                        pix = pix.transpose((2, 0, 1))  # HWC -> CHW

                        #pylint: disable=no-member
                        datum = caffe.io.array_to_datum(pix)
                        datum.label = cid
                        #print 'datum: %sx%sx%s, len: %s, label: %s'%(datum.width, datum.height, datum.channels, len(datum.data), datum.label)

                        # key is composed of resource uniq + object id + augmentation id
                        key = ('%s-%s' % (g.idx, i)).encode('ascii')

                        # use hashed key to randomize sample order
                        enc_key = hashlib.sha256(key).hexdigest()

                        txn.put(enc_key, datum.SerializeToString())

                        # store the mapping from encoded key to key
                        # using the same hashing algorithm we can quickly test presence of real key in the db
                        # likewise it's quick to find the real key for the encoded one if needed
                        keys[enc_key] = key

                        # update number of samples
                        self.model.classes_model[c]['samples'] += 1

        except (lmdb.MapFullError, lmdb.DbsFullError, lmdb.BadTxnError):
            log.exception('LMDB image file size exhausted')
            error = responses.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE
        except Exception:
            log.exception('Problem writing data to LMDB file')
            error = responses.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

        # if error is not None:
        #     safe_remove_dir_file(self.db_images)
        #     raise ConnoisseurException(error, 'Problem creating sample database')

        # store the mapping from encoded key to key
        # using the same hashing algorithm we can quickly test presence of real key in the db
        # likewise it's quick to find the real key for the encoded one if needed
        kdb = lmdb.open(self.db_keys, map_size=db_key_sz, lock=True)
            with kdb.begin(write=True) as kxn:
                for enc_key, key in keys.iteritems():
                    kxn.put(enc_key, key)
        except (lmdb.MapFullError, lmdb.DbsFullError, lmdb.BadTxnError):
            log.exception('LMDB key file size exhausted')
            error = responses.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE
        except Exception:
            log.exception('Problem writing keys to LMDB file')
            error = responses.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

        if error is not None:
            raise ConnoisseurException(error,
                                       'Problem creating sample database')
Exemplo n.º 14
    def classify(self, x):
        ''' x - 3D numpy array representing RGB image in np.float32

        if self.goodness_function is None:
            if self.goodness_function is None:
                raise ConnoisseurException(
                    'Caffe classify: model is not loaded properly')

        if self.net is None:
            if self.net is None:
                raise ConnoisseurException(
                    'Caffe classify: network is not activated')

        # mean subtraction
        if self.mu is not None:
                x = x - self.mu
            except ValueError:
                    'Classify: failed to subtract mean, adjusting the size of the patch %s to %s',
                    str(x.shape), str(self.mu.shape))
                x = scipy.misc.imresize(x, self.mu.shape)
                    'Classify: attempting mean subtraction with shape %s',
                x = x - self.mu
                log.debug('Classify: final subtracted patch with shape %s',

        samples = caffe.io.oversample(
            (self.model.model_patch_size[0], self.model.model_patch_size[1]))
        for i in range(samples.shape[0]):
            self.net.blobs['data'].data[i] = samples[i, :, :, :].transpose(
                2, 0, 1)

        # copy the image data into the memory allocated for the net
        #self.net.blobs['data'].data[...] = samples[0,:,:,:].transpose(2,0,1)
        #self.net.blobs['data'].data[...] = x
        #self.net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformer.preprocess('data', image)

        ### perform classification
        output = self.net.forward()
        #log.debug('Net output: %s', output)

        classes = []
        for output_prob in output['prob']:
            out_class = output_prob.argmax()
            #print 'for label %s predicted class is: %s with probability %s'%(datum.label, out_class, output_prob[out_class])
        #log.debug('Net output classes: %s', classes)
        # majority vote for class output
        out_class = np.bincount(classes).argmax()
        #log.debug('out class: %s', out_class)
        #log.debug('len of classes: %s', len(classes))
        #log.debug('number_classes: %s', self.number_classes_in_model)

        probs = np.zeros(self.model.number_classes_in_model)
        C = 0
        for output_prob in output['prob']:
            predicted_class = output_prob.argmax()
            #log.debug('probs: %s', probs)
            #log.debug('output_prob: %s', output_prob)

            if predicted_class == out_class:
                probs = probs + np.sort(output_prob)[::-1]
                C += 1
        probs = probs / C
        #log.debug('probabilities: %s', probs)

        p = probs[0]
        g = self.goodness_function(probs)
        agreement = float(C) / float(self.model.batch_size)
        goodness = p * g * agreement
        #log.debug('goodness: %s', goodness)

        return (out_class, goodness)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def do_classify(self, image, model, args, output_file, color_mode):
        ''' segment image producing a semantic mask
        Worig,Horig = image.size()
        num_points = int(args.get('points', 100))
        border = float(args.get('border', 5))
        border = int(round(border*np.mean([Worig,Horig])/100.0))
        my_goodness = float(args.get('goodness', model.minimum_goodness*100))/100.0
        my_accuracy = float(args.get('accuracy', model.minimum_accuracy*100))
        my_confidence = float(args.get('confidence', 0))

        # get uniformly distributed points over the original image
        pts, num_points_x, num_points_y, sw, sh = distribute_points(num_points, Worig, Horig, border, equal=False, return_all=True)

        # estimate superpixel size of the scaled down image
        W=self.side; sx=1.0
        if max(Worig, Horig)>W:
            sx = float(W) / max(Worig, Horig)
        sw = int(round(sw*sx)) # this provides an approximate number of centroids as requested

        # load SLIC super-pixel segmented image
        log.debug('Requesting superpixels of size: %s', int(sw))
        seg = image.pixels(operations='slice=,,1,1&resize=%s,%s,BC,MX&depth=8,d,u&transform=superpixels,%s,0.1&format=tiff'%(self.side, self.side, sw))
        W,H = seg.shape[0:2]

        # compute scaling factors
        sx=1.0; sy=1.0
        if Worig!=W or Horig!=H:
            sx = float(W) / Worig
            sy = float(H) / Horig
            log.debug('Classify: Original image is larger, use scaling factors: %s,%s', sx, sy)

        # find segments to classify
        label_offset = 1 # region prop function uses 0 as background, we bump the class number and later subtract
        segments = skimage.measure.regionprops(seg+label_offset, cache=True)
        num_segs = len(segments)
        log.debug('Segmented the image into %s segments', num_segs)
        if num_segs<1:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NO_CONTENT, 'Segmentation classifier: no results')

        # get uniformly distributed points per segment in full image space
        points_per_segment = [None]*num_segs
        for i,p in enumerate(points_per_segment):
            points_per_segment[i] = []
        for x,y in pts:
            v = seg[int(round(x*sx)), int(round(y*sx))]

        # augment point list with segment centroids in full image space
        for i,s in enumerate(segments):
            x,y = s.centroid
            x,y = (x/sx, y/sy)
            if x>border and y>border and x<=Worig-border and y<=Horig-border:
                v = s.label-label_offset

        # classify segments based on their points
        adapter = model.create_adapter_pixels(model=model, args=args, image=image)
        segment_colors = [0]*num_segs
        for i,s in enumerate(segments):
            #log.debug('i: %i, label: %s', i, s.label)
            samples = points_per_segment[s.label-label_offset]
            output_classes = []
            for p in samples:
                x = int(round(p[0]))
                y = int(round(p[1]))
                    #pix = image_patch(pim, x, y, model.db_patch_size[1], model.db_patch_size[0])
                    pix = adapter.get_adapted_image_patch(gob=point(x=y, y=x))
                    out_class,goodness = model.classify(pix)
                    label, accuracy, ignored = get_class_info(model, out_class, at_goodness=my_goodness)
                    confidence = get_sample_confidence(accuracy, goodness)
                    if goodness >= my_goodness and accuracy >= my_accuracy and confidence >= my_confidence and ignored is False:
                except Exception:
                    log.debug('x: %s y: %s', x,y)
                    log.debug('Pix shape: %s', pix.shape)
                    log.exception('Exception in image_patch/model.classify')

            if len(output_classes)>0:
                out_class = np.bincount(output_classes).argmax()
                #log.debug('%s detected %s from classes: %s', i, out_class, output_classes)
                segment_colors[i] = out_class+label_offset

        I,J = seg.shape[0:2]
        if color_mode == 'ids':
            for j in range(J):
                for i in range(I):
                    v = segment_colors[seg[i,j]]
                    seg[i,j] = v
            seg = seg.astype(np.uint16)
            skimage.io.imsave(output_file, seg)

            #seg = seg.astype(np.uint16)
            #seg = median(seg, disk(35))
            #skimage.io.imsave('%s_colors_med_goodness_%.2f.tif'%(output_file, my_goodness), seg)
        elif color_mode == 'colors':
            img = np.zeros((I, J, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            for j in range(J):
                for i in range(I):
                    v = segment_colors[seg[i,j]]
                    out_class = v-label_offset
                    #img[i,j,:] = get_color_tuple(out_class)
                        label = model.classes_model_by_id[out_class].get('label')
                        img[i,j,:] = get_color_tuple_by_label(label)
                    except Exception:
            skimage.io.imsave(output_file, img)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def get_device_info(self):
        ''' returns a list of deice info dictionaries

        I0615 11:40:41.533318 40528 caffe.cpp:138] Querying GPUs all
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:186] Device id:                     0
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:187] Major revision number:         6
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:188] Minor revision number:         1
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:189] Name:                          GeForce GTX 1070
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:190] Total global memory:           8589934592
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:191] Total shared memory per block: 49152
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:192] Total registers per block:     65536
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:193] Warp size:                     32
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:194] Maximum memory pitch:          2147483647
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:195] Maximum threads per block:     1024
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:196] Maximum dimension of block:    1024, 1024, 64
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:199] Maximum dimension of grid:     2147483647, 65535, 65535
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:202] Clock rate:                    1771500
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:203] Total constant memory:         65536
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:204] Texture alignment:             512
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:205] Concurrent copy and execution: Yes
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:207] Number of multiprocessors:     15
        I0615 11:40:41.964962 40528 common.cpp:208] Kernel execution timeout:      Yes
        I0615 01:10:55.654201  1904 common.cpp:193] Device id:                     1
        I0615 01:10:55.654223  1904 common.cpp:194] Major revision number:         5
        I0615 01:10:55.654238  1904 common.cpp:195] Minor revision number:         2
        I0615 01:10:55.654240  1904 common.cpp:196] Name:                          GeForce GTX TITAN X
        I0615 01:10:55.654243  1904 common.cpp:197] Total global memory:           12800163840
        I0615 01:10:55.654247  1904 common.cpp:198] Total shared memory per block: 49152
        I0615 01:10:55.654249  1904 common.cpp:199] Total registers per block:     65536
        I0615 01:10:55.654254  1904 common.cpp:200] Warp size:                     32
        I0615 01:10:55.654258  1904 common.cpp:201] Maximum memory pitch:          2147483647
        I0615 01:10:55.654273  1904 common.cpp:202] Maximum threads per block:     1024
        I0615 01:10:55.654278  1904 common.cpp:203] Maximum dimension of block:    1024, 1024, 64
        I0615 01:10:55.654294  1904 common.cpp:206] Maximum dimension of grid:     2147483647, 65535, 65535
        I0615 01:10:55.654299  1904 common.cpp:209] Clock rate:                    1215500
        I0615 01:10:55.654302  1904 common.cpp:210] Total constant memory:         65536
        I0615 01:10:55.654306  1904 common.cpp:211] Texture alignment:             512
        I0615 01:10:55.654310  1904 common.cpp:212] Concurrent copy and execution: Yes
        I0615 01:10:55.654315  1904 common.cpp:214] Number of multiprocessors:     24
        I0615 01:10:55.654319  1904 common.cpp:215] Kernel execution timeout:      No

        command = [self.COMMAND_CAFFE, 'device_query', '-gpu', 'all']
        log.debug('Running binary: %s', command)
        o = misc.run_command(command)  #, shell=True )
        if o is None:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                                       'Error while running Caffe...')

        # parse the output
        devices = []
        d = None
        for l in o.splitlines():
                _, l = l.split('] ', 1)
                k, v = [s.strip() for s in l.split(':', 1)]
                if k == 'Device id':
                    if d is not None:
                    d = {}
                d[k] = v
            except Exception:
        if d is not None:

        return devices
Exemplo n.º 17
 def get_adapted_image_size(self):
     """ returns (H,W) of the whole as seen by this adapter """
     raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Class adapter must implement "get_adapted_image_size" method')
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_polygons(self, image, model, args):
        ''' partition image into regions producing low-res polygons
        This method does not guarantee full image partitioning by removing the uncertain regions

        Worig, Horig = image.size()
        num_points = int(args.get('points', 100))
        border = float(args.get('border', 5))
        border = int(round(border * np.mean([Worig, Horig]) / 100.0))
        pts, num_points_x, num_points_y, sw, sh = distribute_points(
            num_points, Worig, Horig, border, equal=False, return_all=True)

        # estimate superpixel size
        W = self.side
        sx = 1.0
        if max(Worig, Horig) > W:
            sx = float(W) / max(Worig, Horig)
        sw = int(
            round(sw * sx)
        )  # this provides an approximate number of centroids as requested

        # load SLIC super-pixel segmented image
        log.debug('Regions classifier: requesting superpixels of size: %s', sw)
        pix = image.pixels(
            % (self.side, self.side, sw))
        W, H = pix.shape[0:2]

        # get regional centroids
        label_offset = 1  # region prop function uses 0 as background, we bump the class number and later subtract
        segments = skimage.measure.regionprops(pix + label_offset, cache=True)
        num_segs = len(segments)
        log.debug('Regions classifier: segmented the image into %s segments',
        if num_segs < 1:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NO_CONTENT,
                                       'Regions classifier: no results')

        # compute scaling factors
        sx = 1.0
        sy = 1.0
        if Worig != W or Horig != H:
            sx = float(W) / Worig
            sy = float(H) / Horig
                'Regions classifier: Original image is larger, use scaling factors: %s,%s',
                sx, sy)

        # scale params to resized image
        border = int(round(border * sx))

        # get regional centroids in original image space
        points = []
        for i, s in enumerate(segments):
            x, y = s.centroid
            if x > border and y > border and x <= W - border and y <= H - border:
                points.append((x / sx, y / sy))

        # classify regional centroids

        # load image
        #pim = image.pixels(operations='slice=,,1,1&resize=6000,6000,BC,MX&depth=8,d,u&format=png')
        #W,H = pim.shape[0:2]
        adapter = model.create_adapter_pixels(model=model,

        # classify points
        results = []
        for x, y in points:
            #pix = image_patch(pim, int(x), int(y), model.db_patch_width, model.db_patch_height)
            pix = adapter.get_adapted_image_patch(gob=point(x=y, y=x))
            out_class, goodness = model.classify(pix)
            label, accuracy, ignored = get_class_info(model,
            confidence = get_sample_confidence(accuracy, goodness)
                'x': x,
                'y': y,
                'id': out_class,
                'label': label,
                'ignored': ignored,
                'accuracy': accuracy,
                'goodness': goodness,
                'confidence': confidence,

        if len(results) < 1:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NO_CONTENT,
                                       'Regions classifier: no results')

        # compute Voronoi polygons
        log.debug('Regions classifier: computing Voronoi')
        points = [[r['x'], r['y']] for r in results]
        bounds = [[0.0, Worig], [0.0, Horig]]
        #radii  = [r['w'] for r in results]

        # log.debug('Regions classifier: bounds %s', bounds)
        # log.debug('Regions classifier: points %s', points)

        cells = pyvoro.compute_2d_voronoi(
            2.0,  # block size
            #radii = radii

        log.debug('Regions classifier: producing polygons')
        for i in range(len(results)):
            results[i]['gob'] = 'polygon'
            results[i]['vertex'] = [(p[0], p[1]) for p in cells[i]['vertices']]
            results[i]['area'] = cells[i]['volume']

        return results
Exemplo n.º 19
    def classify(self, image, model, args):
        ''' partition image into regions producing low-res polygons
        This method guarantees full image partitioning covering the area of the uncertain samples

        Worig, Horig = image.size()
        num_points = int(args.get('points', 100))
        border = float(args.get('border', 5))
        border = int(round(border * np.mean([Worig, Horig]) / 100.0))
        my_goodness = float(args.get('goodness',
                                     model.minimum_goodness * 100)) / 100.0
        my_accuracy = float(args.get('accuracy', model.minimum_accuracy * 100))
        my_confidence = float(args.get('confidence', 0))

        # uniform sampling
        pts, num_points_x, num_points_y, sw, sh = distribute_points(
            num_points, Worig, Horig, border, equal=False, return_all=True)

        # load image
        # pim = image.pixels(operations='slice=,,1,1&resize=6000,6000,BC,MX&depth=8,d,u&format=png')
        # W,H = pim.shape[0:2]

        # # compute scaling factor
        # sx=1.0; sy=1.0
        # if Worig>W or Horig>H:
        #     sx = float(W) / Worig
        #     sy = float(H) / Horig
        #     log.debug('Classify: Original image is larger, use scaling factors: %s,%s', sx, sy)

        adapter = model.create_adapter_pixels(model=model,

        # classify points
        results = []
        for x, y in pts:
            #pix = image_patch(pim, int(x*sx), int(y*sy), model.db_patch_width, model.db_patch_height)
            pix = adapter.get_adapted_image_patch(gob=point(x=y, y=x))
            out_class, goodness = model.classify(pix)
            label, accuracy, ignored = get_class_info(model,
            confidence = get_sample_confidence(accuracy, goodness)

            if goodness >= my_goodness and accuracy >= my_accuracy and confidence >= my_confidence and ignored is False:
                #print '%s,%s classified as "%s" with %s goodness score'%(x, y, predicted_class, goodness)
                #log.debug('%s,%s classified as "%s" with %s goodness score'%(x, y, predicted_class, goodness))
                    'x': x,
                    'y': y,
                    'id': out_class,
                    'goodness': goodness,

        if len(results) < 1:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NO_CONTENT,
                                       'Regions classifier: no results')

        # init dense grid with measurements

        label_offset = 1  # region prop function uses 0 as background, we bump the class number and later subtract

        def img_to_pp(p):
            return (int(round(
                (p[0] - border) / sw)), int(round((p[1] - border) / sh)))

        def pp_to_img(p):
            return (int(round(p[0] * sw + border)),
                    int(round(p[1] * sh + border)))

        # create a grid with class labels
        Gi = num_points_y
        Gj = num_points_x + 1
        G = np.zeros((Gi, Gj), dtype=np.uint8)
        C = np.zeros((Gi, Gj), dtype=np.double)
        for r in results:
            x, y = img_to_pp((r['x'], r['y']))
            idx = r['id']
            goodness = r['goodness']
            G[y, x] = idx + label_offset
            C[y, x] = goodness

        #skimage.io.imsave(grid_file, G)

        # compute quasi-convex region centroids

        results = []
        for idx in range(model.number_classes_in_model):
            GG = np.zeros((Gi, Gj), dtype=np.uint8)
            for i in range(0, Gi):
                for j in range(0, Gj):
                    if G[i, j] == idx + label_offset:
                        GG[i, j] = 255
                        GG[i, j] = 0
            #grid_flt_file = 'D:\\develop\\caffe\\regions\\grid_%s.tif'%(idx)
            #skimage.io.imsave(grid_flt_file, GG)

            # ensure boundary is background
            GGG = np.zeros((Gi + 2, Gj + 2), dtype=np.uint8)
            GGG[1:Gi + 1, 1:Gj + 1] = GG
            distance = distance_transform_edt(GGG)
            distance = distance[1:Gi + 1, 1:Gj + 1]

            #grid_flt_file = 'D:\\develop\\caffe\\regions\\grid_%s_distance.tif'%(idx)
            #skimage.io.imsave(grid_flt_file, distance)

            #local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False, footprint=np.ones((3, 3)), labels=GG)
            local_maxi = corner_peaks(distance,
                                      footprint=np.ones((3, 3)),
            markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0]
            labeled = watershed(-distance, markers, mask=GG)
            segments = skimage.measure.regionprops(labeled,

            for i, r in enumerate(segments):
                c = r.centroid
                w = r.area
                #w = r.convex_area
                #goodness = r.max_intensity
                goodness = r.mean_intensity
                label, accuracy, ignored = get_class_info(model,
                confidence = get_sample_confidence(accuracy, goodness)

                y, x = pp_to_img(c)
                out_class = idx
                    'x': x,
                    'y': y,
                    'w': w,
                    'area': w,
                    'area_seg': w,
                    'id': out_class,
                    #'color': get_color_html(out_class),
                    'label': label,
                    'accuracy': accuracy,
                    'goodness': goodness,
                    'confidence': confidence,

        if len(results) < 1:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NO_CONTENT,
                                       'Region classifier: no results')

        # compute Voronoi polygons

        points = [[r['x'], r['y']] for r in results]
        bounds = [[0.0, Worig], [0.0, Horig]]
        radii = [r['w'] for r in results]

        cells = pyvoro.compute_2d_voronoi(
            2.0,  # block size

        for i in range(len(results)):
            results[i]['gob'] = 'polygon'
            results[i]['vertex'] = [(p[0], p[1]) for p in cells[i]['vertices']]
            results[i]['area'] = cells[i]['volume']

        # hierarchical passes over samples whose classes have child models

        # return results
        return DataToken(data=results, mime='table/gobs', name='Substrate')
Exemplo n.º 20
 def get_class_name(self, node, **kw):
     """ must implement: return a class name for a given node """
     raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Class adapter must implement "get_class_name" method')
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_adapted_image_patch(self, gob, **kw):
     """ return image pixels for a given gobject as a numpy array """
     raise ConnoisseurException(responses.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Class adapter must implement "get_adapted_image_patch" method')