Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_data(self, universe, bql_factors):
        Retrieve data model based on the universe and the BQL items
        - universe (bqlItem object): bql universe item object to request
        factor data on. Eg. bq.univ.members() or bq.univ.equitiesuniv() or list()
        - bql_factors (dict): bql data item object to request
        data on. eg. bq.data.pe_ratio() or bq.data.px_last().std()
        # request data to BQL
            self._debug_query = bql.Request(universe, bql_factors)
            r = self._bq.execute(bql.Request(universe, bql_factors))

            # store the whole dataset in data
            data = pd.DataFrame()
            # capture each dataset from the response
            # by using the keys of the bql_factors
            for k in bql_factors.keys():
                temp = r.get(k).df()[k]

                # transform the series type to float when applicable
                if k in set(self._float_fields_only):

                data = pd.concat([data, temp], join='outer', axis=1)

        except Exception as e:
            _logger.error('Error while fetching data ({})'.format(e))
            data = pd.DataFrame()

        return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_data(analysis_universe, factors, parameters):
    factor_dict = OrderedDict()
    weights_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for x, y in factor_model[factors].items():
        factor_dict[x] = y['expression']
        weights_df = weights_df.append(
                'name': [x],
                'weights': [y['weights']]
    # Create the request
    weights_df = weights_df.set_index('name')
    request = bql.Request(universe.get(analysis_universe),
    # Execute the request object.
    response = bq.execute(request)
    # Return a combined DataFrame.
    response_df_concat = pd.concat([item.df() for item in response], axis=1)
    # Calculate aggregate score and then create a percent rank
    output_df = response_df_concat[list(factor_dict)].fillna(value=0)
    output_df['Factor Score'] = output_df.dot(weights_df)
    output_df['% Rank'] = output_df['Factor Score'].rank(pct=True).fillna(

    return output_df
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_single_field_request(connection,
    if with_params is None:
        with_params = {}
    if preferences is None:
        preferences = {}
    request = bql.Request(universe, {field_name: field},
    responses = connection.execute(request)
    return responses[0].df()
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_score_data(connection,
    if with_params is None:
        with_params = {}
    if preferences is None:
        preferences = {}
    request = bql.Request(universe,
    responses = connection.execute(request)
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        response.name: response.df()[response.name]
        for response in responses
    })[[f for f in fields.keys()]]
    return df.applymap(format_floats)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _get_history(self, ids, field_name, history_period='-1y'):
        # get the field in bql_item
        bql_item = self._build_factors(user_selection=field_name)
            r = self._bq.execute(
                            with_params={'start': history_period}))

            # store the whole dataset in data
            data = r.single().df()

            # pivot the data for better display
            data = data.reset_index().pivot_table(index='DATE',

        except Exception as e:
            _logger.error('Error while fetching timeseries ({})'.format(e))
            data = pd.DataFrame()

        return data
# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define the a data field
price = bq.data.px_last()

# Use the members function to define the universe
# as all members of the INDU Index
univ = bq.univ.members('INDU Index')

# Define the request
request = bql.Request(univ, price)

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#String Interface Example (Fixed Income)

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()
Exemplo n.º 7

#Object Model Example

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define the data fields
px_last = bq.data.px_last()
date_range = bq.func.range('-10D','0D')
px_avg = bq.data.px_last(start='-10D').avg()

# Define the universe 
univ = bq.univ.members('INDU Index')

# Define the if clause to return the last traded price if the last trade 
# is higher than the trailing 10D average price,
# otherwise return the text 'Below 10D Average'
return_if = bq.func.if_((px_last > px_avg), px_last, 'Below 10D Average')

# Execute the request 
request = bql.Request(univ, return_if)
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame
Exemplo n.º 8
bq = bql.Service()

# Define the request string and fill Value
request = "get(PX_LAST(dates=RANGE(2018-01-01,2018-01-10), fill='prev')) for (['EBAY US Equity'])"

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#Object Model Example

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define the request object and the fill value
date_range = bq.func.range('2018-01-01', '2018-01-10')
field = bq.data.px_last(dates=date_range, fill='next')
ticker = 'EBAY US Equity'

# Execute the request
request = bql.Request(ticker, field)
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame
Exemplo n.º 9
# Create the database connection
bq = bql.Service()

# Define a list of securities for the request universe
universe = ['IBM US Equity', 'AAPL US Equity']

# Define the date range for the request
date_range = bq.func.range('2015-01-01', '2015-12-31')

# Define a data item for the last price field,
# passing the date range and frequency parameters
price = bq.data.px_last(dates=date_range, frq="D")

# Generate the request using the security universe and data item
request = bql.Request(universe, price)

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Convert the response to a DataFrame and
# display the first five rows to check the results
dataframe = response[0].df()

# Pass a dictionary to the rename() function
# to modify the default column names
# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define a variable for the security 
security = "AAPL US Equity"

# Define a data item for the last price field
# In this example, we're not passing any arguments
last = bq.data.px_last()

# Generate the request using the sercurity variable and data item
request =  bql.Request(security, last)

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#Example 2: Requesting Multiple Data Items
# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()
Exemplo n.º 11
request = "get(DROPNA(PX_LAST(dates=RANGE(2018-01-01,2018-01-10)))) for(['IBM US Equity'])"

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a data frame

#Object Model Example

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define the date range
date_range = bq.func.range('2018-01-01', '2018-01-10')

# Define the request ticker, start, and end date
px_last = bq.data.px_last(dates=date_range)
px_last_dropped_na = bq.func.dropna(px_last)
ticker = 'IBM US Equity'

# Execute the request
request = bql.Request(ticker, px_last_dropped_na)
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a data frame
                                    fa_period_type='LTM', currency='GBP')

# Define a composite BQL data item with each BQL Item component of the 2-year average ROE
bq_avg_roe_2y = (bq.data.return_com_eqy(fa_period_offset='-1') +
                 bq.data.return_com_eqy(fa_period_offset='-2')) / 2

# Define a BQL data item for trailing twelve-month operating cash flow and total assets
cash_from_oper = bq.data.cf_cash_from_oper(fa_period_type='LTM')
tot_asset = bq.data.bs_tot_asset(fa_period_type='LTM')

# Define the factor by using the defined data items
bq_cash_per_asset = cash_from_oper / tot_asset

# Request the number of the index members using BQL count function
id_count = bq.data.id().group().count()
bq_res = bq.execute(bql.Request(bq_univ, {'COUNT': id_count}))
num_of_members = bq_res[0].df()['COUNT']

# Define the threshold rank value which is equvalent to the percentile rank of 80%
threshold_percentage = 0.80
threshold_rank = int(threshold_percentage * num_of_members)

# Define a function to calculate the rank of BQL item
def rank_func(factor):
    return factor.group().znav().rank().ungroup().applyPreferences(

# Define the rank of the factor by using the custom rank function
factor_ranks = [
# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define a variable for the security universe
univ = ['WMT US Equity', 'PG US Equity', 'KO US Equity']

# Define a data item for fcf yield
fcf_yield = bq.data.free_cash_flow_yield(fill='prev')

# Define a data item for average fcf yield for the group
#avg_fcf_yield = bq.data.free_cash_flow_yield(fill='prev').group().avg()

# Generate the request using the universe variable and data item
request =  bql.Request(univ, fcf_yield)

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#Grouping by Sector
univ = bq.univ.members('INDU Index')

# Define a data item for the grouping field
grouping_item = bq.data.gics_sector_name()
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#Object Model Example

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

#Set the Field
price = bq.data.px_last()

# Set the universe and the function
univ = bq.univ.members('INDU Index')

# Define and apply the filter criteria to only return results
# that have a PX_LAST value greater than or equal to 100
criteria = bq.data.px_last() >= 100
filtered_univ = bq.univ.filter(univ, criteria)

# Execute the request
request = bql.Request(filtered_univ, price)
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame
Exemplo n.º 15
import bql

bq = bql.Servive()

time_range = bq.func.range('2017-01-01','2019-08-08')

security = ['ALI PM Equity']

last = bq.data.px_last(dates=time_range)
high = bq.data.px_high(dates=time_range)
low =bq.data.px_low(dates=time_range)

request = bql.Request(security,[last,high,low])

response = bq.execute(request)

df = response[0].df()

df = df.dropna()

df['ALI PRICES'] = df['PX_LAST()dates=RANGE(2017-01-01,2019-08-08)']
del df['PX_LAST()dates=RANGE(2017-01-01,2019-08-08)']


security_sm = ['SMPH PM Equity']

df_sm['SMPH PRICES'] = df_sm['PX_LAST()dates=RANGE(2017-01-01,2019-08-08)']
del df_sm['PX_LAST()dates=RANGE(2017-01-01,2019-08-08)']

bq = bql.Service()

# Define the request string with the relative dates
request = "get(PX_LAST(dates=RANGE(-2Y,0D),per='Q')) for (['VOD LN Equity'])"

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#Object Model Example

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define the request object with the relative date
date_range = bq.func.range('-2Y', '0D')
last = bq.data.px_last(dates=date_range, per='Q')
ticker = 'VOD LN Equity'

# Execute the request
request = bql.Request(ticker, last)
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a data frame

#Object Model Example

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# Define the field: PX_LAST the start and end dates
date_range = bq.func.range('2016-01-01', '2017-12-31')
px_last = bq.data.px_last(dates=date_range)

# Define the universe
univ = bq.univ.members('INDU Index')

# Define the request object to return the lowest value of px_last
# for the specified date range for the members of the INDU Index
func_max = bq.func.min(px_last)

# Execute the request
request = bql.Request(univ, func_max)
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a data frame
Exemplo n.º 18
#The Object Model

# The python model pulling out the 20-day average price for SP500 members

# Define px (i.e. price) as a price series for last 20 days
px = bq.data.px_last(dates=bq.fumc.range('-20d', '0d'))
# Define the avg_px by applying function avg to the time series px
avg_px = bq.func.avg(px)

# Define the universe as index members of SP500
index_memb = bq.univ.members('SPX Index')

# Create the request
request = bql.Request(index_memb, {'avg_px': avg_px}, with_params={'currency': 'USD'})

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# combined_df os a utility function to convert response object into panda's DataFrame
data = bql.combined_df(response)    

# The String Interface
# The query pulling out the 20-day average price for SP500 members
q_str = """
let(#avg_px = avg(px_last(dates=range(-20d, 0d)));)

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#Object Model Example

# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()

# define the data fields and use mathematical operators
# to calculate the bid/ask spread
ask = bq.data.px_ask()
bid = bq.data.px_bid()
spread = ask - bid

# Define the security
tickers = 'GE US Equity'

# Execute the request
request = bql.Request(tickers, spread)
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame
sector = bq.data.gics_sector_name()
pe_ratio = bq.data.pe_ratio()
sector_avg_pe_ratio = pe_ratio.groupavg(sector)
criteria_3 = pe_ratio < sector_avg_pe_ratio

#*********************Create a list of the criteria using the and_() function*****************************
criteria_list = bq.func.and_(criteria_1,criteria_2).and_(criteria_3)

# Define the filtered universe
filtered_univ = bq.univ.filter(start_univ, criteria_list)

# Define a data item to return with the security results
mkt_cap = bq.data.cur_mkt_cap(currency='USD')

# Generate the request using the filtered universe and data item
request =  bql.Request(filtered_univ, mkt_cap)

# Execute the request
response = bq.execute(request)

# Display the response in a DataFrame

#Example B: Filtering an Issuer's Bonds
# Import the BQL library
import bql

# Instantiate an object to interface with the BQL service
bq = bql.Service()