def cost_circuit(gamma, n_qubits, ising, device):
    returns circuit for evolution with cost Hamiltonian
    # instantiate circuit object
    circ = Circuit()

    # get all non-zero entries (edges) from Ising matrix
    idx = ising.nonzero()
    edges = list(zip(idx[0], idx[1]))

    # apply ZZ gate for every edge (with corresponding interation strength)
    for qubit_pair in edges:
        # get interaction strength from Ising matrix
        int_strength = ising[qubit_pair[0], qubit_pair[1]]
        # for Rigetti we decompose ZZ using CNOT gates
        if == 'Rigetti':
            gate = ZZgate(qubit_pair[0], qubit_pair[1], gamma * int_strength)
        # classical simulators and IonQ support ZZ gate
            gate = Circuit().zz(qubit_pair[0],
                                angle=2 * gamma * int_strength)

    return circ
Exemplo n.º 2
def qft_no_swap(qubits):
    Subroutine of the QFT excluding the final SWAP gates, applied to the qubits argument.
    Returns the a circuit object.

        qubits (int): The list of qubits on which to apply the QFT

    # On a single qubit, the QFT is just a Hadamard.
    if len(qubits) == 1:
        return Circuit().h(qubits)

    # For more than one qubit, we define the QFT recursively (as shown on the right half of the image above):
        qftcirc = Circuit()

        # First add a Hadamard gate

        # Then apply the controlled rotations, with weights (angles) defined by the distance to the control qubit.
        for k, qubit in enumerate(qubits[1:]):
            qftcirc.cphaseshift(qubit, qubits[0], 2*math.pi/(2**(k+2)))

        # Now apply the above gates recursively to the rest of the qubits

    return qftcirc
def driver(beta, n_qubits):
    Returns circuit for driver Hamiltonian U(Hb, beta)
    # instantiate circuit object
    circ = Circuit()

    # apply parametrized rotation around x to every qubit
    for qubit in range(n_qubits):
        gate = Circuit().rx(qubit, 2 * beta)

    return circ
Exemplo n.º 4
def qft_recursive(qubits):
    Construct a circuit object corresponding to the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)
    algorithm, applied to the argument qubits.

        qubits (int): The list of qubits on which to apply the QFT
    qftcirc = Circuit()

    # First add the QFT subroutine above

    # Then add SWAP gates to reverse the order of the qubits:
    for i in range(math.floor(len(qubits)/2)):
        qftcirc.swap(qubits[i], qubits[-i-1])

    return qftcirc
def circuit(params, device, n_qubits, ising):
    function to return full QAOA circuit; depends on device as ZZ implementation depends on gate set of backend

    # initialize qaoa circuit with first Hadamard layer: for minimization start in |->
    circ = Circuit()
    X_on_all = Circuit().x(range(0, n_qubits))
    H_on_all = Circuit().h(range(0, n_qubits))

    # setup two parameter families
    circuit_length = int(len(params) / 2)
    gammas = params[:circuit_length]
    betas = params[circuit_length:]

    # add QAOA circuit layer blocks
    for mm in range(circuit_length):
        circ.add(cost_circuit(gammas[mm], n_qubits, ising, device))
        circ.add(driver(betas[mm], n_qubits))

    return circ
Exemplo n.º 6
def adjoint(self):
    """Generates a circuit object corresponding to the adjoint of a given circuit, in which the order
    of gates is reversed, and each gate is the adjoint (i.e., conjugate transpose) of the original.

    adjoint_circ = Circuit()

    # Loop through the instructions (gates) in the circuit:
    for instruction in self.instructions:
        # Save the operator name and target
        op_name =
        target =
        angle = None
        # If the operator has an attribute called 'angle', save that too
        if hasattr(instruction.operator, "angle"):
            angle = instruction.operator.angle

        # To make use of native gates, we'll define the adjoint for each
        if op_name == "H":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().h(target)
        elif op_name == "I":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().i(target)
        elif op_name == "X":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().x(target)
        elif op_name == "Y":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().y(target)
        elif op_name == "Z":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().z(target)
        elif op_name == "S":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().si(target)
        elif op_name == "Si":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().s(target)
        elif op_name == "T":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().ti(target)
        elif op_name == "Ti":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().t(target)
        elif op_name == "V":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().vi(target)
        elif op_name == "Vi":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().v(target)
        elif op_name == "Rx":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().rx(target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "Ry":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().ry(target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "Rz":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().rz(target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "PhaseShift":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().phaseshift(target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "CNot":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cnot(*target)
        elif op_name == "Swap":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().swap(*target)
        elif op_name == "ISwap":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().pswap(*target, -np.pi / 2)
        elif op_name == "PSwap":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().pswap(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "XY":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().xy(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "CPhaseShift":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cphaseshift(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "CPhaseShift00":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cphaseshift00(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "CPhaseShift01":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cphaseshift01(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "CPhaseShift10":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cphaseshift10(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "CY":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cy(*target)
        elif op_name == "CZ":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cz(*target)
        elif op_name == "XX":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().xx(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "YY":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().yy(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "ZZ":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().zz(*target, -angle)
        elif op_name == "CCNot":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().ccnot(*target)
        elif op_name == "CSwap":
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().cswap(*target)

        # If the gate is a custom unitary, we'll create a new custom unitary
            # Extract the transpose of the unitary matrix for the unitary gate
            adjoint_matrix = instruction.operator.to_matrix().T.conj()

            # Define a gate for which the unitary matrix is the adjoint found above.
            # Add an "H" to the display name.
            adjoint_gate = Circuit().unitary(
                display_name="".join(instruction.operator.ascii_symbols) + "H",

        # Add the new gate to the adjoint circuit. Note the order of operations here:
        # (AB)^H = B^H A^H, where H is adjoint, thus we prepend new gates, rather than append.
        adjoint_circ = adjoint_gate.add(adjoint_circ)
    return adjoint_circ