Exemplo n.º 1
def _project_page(wb, sheet_index, b_proj_obj, c_proj_obj, c_obj):
    """Recursively iterates through a list of changes from compare.compare() for fabric. Create fabric pages as needed

    :param wb: Workbook object
    :type wb: dict
    :param sheet_index: Starting sheet index
    :type sheet_index: int
    :param b_proj_obj: Project object for base (project we are comparing against). Typically the older project.
    :type b_proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param c_proj_obj: Comparison project object. Typically the newer project.
    :type c_proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param c_obj: This is the object from compare.compare() that we are working on
    :type c_obj: dict
    :return sheet_index: Next sheet index
    :rtype sheet_index: int
    :return tbl_contents: Table of contents for the fabrics
    :rtype. tbl_contents: list
    # Set up the table of contents and sheet headers
    content = [
        dict(font='hdr_1', align='wrap', disp='Project changes'),
        dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Fabrics Added:'),

    # Add fabric changes
    for obj in [d for d in c_obj['_fabric_objs'].values() if d['r'] == 'Added']:
        content.append(dict(font='std', align='wrap',
                            disp=brcddb_fabric.best_fab_name(c_proj_obj.r_fabric_obj(obj.get('c')), True)))
    content.extend([dict(), dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Fabrics Removed:')])
    for obj in [d for d in c_obj['_fabric_objs'].values() if d['r'] == 'Removed']:
        content.append(dict(font='std', align='wrap',
                            disp=brcddb_fabric.best_fab_name(b_proj_obj.r_fabric_obj(obj.get('b')), True)))

    # Add switch changes
    content.extend([dict(), dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Switches Added:')])
    for obj in [d for d in c_obj['_switch_objs'].values() if d['r'] == 'Added']:
        content.append(dict(font='std', align='wrap',
                            disp=brcddb_switch.best_switch_name(c_proj_obj.r_switch_obj(obj.get('c')), True)))
    content.extend([dict(), dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Switches Removed:')])
    for obj in [d for d in c_obj['_switch_objs'].values() if d['r'] == 'Removed']:
        content.append(dict(font='std', align='wrap',
                            disp=brcddb_switch.best_switch_name(b_proj_obj.r_switch_obj(obj.get('b')), True)))

    # Add chassis changes
    content.extend([dict(), dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Chassis Added:')])
    for obj in [d for d in c_obj['_chassis_objs'].values() if d['r'] == 'Added']:
        content.append(dict(font='std', align='wrap',
                            disp=brcddb_chassis.best_chassis_name(c_proj_obj.r_chassis_obj(obj.get('c')), True)))
    content.extend([dict(), dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Chassis Removed:')])
    for obj in [d for d in c_obj['_chassis_objs'].values() if d['r'] == 'Removed']:
        content.append(dict(font='std', align='wrap',
                            disp=brcddb_chassis.best_chassis_name(b_proj_obj.r_chassis_obj(obj.get('b')), True)))

    # Sheet name and title
    sname = 'Project_Changes_' + str(sheet_index)
    report_utils.title_page(wb, None, sname, sheet_index, 'Project Changes', content, 80)

    return sheet_index+1, [dict(s=sname, d='Project Changes')]
Exemplo n.º 2
def _page(wb, sheet_index, b_proj_obj, c_proj_obj, c_obj, page):
    """Recursively iterates through a list of changes from compare.compare() for fabric. Create fabric pages as needed

    :param wb: Workbook object
    :type wb: dict
    :param sheet_index: Starting sheet index
    :type sheet_index: int
    :param b_proj_obj: Project object for base (project we are comparing against). Typically the older project.
    :type b_proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param c_proj_obj: Comparison project object. Typically the newer project.
    :type c_proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param c_obj: This is the object from compare.compare() that we are working on
    :type c_obj: dict
    :param page: Page type: _fabric_objs, _chassis_objs, or _switch_objs
    :type page: str
    :return sheet_index: Next sheet index
    :rtype sheet_index: int
    :return tbl_contents: Table of contents for the fabrics
    :rtype. tbl_contents: list
    global _main_pages

    # Set up the table of contents and sheet headers
    tbl_contents = list()
    if not isinstance(c_obj, dict):
        return sheet_index, tbl_contents  # This happens when there are no changes
    for base_key, f_obj in c_obj.items():
        b_fab_obj = b_proj_obj.r_fabric_obj(base_key)
        c_fab_obj = c_proj_obj.r_fabric_obj(base_key)
        t_content = [dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp=('Key', 'Base Value', 'Compare Value', 'Change'))]
        obj_tbl = _action_table[page]

        # Add each individual item for the brcddb object to the sheet
        if b_fab_obj is not None and c_fab_obj is not None:  # The principal fabric switch may not have been polled
            for k, cntl_tbl in obj_tbl.items():
                obj = f_obj.get(k)
                if obj is not None:
                    # obj can be None if code was upgraded and a new KPI was introduced and captured. This logic skips
                    # reporting on anything new because we have no idea what the previous version would have been
                    t_content.append(dict(font='hdr_2', merge=4, align='wrap', disp=cntl_tbl.get('t')))
                    cntl_tbl.get('f')(obj, b_fab_obj, c_fab_obj, t_content)

        # Add each item added to the brcddb object (these are the items from the API)
        t_content.append(dict(font='hdr_2', merge=4, align='wrap', disp='Added from RESTConf API'))
        for k1 in [key for key in f_obj.keys() if key not in obj_tbl]:
            _api_added_compares(f_obj, k1, list(), t_content)
        # Sheet name and title
        title, sname = _main_pages[page]['ts'](b_proj_obj, base_key)
        sname = sname.replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '').replace('-', '_')
        sname = sname[:28] + '_' + str(sheet_index) if len(sname) > 28 else sname + '_' + str(sheet_index)
        tbl_contents.append(dict(s=sname, d=title))
        report_utils.title_page(wb, None, sname, sheet_index, title, _main_pages[page]['sc'](t_content),
                                (42, 45, 45, 24))
        sheet_index += 1

    return sheet_index, tbl_contents
Exemplo n.º 3
def _new_report(c, b_proj_obj, c_proj_obj, c_obj, r_name):
    """Generates an Excel comparison report

    :param c: Total number of changes. Typically the number of changes returned from brcddb.util.compare.compare()
    :type c: int
    :param b_proj_obj: Project object for base (project we are comparing against). Typically the older project.
    :type b_proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param c_proj_obj: Comparison project object. Typically the newer project.
    :type c_proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param c_obj: Change object returned from brcddb.util.compare.compare()
    :type c_obj: dict
    :param r_name: Name of Excel workbook file
    :type r_name: str
    global _main_pages

    # Set up the workbook
    sheet_index = 0
    wb = excel_util.new_report()

    # Setup the Project summary sheet with table of content
    title = b_proj_obj.r_obj_key() + ' Compared to ' + c_proj_obj.r_obj_key()
    tc_page = 'Project_Summary'
    t_content = [
        dict(font='std', align='wrap', disp=('Total changes', c)),
        dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp=('Key', 'Base Value', 'Compare Value', 'Change')),

    # Add any added changes to the project objects
    for k, obj in c_obj.items():
        if k not in _main_pages.keys() and k != '_project_obj':
            t_content.append(dict(font='std', align='wrap', disp=(k, obj.get('b'), obj.get('c'), obj.get('r'))))

    # Add the project change sheet
    sheet_index, tbl_contents = _project_page(wb, sheet_index, b_proj_obj, c_proj_obj, c_obj.get('_project_obj'))
    d = tbl_contents[0]
    td = dict(font='link', merge=4, align='wrap', disp=d.get('d'))
    td.update(hyper='#' + d.get('s') + '!A1')

    # Add all the chassis, switch and fabric sheets
    for k, p_obj in _main_pages.items():
        t_content.append(dict(font='hdr_2', merge=4, align='wrap', disp=p_obj.get('t')))
        sheet_index, tbl_contents = _page(wb, sheet_index, b_proj_obj, c_proj_obj, c_obj.get(k), k)
        for d in tbl_contents:
            td = dict(font='link', merge=4, align='wrap', disp=d.get('d'))
            if 's' in d:  # Is there a link to a page?
                td.update(hyper='#' + d.get('s') + '!A1')

    # Add the project summary with table of contents and save the report.
    report_utils.title_page(wb, None, tc_page, 0, title, t_content, (24, 42, 42, 12))
    excel_util.save_report(wb, r_name)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _write_report(switch_obj, report, graph_list, ml):
    """Creates an Excel workbook with the port statistics differences. Operates off global data

    :param switch_obj: Base switch object with ports to write to report
    :type switch_obj: brcddb.classes.switch.SwitchObj
    :param report: Name of report (Excel file name)
    :type report: str
    :param graph_list: List of dictionaries as returned from _graphs
    :type graph_list: list
    :return: Status code. See brcddb.brcddb_common.EXIT_xxxx
    :rtype: int

    # Get the project and set up the workbook
        'Generating Report: ' + report + '. This may take several seconds',
    proj_obj = switch_obj.r_project_obj()
    wb = excel_util.new_report()

    # Setup the Project summary sheet with table of content
    title = 'Port Performance'
    tc_page = 'Project_Summary'
    t_content = [
        dict(merge=2, font='std', align='wrap', disp=proj_obj.c_description()),
             disp='Data collected'),
        dict(merge=2, font='std', align='wrap', disp=proj_obj.r_date()),
    t_content_p = [
        dict(merge=4, font='std', align='wrap', disp=''),
        dict(merge=4, font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Collected Port Data'),
        dict(merge=4, font='std', align='wrap', disp=''),
        dict(new_row=False, font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Port'),
        dict(new_row=False, font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Name'),
        dict(new_row=False, font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Type'),
        dict(new_row=False, font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='State'),
        dict(font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Description'),
    t_content_g = [
        dict(merge=4, font='std', align='wrap', disp=''),
        dict(merge=4, font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp='Graphs'),
        dict(merge=4, font='std', align='wrap', disp=''),

    # Add the individual graphs and port sheets
    _add_ports(wb, tc_page, t_content_p, 0, switch_obj)
    ml.extend(_add_graphs(wb, tc_page, t_content_g, 0, switch_obj, graph_list))
    ml = gen_util.remove_duplicates(ml)
    t_content.extend(t_content_g + t_content_p)

    # Add the table of contents and save the report.
    report_utils.title_page(wb, None, tc_page, 0, title, t_content,
                            (12, 22, 16, 10, 64))
    ml.append('Saving the report.')
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
    excel_util.save_report(wb, report)

    return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
Exemplo n.º 5
def proj_title_page(proj_obj, tc, wb, sheet_index, sheet_name, sheet_title,
    """Creates the project title page
    :param proj_obj: Project object
    :type proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param tc: Table of context page. A link to this page is place in cell A1
    :type tc: str, None
    :param wb: Workbook object
    :type wb: dict
    :param sheet_index: Location for the title page. First sheet is 0
    :type sheet_index: int
    :param sheet_name: Sheet (tab) name
    :type sheet_name: str
    :param sheet_title: Title for sheet
    :type sheet_title: str
    :param contents: List of objects {'s': sheet name, 'd': reference name (individual sheet titles)}
    :rtype: None
    t_content = [
        dict(font='std', align='wrap', disp=proj_obj.c_description()),
             disp='Data collected'),
        dict(font='std', align='wrap', disp=proj_obj.r_date())

    # Add the table  of contents
    for obj in contents:
        m = 3  # Number of cells to merge
        if obj.get('h') is not None and obj.get('h') is True:
                dict(merge=m, font='hdr_2', align='wrap', disp=obj.get('d')))
        if obj.get('sc') is not None:
            for i in range(0, obj.get('sc')):
                                      disp=''))  # Column is blank
                m -= 1
        if obj.get('s') is not None:
                     hyper='#' + obj.get('s') + '!A1'))
            buf = obj.get('font') if 'font' in obj else 'std'
                dict(merge=m, font=buf, align='wrap', disp=obj.get('d')))

    report_utils.title_page(wb, tc, sheet_name, sheet_index, sheet_title,
                            t_content, (4, 20, 62))