def register_shape(app, path): with suppress_stdout(): scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=(1000, 1000)) mesh = brender.Mesh.from_3ds(scene, path) mesh.remove_doubles() mesh.make_normals_consistent() mesh.enable_smooth_shading() mesh.unwrap_uv() with database.session_scope() as sess: shape = Shape(source=args.source_name,, category=args.category) sess.add(shape) sess.flush() shape_dir = Path(config.BLOB_ROOT, 'shapes', str( bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(filepath=str(TMP_OBJ_PATH)) try: shape.models_dir.mkdir(parents=True) shutil.copy(str(TMP_OBJ_PATH), str(shape.obj_path)) shutil.copy(str(TMP_MTL_PATH), str(shape.mtl_path)) except: shape.obj_path.unlink() shape.mtl_path.unlink() shape_dir.rmdir() raise sess.commit()
def main(): with session_scope() as sess: materials = (sess.query(models.Material).order_by( # Initialize Brender and Scene. app = brender.Brender() app.init() scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=_REND_SHAPE, aa_samples=196) scene.set_envmap(_ENVMAP_PATH, scale=5.0) # Initialize Camera. rk_camera = cameras.spherical_coord_to_cam( 60.0, azimuth=math.pi / 2 - math.pi / 12, elevation=math.pi / 2 - math.pi / 6, cam_dist=2.5, max_len=_REND_SHAPE[0] / 2) camera = brender.CalibratedCamera(scene, rk_camera.cam_to_world(), rk_camera.fov) scene.set_active_camera(camera) with mesh = brender.mesh.Monkey(position=(0, 0, 0)) mesh.enable_smooth_shading() pbar = tqdm(materials) for material in pbar: pbar.set_description( uv_ref_scale = 2**(material.default_scale - 4) bmat = material_to_brender(material, uv_ref_scale=uv_ref_scale) brender.mesh.set_material(mesh.bobj, bmat) if bmat.has_uvs: mesh.compute_uv_density() with suppress_stdout(): rend = scene.render_to_array(format='exr') material.save_data('previews/monkey.studio021.exr', rend) material.save_data('previews/monkey.studio021.png', to_8bit(toolbox.images.linear_to_srgb(rend)))
def register_shape(app, shape, path): shape_dir = Path(config.BLOB_ROOT, 'shapes', str( with suppress_stdout(): scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=(1000, 1000)) mesh = brender.Mesh.from_3ds(scene, path) mesh.remove_doubles() mesh.make_normals_consistent() mesh.enable_smooth_shading() mesh.unwrap_uv() bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(filepath=str(TMP_OBJ_PATH)) try: if not shape.models_dir.exists(): shape.models_dir.mkdir(parents=True) shutil.copy(str(TMP_OBJ_PATH), str(shape.obj_path)) shutil.copy(str(TMP_MTL_PATH), str(shape.mtl_path)) except: shape.obj_path.unlink() shape.mtl_path.unlink() shape_dir.rmdir() raise
def main(): app = brender.Brender() if not args.list_path.exists(): print(f'{args.list_path!s} does not exist.') return with'r') as f: file_list ='\n') inference_paths = [ Path(args.inference_dir, f'{p}.json') for p in file_list ] with session_scope() as sess: envmap = sess.query(models.Envmap).get(13) materials = sess.query(models.Material).all() mat_by_id = { m for m in materials} app.init() engine = Engine.CYCLES scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=_REND_SHAPE, engine=engine, tile_size=(40, 40), aa_samples=128, diffuse_samples=3, specular_samples=3, background_mode=BackgroundMode.ENVMAP, background_color=(1, 1, 1, 1)) envmap_rotation = (0, 0, (envmap.azimuth + 3 * math.pi / 2)) scene.set_envmap(envmap.get_data_path('hdr.exr'), scale=1.0, rotation=envmap_rotation) floor = Plane((0, 0, 0), radius=1000) camera = brender.BasicCamera( scene, position=(0.217, -22.76, 7.49), rotation=(0.99, 0, 0), ) scene.set_active_camera(camera) grid_width = 13 grid_height = int(math.ceil(len(inference_paths) / grid_width)) + 10 grid_coords = [] for r, row in enumerate( np.linspace(-grid_height / 2, grid_height / 2, grid_height)): offset = 0 if r % 2 == 0: offset = 0.5 for c, col in enumerate( np.linspace(-grid_width / 2, grid_width / 2, grid_width)): if r == 0 and c in {0, 1, grid_width - 1, grid_width - 2}: continue if r in {1, 2, 3} and c in {0, grid_width - 1}: continue coord = (col + offset, row) grid_coords.append(coord) random.seed(1000) random.shuffle(inference_paths) pbar = tqdm(inference_paths) for i, inference_path in enumerate(pbar): with'r') as f: inference_dict = json.load(f) pair = sess.query(ExemplarShapePair).get(inference_dict['pair_id']) pbar.set_description(f"Adding pair {}") location = (1.5 * grid_coords[i][0], 1.5 * grid_coords[i][1], 0) mesh = add_pair_mesh(scene, pair, inference_dict, mat_by_id) scene.meshes.append(mesh) mesh.bobj.location = location mesh.bobj.location[2] -= mesh.compute_min_pos() tqdm.write(f'Saving blend file to {args.out_path!s}') # bpy.ops.file.make_paths_absolute() if args.pack_assets: bpy.ops.file.pack_all() bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=str(args.out_path))
async def process_pair(app: brender.Brender, pair: ExemplarShapePair, cam_angles: List[Tuple[float, float]], mats_by_subst: Dict[str, List[NodesMaterial]], num_rends, *, envmaps_by_split, is_dry_run, epoch, collector_ctx, required_substances=None): rk_mesh, _ = pair.shape.load() rk_mesh.resize(1) with open(_TMP_MESH_PATH, 'w') as f: wavefront.save_obj_file(f, rk_mesh) seg_substances = utils.compute_segment_substances(pair) if required_substances: for subst in required_substances: if subst not in seg_substances.values(): return print(seg_substances.values()) scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=_REND_SHAPE, tile_size=(40, 40), aa_samples=128, diffuse_samples=3, specular_samples=3, background_mode=BackgroundMode.COLOR, background_color=(1, 1, 1, 1)) with suppress_stdout(): mesh = Mesh.from_obj(scene, _TMP_MESH_PATH) # mesh.remove_doubles() mesh.enable_smooth_shading() for i in range(num_rends): bmats = [] try: r = do_render(scene, pair, mesh, envmaps_by_split, cam_angles, rk_mesh, seg_substances, mats_by_subst, bmats) finally: while len(bmats) > 0: bmat = bmats.pop() = del bmat if not is_dry_run: await collector.send_data( **collector_ctx, split_set=pair.shape.split_set,, epoch=epoch, iteration=i, params=r['params'], ldr_image=r['ldr'], hdr_image=r['hdr'], seg_map=r['seg_map'], seg_vis=r['seg_vis'], normal_image=r['normal_image'], )
def construct_inference_scene(app: brender.Brender, pair: models.ExemplarShapePair, pair_inference_dict, mat_by_id, envmap: models.Envmap, scene_type='inferred', num_samples=256, rend_shape=(1280, 1280), tile_size=(512, 512), frontal_camera=False, diagonal_camera=False, add_floor=True): if scene_type not in {'inferred', 'mtl'}: raise ValueError('Invalid scene type.') inference_dict = pair_inference_dict['segments'] rk_mesh, _ = pair.shape.load(size=1) rk_mesh.resize(1) scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=rend_shape, num_samples=num_samples, tile_size=tile_size, background_mode=BackgroundMode.COLOR, background_color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0)) envmap_rotation = (0, 0, (envmap.azimuth + math.pi/2 + pair.azimuth)) scene.set_envmap(envmap.get_data_path('hdr.exr'), scale=0.8, rotation=envmap_rotation) if frontal_camera: distance = 1.5 fov = 50 azimuth, elevation = pair.shape.get_frontal_angles() elif diagonal_camera: distance = 1.5 fov = 50 azimuth, elevation = pair.shape.get_demo_angles() else: distance = 4.0 fov = pair.fov azimuth, elevation = pair.azimuth, pair.elevation # Get exemplar camera parameters. rk_camera = cameras.spherical_coord_to_cam( fov, azimuth, elevation, cam_dist=distance, max_len=rend_shape[0]/2) camera = brender.CalibratedCamera(scene, rk_camera.cam_to_world(), fov) scene.set_active_camera(camera) with suppress_stdout(): mesh = Mesh.from_obj(scene, pair.shape.resized_obj_path) mesh.make_normals_consistent() mesh.enable_smooth_shading() mesh.recenter() if add_floor: min_pos = mesh.compute_min_pos() floor_mat = DiffuseMaterial(diffuse_color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) floor_mesh = Plane(position=(0, 0, min_pos)) floor_mesh.set_material(floor_mat) if scene_type == 'inferred': for seg_id, seg_name in enumerate(rk_mesh.materials): if str(seg_id) not in inference_dict: continue mat_id = int(inference_dict[str(seg_id)]['material'][0]['id']) material = mat_by_id[mat_id] uv_ref_scale = 2 ** (material.default_scale - 3) print(f'[Pair {}] Settings segment {seg_id} ({seg_name}) ' f'to material {}') # Activate only current material. for bobj in if == seg_name: bmat = loader.material_to_brender( material, bobj=bobj, uv_ref_scale=uv_ref_scale) scene.add_bmat(bmat) # This needs to come after the materials are initialized. print('Computing UV density...') mesh.compute_uv_density() return scene
def render_pair(app: brender.Brender, pair: ExemplarShapePair, materials_by_substance, base_out_dir): # Load shapenet mesh and resize to 1.0 to match Blender size. rk_mesh, _ = pair.shape.load() rk_mesh.resize(1) with open(_TMP_MESH_PATH, 'w') as f: wavefront.save_obj_file(f, rk_mesh) scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=_REND_SHAPE, aa_samples=32) envmap_rotation = (0, 0, (math.pi + math.pi/2 + pair.azimuth)) scene.set_envmap(_ENVMAP_PATH, scale=5, rotation=envmap_rotation) with suppress_stdout(): mesh = Mesh.from_obj(scene, _TMP_MESH_PATH) mat_substances = utils.compute_segment_substances(pair) # Get exemplar camera parameters. rk_camera = cameras.spherical_coord_to_cam( pair.fov, pair.azimuth, pair.elevation, cam_dist=2.0, max_len=_REND_SHAPE[0]/2) segment_im = render_segments(rk_mesh, rk_camera) camera = brender.CalibratedCamera( scene, rk_camera.cam_to_world(), pair.fov) scene.set_active_camera(camera) bmats = [] segment_pbar = tqdm(rk_mesh.materials) for segment_name in segment_pbar: segment_pbar.set_description(f'Segment {segment_name}') try: mat_subst = mat_substances[segment_name] materials = materials_by_substance[mat_subst] except KeyError: continue out_dir = Path(base_out_dir, str(, str(segment_name)) out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) material_pbar = tqdm(materials) for material in material_pbar: material_pbar.set_description(f'Material {}') out_path = Path(out_dir, f'{}.png') if out_path.exists(): material_pbar.set_description( f'Material {} already rendered') continue # Activate only current material. bobj = None for bobj in if == segment_name: break bobj_matches = [o for o in if == segment_name] if len(bobj_matches) == 0: bmat = InvisibleMaterial(bobj=bobj) else: bmat = loader.material_to_brender(material, bobj=bobj) bmats.append(bmat) with suppress_stdout(): rend_im = scene.render_to_array() vis.image(rend_im.transpose((2, 0, 1)), win='rend-im') rend_im[segment_im != rk_mesh.materials.index(segment_name)] = 0 fg_bbox = mask_bbox(segment_im > -1) rend_im = crop_tight_fg(rend_im, _FINAL_SHAPE, bbox=fg_bbox, fill=0, use_pil=True) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) skio.imsave(str(out_path), rend_im) while len(bmats) > 0: bmat = bmats.pop() = del bmat
def main(): with session_scope() as sess: materials = ( sess.query(models.Material) # .filter(sa.and_(models.Material.default_scale.isnot(None), # models.Material.substance == 'fabric')) # .filter(models.Material.type == MaterialType.MDL) .order_by( shape = sess.query(models.Shape).get(4682) # shape = sess.query(models.Shape).get(2333) # Initialize Brender and Scene. app = brender.Brender() app.init() scene = brender.Scene(app, shape=_REND_SHAPE, aa_samples=196) envmap_rotation = (0, 0, (math.pi + math.pi / 2 - math.pi / 2 - math.pi / 12)) scene.set_envmap(_ENVMAP_PATH, scale=2.0, rotation=envmap_rotation) # Initialize Camera. rk_camera = cameras.spherical_coord_to_cam( 60.0, azimuth=-math.pi / 2 - math.pi / 12, elevation=math.pi / 2 - math.pi / 6, cam_dist=1.2, max_len=_REND_SHAPE[0] / 2) camera = brender.CalibratedCamera(scene, rk_camera.cam_to_world(), rk_camera.fov) scene.set_active_camera(camera) # Load shapenet mesh and resize to 1.0 to match Blender size. rk_mesh, _ = shape.load() rk_mesh.resize(1) with open(_TMP_MESH_PATH, 'w') as f: wavefront.save_obj_file(f, rk_mesh) mesh = brender.mesh.Mesh.from_obj(scene, _TMP_MESH_PATH) # Align the mesh to a camera looking straight at the diffuser. The diffuser # for Studio 021 is at azimuth=pi/2, elevation=pi/2. # brender.mesh.align_mesh_to_direction(mesh, math.pi / 2, math.pi / 2) # with # mesh = brender.mesh.Monkey(position=(0, 0, 0)) pbar = tqdm(materials) for material in pbar: uv_ref_scale = 2**(material.default_scale - 4) pbar.set_description( data_name = f'previews/chair_{material.default_scale}.png' if material.data_exists(data_name): continue # _, _, uv_density = measure_uv_density(mesh.bobj) bmat = material_to_brender(material, uv_ref_scale=uv_ref_scale) brender.mesh.set_material(mesh.bobj, bmat) if bmat.has_uvs: mesh.compute_uv_density() with suppress_stdout(): rend = scene.render_to_array(format='exr') # material.save_data( # f'previews/chair.exr', # rend) bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath='/local1/data/test.blend') material.save_data(data_name, to_8bit(toolbox.images.linear_to_srgb(rend)))