Exemplo n.º 1
def test_causal_flow_pop(bowtie_database, bowtie_env_categories):
    # This what it was evolved to do (see the generate.py file)
    pop = bowtie_database.population
    f_flow = CausalFlowAnalyzer(bowtie_database.world)
    j_flow = f_flow.analyse_collection(pop)
    flow = Information(j_flow)
    c_flow = numpy.asarray(flow)

    f_mut = MutualInfoAnalyzer(bowtie_database.world, bowtie_env_categories)
    j_mut = f_mut.analyse_collection(pop)
    mut = Information(j_mut)
    c_mut = numpy.asarray(mut)

    # Let's just try the first few
    for i, n in enumerate(pop):
        p_joint = get_causal_flow(n)
        p_flow = calc_info_from_probs(p_joint)
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(c_flow[i], p_flow)

        _, p_mut = calc_mutual_info(n, bowtie_env_categories)
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(c_mut[i, :, 0], p_mut)

        # It takes too long....
        if i == 50:
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_causal_flow_net(bowtie_network):
    """Compare the clunky python version with our C++ version"""

    f = CausalFlowAnalyzer(bowtie_network.factory.world)
    j = f.analyse_network(bowtie_network)

    # We just access the 0th element, as we only sent one network for analysis
    c_joint = numpy.asarray(j)[0]

    # Test that each of the signals has a complete joint probability. It
    # should sum to 1.0
    for per_reg in c_joint:
        for per_output in per_reg:
            assert per_output.sum() == 1.0

    # Get the slow version from python.
    p_joint = get_causal_flow(bowtie_network)

    # TODO: They should be the same.
    # This actually fails, but not sure why right now. I think it is minor
    # stuff. Note that the INFORMATION calculated from these is the same
    # below. We're not using causal flow right now anyway...
    # numpy.testing.assert_allclose(p_joint, c_joint)

    # So should the information.
    info = Information(j)
    c_info = numpy.asarray(info)[0]
    p_info = calc_info_from_probs(p_joint)
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(c_info, p_info)