Exemplo n.º 1
    def settings(self) -> Objectify:
        """Project settings.

        Aggregate settings information about a project.
        :return: Dictionary with all settings for a project.
        # TODO: These settings are in a transitional state while
        # we move other configuration-related fields here.
        # To preserve backwards compability, we simply proxy those
        # fields - but their use should be deprecated as possible.

        # (NB. Even with Objectify, there is no provision
        # for write-back any of the "dates" subfields yet)

        return Objectify({
            'tech_requirements': self.tech_requirements,
            'delivery_config': self.delivery,
            'dates': {
                'cancellation_window': self.cancellation_window,
                'availability_window': self.availability_window,
                'approval_window': self.approval_window,
            'permissions': {
                'add_order': self.add_order_roles
            'order_type': self.order_type,
            'project_type': self.project_type
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_collections(self, order_payload: dict) -> dict:
    """Create all collections in Alexandria if the do not exists.

    :param self: reference to the task class instance
    :param order_payload: payload of order from leica
    :return: order collection payload from the library
    factory = getUtility(IRemoteRestEndpoint)
    library_api = factory(config.ALEXANDRIA_BASE, 'collections', 'Collections')
    order = Objectify(order_payload)
    collections = [
        (order.customer, 'customer'),
        (order.project, 'project'),
        (order, 'order'),
    parent_id = config.ALEXANDRIA_LEICA_ROOT
    for item, type_ in collections:
        result = library_api.get(item.id)
        if not result:
            payload = {
                'slug': item.slug,
                'id': item.id,
                'title': item.title,
                'description': item.description,
                'content_type': f'application/collection.leica-{type_}',
                'parent_id': parent_id,
                'tags': [type_]
            result = library_api.post(payload)

        # this will be the new parent
        parent_id = result.get('id')

    if order.requirement_items:
        for i, item in enumerate(order.requirement_items):
            result = library_api.get(item.id)
            if not result:
                category_name = item._get('name', f'ItemName-{i}')
                payload = {
                    'slug': slugify(category_name),
                    'id': item.id,
                    'title': item.category,
                    'description': item._get('description', ''),
                    'parent_id': order.id,
                    'tags': item.tags,
                    'properties': {
                        'gdrive': {
                            'folder_id': item.folder_id,
                            'parent_folder_id': item.parent_folder_id,
    return library_api.get(order.id)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    """Execute import script."""
    for item in PROJECTS_TO_IMPORT:
        if not item.get('imported', False):
            session = db_configure(Session)
            importer = OrderImporter(item.get('file_name'),
                                     Objectify(item.get('project')), session)
            with transaction.manager:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def process_message(self, message: SQSMessage) -> bool:
        """Process a message retrieved from the input_queue.

        :param message: A message from the queue
        :returns: Status from the process
        body = message.body
        data = Objectify(body.get('data', {}))
        event = body.get('event_name', '')
        message_id = body.get('id', '')
        data.sqs_message_id = message_id
        dispatch = Objectify(self.dispatch_map.get(event, {}))
        if not dispatch:
            logger.info('Unknown event type - message {0} ignored'.format(
            return True

        logger.info('Processing event {event}'.format(event=event))
            status, payload = dispatch.action(data)
        except Exception as error:
            msg = 'Unknown exception raised on \'{0}\' assignment {1}. \n' \
                  'Error: {2} \n Payload: {3}'
            logger.error(msg.format(dispatch.name, data.id, error, data._dct))
            raise  # Let newrelic deal with it.
        response = ResponseWrapper(data, payload)
        notification_action = dispatch.notification_actions[status]
        event = notification_action.action(response)
        message = notification_action.message
        if not notification_action.success:  # processing failed
            # Return False if the message is to be retried
            return not dispatch.on_failure_retry
        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_assets(collection_payload: dict, order_payload: dict) -> group:
    """Create all assets in Alexandria if the do not exists.

    :param collection_payload: payload of order collection from briefy.alexandria
    :param order_payload: payload of order from leica
    :return: list of orders returned from listing payload
    factory = getUtility(IRemoteRestEndpoint)
    library_api = factory(config.ALEXANDRIA_BASE, 'collections', 'Collections')
    order = Objectify(order_payload)

    tasks = []
    if order.requirement_items:
        for item in order.requirement_items:
            folder_contents = gdrive.folder_contents.delay(
            images = folder_contents.get('images')
            collection_payload = library_api.get(item.id)
            image_tasks = [
                    add_or_update_asset.s(image, collection_payload),
                ) for image in images


        folder_contents = gdrive.folder_contents.delay(order.delivery.gdrive,
        images = folder_contents.get('images')
        sub_folders = [
            folder for folder in folder_contents.get('folders')
            if folder.get('name').lower().strip() in FOLDER_NAMES

        # make sure que get images also from sub folders
        for folder in sub_folders:

        image_tasks = [
                add_or_update_asset.s(image, collection_payload),
            ) for image in images

    return group(tasks)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def settings(self, value: t.Union[Objectify, t.Mapping]):
        """Project settings.

        Set all settings for a project.
        :value: Dictionary with all settings for a project.
        # 'PUT' semmantics setter. This will destroy everything on the way.
        # to change a single sub-field, consider changing the just the desired
        # entry along with a call to
        # sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.flag_modified(obj, data_field_name)
        # (check the correct underlying field_name on the settings.getter
        # above while we are in this transitional stage)

        value = Objectify(value, sentinel=None)
        self.tech_requirements = value.tech_requirements or {}
        self.delivery = value.delivery_config or {}
        self.add_order_roles = value.permissions.add_order or []
        self.cancellation_window = value.dates.cancellation_window or 0
        self.availability_window = value.dates.availability_window or 0
        self.approval_window = value.dates.approval_window or 0
Exemplo n.º 7
def download_and_upload_file(destiny: t.Tuple[str, str],
                             image_payload: dict) -> str:
    """Download from GDrive and upload file to S3 bucket.

    :param destiny: tuple composed of (directory, file_name)
    :param image_payload: google drive file id
    :return: return the file_path
    directory, file_name = destiny
    image = Objectify(image_payload)
    if not file_exists(destiny):
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        file_path = f'{directory}/{file_name}'
        with open(file_path, 'wb') as data:

        result = upload_file(destiny)
        result = f'{config.AWS_ASSETS_SOURCE}/{file_name}'
    return result
Exemplo n.º 8
    def process_message(self, message: SQSMessage) -> bool:
        """Process a message retrieved from the input_queue.

        :param message: A message from the queue
        :returns: Status from the process
        status = True
        body = message.body
        logger.info('Deis-worker: Processing message {0}'.format(body.get('id', None)))
        assignment = Objectify(body.get('data', {}))
        event = body.get('event_name', '')
        dispatch = Objectify(MESSAGE_DISPATCH.get(event, {}))

        if not dispatch:
            logger.info('Unknown event type - message {0} ignored'.format(body['id']))
            return False

            status, payload = dispatch.action(assignment, self.session)

        except Exception as error:
                'Unknown exception raised on \'{0}\' assignment {1}. Error: {2}'.format(
            raise  # Let newrelic deal with it.
        event = None
        if status and dispatch.success_notification:
            event = dispatch.success_notification(payload)
        elif not status and dispatch.failure_notification:
            event = dispatch.failure_notification(payload)
        elif not status:
                logger.warning('Could not process message, and there are no '
                               'further actions on failure: {0}'.format(body))
        if event:
        return status
Exemplo n.º 9
    def transform(self, record: dict) -> dict:
        """Transform data payload from tsv file to Order payload."""
        record = Objectify(record)
        project = self.project
        order_id = uuid.uuid4()

        number_required_assets = record._get('number_required_assets', 10)

        # parse first and last name
        names = record.full_name.split(' ')
        first_name = names[0]
        if len(names) > 1:
            last_name = ' '.join(names[0:])
            last_name = ''

        # parse country code based on the country name
        country = pycountry.countries.get(name=record.country.strip(' '))
        if not country:
            print(f'Country not found {record.country}')

        country = country.alpha_2 if country else project.country

        formatted_address = f'{record.address}, {record.district}, {record.locality}, ' \
                            f'{record.postal_code}, {project.country}'
        new_data = {
            'id': order_id,
            'project_id': project.id,
            'asset_types': ['Image'],
            'category': 'accommodation',
            'description': '',
            'title': record.title,
            'requirements': '',
            'current_type': 'order',
            'state': 'accepted',
            'number_required_assets': number_required_assets,
            'source': 'briefy',
            'customer_id': project.customer_id,
            'customer_order_id': record.customer_order_id,
            'price': 10000,  # TODO: use from project if exists
            'delivery': {
                'gdrive': record._get('download_link', '')
            'price_currency': 'EUR',
            # TODO: use google maps api to get the geohash
            'location': {
                'id': uuid.uuid4(),
                'order_id': order_id,
                'state': 'created',
                'locality': record.locality,
                'country': country,
                'email': record.email,
                'formatted_address': formatted_address,
                'coordinates': [0, 0],
                'additional_phone': None,
                'timezone': country_timezones.get(country,
                'first_name': first_name,
                'last_name': last_name,
                'mobile': record.mobile,
                'info': {
                    'additional_info': '',
                    'province': record.locality,
                    'locality': record.locality,
                    'sublocality': record.district,
                    'route': record.address,
                    'street_number': '',
                    'country': project.country,
                    'postal_code': record.postal_code
        return new_data
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_json_can_serialize_objectify():
    from briefy.common.utils.data import Objectify
    a = [Objectify({'b': 1})]
    b = json.dumps(a)
    assert json.loads(b) == [{'b': 1}]
Exemplo n.º 11
def ts_objectify(val: Objectify) -> str:
    """Serialize LabeledEnum instance to string."""
    return val._get()
Exemplo n.º 12
def add_or_update_asset(image_payload: dict,
                        collection_payload: dict) -> t.Tuple[str, str]:
    """Add one assets in Alexandria if it do not exists.

    :param image_payload: image payload from briefy.gdrive
    :param collection_payload: payload of order collection from briefy.alexandria
    :return: asset file_path
    collection = Objectify(collection_payload)
    factory = getUtility(IRemoteRestEndpoint)
    library_api = factory(config.ALEXANDRIA_BASE, 'assets', 'Assets')
    image = Objectify(image_payload)
    data = library_api.query({'slug': image.id})['data']

    if image.mimeType == 'image/jpeg':
        extension = 'jpg'
    elif len(image.name) >= 3:
        extension = image.name[-3:]
        extension = 'none'

    if not data:
        tags = ['gdrive', 'image']
        asset_id = uuid.uuid4()
        file_name = f'{asset_id}.{extension}'
        source_path = f'{config.AWS_ASSETS_SOURCE}/{file_name}'
        payload = {
            'slug': image.id,
            'id': uuid.uuid4(),
            'title': image.name,
            'description': '',
            'content_type': image.mimeType,
            'source_path': source_path,
            'tags': tags,
            'collections': [collection.id],
            'size': image.size,
            'properties': {
                'metadata': image.imageMediaMetadata,
                'external_links': {
                    'view': image.webViewLink,
                    'download': image.webContentLink
        data = library_api.post(payload)
        data = data[0]
        asset_id = data.get('id')
        data = library_api.get(asset_id)
        asset_collections = data.get('collections')
        if collection.id not in asset_collections:
            data = library_api.put(asset_id, data)

        file_name = f'{asset_id}.{extension}'

    if not data:
        raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to add or update asset: {image_payload}')

    # in this case we should have one more directory
    if collection.content_type == 'application/collection.leica-order.requirement':
        order_id = collection.parent_id
        directory = f'{config.TMP_PATH}/{order_id}/{collection.id}'
        order_id = collection.id
        directory = f'{config.TMP_PATH}/{order_id}'

        f'Asset added to alexandria. Path to save file: {directory}/{file_name}'
    return directory, file_name