Exemplo n.º 1
def genprior(varname, prior_desc):
    assert type(varname) == str
    assert type(prior_desc) == list
    assert all(
        type(p) == tuple and type(p[0]) == Family and type(p[1]) == int
        for p in prior_desc)
    code = []

    # Sample each segment of a coefficient vector.
    for i, (prior, length) in enumerate(prior_desc):
            sample('{}_{}'.format(varname, i),
                   gendist(prior, args(prior), [length], False)))

    if len(prior_desc) == 0:
        code.append('{} = torch.tensor([])'.format(varname))
    elif len(prior_desc) == 1:
        code.append(f'{varname} = {varname}_0')
        # Concatenate the segments to produce the final vector.
        varname_coefs = ", ".join(f'{varname}_{i}'
                                  for i in range(len(prior_desc)))
        code.append(f'{varname} = torch.cat([{varname_coefs}])')

    return code
Exemplo n.º 2
def genprior(varname, prior_desc):
    assert type(varname) == str
    assert type(prior_desc) == list
    assert all(
        type(p) == tuple and type(p[0]) == Family and type(p[1]) == int
        for p in prior_desc)
    code = []

    # Sample each segment of a coefficient vector.
    for i, (prior, length) in enumerate(prior_desc):
            sample('{}_{}'.format(varname, i),
                   gendist(prior, args(prior), [length], False)))

    # TODO: Optimisation -- avoid `torch.concat` when only sample is
    # drawn. (Binding the sampled value directly to `varname`.)

    if len(prior_desc) > 0:
        # Concatenate the segments to produce the final vector.
        code.append('{} = torch.cat([{}])'.format(
            varname, ', '.join('{}_{}'.format(varname, i)
                               for i in range(len(prior_desc)))))
        code.append('{} = torch.tensor([])'.format(varname))

    return code
Exemplo n.º 3
def genmodel(model):
    assert type(model) == ModelDesc
    num_groups = len(model.groups)

    body = []

        'assert mode == "full" or mode == "prior_and_mu" or mode == "prior_only"'
    body.append('assert (subsample is None) == (dfN is None)'
                )  # Expect both or neither.

    body.append('assert type(X) == torch.Tensor')
    body.append('N = X.shape[0]')

    body.append('if dfN is None:')
    body.append(indent('dfN = N'))
    body.append(indent('assert len(subsample) == N'))

    # The number of columns in the design matrix.
    M = len(model.population.coefs)

    body.append('M = {}'.format(M))
    body.append('assert X.shape == (N, M)')

    # Population level
    # --------------------------------------------------

    # Prior over b. (The population level coefficients.)
    body.extend(genprior('b', contig(model.population.priors)))
    body.append('assert b.shape == (M,)')

    # Group level
    # --------------------------------------------------
    mu_code = []
    for i, group in enumerate(model.groups):
        grp_code, grp_mu_code = gengroup(i, group)

    # Compute mu.
    body.append('if mode == "prior_only":')
    body.append(indent('mu = None'))
    body.append(indent('mu = torch.mv(X, b)'))
    body.extend(indent(line) for line in mu_code)

    # Response
    # --------------------------------------------------

    # Sample from priors over the response distribution parameters
    # that aren't predicted from the data.
    for param, param_prior in zip(model.response.nonlocparams,
                   gendist(param_prior, args(param_prior), [1], False)))

    body.append('if mode == "full":')
    body.append(indent('with pyro.plate("obs", dfN, subsample=subsample):'))
    body.append(indent(indent(sample('y', gen_response_dist(model), 'y_obs'))))

    # Values of interest that are not generated directly by sample
    # statements (such as the `b` vector) are returned from the model
    # so that they can be retrieved from the execution trace later.
    returned_params = (['mu', 'b'] +
                       ['sd_{}'.format(i) for i in range(num_groups)] +
                       ['r_{}'.format(i) for i in range(num_groups)])
    retval = '{{{}}}'.format(', '.join('\'{}\': {}'.format(p, p)
                                       for p in returned_params))
    body.append('return {}'.format(retval))

    params = (['X'] + ['Z_{}'.format(i) for i in range(num_groups)] +
              ['J_{}'.format(i) for i in range(num_groups)] +
              ['y_obs=None', 'dfN=None', 'subsample=None', 'mode="full"'])
    return '\n'.join(method('model', params, body))
Exemplo n.º 4
def gengroup(i, group):
    assert type(i) == int  # A unique int assigned to each group.
    assert type(group) == Group

    cmt = comment('Group {}: factor={}'.format(i, ':'.join(group.columns)))
    code = ['', cmt]
    mu_code = [cmt]

    # The number of coefficients per level.
    M_i = len(group.coefs)

    # The number of levels.
    N_i = len(group.levels)

    # This follows the names used in brms.
    code.append('M_{} = {} # Number of coeffs'.format(i, M_i))
    code.append('N_{} = {} # Number of levels'.format(i, N_i))

    code.append('assert type(Z_{}) == torch.Tensor'.format(i))
    code.append('assert Z_{}.shape == (N, M_{}) # N x {}'.format(i, i, M_i))
    code.append('assert type(J_{}) == torch.Tensor'.format(i))
    code.append('assert J_{}.shape == (N,)'.format(i))

    # Prior over coefficient scales.
    code.extend(genprior('sd_{}'.format(i), contig(group.sd_priors)))
    code.append('assert sd_{}.shape == (M_{},) # {}'.format(i, i, M_i))

    # Prior over a matrix of unscaled/uncorrelated coefficients. This
    # is similar to the brms generated Stan code. An alternative would
    # be to pass `torch.mm(torch.diag(sd_{}), L_{})` as the
    # `scale_tril` argument of a `MultivariateNormal`. Is there any
    # significant different between these two approaches?
               gendist(Normal, [0., 1.], [M_i, N_i], batch=False)))
    code.append('assert z_{}.shape == (M_{}, N_{}) # {} x {}'.format(
        i, i, i, M_i, N_i))

    if group.corr_prior:
        # Model correlations between the coefficients.

        # This is guaranteed by the way the prior tree is built.
        assert M_i > 1

        # Prior over correlations.
        prior = group.corr_prior
        assert len(args(prior)) == 1
                   lkj_corr_cholesky(M_i, shape=args(prior)[0])))
        code.append('assert L_{}.shape == (M_{}, M_{}) # {} x {}'.format(
            i, i, i, M_i, M_i))

        # Compute the final (scaled, correlated) coefficients.

        # When L_i is the identity matrix (representing no
        # correlation) the following computation of r_i is equivalent
        # to that for r_i in the case where we don't model
        # correlations between coefficients. i.e. the other branch of
        # this conditional.
            'r_{} = torch.mm(torch.mm(torch.diag(sd_{}), L_{}), z_{}).transpose(0, 1)'
            .format(i, i, i, i))
        # Compute the final (scaled) coefficients.
            'r_{} = (z_{} * sd_{}.unsqueeze(1)).transpose(0, 1)'.format(
                i, i, i))

    code.append('assert r_{}.shape == (N_{}, M_{}) # {} x {}'.format(
        i, i, i, N_i, M_i))

    # XXX: This allocates a large intermediate tensor `r_1[J_1]`.
    # An alternative might be to iterate over N_i levels and use
    # scatter_add to add that level's contribution to the rows
    # in mu that belong to that level.

    mu_code.append(f'mu = mu + torch.sum(Z_{i} * r_{i}[J_{i}], 1)')

    return code, mu_code
Exemplo n.º 5
def gengroup(i, group):
    assert type(i) == int  # A unique int assigned to each group.
    assert type(group) == Group

    cmt = comment('Group {}: factor={}'.format(i, ':'.join(group.columns)))
    code = ['', cmt]
    mu_code = [cmt]

    # The number of coefficients per level.
    M_i = len(group.coefs)

    # The number of levels.
    N_i = len(group.levels)

    # This follows the names used in brms.
    code.append('M_{} = {} # Number of coeffs'.format(i, M_i))
    code.append('N_{} = {} # Number of levels'.format(i, N_i))

    code.append('assert type(Z_{}) == torch.Tensor'.format(i))
    code.append('assert Z_{}.shape == (N, M_{}) # N x {}'.format(i, i, M_i))
    code.append('assert type(J_{}) == torch.Tensor'.format(i))
    code.append('assert J_{}.shape == (N,)'.format(i))

    # Prior over coefficient scales.
    code.extend(genprior('sd_{}'.format(i), contig(group.sd_priors)))
    code.append('assert sd_{}.shape == (M_{},) # {}'.format(i, i, M_i))

    # Prior over a matrix of unscaled/uncorrelated coefficients. This
    # is similar to the brms generated Stan code. An alternative would
    # be to pass `torch.mm(torch.diag(sd_{}), L_{})` as the
    # `scale_tril` argument of a `MultivariateNormal`. Is there any
    # significant different between these two approaches?
               gendist(Normal, [0., 1.], [M_i, N_i], batch=False)))
    code.append('assert z_{}.shape == (M_{}, N_{}) # {} x {}'.format(
        i, i, i, M_i, N_i))

    if group.corr_prior:
        # Model correlations between the coefficients.

        # This is guaranteed by the way the prior tree is built.
        assert M_i > 1

        # Prior over correlations.
        prior = group.corr_prior
        assert len(args(prior)) == 1
                   lkj_corr_cholesky(M_i, shape=args(prior)[0])))
        code.append('assert L_{}.shape == (M_{}, M_{}) # {} x {}'.format(
            i, i, i, M_i, M_i))

        # Compute the final (scaled, correlated) coefficients.

        # When L_i is the identity matrix (representing no
        # correlation) the following computation of r_i is equivalent
        # to that for r_i in the case where we don't model
        # correlations between coefficients. i.e. the other branch of
        # this conditional.
            'r_{} = torch.mm(torch.mm(torch.diag(sd_{}), L_{}), z_{}).transpose(0, 1)'
            .format(i, i, i, i))
        # Compute the final (scaled) coefficients.
            'r_{} = (z_{} * sd_{}.unsqueeze(1)).transpose(0, 1)'.format(
                i, i, i))

    code.append('assert r_{}.shape == (N_{}, M_{}) # {} x {}'.format(
        i, i, i, N_i, M_i))

    # The following has a similar structure to the code generated by
    # brms (in order to ease the comparison of generated code), though
    # it's not clear that this will have optimal performance in
    # PyTorch.

    # TODO: One alternative is the following (rather than looping over
    # each coefficient):

    # mu = mu + torch.sum(Z_1 * r_1[J_1], 1)

    # This is vectorised over N and M, but allocates a large
    # intermediate tensor `r_1[J_1]`. (Though I don't think this is
    # worse than the current implementation.) Can this be avoided? (I
    # guess einsum doesn't help because we'd have nested indices?)

    for j in range(M_i):
        mu_code.append('r_{}_{} = r_{}[:, {}]'.format(i, j + 1, i, j))
    for j in range(M_i):
        mu_code.append('Z_{}_{} = Z_{}[:, {}]'.format(i, j + 1, i, j))
    for j in range(M_i):
        mu_code.append('mu = mu + r_{}_{}[J_{}] * Z_{}_{}'.format(
            i, j + 1, i, i, j + 1))

    return code, mu_code
Exemplo n.º 6
def genmodel(model):
    assert type(model) == ModelDesc
    num_groups = len(model.groups)

    body = []

        'assert mode == "full" or mode == "prior_and_mu" or mode == "prior_only"'

    body.append('assert type(X) == onp.ndarray')
    body.append('N = X.shape[0]')

    # The number of columns in the design matrix.
    M = len(model.population.coefs)

    body.append('M = {}'.format(M))
    body.append('assert X.shape == (N, M)')

    # Population level
    # --------------------------------------------------

    # Prior over b. (The population level coefficients.)
    body.extend(genprior('b', contig(model.population.priors)))
    body.append('assert b.shape == (M,)')

    # Group level
    # --------------------------------------------------
    mu_code = []
    for i, group in enumerate(model.groups):
        grp_code, grp_mu_code = gengroup(i, group)

    # Compute mu.
    body.append('if mode == "prior_only":')
    body.append(indent('mu = None'))
    body.append(indent('mu = np.matmul(X, b)'))
    body.extend(indent(line) for line in mu_code)

    # Response
    # --------------------------------------------------

    # Sample from priors over the response distribution parameters
    # that aren't predicted from the data.
    for param, param_prior in zip(model.response.nonlocparams,
            sample(param.name, gendist(param_prior, args(param_prior), [1])))

    #body.append('with pyro.plate("obs", N):')

    # TODO: This condition allows us to run the model forward from
    # within `location` (the function that is part of the backend
    # interface) without having to worry about threading a RNG. I'd
    # rather not make this unnecessary check during inference and
    # might therefore revisit this approach.
    body.append('if mode == "full":')
    body.append(indent(sample('y', gen_response_dist(model), 'y_obs')))

    # Values of interest that are not generated directly by sample
    # statements (such as the `b` vector) are returned from the model
    # so that they can be retrieved from the execution trace later.
    returned_params = (['mu', 'b'] +
                       ['sd_{}'.format(i) for i in range(num_groups)] +
                       ['r_{}'.format(i) for i in range(num_groups)])
    retval = '{{{}}}'.format(', '.join('\'{}\': {}'.format(p, p)
                                       for p in returned_params))
    body.append('return {}'.format(retval))

    params = (['X'] + ['Z_{}'.format(i) for i in range(num_groups)] +
               for i in range(num_groups)] + ['y_obs=None', 'mode="full"'])
    return '\n'.join(method('model', params, body))