Exemplo n.º 1
    async def blacklist_remove(self, ctx, tag: str):
        Remove a person from blacklist
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        if ctx.guild.id == 724202847822151680 and not ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
            return await ctx.send("You can't use this command.")
        if ctx.guild.id != 724202847822151680 and not ctx.author.guild_permissions.kick_members:
            return await ctx.send("You can't use this command.")

        tag = tag.lower().replace('o', '0')
        if tag.startswith("#"):
            tag = tag.strip('#')

            ign = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild
                                          ).blacklisted.get_raw(tag, "ign")
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklisted.clear_raw(tag)
            await ctx.send(embed=goodEmbed(
                f"{ign} was successfully removed from this server's blacklist!"
        except KeyError:
            await ctx.send(
                embed=badEmbed(f"#{tag} isn't blacklisted in this server!"))
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def blacklist_check(self, ctx, tag: str):
        Check whether a person is blacklisted
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        if ctx.guild.id == 724202847822151680 and ctx.author.top_role < ctx.guild.get_role(822458522322599956):
            return await ctx.send("You can't use this command.")
        if ctx.guild.id != 724202847822151680 and not ctx.author.guild_permissions.kick_members:
            return await ctx.send("You can't use this command.")

        tag = tag.lower().replace('o', '0')
        if tag.startswith("#"):
            tag = tag.strip('#')

        blacklisted = False
        guild = ""
        name = ""
        reason = ""
        servers = await self.config.all_guilds()
        for server in servers:
            serverobj = self.bot.get_guild(server)
            if serverobj is not None:
                    name = await self.config.guild(serverobj).blacklisted.get_raw(tag, "ign")
                    reason = await self.config.guild(serverobj).blacklisted.get_raw(tag, "reason")
                    guild = serverobj.name
                    blacklisted = True
                except KeyError:

        if blacklisted:
            await ctx.send(embed=goodEmbed(f"{name} is blacklisted in {guild} ({reason})!"))
            await ctx.send(embed=badEmbed(f"Looks like this tag isn't blacklisted anywhere!"))
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def setlang(self, ctx, lang):
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        langs = ["en", "es"]

        if lang not in langs:
            return await ctx.send("No such language supported.")

        await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).roles.language.set(lang)
        await ctx.send(embed=goodEmbed(f"Value language set to {lang}."))
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def coc_clan_remove(self, ctx, key: str):
        await ctx.trigger_typing()
        key = key.lower()

            name = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).clans.get_raw(key, "name")
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).clans.clear_raw(key)
            await ctx.send(embed=goodEmbed(f"{name} was successfully removed from this server!"))
        except KeyError:
            await ctx.send(embed=badEmbed(f"{key.title()} isn't saved club!"))
Exemplo n.º 5
    async def setrole(self, ctx, key, role: discord.Role = None):
        await ctx.trigger_typing()
        key = key.lower()

            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).roles.set_raw(
                key, value=role.id if role is not None else None)
            name = role.name if role is not None else "None"
            await ctx.send(embed=goodEmbed(f"Value {key} set to {name}."))
        except KeyError:
            await ctx.send(embed=badEmbed(
                f"{key.title()} isn't a valid keyword in this server."))
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def cocsave(self, ctx, tag, member: discord.Member = None):
        member = ctx.author if member is None else member

        tag = tag.lower().replace('O', '0')
        if tag.startswith("#"):
            tag = tag.strip('#')

            player = self.apirequest("players/%23" + tag)
            await self.config.user(member).tag.set(player['tag'].replace("#", ""))
            await ctx.send(embed=goodEmbed(f"COC account {player['name']} was saved to {member.name}"))

        except Exception as e:
            await ctx.send(f"Something went wrong: {e}.")
Exemplo n.º 7
    async def blacklist_add(self, ctx, tag: str, *, reason: str = ""):
        Add a player to blacklist
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        if ctx.guild.id == 724202847822151680 and not ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
            return await ctx.send("You can't use this command.")
        if ctx.guild.id != 724202847822151680 and not ctx.author.guild_permissions.kick_members:
            return await ctx.send("You can't use this command.")

        tag = tag.lower().replace('o', '0')
        if tag.startswith("#"):
            tag = tag.strip('#')

        if tag in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklisted()).keys():
            return await ctx.send(
                embed=badEmbed("This person is already blacklisted!"))

            player = await self.ofcbsapi.get_player(tag)
            player_in_club = "name" in player.raw_data["club"]
            if player_in_club:
                clubname = player.club.name
                clubname = "No club"
            result = {"ign": player.name, "club": clubname, "reason": reason}
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild
                                    ).blacklisted.set_raw(tag, value=result)
            await ctx.send(
                embed=goodEmbed(f"{player.name} was successfully blacklisted!")

        except brawlstats.errors.NotFoundError as e:
            return await ctx.send(
                embed=badEmbed("No player with this tag found, try again!"))

        except brawlstats.errors.RequestError as e:
            return await ctx.send(embed=badEmbed(
                f"BS API is offline, please try again later! ({str(e)})"))

        except Exception as e:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"**Something went wrong, please send a personal message to LA Modmail bot or try again!** ({e})"
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def coc_clan_add(self, ctx, key: str, tag: str):
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        if key in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).clans()).keys():
            return await ctx.send(embed=badEmbed("This clan is already saved!"))

            clan = self.apirequest("clans/%23" + tag.replace("#", ""))
            result = {
                "name": clan['name'],
                "nick": key.title(),
                "tag": clan['tag'].replace("#", ""),
                "lastMemberCount": clan['members'],
                "lastRequirement": clan['requiredTrophies'],
                "lastPoints": clan['clanPoints'],
                "lastVersusPoints": clan['clanVersusPoints'],
                "info": ""
            key = key.lower()
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).clans.set_raw(key, value=result)
            await ctx.send(embed=goodEmbed(f"{clan['name']} was successfully saved in this server!"))

        except Exception as e:
            return await ctx.send(f"**Something went wrong: {str(e)}.**")