Exemplo n.º 1
def convert_to_libsvm(lines):
    Converts a sequence of lines (e.g., a file or list of strings) in MegaM
    format to LibSVM format.

    :param lines: The sequence of lines to convert.
    :type lines: L{file} or L{list} of L{str}

    :return: A tuple of the newly formatted data, the mappings from class names
             to numbers, and the mappings from feature names to numbers.
    :rtype: 3-L{tuple} of (L{list} of L{unicode}, L{dict}, and L{dict})

    # Initialize variables
    field_num_dict = UniqueNumberDict()
    class_num_dict = UniqueNumberDict()

    result_list = []
    # Iterate through MegaM file
    for line in lines:
        line_fields = set()
        # Process encoding
        line = UnicodeDammit(line,
                             ['utf-8', 'windows-1252']).unicode_markup.strip()

        # Ignore comments (and TEST/DEV lines)
        if not line.startswith(
                '#') and not line == 'TEST' and not line == 'DEV':
            result_string = ''
            split_line = line.split()
            result_string += '{0}'.format(class_num_dict[split_line[0]])
            # Handle features if there are any
            if len(split_line) > 1:
                del split_line[0]
                # Loop through all feature-value pairs printing out pairs
                # separated by commas (and with feature names replaced with
                # numbers)
                for field_num, value in sorted(
                             for field_name in islice(split_line, 0, None, 2)),
                            (float(value) if value != 'N/A' else 0.0
                             for value in islice(split_line, 1, None, 2)))):
                    # Check for duplicates
                    if field_num in line_fields:
                        field_name = (
                            for field_name, f_num in field_num_dict.items()
                            if f_num == field_num).next()
                        raise AssertionError(
                            "Field {} occurs on same line twice.".format(
                    # Otherwise output non-empty features
                    elif value != 'N/A' and float(value):
                        result_string += ' {}:{}'.format(field_num, value)

    return result_list, class_num_dict, field_num_dict
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _sub_read(self, f):
        example_num = 0
        curr_id = 'EXAMPLE_0'
        for line in f:
            # Process encoding
            if not isinstance(line, text_type):
                line = UnicodeDammit(line, ['utf-8',
            line = line.strip()
            # Handle instance lines
            if line.startswith('#'):
                curr_id = line[1:].strip()
            elif line and line not in ['TRAIN', 'TEST', 'DEV']:
                split_line = line.split()
                num_cols = len(split_line)
                del line
                # Line is just a class label
                if num_cols == 1:
                    class_name = safe_float(split_line[0],
                    field_pairs = []
                # Line has a class label and feature-value pairs
                elif num_cols % 2 == 1:
                    class_name = safe_float(split_line[0],
                    field_pairs = split_line[1:]
                # Line just has feature-value pairs
                elif num_cols % 2 == 0:
                    class_name = None
                    field_pairs = split_line

                curr_info_dict = {}
                if len(field_pairs) > 0:
                    # Get current instances feature-value pairs
                    field_names = islice(field_pairs, 0, None, 2)
                    # Convert values to floats, because otherwise
                    # features'll be categorical
                    field_values = (safe_float(val) for val in
                                    islice(field_pairs, 1, None, 2))

                    # Add the feature-value pairs to dictionary
                    curr_info_dict.update(zip(field_names, field_values))

                    if len(curr_info_dict) != len(field_pairs) / 2:
                        raise ValueError(('There are duplicate feature ' +
                                          'names in {} for example ' +

                yield curr_id, class_name, curr_info_dict

                # Set default example ID for next instance, in case we see a
                # line without an ID.
                example_num += 1
                curr_id = 'EXAMPLE_{}'.format(example_num)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _sub_read(self, f):
        example_num = 0
        curr_id = 'EXAMPLE_0'
        for line in f:
            # Process encoding
            if not isinstance(line, text_type):
                line = UnicodeDammit(line,
                                     ['utf-8', 'windows-1252']).unicode_markup
            line = line.strip()
            # Handle instance lines
            if line.startswith('#'):
                curr_id = line[1:].strip()
            elif line and line not in ['TRAIN', 'TEST', 'DEV']:
                split_line = line.split()
                num_cols = len(split_line)
                del line
                # Line is just a class label
                if num_cols == 1:
                    class_name = safe_float(split_line[0],
                    field_pairs = []
                # Line has a class label and feature-value pairs
                elif num_cols % 2 == 1:
                    class_name = safe_float(split_line[0],
                    field_pairs = split_line[1:]
                # Line just has feature-value pairs
                elif num_cols % 2 == 0:
                    class_name = None
                    field_pairs = split_line

                curr_info_dict = {}
                if len(field_pairs) > 0:
                    # Get current instances feature-value pairs
                    field_names = islice(field_pairs, 0, None, 2)
                    # Convert values to floats, because otherwise
                    # features'll be categorical
                    field_values = (safe_float(val)
                                    for val in islice(field_pairs, 1, None, 2))

                    # Add the feature-value pairs to dictionary
                    curr_info_dict.update(zip(field_names, field_values))

                    if len(curr_info_dict) != len(field_pairs) / 2:
                        raise ValueError(
                            ('There are duplicate feature ' +
                             'names in {} for example ' + '{}.').format(
                                 self.path_or_list, curr_id))

                yield curr_id, class_name, curr_info_dict

                # Set default example ID for next instance, in case we see a
                # line without an ID.
                example_num += 1
                curr_id = 'EXAMPLE_{}'.format(example_num)
Exemplo n.º 4
def convert_to_libsvm(lines):
    Converts a sequence of lines (e.g., a file or list of strings) in MegaM
    format to LibSVM format.

    :param lines: The sequence of lines to convert.
    :type lines: L{file} or L{list} of L{str}

    :return: A tuple of the newly formatted data, the mappings from class names
             to numbers, and the mappings from feature names to numbers.
    :rtype: 3-L{tuple} of (L{list} of L{unicode}, L{dict}, and L{dict})

    # Initialize variables
    field_num_dict = UniqueNumberDict()
    class_num_dict = UniqueNumberDict()

    result_list = []
    # Iterate through MegaM file
    for line in lines:
        line_fields = set()
        # Process encoding
        line = UnicodeDammit(line, ['utf-8', 'windows-1252']).unicode_markup.strip()

        # Ignore comments (and TEST/DEV lines)
        if not line.startswith('#') and not line == 'TEST' and not line == 'DEV':
            result_string = ''
            split_line = line.split()
            result_string += '{0}'.format(class_num_dict[split_line[0]])
            # Handle features if there are any
            if len(split_line) > 1:
                del split_line[0]
                # Loop through all feature-value pairs printing out pairs
                # separated by commas (and with feature names replaced with
                # numbers)
                for field_num, value in sorted(zip((field_num_dict[field_name] for field_name in islice(split_line, 0, None, 2)),
                                                   (float(value) if value != 'N/A' else 0.0 for value in islice(split_line, 1, None, 2)))):
                    # Check for duplicates
                    if field_num in line_fields:
                        field_name = (field_name for field_name, f_num in field_num_dict.items() if f_num == field_num).next()
                        raise AssertionError("Field {} occurs on same line twice.".format(field_name))
                    # Otherwise output non-empty features
                    elif value != 'N/A' and float(value):
                        result_string += ' {}:{}'.format(field_num, value)

    return result_list, class_num_dict, field_num_dict
Exemplo n.º 5
	def on_pubmsg(self, c, e):
		nick = e.source.nick
		target = e.target if is_channel(e.target) else nick
		def reply(msg):
			self.send(target, msg)
		def dm(msg):
			self.send(nick, msg)
		line = UnicodeDammit(e.arguments[0]).unicode_markup
		log('   \033[37m{}→{}\033[0m'.format(nick, line))
		a = line.split(":", 1)
		if len(a) > 1 and a[0].lower() == self.nick:
			self.do_command(e, a[1].strip().lower(), nick, target, reply, dm)

		# zeltofilter
		if 'zeltoph' in nick:

		foo = settings.VIPS.get(nick, 0)
		if random() < foo:
		match = re.match('.*┻━┻.*', line)
		if match:

		match = re.match('^({} *:)? *chaos-?([☆★☼☀*]|sternchen) *: ?(.*)$'.format(self.nick), line)
		if match:
			newcs = match.group(3)
			self.sendchan('Chaos-☆ Nr. {} notiert: {}'.format(len(self.chaossternchen), newcs))

		if line.startswith('.wiki '):
			wikipage = line[len('.wiki '):].strip()
			if re.match('^[-_+\w]+$', wikipage):
				wikiurl = 'http://afra-berlin.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id={}'.format(wikipage)
				if 'Dieses Thema existiert noch nicht' in requests.get(wikiurl).text:
					reply("I'm sorry, I can't find a wiki page with that name.")
				reply('Try to troll somebot else.')

		if line == 'wat?':
			reply("I don't have a clue.")
		if re.match('^hail eris[.!]* ', line.lower()):
			reply("All Hail Discordia!")
		m = re.findall('(^|\s)?(gh?ah?nh?dh?ih?)(\s|$)?', line, re.IGNORECASE)
		for _1,match,_2 in m:
			if not re.match('(^|\s)?gandhi(\s|$)?', match, re.IGNORECASE):
				self.kick(nick, "It's spelled Gandhi")
		if re.search('https?://[-a-z0-9.]*facebook.com', line.lower()):
			reply('A facebook link? srsly? Get some self-respect!')
		match = re.search('https?://pr0gramm.com/#(newest/\*/[0-9/]*)', line.lower())
		if match:
			reply('Fixed that pr0gramm link for you: http://pr0gramm.com/static/'+match.group(1))
		if line == 'moin':
			self.moincount += 1
			if self.moincount == 5:
			self.moincount = 0
		if line.lstrip('.!#').startswith('eta '):
			eta = line[4:].strip()
			with self.db as db:
				db.execute("DELETE FROM etas WHERE nick=?", (nick,))
				if eta:
					db.execute("INSERT INTO etas VALUES (DATETIME('now'), ?, ?)", (nick, eta))
			dm('ETA registered. Thanks!')
		m = re.findall(URL_REGEX, line.lower())
		for url,*_ in m:
			res = requests.get(url)
			if res.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
				soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text)
		m = re.findall('(^|\s)(afra)(\s|$)', line, re.IGNORECASE)
		for _1,match,_2 in m:
			if match != 'AfRA' and match != 'afra' and random() < 0.1:
				reply("I'm sure you meant AfRA, not "+match)