Exemplo n.º 1
    def _fill_template(self, scan_name, cmd) -> List[str]:
        """Replace template parameters with values."""
        cmd = (cmd.replace('<target>', self.target).replace(
            '<wordlist>', get_db_value('web-word-list')).replace(
                '<userlist>', get_db_value('brute-user-list')).replace(
                    '<passlist>', get_db_value('brute-pass-list')))

        if '<ports>' in cmd:
            fout = get_scan_file(
                self.target, self.name + '.' +
                '.'.join([str(p) for p in self.ports]) + '.' + scan_name)
            return [
                            self.port_str()).replace('<fout>', fout)
        elif '<port>' in cmd:
            cmds = []
            for port in self.ports:
                fout = get_scan_file(
                    self.target, self.name + '.' + str(port) + '.' + scan_name)
                    cmd.replace('<port>', str(port)).replace('<fout>', fout))
            return cmds
            fout = get_scan_file(self.target, self.name + '.' + scan_name)
            # handling edge-case where a qs-spawned non-port scan could be
            # overwritten by a ts-spawned non-port scan of the same service
            i = 0
            while file_exists(fout):
                fout = get_scan_file(
                    self.target, self.name + '.' + str(i) + '.' + scan_name)
                i += 1
            cmd = cmd.replace('<fout>', fout)
            return [cmd]
Exemplo n.º 2
async def run_udp_s(target: str) -> Set[ParsedService]:
    """Run a UDP scan on a target."""
    print_i_d2(target, ': beginning UDP scan')
    udp_config = get_db_value('udp-scan')
    cmd = udp_config.scan.format(
        fout=get_scan_file(target, 'udp.' + udp_config.name))
    services = await _parse_port_scan(target, cmd, udp_config.pattern)
    print_i_d2(target, ': finished UDP scan')
    return services
Exemplo n.º 3
async def run_ts(target: str) -> Set[ParsedService]:
    """Run a thorough TCP scan on a target using the configured method."""
    print_i_d2(target, ': beginning TCP thorough scan')
    ts_config = get_db_value('thorough-scan')
    cmd = ts_config.scan.format(
        fout=get_scan_file(target, 'tcp.thorough.' + ts_config.name))
    services = await _parse_port_scan(target, cmd, ts_config.pattern)
    print_i_d2(target, ': finished TCP thorough scan')
    return services
Exemplo n.º 4
async def run_qs(target: str) -> Set[ParsedService]:
    """Run a quick scan on a target via the configured method."""
    print_i_d2(target, ': beginning TCP quick scan')
    qs_config = get_db_value('quick-scan')
    cmd = qs_config.scan.format(
        fout=get_scan_file(target, 'tcp.quickscan.' + qs_config.name))
    services = await _parse_port_scan(target, cmd, qs_config.pattern)
    print_i_d2(target, ': finished TCP quick scan')
    return services