Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, cp_s, cp_p, p=3, pitch=0.0, height=0.0):
        self._p = p
        self._pitch = pitch
        self._height = height
        if height == 0.0 and pitch == 0.0:
            self._cp_s = cp_s
            self._cp_p = cp_p
            self._cp_s = self._redefCP(cp_s)
            self._cp_p = self._redefCP(cp_p)

        self._prof_s = Bspline(self._cp_s, p=p)
        self._prof_p = Bspline(self._cp_p, p=p)
Exemplo n.º 2
def to_1D(M, n=None, order=4, deriv=2):
    if n == None:
        n = array(M.shape).max()

    r = (kpt(M.shape[0])**2)[:,newaxis,newaxis] \
      + (kpt(M.shape[1])**2)[newaxis,:,newaxis] \
      + (kpt(M.shape[2])**2)[newaxis,newaxis,:]
    r = sqrt(r)

    x0 = 0.0
    L = r.max()
    h = L / n

    n += order - 1  # Add external points.
    shift = order - 1  # and shift left

    f = spline_func((x0, h, n), Bspline(order), False, shift, (x0, x0 + L),

    m = pspline_match(f, deriv, 2, 1.0e-8)
    m.append(reshape(r, -1), reshape(M, -1))
    m.alpha = 0.0  # turn off smoothing
    f.c = m.theta
    return m
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, needleDef):
     l-> lenght
     A-> inlet Area
     m-> inlet derivative
     ncp-> number of Control Point
     type -> stretching function
     self._needleDef = needleDef
     self._P = needleDef.getCPc()
     self._corner = Bspline(self._P, p=2)
Exemplo n.º 4
def star_model_predict(Xpred, coefs, descr):
    BS, TS = Bspline(), Bspline()
    basis = []

    for e in descr:
        type_, nr_splines, constraints, lam_c, knot_types = e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]
        print("Process ", type_)
        if type_.startswith("s"):
            dim = int(type_[2])
            B = BS.basismatrix(X=Xpred[:,dim-1], nr_splines=nr_splines, l=3, knot_type=knot_types)["basis"]
        elif type_.startswith("t"):
            dim1, dim2 = int(type_[2]), int(type_[4])
            B = TS.tensorproduct_basismatrix(X=Xpred[:,[dim1-1, dim2-1]], nr_splines=nr_splines, l=(3,3), knot_type=knot_types)["basis"]
            print("Only B-splines (s) and tensor-product B-splines (t) are supported!")
    # create combined basis matrix
    B = np.concatenate(basis, axis=1)
    y = B@coefs
    return dict(basis=B, y=y, X=Xpred)
Exemplo n.º 5
def throughput_fiberextract(Felist, args):
    nifu = len(Felist)
    nw = len(Felist[0][0].data[0, :])
    xp = np.linspace(0, 1, num=nw)
    nbspline = 12
    a = np.linspace(0, 1, nbspline)
    knots = np.hstack([0, 0, np.vstack([a, a]).T.ravel(), 1, 1])
    b = Bspline(knots, 3)
    basis = np.array([b(xi) for xi in xp])
    B = np.zeros((nifu, nw))
    for i in xrange(nifu):
        spec = biweight_location(Felist[i][0].data, axis=(0, ))
        mask = np.where((~np.isnan(spec)) * (~np.isinf(spec)) * (spec != 0))[0]
        sol = np.linalg.lstsq(basis[mask, :], spec[mask])[0]
        B[i, :] = np.dot(basis, sol)

#        if args.plot:
#            pltfile = op.join(args.outfolder, 'spectrum_%i.pdf' %i)
#            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
#            plt.plot(xp, spec)
#            plt.plot(xp, B[i,:],'r--')
#            plt.xticks([])
#            plt.xlabel('Wavelength')
#            plt.ylabel('Arbitrary Units')
#            plt.xlim([0, 1])
#            fig.savefig(pltfile, dpi=150)
#            plt.close()
    if args.plot:
        norm = plt.Normalize()
        colors = plt.cm.viridis(norm(np.arange(nifu) + 1))
        pltfile = op.join(args.outfolder, 'IFU_average_spectra.pdf')
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        avgB = biweight_location(B, axis=(0, ))
        for i in xrange(nifu):
            with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
                plt.plot(xp, B[i, :] / avgB, color=colors[i, 0:3], alpha=0.9)
        plt.ylabel('Normalized Units')
        plt.xlim([0, 1])
        plt.ylim([0.5, 1.5])
        fig.savefig(pltfile, dpi=150)
    return B, avgB
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_bspline_curve(self):
     # 1. Prepare the data
     p = 3
     p_list = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 4], [4, 1], [5, 2], [7, 3], [10, 8],
                        [12, 7], [14, 0]],
     u_list = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4], dtype='d')
     u = np.linspace(u_list[0], u_list[-1], 100)
     # 2. Compute reference values
     curve_ref = occ_utils.bspline(p_list, u_list)
     points_ref = occ_utils.curve_dn(
         curve_ref, u, 0)  # zero order derivative = curve points
     derivatives_ref = occ_utils.curve_dn(curve_ref, u, 1)
     points_ref = points_ref[:, 0:2]
     derivatives_ref = derivatives_ref[:, 0:2]
     # 3. Compute test values
     curve = Bspline(p, p_list, u_list)
     points = curve.points(u)
     derivatives = curve.derivatives(u, 1)
     # 4. Do the comparative
     points_test = np.isclose(points_ref, points, atol=1e-10)
     derivatives_test = np.isclose(derivatives_ref, derivatives, atol=1e-10)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(points_test) and np.all(derivatives_test))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, name, angs):
     SplineTerm.__init__(self, name, Bspline(4), 90, -1.0, 2.0, 0)
     self.angs = angs
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, stl, controls, name="body", r_ref=None, x_ref=None):
        """stl must be an STL object"""

        self.stl = stl
        geom_points = stl.points

        self.coords = Coordinates(geom_points, cartesian=True)

        self.P = self.coords.cylindrical
        self.P_cart = self.coords.cartesian
        self.P_bar = geom_points.copy()  #just initialization
        if isinstance(controls, int):
            X = geom_points[:, 0]
            x_max = np.max(X)
            x_min = np.min(X)
            C_x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, controls)
            C_r = np.zeros((controls, ))
            control_points = np.array(zip(C_x, C_r))

            self.C = control_points
            self.n_controls = controls
            self.C = controls
            self.n_controls = len(controls)
        self.C_bar = self.C.copy()
        self.delta_C = np.zeros(self.C.shape)
        self.bs = Bspline(self.C, geom_points)

        self.name = name

        if x_ref is not None:
            self.x_mag = float(x_ref)
            self.x_mag = 10**np.floor(np.log10(np.average(geom_points[:, 0])))

        if r_ref is not None:
            self.r_mag = float(r_ref)
            indecies = np.logical_and(
                abs(geom_points[:, 2]) < 2E-6, geom_points[:, 1] > 0)
            points = geom_points[indecies]
            self.r_mag = 10**np.floor(np.log10(np.average(
                points[:, 1])))  #grab the order of magnitude of the average

        #for revolution of 2-d profile
        #self.n_theta = 20

        #sgrab the theta values from the points
        self.Theta = self.P[:, 2]
        #this is too complex. shouldn't need to tile, then flatten later.
        self.sin_theta = np.tile(np.sin(self.Theta),
                                 (self.n_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        self.cos_theta = np.tile(np.cos(self.Theta),
                                 (self.n_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        # self.sin_theta = np.tile(np.sin(self.Theta),self.n_controls)
        # self.cos_theta = np.tile(np.cos(self.Theta),self.n_controls)

        #calculate derivatives
        #in polar coordinates
        self.dP_bar_xqdC = np.array(self.x_mag * self.bs.B.flatten())
        self.dP_bar_rqdC = np.array(self.r_mag * self.bs.B.flatten())

        #Project Polar derivatives into revolved cartisian coordinates
        self.dXqdC = self.dP_bar_xqdC.reshape(-1, self.n_controls)
        self.dYqdC = (self.dP_bar_rqdC * self.sin_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_controls)
        self.dZqdC = (self.dP_bar_rqdC * self.cos_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_controls)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,

        self.outer_stl = outer_stl
        self.inner_stl = inner_stl

        outer_points = outer_stl.points
        inner_points = inner_stl.points

        self.n_outer = len(outer_points)
        self.n_inner = len(inner_points)

        self.outer_coords = Coordinates(outer_points, cartesian=True)
        self.inner_coords = Coordinates(inner_points, cartesian=True)

        self.Po = self.outer_coords.cylindrical
        self.Pi = self.inner_coords.cylindrical
        self.Po_cart = self.outer_coords.cartesian
        self.Pi_cart = self.inner_coords.cartesian
        #just initialization for array size
        self.Po_bar = outer_points.copy()
        self.Pi_bar = inner_points.copy()
        self.name = name

        if isinstance(center_line_controls, int):
            X = outer_points[:, 0]
            x_max = np.max(X)
            x_min = np.min(X)
            C_x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, center_line_controls)
            C_r = np.zeros((center_line_controls, ))
            control_points = np.array(zip(C_x, C_r))

            self.Cc = control_points
            self.n_c_controls = center_line_controls
            self.Cc = center_line_controls
            self.n_c_controls = len(center_line_controls)
        self.Cc_bar = self.Cc.copy()
        self.delta_Cc = np.zeros(self.Cc.shape)

        if isinstance(thickness_controls, int):
            X = inner_points[:, 0]
            x_max = np.max(X)
            x_min = np.min(X)
            C_x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, thickness_controls)
            C_r = np.zeros((thickness_controls, ))
            control_points = np.array(zip(C_x, C_r))
            self.Ct = control_points
            self.n_t_controls = thickness_controls
            self.Ct = thickness_controls
            self.n_t_controls = len(thickness_controls)
        self.Ct_bar = self.Ct.copy()
        self.delta_Ct = np.zeros(self.Ct.shape)

        self.bsc_o = Bspline(self.Cc, outer_points)
        self.bsc_i = Bspline(self.Cc, inner_points)

        self.bst_o = Bspline(self.Ct, outer_points)
        self.bst_i = Bspline(self.Ct, inner_points)

        self.name = name

        if x_ref is not None:
            self.x_mag = float(x_ref)
            self.x_mag = 10**np.floor(np.log10(np.average(outer_points[:, 0])))

        if r_ref is not None:
            self.r_mag = float(r_ref)
            indecies = np.logical_and(
                abs(outer_points[:, 2]) < 2E-6, outer_points[:, 1] > 0)
            points = outer_points[indecies]
            self.r_mag = 10**np.floor(np.log10(np.average(
                points[:, 1])))  #grab the order of magnitude of the average

        self.outer_theta = self.Po[:, 2]
        self.sin_outer_c_theta = np.tile(np.sin(self.outer_theta),
                                         (self.n_c_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        self.cos_outer_c_theta = np.tile(np.cos(self.outer_theta),
                                         (self.n_c_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        self.sin_outer_t_theta = np.tile(np.sin(self.outer_theta),
                                         (self.n_t_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        self.cos_outer_t_theta = np.tile(np.cos(self.outer_theta),
                                         (self.n_t_controls, 1)).T.flatten()

        self.inner_theta = self.Pi[:, 2]
        self.sin_inner_c_theta = np.tile(np.sin(self.inner_theta),
                                         (self.n_c_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        self.cos_inner_c_theta = np.tile(np.cos(self.inner_theta),
                                         (self.n_c_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        self.sin_inner_t_theta = np.tile(np.sin(self.inner_theta),
                                         (self.n_t_controls, 1)).T.flatten()
        self.cos_inner_t_theta = np.tile(np.cos(self.inner_theta),
                                         (self.n_t_controls, 1)).T.flatten()

        #calculate derivatives
        #in polar coordinates
        self.dPo_bar_xqdCc = np.array(self.x_mag * self.bsc_o.B.flatten())
        self.dPo_bar_rqdCc = np.array(self.r_mag * self.bsc_o.B.flatten())

        self.dPi_bar_xqdCc = np.array(self.x_mag * self.bsc_i.B.flatten())
        self.dPi_bar_rqdCc = np.array(self.r_mag * self.bsc_i.B.flatten())

        self.dPo_bar_rqdCt = np.array(self.r_mag * self.bst_o.B.flatten())
        self.dPi_bar_rqdCt = -1 * np.array(self.r_mag * self.bst_i.B.flatten())

        #Project Polar derivatives into revolved cartisian coordinates
        self.dXoqdCc = self.dPo_bar_xqdCc.reshape(-1, self.n_c_controls)
        self.dYoqdCc = (self.dPo_bar_rqdCc * self.sin_outer_c_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_c_controls)
        self.dZoqdCc = (self.dPo_bar_rqdCc * self.cos_outer_c_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_c_controls)

        self.dXiqdCc = self.dPi_bar_xqdCc.reshape(-1, self.n_c_controls)
        self.dYiqdCc = (self.dPi_bar_rqdCc * self.sin_inner_c_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_c_controls)
        self.dZiqdCc = (self.dPi_bar_rqdCc * self.cos_inner_c_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_c_controls)

        self.dYoqdCt = (self.dPo_bar_rqdCt * self.sin_outer_t_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_t_controls)
        self.dZoqdCt = (self.dPo_bar_rqdCt * self.cos_outer_t_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_t_controls)
        self.dYiqdCt = (self.dPi_bar_rqdCt * self.sin_inner_t_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_t_controls)
        self.dZiqdCt = (self.dPi_bar_rqdCt * self.cos_inner_t_theta).reshape(
            -1, self.n_t_controls)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, dDistCP, p=2):
     self._dDistCP = dDistCP
     self._p = p
     self._dDist = Bspline(dDistCP, p)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, name, edges, L=None, excl=None):
     # internal vars
     SplineTerm.__init__(self, name, Bspline(6), 100, 0.0, 11.0, 2)
     self.edges = set(srt2(*e) for e in edges if e[0] != e[1])
     self.excl = excl
     self.L = L
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, cambCP, p=2):
     self._cambCP = cambCP
     self._cambDef = cambCP.getCambDef()
     self._p = p
     self._camb = Bspline(cambCP(), p=p)
     self._derCamb = DerBspline(self._camb, kth=1)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def plotLine(self):
        normalLine = self._normalLine
        for i in xrange(len(normalLine)):

# class Camberline(object):
#     """
#     classdocs
#     """
#     def __init__(self, beta_in, beta_out, stugger):
#         """
#         Constructor
#         """

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #     prova = Angle(30.0)
    #     print prova.getAngle()
    #     print prova()
    prova = CP_camberline()
    camb = Bspline(prova())
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __call__(self, A):
     P = self.get_P(A)
     self._fit = Bspline(P, self._p)
     return np.linalg.norm(self._err(), ord=2.0)
Exemplo n.º 15
SELECTED_DOTS = (186, 104, 131)

size = [600, 600]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

pygame.display.set_caption("Example code for the draw module")

done = False
redraw_bspline = True
redraw_nurbs = True
spline = False
weight = 1
got_c1 = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

bspline = Bspline(screen)
nurbs = Nurbs(screen)

ctrl_x = nurbs.x()
ctrl_y = nurbs.y()
weights = nurbs.w()

while not done:

  for event in pygame.event.get():
      if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

  keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, name, edges):
     # internal vars
     SplineTerm.__init__(self, name, Bspline(4), 40, 0.0, 4.0, 2)
     self.edges = edges
Exemplo n.º 17
def star_model(descr, X, y):
    """Fit a structured additive regression model using B-splines to the data in (X,y). 
    descr : tuple of tuples    - Describes the model structure, e.g. 
                                 descr = ( ("s(1)", 100, "inc", 6000, "e"), 
                                         ("t(1,2)", (12,10), ("none", "none"), (6000,6000), ("e", "e")), ),
                                 describing a model using a P-spline with increasing constraint and 100 
                                 basis functions for dimension 1 and a tensor-product P-spline without 
                                 constraints using 12 and 10 basis functions for the respective dimension.
    X : array                  - np.array of the input data, shape (n_samples, n_dim)
    y : array                  - np.array of the target data, shape (n_samples, )
    d : dict      - Returns a dictionary with the following key-value pairs:
    BS, TS = Bspline(), Bspline()
    coefs = []
    basis, smoothness = [], []
    constr, optimal_lambdas = [], []
    weights, weights_compare = [], []
    S, K = [], []

    for e in descr:
        type_, nr_splines, constraints, lam_c, knot_types = e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]
        print("Process ", type_)
        if type_.startswith("s"):
            dim = int(type_[2])
            B = BS.basismatrix(X=X[:,dim-1], nr_splines=nr_splines, l=3, knot_type=knot_types)["basis"]
            Ds = mm(nr_splines, constraint="smooth", dim=dim-1)
            Dc = mm(nr_splines, constraint=constraints, dim=dim-1)
            lam = BS.calc_GCV(X=X[:,dim-1], y=y, nr_splines=nr_splines, l=3, knot_type=knot_types, nr_lam=50)["best_lambda"]
            coef_pls = BS.fit_Pspline(X=X[:,dim-1], y=y, nr_splines=nr_splines, l=3, knot_type=knot_types, lam=lam)["coef_"]
            W = check_constraint(coef=coef_pls, constraint=constraints, y=y, B=B)
            weights_compare += list(W)
        elif type_.startswith("t"):
            print("Constraint = ", constraints)
            dim1, dim2 = int(type_[2]), int(type_[4])
            B = TS.tensorproduct_basismatrix(X=X[:,[dim1-1, dim2-1]], nr_splines=nr_splines, l=(3,3), knot_type=knot_types)["basis"]
            Ds1 = mm(nr_splines, constraint="smooth", dim=dim1-1)
            Ds2 = mm(nr_splines, constraint="smooth", dim=dim2-1)
            Dc1 = mm(nr_splines, constraint=constraints[0], dim=dim1-1)
            Dc2 = mm(nr_splines, constraint=constraints[1], dim=dim2-1)
            lam = TS.calc_GCV_2d(X=X[:,[dim1-1, dim2-1]], y=y, nr_splines=nr_splines, l=(3,3), knot_type=knot_types, nr_lam=50)["best_lambda"]
            coef_pls = TS.fit_Pspline(X=X[:,[dim1-1, dim2-1]], y=y, nr_splines=nr_splines, l=(3,3), knot_type=knot_types, lam=lam)["coef_"]
            W1 = check_constraint_dim1(coef_pls, nr_splines=nr_splines, constraint=constraints[0])
            W2 = check_constraint_dim2(coef_pls, nr_splines=nr_splines, constraint=constraints[1])
            weights.append((W1, W2))
            weights_compare += list(W1) + list(W2)
            Ds = (Ds1, Ds2)
            Dc = (Dc1, Dc2)
            print("Only B-splines (s) and tensor-product B-splines (t) are supported!")


    coef_pls = np.concatenate(coefs)
    # create combined basis matrix
    B = np.concatenate(basis, axis=1)

    # create combined smoothness matrix
    for i, s in enumerate(smoothness):
        if len(s) == 2:
            S.append(optimal_lambdas[i]*(s[0].T @ s[0] + s[1].T@s[1]))
    S = block_diag(*S)
    # create combined constraint matrix

    for i, c in enumerate(constr):
        if len(c) == 2:
            K.append(6000*(c[0].T @ np.diag(weights[i][0]) @ c[0]) + 6000*(c[1].T @np.diag(weights[i][1]) @ c[1]))
            K.append(6000* (c.T@ np.diag(weights[i])@c))
    K = block_diag(*K)

    weights_old = [0]*len(weights_compare)
    iterIdx = 1
    BtB = B.T @ B
    Bty = B.T @ y

    # Iterate till no change in weights
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=dict(w0=np.ones(2*12*10+100+100-2)))
    while not (weights_compare == weights_old):
        weights_old = weights_compare
        coef_pls = np.linalg.pinv(BtB + S + K) @ (Bty)
        weights, weights_compare = check_constraint_full(coef_=coef_pls, descr=descr, basis=B, y=y)
        # weights = check_constraint_full(coef_=coef_pls, descr=m, basis=B, y=y)

        print(f" Iteration {iterIdx} ".center(50, "="))
        print(f"MSE = {mean_squared_error(y, B@coef_pls).round(7)}".center(50, "-"))

        K = []
        print("Calculate new constraint matrix K".center(50,"-"))
        for i, c in enumerate(constr):
            if len(c) == 2:
                K.append(descr[i][3][0]*(c[0].T @ np.diag(weights[i][0]) @ c[0]) + descr[i][3][0]*(c[1].T @np.diag(weights[i][1]) @ c[1]))
                K.append(descr[i][3]*(c.T@ np.diag(weights[i])@c))
        K = block_diag(*K)

        df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(data={"w"+str(iterIdx):weights_compare})], axis=1)

        if iterIdx > 200:

        iterIdx += 1
    print("Iteration Finished".center(50, "#"))
    return dict(basis=B, smoothness=S, constraint=K, opt_lambdas=optimal_lambdas, coef_=coef_pls, weights=weights)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def Temp(self):  # load in all the defined properties
        num_of_points = 15  #Number of points used in the spline
        order = 5  #order of the spline
        plt_points = self.xgrid
        length = self.length
        start_time = self.start_time
        final_time = self.final_time
        time_step = self.time_step
        Left_BC_Type = self.Left_BC_Type
        Right_BC_Type = self.Right_BC_Type
        Left_BC = self.Left_BC
        Right_BC = self.Right_BC
        conductivity = self.conductivity
        rfct = self.heatCapacity
        source = self.source
        init = self.init
        rho = self.rho

        # Simulation Setup ====================================================
        # Capacity Function ---------------------------------------------------
        #dk/(dphi) is needed later in the core in every loop
        # evaluating the derivative of conductivity with respect to phi
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        def diff_conductivity(phi):
            eps = 1e-9
            dc = (conductivity(phi + eps) - conductivity(phi)) / eps
            return (dc)

        # Capacity Function ---------------------------------------------------
        # evaluating coefficients of the passed on function via a system of linear eq.
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        def capacity(r):
            A = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 4, 8], [1, 3, 9, 27],
                          [1, 4, 16, 64]])
            B = np.array([r(1), r(2), r(3), r(4)])
            rcoeff = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
            return (rcoeff)

        # Define Time and Space grid ------------------------------------------
        x = np.linspace(0, length, num_of_points)  # Space Grid
        t = np.arange(start_time, final_time, time_step)  #  Time Grid

        # Define Splines and Differentiation Matrices -------------------------
        knot_vector = aptknt(x, order)  # Creates knot points with Ghost points
        basis = Bspline(knot_vector,
                        order)  # Generate a vector of Spline Objects
        A0 = basis.collmat(
            deriv_order=0)  # Generate Matrix A0 0st order derivative in space

        AA0 = basis.collmat(
            x, deriv_order=0)  # Generate a Boundary condition free A0 version
        AA0[-1, -1] = 1

        A1 = basis.collmat(
            deriv_order=1)  # Generate Matrix A1 1st order derivative in space
        A2 = basis.collmat(
            deriv_order=2)  # Generate Matrix A2 2st order derivative in space

        # Prepare "Smooth Plot Matrix"
        xx = np.linspace(0, length, plt_points)  # Gird to Plot
        C = basis.collmat(xx)  # Smooth Plot Matrix (read LaTeX notes)

        # Correct last spline
        A0[-1, -1] = 1
        C[-1, -1] = 1
        A1[-1] = -np.flip(A1[0], 0)  # put first values of A1 to the last row

        # Prepare the inverse P to save time during the simulation ------------
        if Left_BC_Type == 1: A0[0] = A1[0]  #set 1st and last row to 0
        if Right_BC_Type == 1: A0[-1] = A1[-1]  #needed to implement BC
        P = spl.inv(A0)

        # Modify Formulation to implement Boundary Condition ------------------
        A0[0] = 0
        A1[0] = 0
        A2[0] = 0  #First row is reserved for Boundary Condition
        A0[-1] = 0
        A1[-1] = 0
        A2[-1] = 0  # Last row is reserved for Boundary Condition

        # Time Evolution Matrix -----------------------------------------------
        M = np.dot(P, A0) + (time_step * np.dot(P, A2)
                             )  #only needed for the simple case
        #see core

        #initial c = coefficients for splines
        if isinstance(init, (int, float)) or len(
                init(x)) < len(x):  #make the initial condition a function
            dummy = init  #in case input is a number
            init = lambda x: dummy + 0 * x
        c = np.dot(spl.inv(AA0), init(x))

        # Prepare Boundary Condition according to which function is given to the class
        BC = np.zeros((len(x), len(t)))
        BC[0] = Left_BC(t)
        BC[-1] = Right_BC(t)
        #Prepare a matrix with the source data (space, time) to not always call
        #the function in the loop, see core
        if isinstance(source, (int, float)):  # make the source a function
            dummy1 = source  #in case the input is a number, i.e.a constant
            source = lambda x, t: dummy1 + 0 * x + 0 * t

        xmg, tmg = np.meshgrid(x, t)
        sourceM = source(xmg, tmg)
        sourceM[:, 0] = 0
        sourceM[:, -1] = 0  #set last and first row 0 for BC

        #Prepare Array to store results
        phi = np.zeros((len(t), len(xx)))

        # End of Simulation Setup =============================================

        # MAIN LOOP -----------------------------------------------------------
        # =====================================================================
        # Decide which case is relevant and solve the according for loops in core.py file
        # Depending on which _BC_Type (either Neumann or Dirichlet) is radsed,
        #respective boundary conditions are taken into consideration.
        # =====================================================================

        if Left_BC_Type == 0 and Right_BC_Type == 0:  #Dirichlet on both sides
            print('Dirichlet condition on both sides')
            if isinstance(conductivity, (int, float)) == True and isinstance(
                    rfct, (int, float)) == True:
                #k(phi) = k0 & r(phi) = r0 Conditions check if conductivity & capacity are constants
                    'Constant Conductivity and Capacity and Dirichlet boundary conditions'
                print('No source and no density is taken under consideration')
                k0 = conductivity
                r0 = rfct
                phi = core.simple_DD(M, t, c, k0, P, BC, C, phi)
            if isinstance(conductivity, (int, float)) == False and isinstance(
                    rfct, (int, float)) == True:
                #Conductivity: k(phi) = k0 + k1*phi and Capacity: r(phi) = r0
                print(r'Generic $k(\phi)$ and Capacity:$r(\phi) = r0$')
                r0 = rfct
                phi = core.genK_phi_DD(t, c, A0, A1, A2, diff_conductivity,
                                       conductivity, sourceM, r0, time_step, P,
                                       C, BC, phi, rho, x)

            if isinstance(conductivity, (int, float)) == False and isinstance(
                    rfct, (int, float)) == False:
                #Conductivity: k(phi) & Capacity: r(phi) are both generic
                    r'Generic Conductivity: $k(\phi)$ and Capacity: $r(\phi)$')
                r0 = capacity(rfct)[0]
                r1 = capacity(rfct)[1]
                r2 = capacity(rfct)[2]
                r3 = capacity(rfct)[3]
                phi = core.genK_genR_DD(t, c, A0, AA0, A1, A2,
                                        diff_conductivity, conductivity,
                                        sourceM, r0, r1, r2, r3, time_step, P,
                                        C, BC, phi, rho, x)

        if Left_BC_Type == 1 and Right_BC_Type == 0:  # Neumann condition on RHS:
            print('Left side: Neumann- ; Right side: Dirichlet BC')
            print(r'Generic Conductivity: $k(\phi)$ and Capacity: $r(\phi)$')
            side = 0
            r0 = capacity(rfct)[0]
            r1 = capacity(rfct)[1]
            r2 = capacity(rfct)[2]
            r3 = capacity(rfct)[3]
            phi = core.genK_genR_ND(t, c, A0, AA0, A1, A2, diff_conductivity,
                                    conductivity, sourceM, r0, r1, r2, r3,
                                    time_step, P, C, BC, phi, side, rho, x)

        if Left_BC_Type == 0 and Right_BC_Type == 1:  # Neumann condition on RHS:
                'Left side: Dirichlet- ; Right side: Neumann Boundary condition'
            print(r'Generic Conductivity: $k(\phi)$ and Capacity: $r(\phi)$')
            side = -1
            r0 = capacity(rfct)[0]
            r1 = capacity(rfct)[1]
            r2 = capacity(rfct)[2]
            r3 = capacity(rfct)[3]
            phi = core.genK_genR_DN(t, c, A0, AA0, A1, A2, diff_conductivity,
                                    conductivity, sourceM, r0, r1, r2, r3,
                                    time_step, P, C, BC, phi, side, rho, x)

        if Left_BC_Type == 1 and Right_BC_Type == 1:  # Neumann condition on RHS & LHS:
            print('Both sides Neumann Boundary condition')
            print(r'Generic Conductivity: $k(\phi)$ and Capacity: $r(\phi)$')
            r0 = capacity(rfct)[0]
            r1 = capacity(rfct)[1]
            r2 = capacity(rfct)[2]
            r3 = capacity(rfct)[3]
            phi = core.genK_genR_NN(t, c, A0, AA0, A1, A2, diff_conductivity,
                                    conductivity, sourceM, r0, r1, r2, r3,
                                    time_step, P, C, BC, phi, rho, x)

        return (phi)  # in every case phi gets returned by the core
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, name, tors):
     SplineTerm.__init__(self, name, Bspline(4), 180, None, 2 * pi, 0)
     self.tors = tors
Exemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, cdDef, p = 3):
     self._cdDef = cdDef
     self._P = cdDef.getCP()
     self._p = p
     self._convDiv = Bspline(self._P, p = p)