Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_integral_non_uniform(self):
        for order in range(2, 8, 2):
            # Create a spline with three segments
            aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, 1)
            kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(4)
            kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(4)
            # Choose a non-uniform knot sequence.
            knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, (kr - 1), kr)
            knots = knots * knots
            cp = numpy.random.random(kc)
            cpa = numpy.array([cp])

            aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, 1)
            aspl.initWithKnotsAndControlVertices(knots, cpa)
            fspl = (knots, cp, order - 1)

            for a in numpy.arange(aspl.getMinTime(),
                                  aspl.getMaxTime() - 1e-15, 0.4):
                for i in numpy.arange(aspl.getMinTime(),
                                      aspl.getMaxTime() - 1e-15, 0.4):
                    #print "Eval at %f\n" % (i)
                    f = fp.splint(a, float(i), fspl)
                    b = aspl.evalI(a, i)
                        "order %d spline integral evaluated on [%f,%f] (%f != %f) was not right"
                        % (order, a, i, float(b), f))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_init(self):
        # Test the initialization from two times and two positions.
        p_0 = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
        p_1 = numpy.array([2, 4, 6])
        t_0 = 0.0
        t_1 = 0.1
        dt = t_1 - t_0
        v = (p_1 - p_0) / dt
        for order in range(2, 10):
            aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, 3)
            self.assertEqual(order, aspl.splineOrder())

            #print "order: %d" % order
            #print "p_0: %s" % p_0
            #print "p_1: %s" % p_1
            # Initialize the spline with these two times
            aspl.initUniformSpline(numpy.array([t_0, t_1]),
                                   numpy.array([p_0, p_1]).transpose(), 1, 0.1)
            b_0 = aspl.eval(t_0)
            b_1 = aspl.eval(t_1)
            v_0 = aspl.evalD(t_0, 1)
            v_1 = aspl.evalD(t_1, 1)
            #print "b_0: %s" % b_0
            #print "b_1: %s" % b_1
            for j in range(0, p_0.size):
                # Keep the threshold low for even power cases.
                self.assertAlmostEqual(p_0[j], b_0[j], places=2)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(p_1[j], b_1[j], places=2)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_0[j], v[j], places=2)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_1[j], v[j], places=2)
def Continualization(t_xyz_xyzw, lamb=1e-5, max_time=3000):
    order = 5
    pos_spl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, 3)
    pos_spl.initUniformSpline(t_xyz_xyzw[0], t_xyz_xyzw[1:4], max_time, lamb)
    quat_spl = bsplines.UnitQuaternionBSpline(order)
    quat_spl.initUniformSpline(t_xyz_xyzw[0], t_xyz_xyzw[4:], max_time, lamb)
    return BTrajectory(pos_spl, quat_spl)
Exemplo n.º 4
def createUniformKnotBSpline(order, segments, dim, knotSpacing=1.0):
    aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, dim)
    # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
    aspl.initConstantUniformSpline(0, segments * knotSpacing, segments,
                                   numpy.zeros((dim, 1)))
    kc = aspl.getNumControlVertices()
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim, kc])
    return (aspl, (aspl.getKnotsVector(), cp, order - 1))
Exemplo n.º 5
def createRandomKnotBSpline(order, segments, dim):
    aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, dim)
    kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(segments)
    kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(segments)
    # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
    knots = numpy.random.random(kr) * 10
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim, kc])
    aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cp)
    return (aspl, (knots, cp, order - 1))
Exemplo n.º 6
def createExponentialKnotBSpline(order, segments, dim, knotSpacing=1.0):
    aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, dim)
    kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(segments)
    kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(segments)
    # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
    knots = numpy.zeros(kr)
    for i in range(0, kr):
        knots[i] = knotSpacing * 2**i
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim, kc])
    aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cp)
    return (aspl, (knots, cp, order - 1))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_time_interval2(self):
     # Test two functions:
     for order in range(2, 10):
         nSegments = 3
         aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, 3)
         kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(nSegments)
         kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(nSegments)
         # Choose a uniform knot sequence at 0.0, 1.0, ...
         knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, kr - 1, kr)
         cp = numpy.linspace(1.0, kc, kc)
         # build a vector-valued spline
         cpa = numpy.array([cp, cp * cp, cp * cp * cp])
         aspl.initWithKnotsAndControlVertices(knots, cpa)
         # Check that the time interval function works.
         ti = aspl.timeInterval()
         self.assertEqual(ti[0], aspl.getMinTime())
         self.assertEqual(ti[1], aspl.getMaxTime())
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_constant_init(self):
     tmin = 0.0
     tmax = 5.0
     for order in range(2, 6):
         for dim in range(1, 4):
             for segs in range(1, 4):
                 c = numpy.random.random([dim])
                 # Initialize a constant spline
                 aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, dim)
                 aspl.initConstantSpline(tmin, tmax, segs, c)
                 # Test the time boundaries
                 self.assertAlmostEqual(tmin, aspl.getMinTime())
                 self.assertAlmostEqual(tmax, aspl.getMaxTime())
                 # Test the value.
                 for t in numpy.arange(aspl.getMinTime(), aspl.getMaxTime(),
                         aspl.evalD(t, 0), c, 1e-15,
                         "Error getting back the constant value")
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_random(self):

        for order in range(2, 10):
            aspl = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(order, 1)

            kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(3)
            kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(3)
            knots = numpy.random.random([kr]) * 10
            cp = numpy.random.random([kc])
            cpa = numpy.array([cp])

            aspl.initWithKnotsAndControlVertices(knots, cpa)
            fspl = (knots, cp, order - 1)
            for i in numpy.linspace(aspl.getMinTime(), aspl.getMaxTime(), 10):
                f = fp.spalde(float(i), fspl)
                a = aspl.eval(i)
                for j in range(0, f.shape[0]):
                    a = aspl.evalD(i, j)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(a, f[j])
Exemplo n.º 10
def aslam_spl(traj):
    import bsplines
    lamb = 0.00001
    maxTime = 5000
    resample_t = np.linspace(traj.t[6], traj.t[-6], 20000)

    s = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(4, 3)
    s.initUniformSpline(traj.t, traj.xyz, maxTime, lamb)
    new_xyz = np.array([s.eval(t) for t in resample_t]).transpose()

    v_xyz = np.array([s.evalD(t, 1) for t in resample_t]).transpose()

    s = bsplines.UnitQuaternionBSpline(4)
    s.initUniformSpline(traj.t, traj.xyzw, maxTime, lamb)
    new_xyzw = np.array([s.eval(t) for t in resample_t]).transpose()
    dq_dt = np.array([s.evalD(t, 1) for t in resample_t]).transpose()

    new_traj = Trajectory3d.from_t_xyz_xyzw(resample_t,
    vel = Trajectory3d.from_t_xyz_xyzw(resample_t, xyz=v_xyz, xyzw=dq_dt)
    return new_traj, vel
Exemplo n.º 11
from __future__ import print_function

from scipy import integrate
from pylab import arange, array, show, plot, axis
import bsplines

splineOrder = 4
s = bsplines.EuclideanBSpline(splineOrder, 1)

maxTime = 9
minTime = 0

pos = maxTime
lamb = 0.00001
goal = 1.0

knotGenerator = s.initConstantUniformSplineWithKnotDelta(
    minTime, maxTime, 1, array([0]))

print("Knots:" + str(s.getKnotsVector()))

def plotSpline(s, showIt=False):
    t = arange(s.getMinTime(), s.getMaxTime(), 0.01)
    v = array([s.eval(tt) for tt in t])
    plot(t, v)
    if showIt: show()

def getAcceleration(s):
    return integrate.quad(lambda t: s.evalD(t, 2) * (s.evalD(t, 2)),