Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_move_fs_op(self, base_dir):
        for dry_run in range(2):
            source_item = base_dir / "directory_to_move"
            dest_item = base_dir / "move_destination"

            for creator in (source_item.mkdir, source_item.touch):
                for dest_is_dir in range(2):
                    if source_item.isdir():
                    elif source_item.isfile():
                    # END handle removal of existing one
                    # prep sandbox
                    if dest_item.isdir():
                    if dest_is_dir:

                    t = Transaction(log, dry_run=dry_run)
                    mo = MoveFSItemOperation(t, source_item, str(dest_item))

                    assert t.apply().succeeded()
                    assert source_item.exists() == dry_run
                    assert mo.actual_destination().exists() != dry_run
                    assert not t.rollback().succeeded()
                    assert source_item.exists()
                    assert not mo.actual_destination().exists()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_copy(self, base_dir):
        """Verify copy action works, also in case of failed copies"""
        source = (base_dir / "source_file").write_bytes(bytes(b"hello there"))
        dest_file = base_dir / "subdir" / "subsubdir" / "destination_file.ext"

        dk = CopyAction.data_key('foo')
        assert dk == 'package-actions.copy.foo'

        kvstore = KeyValueStoreModifier(dict())
        kvstore.set_value(dk, 'foo')  # make sure the key exists to get values based on our schema
        data = CopyAction.data(dk, kvstore)

        data.destination = dest_file

        for dry_run in range(2):
            t = Transaction(logging.root, dry_run=dry_run)
            # package_data is currently unused, so None works
            fco = CopyAction(t, 'doesntmatter', data, 'package', None)

            # apply
            assert not dest_file.isfile()
            assert t.apply().succeeded()
            assert dest_file.isfile() != dry_run
            assert source.isfile()  # just to be sure :)

            # rollback
            assert not dest_file.exists()
            assert not dest_file.dirname().exists()
            assert not dest_file.dirname().dirname().exists()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_delete_op(self, rw_dir):
        base_dir = ((rw_dir / "dir").mkdir() / "other_file").touch()
        file = (rw_dir / "file").touch()

        # REMOVE FS ITEM
        for dry_run in reversed(list(range(2))):
            for item in (file, base_dir):
                t = Transaction(log, dry_run=dry_run)
                ro = DeleteOperation(t, item)

                assert item.exists()
                assert t.apply().succeeded()
                assert item.exists() == dry_run
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_create_op(self, base_dir):
        destination = base_dir / "my_new_item"
        for dry_run in range(2):
            for content in (None, bytes(b"hello world")):
                for mode in (0o755,  None):
                    for gid in (None, os.getgid()):
                        for uid in (None, os.getuid()):
                            for dest_exists in range(2):
                                assert not destination.exists()

                                t = Transaction(log, dry_run=dry_run)
                                co = TestCreateFSItemOperation(
                                    t, str(destination), content, mode=mode, uid=uid, gid=gid)

                                if dest_exists:
                                    # Will ignore existing items, but cares about the type
                                    assert t.apply().succeeded() == (content is None)
                                    if not (gid or uid and os.getuid() != 0 and type(t.exception()) is OSError):
                                        assert t.succeeded()
                                        assert destination.exists() != dry_run
                                    # end ignore non-root permissions issues
                                    assert not t.rollback().succeeded()
                                    assert not destination.exists()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_rsync(self, dest_dir):
        # Need to copy a bigger amount of files ... however it's dependent on time anyway, so this one
        # might fail in a few years
        raise SkipTest("This test is too slow and depends on timing, making it unreliable")
        source = Path(__file__).dirname().dirname()
        for subdir in (None, "rsync_destination"):
            destination = dest_dir
            if subdir is not None:
                destination /= subdir
            # END handle destination

            p = StoringProgressIndicator()
            for dry_run in reversed(list(range(2))):
                t = Transaction(log, dry_run=dry_run, progress=p)
                ro = RsyncOperation(t, source, destination)

                assert t.apply().succeeded(), "should work in any way"
                assert ro.actual_destination().exists() != dry_run
                assert not t.rollback().succeeded(
                ), "Rollback always works, evern in dry run mode where it doesn't do anything"
                assert not ro.actual_destination().exists()
            # END for each dryrun mode

            # abort operation - make it a bit slower
            ro = RsyncOperation(t, source, destination, max_bandwidth_kb=1000)
            cr = ConcurrentRun(t.apply, log).start()

            assert t.is_running(), "transaction should still be running"
            assert ro.actual_destination().exists(), "destination dir should have been created at least"
            assert t.is_aborting()
            s = time.time()
            assert cr.result() is t, "Waited for result, which was not what we expected"
            elapsed = time.time() - s
            assert elapsed < 1.0, "Should have joined much faster, it took %f" % elapsed

            assert not t.is_aborting(), "Shouldnt be in abort mode anymore after we aborted and rolled back"
            assert not ro.actual_destination().exists(
            ), "Destination should not exist any more as we triggered a rollback"
            assert not t.succeeded()