Exemplo n.º 1
    def initializes(self):
        initialize the data to be used within generate
        # Universe
        UH = UniHandler(self.startdate, self.enddate, True, self.altsim_dir)
        uni = UH.build_uni(self.uni_name, 'aws_dev')
        uni = UH.filter_uni(uni, self.set_exch, self.set_base, self.set_quote,
                            self.set_exclude, self.set_short_case)

        # Data
        DH = DataHandler(self.startdate, self.enddate, self.backdays,
                         self.interval, self.download, self.altsim_dir)
        # include data you will use
        ohlcv = DH.build_data(uni, 'ohlcv', 'aws_exchanges')
        ohlcv_close = apply_to_matrix(ohlcv, 'close', 'ticker', self.startdate,
                                      self.enddate, self.interval)
        ohlcv_close = backfill(ohlcv_close)
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # Remove tickers that dont have data
        uni = apply_filter_no_data_tickers(uni, ohlcv_close)

        # Alpha
        AH = AlphaHandler(self.startdate, self.enddate, self.interval)
        alpha = AH.build_df(uni)

        return uni, alpha, ohlcv, ohlcv_close
Exemplo n.º 2
    def initializes(self):
        initialize the data to be used within generate
        # Universe
        UH = UniHandler(self.startdate,self.enddate,True,self.altsim_dir)
        uni = UH.build_uni(self.uni_name,'aws_dev')
        uni = UH.filter_uni(uni,self.set_exch,self.set_base,self.set_quote,self.set_exclude,self.set_short_case)
        uni['BTC-USDT-BINA'] = True
        # Data
        DH = DataHandler(self.startdate,self.enddate,self.backdays,self.interval,self.download,self.altsim_dir)
        # include data you will use
        ohlcv = DH.build_data(uni,'ohlcv','aws_exchanges')
        ohlcv_close = apply_to_matrix(ohlcv,'close','ticker',self.startdate,self.enddate,self.interval)
        ohlcv_close = backfill(ohlcv_close)

        # Remove tickers that dont have data
        uni = apply_filter_no_data_tickers(uni, ohlcv_close)

        # Alpha
        AH = AlphaHandler(self.startdate,self.enddate,self.interval)
        alpha = AH.build_df(uni)
        del alpha['BTC-USDT-BINA']

        # Recalculate */BTC to */USDT for BINA
        for col in alpha:
            if col.split('-')[2] == 'BINA':
                x = ohlcv_close.loc[:,col]
                btc = ohlcv_close.loc[:,'BTC-USDT-BINA']
                for i in x.index:
                    x.loc[i] = x.loc[i] * btc.loc[i]

        return uni, alpha, ohlcv, ohlcv_close