def buildDeb(dest=None): global package_name global package_version global package_replaces global package_explicit global hgpath global files_to_chmod_executable if os.geteuid() != 0: print "WARNING: You are not root. You should be running this script with root permissions!" if dest is None: dest = os.getenv('makehuman_dest', 0) if dest == 0: print "You must explicitly set the makehuman_dest environment variable to point at a work directory, or specify it as argument. I will violently destroy and mutilate the contents of this directory." exit(1) destdir = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(dest)) # Folder to build deb package to if os.path.exists(destdir): # Ensure dest dir is empty shutil.rmtree(destdir) os.mkdir(destdir) debdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) # / deb build script root path print "Destination directory: " + destdir hgrootdir = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(os.path.join(debdir, '..', '..'))) print "HG root directory: " + hgrootdir if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(hgrootdir, '.hg')): print "Error, the hg root folder %s does not contain .hg folder!" % hgrootdir exit(1) # Parse build.conf (in buildscripts folder) configure(os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'build.conf')) # Folder where hg contents are exported and prepared for packaging (scripts are run) exportdir = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath( os.path.join(hgrootdir, '..', package_name + '-export-deb'))) print "Source export directory: " + exportdir print "\nABOUT TO PERFORM BUILD EXPORT\n" print "to: %s" % os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(exportdir)) # Export source to export folder and run scripts sys.path = [os.path.join(debdir, '..')] + sys.path try: import build_prepare except: print "Failed to import build_prepare, expected to find it at %s. Make sure to run this script from hgroot/buildscripts/deb/" % os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(os.path.join(debdir, '..'))) exit(1) if os.path.exists(exportdir): shutil.rmtree(exportdir) exportInfo = build_prepare.export(sourcePath=hgrootdir, exportFolder=exportdir) scriptdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( exportdir, 'makehuman')) # .. Folder containing (source to package) print "Makehuman directory: " + scriptdir if not exportInfo.isRelease and not package_explicit: package_name = package_name + 'hg' target = os.path.join( destdir, "debroot") # /dest/debroot contents of deb archive (= target) if not os.path.exists(target): os.mkdir(target) controldir = os.path.join( target, "DEBIAN") # /dest/debroot/DEBIAN deb control files if not os.path.exists(controldir): os.mkdir(controldir) print "Control directory: " + controldir srccontrol = os.path.join(debdir, "debian") # /debian source of DEBIAN control templates if not os.path.exists(srccontrol): print "The debian directory does not exist in the source deb folder. Something is likely horribly wrong. Eeeeek! Giving up and hiding..." exit(1) bindir = os.path.join(target, "usr", "bin") if not os.path.exists(bindir): os.makedirs(bindir) print "Bin directory: " + bindir srcbin = os.path.join(debdir, "bin") # /bin src executable file if not os.path.exists(srcbin): print "The bin directory does not exist in the source deb folder. Something is likely horribly wrong. Eeeeek! Giving up and hiding..." exit(1) docdir = os.path.join(target, "usr", "share", "doc", package_name) if not os.path.exists(docdir): os.makedirs(docdir) print "Doc dir: " + docdir # /dest/share/doc/makehuman docs export folder applications = os.path.join( target, "usr", "share", "applications" ) # /dest/share/applications app shortcut export folder if not os.path.exists(applications): os.mkdir(applications) print "Desktop shortcut dir: " + applications programdir = os.path.join( target, "usr", "share", "makehuman" ) # /dest/share/makehuman export folder of mh app and data if os.path.exists(programdir): shutil.rmtree(programdir) # Cannot exist because copytree requires it print "Program directory: " + programdir print "\nABOUT TO COPY CONTENTS TO DEB DEST\n" shutil.copytree( scriptdir, programdir) # Copy exported makehuman/ folder to programdir # Copy icon file from hg to export folder svgIcon = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'makehuman/icons/makehuman.svg') shutil.copy(svgIcon, os.path.join(programdir, "makehuman.svg")) # Copy files in src bin dir to dest bin dir _cp_files(srcbin, bindir) # Make a copy of hg revision in docs folder try: shutil.copy(os.path.join(programdir, 'data', 'VERSION'), os.path.join(docdir, "HGREV.txt")) except: print "ERROR did not find data/VERSION file (%s)! Your build is incomplete!! Verify your build_prepare settings." % os.path.join( programdir, 'data', 'VERSION') exit(1) # Copy files in src bin dir to dest bin dir (copy bash wrapper executable) _cp_files(srccontrol, controldir) hgrev = exportInfo.revision # Calculate package size # du -cks $target | cut -f 1 | uniq du_p = subprocess.Popen(['du', '-cks', target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cut_p = subprocess.Popen(['cut', '-f', '1'], stdin=du_p.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) uniq_p = subprocess.Popen(['uniq'], stdin=cut_p.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Allow producer processes to receive SIGPIPE if consumer process exits du_p.stdout.close() cut_p.stdout.close() # Retrieve output size = uniq_p.communicate()[0].strip().strip('\n') print "\nPackage size: %s\n" % size if package_version is None: if exportInfo.isRelease: # Conform to: ver = "1:" + exportInfo.version.replace(' ', '.').lower() else: ver = hgrev else: ver = package_version print "DEB PACKAGE VERSION: %s\n" % ver # Replace fields in control file template controlFile = os.path.join(controldir, 'control') _sed_replace(controlFile, 'VERSION', ver) _sed_replace(controlFile, 'PKGNAME', package_name) _sed_replace(controlFile, 'REPLACES', package_replaces) _sed_replace(controlFile, 'SIZE', size) if exportInfo.isRelease: ver = exportInfo.version else: ver = hgrev # Create desktop shortcut shortcut = os.path.join(applications, "MakeHuman.desktop") shutil.move(os.path.join(controldir, "MakeHuman.desktop"), shortcut) _sed_replace(shortcut, 'VERSION', ver) # Generate changelog os.chdir(hgrootdir) changelog = os.path.join(docdir, "changelog") import glob for logfile in glob.glob(changelog + '*'): if os.path.isfile(logfile): os.remove(logfile) branch_p = subprocess.Popen([hgpath, 'branch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) branch = branch_p.communicate()[0].strip().strip('\n') print "\nUsing HG branch: %s\n" % branch changelog_f = open(changelog, 'wb') subprocess.check_call([hgpath, 'log', '-b', branch], stdout=changelog_f) changelog_f.close() subprocess.check_call(['gzip', '-9v', changelog]) os.chdir(target) # Move copyright file in place copysrc = os.path.join(controldir, "copyright") copydest = os.path.join(docdir, "copyright") shutil.move(copysrc, copydest) # Move license file in place lsrc = os.path.join(programdir, "license.txt") ldst = os.path.join(docdir, "LICENSE.txt") shutil.move(lsrc, ldst) try: subprocess.check_call(["chown", "-R", "0:0", target]) except: print "Failed to chown to root. Operation not permitted?" try: subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "-R", "644", target]) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(target): for d in dirs: dpath = os.path.join(target, path, d) try: subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", dpath]) except: print "Failed to chmod 755 folder %s" % dpath subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", target]) except: print "Failed to chmod." for x in files_to_chmod_executable: if os.path.exists(x): subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", x]) outputdir = os.path.join(destdir, "output") if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir) os.chdir(outputdir) if package_version is None: if exportInfo.isRelease: ver = exportInfo.version.replace(' ', '.').lower() else: ver = hgrev else: ver = package_version debfile = os.path.join(outputdir, package_name + "-" + ver + "_all.deb") debcmd = [ "dpkg-deb", "-Z", "bzip2", "-z", "9", "-b", "../debroot", debfile ] print debcmd subprocess.check_call(debcmd) print "\n\n\nPackage is now available in " + debfile + "\n" print "If you are building for release, you should now run:\n" print " lintian " + debfile + "\n" print "... in order to check the deb file.\n"
else: print("Could not find build.conf") exit(1) exportDir = None if len(sys.argv) > 1: exportDir = sys.argv[1] if exportDir is None: exportDir = defaultworkdir if not os.path.exists(exportDir): os.mkdir(exportDir) shutil.rmtree(exportDir) export(rootdir, exportDir, False, False) if not os.path.exists(exportDir): print("Export dir %s does not exist" % exportDir) exit(1) pynsistIn = os.path.join(build_scripts, 'win32', 'pynsist.cfg') pynsistOut = os.path.join(exportDir, 'pynsist.cfg') with open(pynsistIn, 'r') as f: pynsist = title = "makehuman-community" version ='%Y%m%d') if "pynsistTitle" in config["Win32"]:
def buildDeb(dest = None): global package_name global package_version global package_replaces global package_explicit global hgpath global files_to_chmod_executable if os.geteuid() != 0: print "WARNING: You are not root. You should be running this script with root permissions!" if dest is None: dest = os.getenv('makehuman_dest',0) if dest == 0: print "You must explicitly set the makehuman_dest environment variable to point at a work directory, or specify it as argument. I will violently destroy and mutilate the contents of this directory." exit(1) destdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(dest)) # Folder to build deb package to if os.path.exists(destdir): # Ensure dest dir is empty shutil.rmtree(destdir) os.mkdir(destdir) debdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # / deb build script root path print "Destination directory: " + destdir hgrootdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath( os.path.join(debdir, '..', '..') )) print "HG root directory: " + hgrootdir if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join(hgrootdir, '.hg') ): print "Error, the hg root folder %s does not contain .hg folder!" % hgrootdir exit(1) # Parse build.conf (in buildscripts folder) configure(os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'build.conf')) # Folder where hg contents are exported and prepared for packaging (scripts are run) exportdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath( os.path.join(hgrootdir, '..', package_name + '-export-deb') )) print "Source export directory: " + exportdir print "\nABOUT TO PERFORM BUILD EXPORT\n" print "to: %s" % os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(exportdir)) # Export source to export folder and run scripts sys.path = [os.path.join(debdir, '..')] + sys.path try: import build_prepare except: print "Failed to import build_prepare, expected to find it at %s. Make sure to run this script from hgroot/buildscripts/deb/" % os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(debdir, '..'))) exit(1) if os.path.exists(exportdir): shutil.rmtree(exportdir) exportInfo = build_prepare.export(sourcePath = hgrootdir, exportFolder = exportdir) os.remove(os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'blendertools', 'copy2blender.bat')) scriptdir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman') ) # .. Folder containing (source to package) print "Makehuman directory: " + scriptdir if not exportInfo.isRelease and not package_explicit: package_name = package_name + 'hg' target = os.path.join(destdir,"debroot") # /dest/debroot contents of deb archive (= target) if not os.path.exists(target): os.mkdir(target) controldir = os.path.join(target,"DEBIAN") # /dest/debroot/DEBIAN deb control files if not os.path.exists(controldir): os.mkdir(controldir) print "Control directory: " + controldir srccontrol = os.path.join(debdir,"debian"); # /debian source of DEBIAN control templates if not os.path.exists(srccontrol): print "The debian directory does not exist in the source deb folder. Something is likely horribly wrong. Eeeeek! Giving up and hiding..." exit(1) bindir = os.path.join(target, "usr", "bin") if not os.path.exists(bindir): os.makedirs(bindir) print "Bin directory: " + bindir srcbin = os.path.join(debdir,"bin"); # /bin src executable file if not os.path.exists(srcbin): print "The bin directory does not exist in the source deb folder. Something is likely horribly wrong. Eeeeek! Giving up and hiding..." exit(1) docdir = os.path.join(target, "usr", "share", "doc", package_name) if not os.path.exists(docdir): os.makedirs(docdir) print "Doc dir: " + docdir # /dest/share/doc/makehuman docs export folder applications = os.path.join(target, "usr", "share", "applications") # /dest/share/applications app shortcut export folder if not os.path.exists(applications): os.mkdir(applications) print "Desktop shortcut dir: " + applications programdir = os.path.join(target, "usr", "share", "makehuman") # /dest/share/makehuman export folder of mh app and data if os.path.exists(programdir): shutil.rmtree(programdir) # Cannot exist because copytree requires it print "Program directory: " + programdir print "\nABOUT TO COPY CONTENTS TO DEB DEST\n" shutil.copytree(scriptdir, programdir) # Copy exported makehuman/ folder to programdir # Copy icon file from hg to export folder svgIcon = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'makehuman/icons/makehuman.svg') shutil.copy(svgIcon, os.path.join(programdir,"makehuman.svg")) # Copy files in src bin dir to dest bin dir _cp_files(srcbin, bindir) # Make a copy of hg revision in docs folder try: shutil.copy(os.path.join(programdir, 'data', 'VERSION'), os.path.join(docdir,"HGREV.txt")) except: print "ERROR did not find data/VERSION file (%s)! Your build is incomplete!! Verify your build_prepare settings." % os.path.join(programdir, 'data', 'VERSION') exit(1) # Copy files in src bin dir to dest bin dir _cp_files(srccontrol, controldir) hgrev = exportInfo.revision # Calculate package size # du -cks $target | cut -f 1 | uniq du_p = subprocess.Popen(['du', '-cks', target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cut_p = subprocess.Popen(['cut', '-f', '1'], stdin=du_p.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) uniq_p = subprocess.Popen(['uniq'], stdin=cut_p.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Allow producer processes to receive SIGPIPE if consumer process exits du_p.stdout.close() cut_p.stdout.close() # Retrieve output size = uniq_p.communicate()[0].strip().strip('\n') print "\nPackage size: %s\n" % size if package_version is None: if exportInfo.isRelease: # Conform to: ver = "1:"+exportInfo.version.replace(' ', '.').lower() else: ver = hgrev else: ver = package_version print "DEB PACKAGE VERSION: %s\n" % ver # Replace fields in control file template controlFile = os.path.join(controldir, 'control') _sed_replace(controlFile, 'VERSION', ver) _sed_replace(controlFile, 'PKGNAME', package_name) _sed_replace(controlFile, 'REPLACES', package_replaces) _sed_replace(controlFile, 'SIZE', size) if exportInfo.isRelease: ver = exportInfo.version else: ver = hgrev # Create desktop shortcut shortcut = os.path.join(applications, "MakeHuman.desktop") shutil.move(os.path.join(controldir, "MakeHuman.desktop"), shortcut) _sed_replace(shortcut, 'VERSION', ver) # Generate changelog os.chdir(hgrootdir) changelog = os.path.join(docdir,"changelog") import glob for logfile in glob.glob(changelog+'*'): if os.path.isfile(logfile): os.remove(logfile) branch_p = subprocess.Popen([hgpath,'branch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) branch = branch_p.communicate()[0].strip().strip('\n') print "\nUsing HG branch: %s\n" % branch changelog_f = open(changelog, 'wb') subprocess.check_call([hgpath,'log','-b',branch], stdout=changelog_f) changelog_f.close() subprocess.check_call(['gzip', '-9v', changelog]) os.chdir(target) # Move copyright file in place copysrc = os.path.join(controldir,"copyright") copydest = os.path.join(docdir,"copyright") shutil.move(copysrc, copydest) # Move license file in place lsrc = os.path.join(programdir,"license.txt") ldst = os.path.join(docdir,"LICENSE.txt") shutil.move(lsrc, ldst) try: subprocess.check_call(["chown", "-R", "0:0", target]) except: print "Failed to chown to root. Operation not permitted?" try: subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "-R", "644", target]) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(target): for d in dirs: dpath = os.path.join(target, path, d) try: subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", dpath]) except: print "Failed to chmod 755 folder %s" % dpath subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", target]) except: print "Failed to chmod." for x in files_to_chmod_executable: if os.path.exists(x): subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", x]) outputdir = os.path.join(destdir,"output") if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir) os.chdir(outputdir) if package_version is None: if exportInfo.isRelease: ver = exportInfo.version.replace(' ', '.').lower() else: ver = hgrev else: ver = package_version debfile = os.path.join(outputdir,package_name + "-" + ver + "_all.deb") debcmd = ["dpkg-deb", "-Z", "bzip2", "-z", "9", "-b", "../debroot", debfile] print debcmd subprocess.check_call(debcmd) print "\n\n\nPackage is now available in " + debfile + "\n" print "If you are building for release, you should now run:\n" print " lintian " + debfile + "\n" print "... in order to check the deb file.\n"
def buildSourceTree(dest=None): if os.geteuid() != 0: print "WARNING: You are not root. You should be running this script with root permissions!" if dest is None: dest = os.getenv('makehuman_dest', 0) if dest == 0: print "You must explicitly set the makehuman_dest environment variable to point at a work directory, or specify it as argument. I will violently destroy and mutilate the contents of this directory." exit(1) settings["build_root"] = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(dest)) # Folder to build deb package to if os.path.exists(settings["build_root"]): # Ensure dest dir is empty shutil.rmtree(settings["build_root"]) os.mkdir(settings["build_root"]) configurePaths() print "\nABOUT TO PERFORM BUILD EXPORT\n" print "to: %s" % os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(settings["build_prepare_destination"])) # Export source to export folder and run scripts sys.path = [os.path.join(settings["location_of_script"], '..')] + sys.path try: import build_prepare except: print "Failed to import build_prepare, expected to find it at %s. Make sure to run this script from hgroot/buildscripts/deb/" % os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(os.path.join(settings["location_of_script"], '..'))) exit(1) if os.path.exists(settings["build_prepare_destination"]): shutil.rmtree(settings["build_prepare_destination"]) exportInfo = build_prepare.export( sourcePath=settings["source_root"], exportFolder=settings["build_prepare_destination"]) #os.remove(os.path.join(settings["build_prepare_destination"], 'makehuman', 'blendertools'ender.bat')) print "\nABOUT TO COPY CONTENTS\n" try: subprocess.check_call( ["chown", "-R", "0:0", settings["build_prepare_destination"]]) except: print "Failed to chown to root. Operation not permitted?" try: subprocess.check_call( ["chmod", "-R", "644", settings["build_prepare_destination"]]) for path, dirs, files in os.walk( settings["build_prepare_destination"]): for d in dirs: dpath = os.path.join(settings["build_prepare_destination"], path, d) try: subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", dpath]) except: print "Failed to chmod 755 folder %s" % dpath subprocess.check_call( ["chmod", "755", settings["build_prepare_destination"]]) except Exception as e: print "Failed to chmod " + settings["build_prepare_destination"] print e for x in files_to_chmod_executable: if os.path.exists(x): subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", x]) shutil.copytree(settings["extras_location"], settings["extras_destination"]) print "\nCOPYING RAW TARGETS FOR -dev\n" _cp_pattern(settings["makehuman_source_root"], settings["manual_export_location"], ".target") print "\nCOPYING RAW OBJS FOR -dev\n" _cp_pattern(settings["makehuman_source_root"], settings["manual_export_location"], ".obj") print "\nCOPYING RAW MHCLO FOR -dev\n" _cp_pattern(settings["makehuman_source_root"], settings["manual_export_location"], ".mhclo") print "\nCOPYING RAW PROXIES FOR -dev\n" _cp_pattern(settings["makehuman_source_root"], settings["manual_export_location"], ".proxy") dummy = os.path.join(settings["manual_export_location"], "dummy.txt") with open(dummy, "w") as text_file: text_file.write( "This is only because moronic debuild cannot handle tarballs which doesn't have a non-dir entry in the root" ) try: subprocess.check_call( ["chown", "-R", "0:0", settings["manual_export_location"]]) except: print "Failed to chown to root. Operation not permitted?" try: subprocess.check_call( ["chmod", "-R", "644", settings["manual_export_location"]]) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(settings["manual_export_location"]): for d in dirs: dpath = os.path.join(settings["manual_export_location"], path, d) try: subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "755", dpath]) except: print "Failed to chmod 755 folder %s" % dpath subprocess.check_call( ["chmod", "755", settings["manual_export_location"]]) except Exception as e: print "Failed to chmod " + settings["manual_export_location"] print e
def buildRpm(): global package_name global package_version if os.geteuid() == 0: print( "You are not allowed to run this script as root. You must run it as a normal user." ) exit(1) rpmdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) # / rpm build script root path hgrootdir = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(os.path.join(rpmdir, '..', '..'))) print("HG root directory: " + hgrootdir) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(hgrootdir, '.hg')): print( "Error, the hg root folder %s does not contain .hg folder! Make sure you are running this script from buildscripts/rpm in the hg repository." % hgrootdir) exit(1) # Parse build.conf (in buildscripts folder) configure(os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'build.conf')) # Folder where hg contents are exported and prepared for packaging (scripts are run) exportdir = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(os.path.join(hgrootdir, '..', 'mh-export-rpm'))) print("Source export directory: " + exportdir) homedir = os.getenv('HOME', None) if not homedir: print("ERROR: cannot get HOME directory from $HOME environment var.") exit(1) # Export source to export folder and run scripts sys.path = [os.path.join(rpmdir, '..')] + sys.path try: import build_prepare except: print( "Failed to import build_prepare, expected to find it at %s. Make sure to run this script from hgroot/buildscripts/rpm/" % os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(rpmdir, '..')))) exit(1) if os.path.exists(exportdir): shutil.rmtree(exportdir) exportInfo = build_prepare.export(sourcePath=hgrootdir, exportFolder=exportdir) # Copy extra files svgIco = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'makehuman', 'icons', 'makehuman.svg') shutil.copy(svgIco, os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'makehuman.svg')) desktopFile = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'deb', 'debian', 'MakeHuman.desktop') desktopDest = os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'MakeHuman.desktop') shutil.copy(desktopFile, desktopDest) subprocess.check_call( ['sed', '-i', '-e', 's/VERSION/%s/' % exportInfo.version, desktopDest]) execFile = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'rpm', 'makehuman') execDest = os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'makehuman') if os.path.isfile(execDest): os.remove(execDest) shutil.copy(execFile, execDest) os.remove( os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'blendertools', 'copy2blender.bat')) # Setup RPM environment for d in [ 'SRPMS', 'BUILD', 'SPECS', 'SOURCES', 'lib', 'RPMS/i386', 'RPMS/noarch' ]: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(homedir, 'rpms', d)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(homedir, 'rpms', d)) subprocess.check_call( ['rpm', '--initdb', '--dbpath', os.path.join(homedir, 'rpms', 'lib')]) f = open(os.path.join(homedir, '.rpmmacros'), 'wb') f.write("%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpms") f.close() # Execute build if exportInfo.isRelease: os.environ["MH_PKG_NAME"] = package_name else: os.environ["MH_PKG_NAME"] = package_name + 'hg' if package_version is None: version = exportInfo.version.replace(" ", ".") else: version = package_version print("RPM PACKAGE VERSION: %s\n" % version) os.environ["MH_VERSION"] = version os.environ["MH_EXPORT_PATH"] = exportdir print('\n\nBuilding RPM package "%s" of version "%s"\n\n' % (os.environ["MH_PKG_NAME"], version)) subprocess.check_call(['bash', 'make_rpm.bash'])
def buildRpm(): global package_name global package_version if os.geteuid() == 0: print "You are not allowed to run this script as root. You must run it as a normal user." exit(1) rpmdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # / rpm build script root path hgrootdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath( os.path.join(rpmdir, '..', '..') )) print "HG root directory: " + hgrootdir if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join(hgrootdir, '.hg') ): print "Error, the hg root folder %s does not contain .hg folder! Make sure you are running this script from buildscripts/rpm in the hg repository." % hgrootdir exit(1) # Parse build.conf (in buildscripts folder) configure(os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'build.conf')) # Folder where hg contents are exported and prepared for packaging (scripts are run) exportdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath( os.path.join(hgrootdir, '..', 'mh-export-rpm') )) print "Source export directory: " + exportdir homedir = os.getenv('HOME', None) if not homedir: print "ERROR: cannot get HOME directory from $HOME environment var." exit(1) # Export source to export folder and run scripts sys.path = [os.path.join(rpmdir, '..')] + sys.path try: import build_prepare except: print "Failed to import build_prepare, expected to find it at %s. Make sure to run this script from hgroot/buildscripts/rpm/" % os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(rpmdir, '..'))) exit(1) if os.path.exists(exportdir): shutil.rmtree(exportdir) exportInfo = build_prepare.export(sourcePath = hgrootdir, exportFolder = exportdir) # Copy extra files svgIco = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'makehuman', 'icons', 'makehuman.svg') shutil.copy(svgIco, os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'makehuman.svg')) desktopFile = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'deb', 'debian', 'MakeHuman.desktop') desktopDest = os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'MakeHuman.desktop') shutil.copy(desktopFile, desktopDest) subprocess.check_call(['sed', '-i', '-e', 's/VERSION/%s/' % exportInfo.version, desktopDest]) execFile = os.path.join(hgrootdir, 'buildscripts', 'rpm', 'makehuman') execDest = os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'makehuman') if os.path.isfile(execDest): os.remove(execDest) shutil.copy(execFile, execDest) os.remove(os.path.join(exportdir, 'makehuman', 'blendertools', 'copy2blender.bat')) # Setup RPM environment for d in ['SRPMS', 'BUILD', 'SPECS', 'SOURCES', 'lib', 'RPMS/i386', 'RPMS/noarch']: if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join(homedir, 'rpms', d) ): os.makedirs( os.path.join(homedir, 'rpms', d) ) subprocess.check_call(['rpm', '--initdb', '--dbpath', os.path.join(homedir, 'rpms', 'lib')]) f = open(os.path.join(homedir, '.rpmmacros'), 'wb') f.write("%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpms") f.close() # Execute build if exportInfo.isRelease: os.environ["MH_PKG_NAME"] = package_name else: os.environ["MH_PKG_NAME"] = package_name + 'hg' if package_version is None: version = exportInfo.version.replace(" ", ".") else: version = package_version print "RPM PACKAGE VERSION: %s\n" % version os.environ["MH_VERSION"] = version os.environ["MH_EXPORT_PATH"] = exportdir print '\n\nBuilding RPM package "%s" of version "%s"\n\n' % (os.environ["MH_PKG_NAME"], version) subprocess.check_call(['bash', 'make_rpm.bash'])