Exemplo n.º 1
    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        sps = []

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
        # pass all sourcestamps to the buildstatus
        self.builder.builder_status.reason = self.reason

        if len(self.requests) > 0:
            self.setProperty("submittedTime", self.requests[0].submittedAt,
            brids = [req.id for req in self.requests]
            self.setProperty("brids", brids, "buildrequest")
            self.setProperty("buildChainID", self.requests[0].buildChainID,

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [
            r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
            if r.properties.has_key('owner')
        if owners: self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = []  # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS  # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = []  # list of text string lists (text2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = {}
        sps = []

        for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
            args = args.copy()
                step = factory(**args)
                log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s"
                        % (factory, args))
            name = step.name
            if stepnames.has_key(name):
                count = stepnames[name]
                count += 1
                stepnames[name] = count
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
                stepnames[name] = 0
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
        self.build_status.setRequests([req.status for req in self.requests])

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
                  if r.properties.has_key('owner')]
        if owners: self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = [] # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = [] # list of text string lists (text2)
Exemplo n.º 3
class Build:
    """I represent a single build by a single slave. Specialized Builders can
    use subclasses of Build to hold status information unique to those build

    I control B{how} the build proceeds. The actual build is broken up into a
    series of steps, saved in the .buildSteps[] array as a list of
    L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep} objects. Each step is a single remote
    command, possibly a shell command.

    During the build, I put status information into my C{BuildStatus}

    After the build, I go away.

    I can be used by a factory by setting buildClass on

    @ivar requests: the list of L{BuildRequest}s that triggered me
    @ivar build_status: the L{buildbot.status.builder.BuildStatus} that
                        collects our status


    workdir = "build"
    build_status = None
    reason = "changes"
    finished = False
    results = None

    def __init__(self, requests):
        self.requests = requests
        for req in self.requests:
            req.startCount += 1
        self.locks = []
        # build a source stamp
        self.source = requests[0].mergeWith(requests[1:])
        self.reason = requests[0].mergeReasons(requests[1:])

        self.progress = None
        self.currentStep = None
        self.slaveEnvironment = {}

        self.terminate = False

    def setBuilder(self, builder):
        Set the given builder as our builder.

        @type  builder: L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
        self.builder = builder

    def setLocks(self, locks):
        self.locks = locks

    def setSlaveEnvironment(self, env):
        self.slaveEnvironment = env

    def getSourceStamp(self):
        return self.source

    def setProperty(self, propname, value, source):
        """Set a property on this build. This may only be called after the
        build has started, so that it has a BuildStatus object where the
        properties can live."""
        self.build_status.setProperty(propname, value, source)

    def getProperties(self):
        return self.build_status.getProperties()

    def getProperty(self, propname):
        return self.build_status.getProperty(propname)

    def allChanges(self):
        return self.source.changes

    def allFiles(self):
        # return a list of all source files that were changed
        files = []
        havedirs = 0
        for c in self.allChanges():
            for f in c.files:
            if c.isdir:
                havedirs = 1
        return files

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Build %s>" % (self.builder.name,)

    def __getstate__(self):
        d = self.__dict__.copy()
        if d.has_key('remote'):
            del d['remote']
        return d

    def blamelist(self):
        blamelist = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            if c.who not in blamelist:
        return blamelist

    def changesText(self):
        changetext = ""
        for c in self.allChanges():
            changetext += "-" * 60 + "\n\n" + c.asText() + "\n"
        # consider sorting these by number
        return changetext

    def setStepFactories(self, step_factories):
        """Set a list of 'step factories', which are tuples of (class,
        kwargs), where 'class' is generally a subclass of step.BuildStep .
        These are used to create the Steps themselves when the Build starts
        (as opposed to when it is first created). By creating the steps
        later, their __init__ method will have access to things like
        build.allFiles() ."""
        self.stepFactories = list(step_factories)

    useProgress = True

    def getSlaveCommandVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.slavebuilder.getSlaveCommandVersion(command, oldversion)
    def getSlaveName(self):
        return self.slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def setupProperties(self):
        props = self.getProperties()

        # start with global properties from the configuration
        buildmaster = self.builder.botmaster.parent

        # get any properties from requests (this is the path through
        # which schedulers will send us properties)
        for rq in self.requests:

        # and finally, from the SourceStamp, which has properties via Change
        for change in self.source.changes:

        # now set some properties of our own, corresponding to the
        # build itself
        props.setProperty("buildername", self.builder.name, "Build")
        props.setProperty("buildnumber", self.build_status.number, "Build")
        props.setProperty("branch", self.source.branch, "Build")
        props.setProperty("revision", self.source.revision, "Build")

    def setupSlaveBuilder(self, slavebuilder):
        self.slavebuilder = slavebuilder

        # navigate our way back to the L{buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave}
        # object that came from the config, and get its properties
        buildslave_properties = slavebuilder.slave.properties

        self.slavename = slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def startBuild(self, build_status, expectations, slavebuilder):
        """This method sets up the build, then starts it by invoking the
        first Step. It returns a Deferred which will fire when the build
        finishes. This Deferred is guaranteed to never errback."""

        # we are taking responsibility for watching the connection to the
        # remote. This responsibility was held by the Builder until our
        # startBuild was called, and will not return to them until we fire
        # the Deferred returned by this method.

        log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
        self.build_status = build_status
        # now that we have a build_status, we can set properties

        # convert all locks into their real forms
        lock_list = []
        for access in self.locks:
            if not isinstance(access, locks.LockAccess):
                # Buildbot 0.7.7 compability: user did not specify access
                access = access.defaultAccess()
            lock = self.builder.botmaster.getLockByID(access.lockid)
            lock_list.append((lock, access))
        self.locks = lock_list
        # then narrow SlaveLocks down to the right slave
        self.locks = [(l.getLock(self.slavebuilder), la)
                       for l, la in self.locks]
        self.remote = slavebuilder.remote
        d = self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
        def _release_slave(res, slave, bs):
            return res
        d.addCallback(_release_slave, self.slavebuilder.slave, build_status)

            self.setupBuild(expectations) # create .steps
            # the build hasn't started yet, so log the exception as a point
            # event instead of flunking the build. TODO: associate this
            # failure with the build instead. this involves doing
            # self.build_status.buildStarted() from within the exception
            # handler
            log.msg("Build.setupBuild failed")
            self.finished = True
            self.results = FAILURE
            self.deferred = None
            return d

        return d

    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        log.msg("acquireLocks(step %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if not lock.isAvailable(access):
                log.msg("Build %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.claim(self, access)
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def _startBuild_2(self, res):

    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = {}
        sps = []

        for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
            args = args.copy()
                step = factory(**args)
                log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s"
                        % (factory, args))
            name = step.name
            if stepnames.has_key(name):
                count = stepnames[name]
                count += 1
                stepnames[name] = count
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
                stepnames[name] = 0
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
        self.build_status.setRequests([req.status for req in self.requests])

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
                  if r.properties.has_key('owner')]
        if owners: self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = [] # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = [] # list of text string lists (text2)

    def getNextStep(self):
        """This method is called to obtain the next BuildStep for this build.
        When it returns None (or raises a StopIteration exception), the build
        is complete."""
        if not self.steps:
            return None
        if self.terminate:
            while True:
                s = self.steps.pop(0)
                if s.alwaysRun:
                    return s
                if not self.steps:
                    return None
            return self.steps.pop(0)

    def startNextStep(self):
            s = self.getNextStep()
        except StopIteration:
            s = None
        if not s:
            return self.allStepsDone()
        self.currentStep = s
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.startStep, self.remote)
        d.addCallback(self._stepDone, s)

    def _stepDone(self, results, step):
        self.currentStep = None
        if self.finished:
            return # build was interrupted, don't keep building
        terminate = self.stepDone(results, step) # interpret/merge results
        if terminate:
            self.terminate = True
        return self.startNextStep()

    def stepDone(self, result, step):
        """This method is called when the BuildStep completes. It is passed a
        status object from the BuildStep and is responsible for merging the
        Step's results into those of the overall Build."""

        terminate = False
        text = None
        if type(result) == types.TupleType:
            result, text = result
        assert type(result) == type(SUCCESS)
        log.msg(" step '%s' complete: %s" % (step.name, Results[result]))
        if text:
        if not self.remote:
            terminate = True
        if result == FAILURE:
            if step.warnOnFailure:
                if self.result != FAILURE:
                    self.result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnFailure:
                self.result = FAILURE
            if step.haltOnFailure:
                terminate = True
        elif result == WARNINGS:
            if step.warnOnWarnings:
                if self.result != FAILURE:
                    self.result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnWarnings:
                self.result = FAILURE
        elif result == EXCEPTION:
            self.result = EXCEPTION
            terminate = True
        return terminate

    def lostRemote(self, remote=None):
        # the slave went away. There are several possible reasons for this,
        # and they aren't necessarily fatal. For now, kill the build, but
        # TODO: see if we can resume the build when it reconnects.
        log.msg("%s.lostRemote" % self)
        self.remote = None
        if self.currentStep:
            # this should cause the step to finish.
            log.msg(" stopping currentStep", self.currentStep)

    def stopBuild(self, reason="<no reason given>"):
        # the idea here is to let the user cancel a build because, e.g.,
        # they realized they committed a bug and they don't want to waste
        # the time building something that they know will fail. Another
        # reason might be to abandon a stuck build. We want to mark the
        # build as failed quickly rather than waiting for the slave's
        # timeout to kill it on its own.

        log.msg(" %s: stopping build: %s" % (self, reason))
        if self.finished:
        # TODO: include 'reason' in this point event
        if 0:
            # TODO: maybe let its deferred do buildFinished
            if self.currentStep and self.currentStep.progress:
                # XXX: really .fail or something
            text = ["stopped", reason]
            self.buildFinished(text, FAILURE)

    def allStepsDone(self):
        if self.result == FAILURE:
            text = ["failed"]
        elif self.result == WARNINGS:
            text = ["warnings"]
        elif self.result == EXCEPTION:
            text = ["exception"]
            text = ["build", "successful"]
        return self.buildFinished(text, self.result)

    def buildException(self, why):
        log.msg("%s.buildException" % self)
        self.buildFinished(["build", "exception"], FAILURE)

    def buildFinished(self, text, results):
        """This method must be called when the last Step has completed. It
        marks the Build as complete and returns the Builder to the 'idle'

        It takes two arguments which describe the overall build status:
        text, results. 'results' is one of SUCCESS, WARNINGS, or FAILURE.

        If 'results' is SUCCESS or WARNINGS, we will permit any dependant
        builds to start. If it is 'FAILURE', those builds will be

        self.finished = True
        if self.remote:
        self.results = results

        log.msg(" %s: build finished" % self)
        if self.progress and results == SUCCESS:
            # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
            log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
        reactor.callLater(0, self.releaseLocks)
        self.deferred = None

    def releaseLocks(self):
        log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.release(self, access)

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status
Exemplo n.º 4
class Build:
    """I represent a single build by a single slave. Specialized Builders can
    use subclasses of Build to hold status information unique to those build

    I control B{how} the build proceeds. The actual build is broken up into a
    series of steps, saved in the .buildSteps[] array as a list of
    L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep} objects. Each step is a single remote
    command, possibly a shell command.

    During the build, I put status information into my C{BuildStatus}

    After the build, I go away.

    I can be used by a factory by setting buildClass on

    @ivar requests: the list of L{BuildRequest}s that triggered me
    @ivar build_status: the L{buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus} that
                        collects our status


    workdir = "build"
    build_status = None
    reason = "changes"
    finished = False
    results = None
    stopped = False

    def __init__(self, requests):
        self.requests = requests
        self.locks = []

        # build a source stamp
        self.source = requests[0].mergeWith(requests[1:])
        self.reason = requests[0].mergeReasons(requests[1:])

        self.progress = None
        self.currentStep = None
        self.slaveEnvironment = {}

        self.terminate = False

        self._acquiringLock = None

    def setBuilder(self, builder):
        Set the given builder as our builder.

        @type  builder: L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
        self.builder = builder

    def setLocks(self, locks):
        self.locks = locks

    def setSlaveEnvironment(self, env):
        self.slaveEnvironment = env

    def getSourceStamp(self):
        return self.source

    def setProperty(self, propname, value, source, runtime=True):
        """Set a property on this build. This may only be called after the
        build has started, so that it has a BuildStatus object where the
        properties can live."""
        self.build_status.setProperty(propname, value, source, runtime=True)

    def getProperties(self):
        return self.build_status.getProperties()

    def getProperty(self, propname):
        return self.build_status.getProperty(propname)

    def render(self, value):
        Return a variant of value that has any WithProperties objects
        substituted.  This recurses into Python's compound data types.
        return interfaces.IRenderable(value).getRenderingFor(self)

    def allChanges(self):
        return self.source.changes

    def allFiles(self):
        # return a list of all source files that were changed
        files = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            for f in c.files:
        return files

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Build %s>" % (self.builder.name, )

    def blamelist(self):
        blamelist = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            if c.who not in blamelist:
        return blamelist

    def changesText(self):
        changetext = ""
        for c in self.allChanges():
            changetext += "-" * 60 + "\n\n" + c.asText() + "\n"
        # consider sorting these by number
        return changetext

    def setStepFactories(self, step_factories):
        """Set a list of 'step factories', which are tuples of (class,
        kwargs), where 'class' is generally a subclass of step.BuildStep .
        These are used to create the Steps themselves when the Build starts
        (as opposed to when it is first created). By creating the steps
        later, their __init__ method will have access to things like
        build.allFiles() ."""
        self.stepFactories = list(step_factories)

    useProgress = True

    def getSlaveCommandVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.slavebuilder.getSlaveCommandVersion(command, oldversion)

    def getSlaveName(self):
        return self.slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def setupProperties(self):
        props = self.getProperties()

        # start with global properties from the configuration
        buildmaster = self.builder.botmaster.parent

        # from the SourceStamp, which has properties via Change
        for change in self.source.changes:

        # and finally, get any properties from requests (this is the path
        # through which schedulers will send us properties)
        for rq in self.requests:

        # now set some properties of our own, corresponding to the
        # build itself
        props.setProperty("buildnumber", self.build_status.number, "Build")
        props.setProperty("branch", self.source.branch, "Build")
        props.setProperty("revision", self.source.revision, "Build")
        props.setProperty("repository", self.source.repository, "Build")
        props.setProperty("project", self.source.project, "Build")

    def setupSlaveBuilder(self, slavebuilder):
        self.slavebuilder = slavebuilder

        # navigate our way back to the L{buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave}
        # object that came from the config, and get its properties
        buildslave_properties = slavebuilder.slave.properties
        if slavebuilder.slave.slave_basedir:
                    self.builder.slavebuilddir), "slave")

        self.slavename = slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def startBuild(self, build_status, expectations, slavebuilder):
        """This method sets up the build, then starts it by invoking the
        first Step. It returns a Deferred which will fire when the build
        finishes. This Deferred is guaranteed to never errback."""

        # we are taking responsibility for watching the connection to the
        # remote. This responsibility was held by the Builder until our
        # startBuild was called, and will not return to them until we fire
        # the Deferred returned by this method.

        log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
        self.build_status = build_status
        # now that we have a build_status, we can set properties

        # convert all locks into their real forms
        lock_list = []
        for access in self.locks:
            if not isinstance(access, locks.LockAccess):
                # Buildbot 0.7.7 compability: user did not specify access
                access = access.defaultAccess()
            lock = self.builder.botmaster.getLockByID(access.lockid)
            lock_list.append((lock, access))
        self.locks = lock_list
        # then narrow SlaveLocks down to the right slave
        self.locks = [(l.getLock(self.slavebuilder), la)
                      for l, la in self.locks]
        self.remote = slavebuilder.remote

        metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', 1)

        d = self.deferred = defer.Deferred()

        def _uncount_build(res):
            metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', -1)
            return res


        def _release_slave(res, slave, bs):
            return res

        d.addCallback(_release_slave, self.slavebuilder.slave, build_status)

            self.setupBuild(expectations)  # create .steps
            # the build hasn't started yet, so log the exception as a point
            # event instead of flunking the build.
            # TODO: associate this failure with the build instead.
            # this involves doing
            # self.build_status.buildStarted() from within the exception
            # handler
            log.msg("Build.setupBuild failed")
                ["setupBuild", "exception"])
            self.finished = True
            self.results = FAILURE
            self.deferred = None
            return d

        return d

    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        self._acquiringLock = None
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        if self.stopped:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        log.msg("acquireLocks(build %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if not lock.isAvailable(access):
                log.msg("Build %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
                self._acquiringLock = (lock, access, d)
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.claim(self, access)
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def _startBuild_2(self, res):

    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = {}
        sps = []

        for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
            args = args.copy()
                step = factory(**args)
                log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s" %
                        (factory, args))
            if callable(self.workdir):
            name = step.name
            if stepnames.has_key(name):
                count = stepnames[name]
                count += 1
                stepnames[name] = count
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
                stepnames[name] = 0
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [
            r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
            if r.properties.has_key('owner')
        if owners: self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = []  # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS  # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = []  # list of text string lists (text2)

    def getNextStep(self):
        """This method is called to obtain the next BuildStep for this build.
        When it returns None (or raises a StopIteration exception), the build
        is complete."""
        if not self.steps:
            return None
        if not self.remote:
            return None
        if self.terminate or self.stopped:
            # Run any remaining alwaysRun steps, and skip over the others
            while True:
                s = self.steps.pop(0)
                if s.alwaysRun:
                    return s
                if not self.steps:
                    return None
            return self.steps.pop(0)

    def startNextStep(self):
            s = self.getNextStep()
        except StopIteration:
            s = None
        if not s:
            return self.allStepsDone()
        self.currentStep = s
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.startStep, self.remote)
        d.addCallback(self._stepDone, s)

    def _stepDone(self, results, step):
        self.currentStep = None
        if self.finished:
            return  # build was interrupted, don't keep building
        terminate = self.stepDone(results, step)  # interpret/merge results
        if terminate:
            self.terminate = True
        return self.startNextStep()

    def stepDone(self, result, step):
        """This method is called when the BuildStep completes. It is passed a
        status object from the BuildStep and is responsible for merging the
        Step's results into those of the overall Build."""

        terminate = False
        text = None
        if type(result) == types.TupleType:
            result, text = result
        assert type(result) == type(SUCCESS)
        log.msg(" step '%s' complete: %s" % (step.name, Results[result]))
        if text:
        if not self.remote:
            terminate = True

        possible_overall_result = result
        if result == FAILURE:
            if not step.flunkOnFailure:
                possible_overall_result = SUCCESS
            if step.warnOnFailure:
                possible_overall_result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnFailure:
                possible_overall_result = FAILURE
            if step.haltOnFailure:
                terminate = True
        elif result == WARNINGS:
            if not step.warnOnWarnings:
                possible_overall_result = SUCCESS
                possible_overall_result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnWarnings:
                possible_overall_result = FAILURE
        elif result in (EXCEPTION, RETRY):
            terminate = True

        # if we skipped this step, then don't adjust the build status
        if result != SKIPPED:
            self.result = worst_status(self.result, possible_overall_result)

        return terminate

    def lostRemote(self, remote=None):
        # the slave went away. There are several possible reasons for this,
        # and they aren't necessarily fatal. For now, kill the build, but
        # TODO: see if we can resume the build when it reconnects.
        log.msg("%s.lostRemote" % self)
        self.remote = None
        if self.currentStep:
            # this should cause the step to finish.
            log.msg(" stopping currentStep", self.currentStep)

    def stopBuild(self, reason="<no reason given>"):
        # the idea here is to let the user cancel a build because, e.g.,
        # they realized they committed a bug and they don't want to waste
        # the time building something that they know will fail. Another
        # reason might be to abandon a stuck build. We want to mark the
        # build as failed quickly rather than waiting for the slave's
        # timeout to kill it on its own.

        log.msg(" %s: stopping build: %s" % (self, reason))
        if self.finished:
        # TODO: include 'reason' in this point event
        self.stopped = True
        if self.currentStep:

        self.result = EXCEPTION

        if self._acquiringLock:
            lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
            lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

    def allStepsDone(self):
        if self.result == FAILURE:
            text = ["failed"]
        elif self.result == WARNINGS:
            text = ["warnings"]
        elif self.result == EXCEPTION:
            text = ["exception"]
            text = ["build", "successful"]
        return self.buildFinished(text, self.result)

    def buildException(self, why):
        log.msg("%s.buildException" % self)
        self.buildFinished(["build", "exception"], EXCEPTION)

    def buildFinished(self, text, results):
        """This method must be called when the last Step has completed. It
        marks the Build as complete and returns the Builder to the 'idle'

        It takes two arguments which describe the overall build status:
        text, results. 'results' is one of SUCCESS, WARNINGS, or FAILURE.

        If 'results' is SUCCESS or WARNINGS, we will permit any dependant
        builds to start. If it is 'FAILURE', those builds will be

        self.finished = True
        if self.remote:
        self.results = results

        log.msg(" %s: build finished" % self)
        if self.progress and results == SUCCESS:
            # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
            log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
        reactor.callLater(0, self.releaseLocks)
        self.deferred = None

    def releaseLocks(self):
        if self.locks:
            log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if lock.isOwner(self, access):
                lock.release(self, access)
                # This should only happen if we've been interrupted
                assert self.stopped

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = {}
        sps = []

        for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
            args = args.copy()
                step = factory(**args)
                log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s" %
                        (factory, args))
            if callable(self.workdir):
            name = step.name
            if stepnames.has_key(name):
                count = stepnames[name]
                count += 1
                stepnames[name] = count
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
                stepnames[name] = 0
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [
            r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
            if r.properties.has_key('owner')
        if owners: self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = []  # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS  # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = []  # list of text string lists (text2)
Exemplo n.º 6
class Build:
    """I represent a single build by a single slave. Specialized Builders can
    use subclasses of Build to hold status information unique to those build

    I control B{how} the build proceeds. The actual build is broken up into a
    series of steps, saved in the .buildSteps[] array as a list of
    L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep} objects. Each step is a single remote
    command, possibly a shell command.

    During the build, I put status information into my C{BuildStatus}

    After the build, I go away.

    I can be used by a factory by setting buildClass on

    @ivar requests: the list of L{BuildRequest}s that triggered me
    @ivar build_status: the L{buildbot.status.builder.BuildStatus} that
                        collects our status


    workdir = "build"
    build_status = None
    reason = "changes"
    finished = False
    results = None

    def __init__(self, requests):
        self.requests = requests
        for req in self.requests:
            req.startCount += 1
        self.locks = []
        # build a source stamp
        self.source = requests[0].mergeWith(requests[1:])
        self.reason = requests[0].mergeReasons(requests[1:])

        #self.abandoned = False

        self.progress = None
        self.currentStep = None
        self.slaveEnvironment = {}

    def setBuilder(self, builder):
        Set the given builder as our builder.

        @type  builder: L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
        self.builder = builder

    def setLocks(self, locks):
        self.locks = locks

    def getSourceStamp(self):
        return self.source

    def setProperty(self, propname, value):
        """Set a property on this build. This may only be called after the
        build has started, so that it has a BuildStatus object where the
        properties can live."""
        self.build_status.setProperty(propname, value)

    def getProperty(self, propname):
        return self.build_status.properties[propname]

    def allChanges(self):
        return self.source.changes

    def allFiles(self):
        # return a list of all source files that were changed
        files = []
        havedirs = 0
        for c in self.allChanges():
            for f in c.files:
            if c.isdir:
                havedirs = 1
        return files

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Build %s>" % (self.builder.name,)

    def __getstate__(self):
        d = self.__dict__.copy()
        if d.has_key('remote'):
            del d['remote']
        return d

    def blamelist(self):
        blamelist = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            if c.who not in blamelist:
        return blamelist

    def changesText(self):
        changetext = ""
        for c in self.allChanges():
            changetext += "-" * 60 + "\n\n" + c.asText() + "\n"
        # consider sorting these by number
        return changetext

    def setStepFactories(self, step_factories):
        """Set a list of 'step factories', which are tuples of (class,
        kwargs), where 'class' is generally a subclass of step.BuildStep .
        These are used to create the Steps themselves when the Build starts
        (as opposed to when it is first created). By creating the steps
        later, their __init__ method will have access to things like
        build.allFiles() ."""
        self.stepFactories = list(step_factories)

    useProgress = True

    def getSlaveCommandVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.slavebuilder.getSlaveCommandVersion(command, oldversion)
    def getSlaveName(self):
        return self.slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def setupStatus(self, build_status):
        self.build_status = build_status
        self.setProperty("buildername", self.builder.name)
        self.setProperty("buildnumber", self.build_status.number)
        self.setProperty("branch", self.source.branch)
        self.setProperty("revision", self.source.revision)

    def setupSlaveBuilder(self, slavebuilder):
        self.slavebuilder = slavebuilder
        self.slavename = slavebuilder.slave.slavename
        self.setProperty("slavename", self.slavename)

    def startBuild(self, build_status, expectations, slavebuilder):
        """This method sets up the build, then starts it by invoking the
        first Step. It returns a Deferred which will fire when the build
        finishes. This Deferred is guaranteed to never errback."""

        # we are taking responsibility for watching the connection to the
        # remote. This responsibility was held by the Builder until our
        # startBuild was called, and will not return to them until we fire
        # the Deferred returned by this method.

        log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
        # now that we have a build_status, we can set properties

        # convert all locks into their real forms
        self.locks = [self.builder.botmaster.getLockByID(l)
                      for l in self.locks]
        # then narrow SlaveLocks down to the right slave
        self.locks = [l.getLock(self.slavebuilder) for l in self.locks]
        self.remote = slavebuilder.remote
        d = self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
        def _release_slave(res):
            return res

            self.setupBuild(expectations) # create .steps
            # the build hasn't started yet, so log the exception as a point
            # event instead of flunking the build. TODO: associate this
            # failure with the build instead. this involves doing
            # self.build_status.buildStarted() from within the exception
            # handler
            log.msg("Build.setupBuild failed")
            self.finished = True
            self.results = FAILURE
            self.deferred = None
            return d

        return d

    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        log.msg("acquireLocks(step %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        for lock in self.locks:
            if not lock.isAvailable():
                log.msg("Build %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self)
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock in self.locks:
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def _startBuild_2(self, res):

    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = []
        sps = []

        for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
            args = args.copy()
                step = factory(**args)
                log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s"
                        % (factory, args))
            name = step.name
            count = 1
            while name in stepnames and count < 100:
                count += 1
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
            if name in stepnames:
                raise RuntimeError("duplicate step '%s'" % step.name)
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.

        self.results = [] # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = [] # list of text string lists (text2)

    def getNextStep(self):
        """This method is called to obtain the next BuildStep for this build.
        When it returns None (or raises a StopIteration exception), the build
        is complete."""
        if not self.steps:
            return None
        return self.steps.pop(0)

    def startNextStep(self):
            s = self.getNextStep()
        except StopIteration:
            s = None
        if not s:
            return self.allStepsDone()
        self.currentStep = s
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.startStep, self.remote)
        d.addCallback(self._stepDone, s)

    def _stepDone(self, results, step):
        self.currentStep = None
        if self.finished:
            return # build was interrupted, don't keep building
        terminate = self.stepDone(results, step) # interpret/merge results
        if terminate:
            return self.allStepsDone()

    def stepDone(self, result, step):
        """This method is called when the BuildStep completes. It is passed a
        status object from the BuildStep and is responsible for merging the
        Step's results into those of the overall Build."""

        terminate = False
        text = None
        if type(result) == types.TupleType:
            result, text = result
        assert type(result) == type(SUCCESS)
        log.msg(" step '%s' complete: %s" % (step.name, Results[result]))
        if text:
        if not self.remote:
            terminate = True
        if result == FAILURE:
            if step.warnOnFailure:
                if self.result != FAILURE:
                    self.result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnFailure:
                self.result = FAILURE
            if step.haltOnFailure:
                self.result = FAILURE
                terminate = True
        elif result == WARNINGS:
            if step.warnOnWarnings:
                if self.result != FAILURE:
                    self.result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnWarnings:
                self.result = FAILURE
        elif result == EXCEPTION:
            self.result = EXCEPTION
            terminate = True
        return terminate

    def lostRemote(self, remote=None):
        # the slave went away. There are several possible reasons for this,
        # and they aren't necessarily fatal. For now, kill the build, but
        # TODO: see if we can resume the build when it reconnects.
        log.msg("%s.lostRemote" % self)
        self.remote = None
        if self.currentStep:
            # this should cause the step to finish.
            log.msg(" stopping currentStep", self.currentStep)

    def stopBuild(self, reason="<no reason given>"):
        # the idea here is to let the user cancel a build because, e.g.,
        # they realized they committed a bug and they don't want to waste
        # the time building something that they know will fail. Another
        # reason might be to abandon a stuck build. We want to mark the
        # build as failed quickly rather than waiting for the slave's
        # timeout to kill it on its own.

        log.msg(" %s: stopping build: %s" % (self, reason))
        if self.finished:
        # TODO: include 'reason' in this point event
        if 0:
            # TODO: maybe let its deferred do buildFinished
            if self.currentStep and self.currentStep.progress:
                # XXX: really .fail or something
            text = ["stopped", reason]
            self.buildFinished(text, "red", FAILURE)

    def allStepsDone(self):
        if self.result == FAILURE:
            color = "red"
            text = ["failed"]
        elif self.result == WARNINGS:
            color = "orange"
            text = ["warnings"]
        elif self.result == EXCEPTION:
            color = "purple"
            text = ["exception"]
            color = "green"
            text = ["build", "successful"]
        return self.buildFinished(text, color, self.result)

    def buildException(self, why):
        log.msg("%s.buildException" % self)
        self.buildFinished(["build", "exception"], "purple", FAILURE)

    def buildFinished(self, text, color, results):
        """This method must be called when the last Step has completed. It
        marks the Build as complete and returns the Builder to the 'idle'

        It takes three arguments which describe the overall build status:
        text, color, results. 'results' is one of SUCCESS, WARNINGS, or

        If 'results' is SUCCESS or WARNINGS, we will permit any dependant
        builds to start. If it is 'FAILURE', those builds will be

        self.finished = True
        if self.remote:
        self.results = results

        log.msg(" %s: build finished" % self)
        if self.progress:
            # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
            log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
        reactor.callLater(0, self.releaseLocks)
        self.deferred = None

    def releaseLocks(self):
        log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock in self.locks:

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status
Exemplo n.º 7
class Build(properties.PropertiesMixin):
    """I represent a single build by a single slave. Specialized Builders can
    use subclasses of Build to hold status information unique to those build

    I control B{how} the build proceeds. The actual build is broken up into a
    series of steps, saved in the .buildSteps[] array as a list of
    L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep} objects. Each step is a single remote
    command, possibly a shell command.

    During the build, I put status information into my C{BuildStatus}

    After the build, I go away.

    I can be used by a factory by setting buildClass on

    @ivar requests: the list of L{BuildRequest}s that triggered me
    @ivar build_status: the L{buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus} that
                        collects our status


    workdir = "build"
    build_status = None
    reason = "changes"
    finished = False
    results = None
    stopped = False
    set_runtime_properties = True
    subs = None

    _sentinel = []  # used as a sentinel to indicate unspecified initial_value

    def __init__(self, requests):
        self.requests = requests
        self.locks = []
        # build a source stamp
        self.sources = requests[0].mergeSourceStampsWith(requests[1:])
        self.reason = requests[0].mergeReasons(requests[1:])

        self.progress = None
        self.currentStep = None
        self.slaveEnvironment = {}
        self.buildid = None
        self.number = None

        self.terminate = False

        self._acquiringLock = None

    def setBuilder(self, builder):
        Set the given builder as our builder.

        @type  builder: L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
        self.builder = builder
        self.master = builder.master

    def setLocks(self, lockList):
        # convert all locks into their real forms
        self.locks = [(self.builder.botmaster.getLockFromLockAccess(access),
                       access) for access in lockList]

    def setSlaveEnvironment(self, env):
        # TODO: remove once we don't have anything depending on this method or attribute
        # e.g., old-style steps (ShellMixin pulls the environment out of the builder directly)
        self.slaveEnvironment = env

    def getSourceStamp(self, codebase=''):
        for source in self.sources:
            if source.codebase == codebase:
                return source
        return None

    def getAllSourceStamps(self):
        return list(self.sources)

    def allChanges(self):
        for s in self.sources:
            for c in s.changes:
                yield c

    def allFiles(self):
        # return a list of all source files that were changed
        files = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            for f in c.files:
        return files

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Build %s>" % (self.builder.name, )

    def blamelist(self):
        blamelist = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            if c.who not in blamelist:
        for source in self.sources:
            if source.patch_info:  # Add patch author to blamelist
        return blamelist

    def changesText(self):
        changetext = ""
        for c in self.allChanges():
            changetext += "-" * 60 + "\n\n" + c.asText() + "\n"
        # consider sorting these by number
        return changetext

    def setStepFactories(self, step_factories):
        """Set a list of 'step factories', which are tuples of (class,
        kwargs), where 'class' is generally a subclass of step.BuildStep .
        These are used to create the Steps themselves when the Build starts
        (as opposed to when it is first created). By creating the steps
        later, their __init__ method will have access to things like
        build.allFiles() ."""
        self.stepFactories = list(step_factories)

    useProgress = True

    def getSlaveCommandVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.slavebuilder.getSlaveCommandVersion(command, oldversion)

    def getSlaveName(self):
        return self.slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def setupProperties(self):
        props = interfaces.IProperties(self)

        # give the properties a reference back to this build
        props.build = self

        # start with global properties from the configuration
        master = self.builder.master

        # from the SourceStamps, which have properties via Change
        for change in self.allChanges():

        # and finally, get any properties from requests (this is the path
        # through which schedulers will send us properties)
        for rq in self.requests:

        # now set some properties of our own, corresponding to the
        # build itself
        props.setProperty("buildnumber", self.number, "Build")

        if self.sources and len(self.sources) == 1:
            # old interface for backwards compatibility
            source = self.sources[0]
            props.setProperty("branch", source.branch, "Build")
            props.setProperty("revision", source.revision, "Build")
            props.setProperty("repository", source.repository, "Build")
            props.setProperty("codebase", source.codebase, "Build")
            props.setProperty("project", source.project, "Build")


    def setupSlaveBuilder(self, slavebuilder):
        self.slavebuilder = slavebuilder

        self.path_module = slavebuilder.slave.path_module

        # navigate our way back to the L{buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave}
        # object that came from the config, and get its properties
        buildslave_properties = slavebuilder.slave.properties
        if slavebuilder.slave.slave_basedir:
            builddir = self.path_module.join(slavebuilder.slave.slave_basedir,
            self.setProperty("builddir", builddir, "slave")
            self.setProperty("workdir", builddir, "slave (deprecated)")

        self.slavename = slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def startBuild(self, build_status, expectations, slavebuilder):
        """This method sets up the build, then starts it by invoking the
        first Step. It returns a Deferred which will fire when the build
        finishes. This Deferred is guaranteed to never errback."""
        slave = slavebuilder.slave

        # we are taking responsibility for watching the connection to the
        # remote. This responsibility was held by the Builder until our
        # startBuild was called, and will not return to them until we fire
        # the Deferred returned by this method.

        log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
        self.build_status = build_status
        # TODO: this will go away when build collapsing is implemented; until
        # then we just assign the bulid to the first buildrequest
        brid = self.requests[0].id
        self.buildid, self.number = \
            yield self.master.data.updates.newBuild(
                builderid=(yield self.builder.getBuilderId()),

        # now that we have a build_status, we can set properties

        # then narrow SlaveLocks down to the right slave
        self.locks = [(l.getLock(self.slavebuilder.slave), a)
                      for l, a in self.locks]
        self.conn = slavebuilder.slave.conn
        self.subs = self.conn.notifyOnDisconnect(self.lostRemote)

        metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', 1)

        self.deferred = defer.Deferred()

            self.setupBuild(expectations)  # create .steps
            # the build hasn't started yet, so log the exception as a point
            # event instead of flunking the build.
            # TODO: associate this failure with the build instead.
            # this involves doing
            # self.build_status.buildStarted() from within the exception
            # handler
            log.msg("Build.setupBuild failed")
            self.finished = True
            self.results = EXCEPTION
            self.deferred = None

        yield self.master.data.updates.setBuildStateStrings(
            self.buildid, [u'starting'])
        yield self.acquireLocks()

            # start the sequence of steps and wait until it's finished
            yield self.deferred
            metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', -1)

        yield self.master.data.updates.setBuildStateStrings(
            self.buildid, [u'finished'])
        yield self.master.data.updates.finishBuild(self.buildid, self.results)

        # mark the build as finished

    def canStartWithSlavebuilder(lockList, slavebuilder):
        for lock, access in lockList:
            slave_lock = lock.getLock(slavebuilder.slave)
            if not slave_lock.isAvailable(None, access):
                return False
        return True

    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        self._acquiringLock = None
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        if self.stopped:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        log.msg("acquireLocks(build %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if not lock.isAvailable(self, access):
                log.msg("Build %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
                self._acquiringLock = (lock, access, d)
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.claim(self, access)
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.executedSteps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = {}
        sps = []

        for factory in self.stepFactories:
            step = factory.buildStep()
            # TODO: remove once we don't have anything depending on setDefaultWorkdir
            if callable(self.workdir):
            name = step.name
            if name in stepnames:
                count = stepnames[name]
                count += 1
                stepnames[name] = count
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
                stepnames[name] = 0
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
        # pass all sourcestamps to the buildstatus

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [
            r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
            if "owner" in r.properties
        if owners:
            self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = []  # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS  # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = []  # list of text string lists (text2)

    def getNextStep(self):
        """This method is called to obtain the next BuildStep for this build.
        When it returns None (or raises a StopIteration exception), the build
        is complete."""
        if not self.steps:
            return None
        if not self.conn:
            return None
        if self.terminate or self.stopped:
            # Run any remaining alwaysRun steps, and skip over the others
            while True:
                s = self.steps.pop(0)
                if s.alwaysRun:
                    return s
                if not self.steps:
                    return None
            return self.steps.pop(0)

    def startNextStep(self):
            s = self.getNextStep()
        except StopIteration:
            s = None
        if not s:
            return self.allStepsDone()
        self.currentStep = s
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.startStep, self.conn)
        d.addCallback(self._stepDone, s)

    def _stepDone(self, results, step):
        self.currentStep = None
        if self.finished:
            return  # build was interrupted, don't keep building
        terminate = self.stepDone(results, step)  # interpret/merge results
        if terminate:
            self.terminate = True
        return self.startNextStep()

    def stepDone(self, result, step):
        """This method is called when the BuildStep completes. It is passed a
        status object from the BuildStep and is responsible for merging the
        Step's results into those of the overall Build."""

        terminate = False
        text = None
        if isinstance(result, types.TupleType):
            result, text = result
        assert isinstance(result, type(SUCCESS)), "got %r" % (result, )
        log.msg(" step '%s' complete: %s" % (step.name, Results[result]))
        if text:
        self.result, terminate = computeResultAndTermination(
            step, result, self.result)
        if not self.conn:
            terminate = True
        return terminate

    def lostRemote(self, conn=None):
        # the slave went away. There are several possible reasons for this,
        # and they aren't necessarily fatal. For now, kill the build, but
        # TODO: see if we can resume the build when it reconnects.
        log.msg("%s.lostRemote" % self)
        self.conn = None
        if self.currentStep:
            # this should cause the step to finish.
            log.msg(" stopping currentStep", self.currentStep)
            self.result = RETRY
            self.text = ["lost", "connection"]
            self.stopped = True
            if self._acquiringLock:
                lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
                lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

    def stopBuild(self, reason="<no reason given>"):
        # the idea here is to let the user cancel a build because, e.g.,
        # they realized they committed a bug and they don't want to waste
        # the time building something that they know will fail. Another
        # reason might be to abandon a stuck build. We want to mark the
        # build as failed quickly rather than waiting for the slave's
        # timeout to kill it on its own.

        log.msg(" %s: stopping build: %s" % (self, reason))
        if self.finished:
        # TODO: include 'reason' in this point event
        self.stopped = True
        if self.currentStep:

        self.result = CANCELLED

        if self._acquiringLock:
            lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
            lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

    def allStepsDone(self):
        if self.result == FAILURE:
            text = ["failed"]
        elif self.result == WARNINGS:
            text = ["warnings"]
        elif self.result == EXCEPTION:
            text = ["exception"]
        elif self.result == RETRY:
            text = ["retry"]
        elif self.result == CANCELLED:
            text = ["cancelled"]
            text = ["build", "successful"]
        return self.buildFinished(text, self.result)

    def buildException(self, why):
        log.msg("%s.buildException" % self)
        # try to finish the build, but since we've already faced an exception,
        # this may not work well.
            self.buildFinished(["build", "exception"], EXCEPTION)
            log.err(Failure(), 'while finishing a build with an exception')

    def buildFinished(self, text, results):
        """This method must be called when the last Step has completed. It
        marks the Build as complete and returns the Builder to the 'idle'

        It takes two arguments which describe the overall build status:
        text, results. 'results' is one of SUCCESS, WARNINGS, or FAILURE.

        If 'results' is SUCCESS or WARNINGS, we will permit any dependant
        builds to start. If it is 'FAILURE', those builds will be

        self.finished = True
        if self.conn:
            self.subs = None
            self.conn = None
        self.results = results

        log.msg(" %s: build finished" % self)
        if self.progress and results == SUCCESS:
            # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
            log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
        self.deferred = None

    def releaseLocks(self):
        if self.locks:
            log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if lock.isOwner(self, access):
                lock.release(self, access)
                # This should only happen if we've been interrupted
                assert self.stopped

    def getSummaryStatistic(self, name, summary_fn, initial_value=_sentinel):
        step_stats_list = [
            st.getStatistic(name) for st in self.executedSteps
            if st.hasStatistic(name)
        if initial_value is self._sentinel:
            return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list)
            return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status
Exemplo n.º 8
class Build(properties.PropertiesMixin):

    """I represent a single build by a single slave. Specialized Builders can
    use subclasses of Build to hold status information unique to those build

    I control B{how} the build proceeds. The actual build is broken up into a
    series of steps, saved in the .buildSteps[] array as a list of
    L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep} objects. Each step is a single remote
    command, possibly a shell command.

    During the build, I put status information into my C{BuildStatus}

    After the build, I go away.

    I can be used by a factory by setting buildClass on

    @ivar requests: the list of L{BuildRequest}s that triggered me
    @ivar build_status: the L{buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus} that
                        collects our status


    workdir = "build"
    build_status = None
    reason = "changes"
    finished = False
    results = None
    stopped = False
    set_runtime_properties = True
    subs = None

    _sentinel = []  # used as a sentinel to indicate unspecified initial_value

    def __init__(self, requests):
        self.requests = requests
        self.locks = []
        # build a source stamp
        self.sources = requests[0].mergeSourceStampsWith(requests[1:])
        self.reason = requests[0].mergeReasons(requests[1:])

        self.progress = None
        self.currentStep = None
        self.slaveEnvironment = {}
        self.buildid = None
        self.number = None

        self.terminate = False

        self._acquiringLock = None

    def setBuilder(self, builder):
        Set the given builder as our builder.

        @type  builder: L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
        self.builder = builder
        self.master = builder.master

    def setLocks(self, lockList):
        # convert all locks into their real forms
        self.locks = [(self.builder.botmaster.getLockFromLockAccess(access), access)
                      for access in lockList]

    def setSlaveEnvironment(self, env):
        # TODO: remove once we don't have anything depending on this method or attribute
        # e.g., old-style steps (ShellMixin pulls the environment out of the builder directly)
        self.slaveEnvironment = env

    def getSourceStamp(self, codebase=''):
        for source in self.sources:
            if source.codebase == codebase:
                return source
        return None

    def getAllSourceStamps(self):
        return list(self.sources)

    def allChanges(self):
        for s in self.sources:
            for c in s.changes:
                yield c

    def allFiles(self):
        # return a list of all source files that were changed
        files = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            for f in c.files:
        return files

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Build %s>" % (self.builder.name,)

    def blamelist(self):
        blamelist = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            if c.who not in blamelist:
        for source in self.sources:
            if source.patch_info:  # Add patch author to blamelist
        return blamelist

    def changesText(self):
        changetext = ""
        for c in self.allChanges():
            changetext += "-" * 60 + "\n\n" + c.asText() + "\n"
        # consider sorting these by number
        return changetext

    def setStepFactories(self, step_factories):
        """Set a list of 'step factories', which are tuples of (class,
        kwargs), where 'class' is generally a subclass of step.BuildStep .
        These are used to create the Steps themselves when the Build starts
        (as opposed to when it is first created). By creating the steps
        later, their __init__ method will have access to things like
        build.allFiles() ."""
        self.stepFactories = list(step_factories)

    useProgress = True

    def getSlaveCommandVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.slavebuilder.getSlaveCommandVersion(command, oldversion)

    def getSlaveName(self):
        return self.slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def setupProperties(self):
        props = interfaces.IProperties(self)

        # give the properties a reference back to this build
        props.build = self

        # start with global properties from the configuration
        master = self.builder.master

        # from the SourceStamps, which have properties via Change
        for change in self.allChanges():

        # and finally, get any properties from requests (this is the path
        # through which schedulers will send us properties)
        for rq in self.requests:

        # now set some properties of our own, corresponding to the
        # build itself
        props.setProperty("buildnumber", self.number, "Build")

        if self.sources and len(self.sources) == 1:
            # old interface for backwards compatibility
            source = self.sources[0]
            props.setProperty("branch", source.branch, "Build")
            props.setProperty("revision", source.revision, "Build")
            props.setProperty("repository", source.repository, "Build")
            props.setProperty("codebase", source.codebase, "Build")
            props.setProperty("project", source.project, "Build")


    def setupSlaveBuilder(self, slavebuilder):
        self.slavebuilder = slavebuilder

        self.path_module = slavebuilder.slave.path_module

        # navigate our way back to the L{buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave}
        # object that came from the config, and get its properties
        buildslave_properties = slavebuilder.slave.properties
        if slavebuilder.slave.slave_basedir:
            builddir = self.path_module.join(
            self.setProperty("builddir", builddir, "slave")
            self.setProperty("workdir", builddir, "slave (deprecated)")

        self.slavename = slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def startBuild(self, build_status, expectations, slavebuilder):
        """This method sets up the build, then starts it by invoking the
        first Step. It returns a Deferred which will fire when the build
        finishes. This Deferred is guaranteed to never errback."""
        slave = slavebuilder.slave

        # we are taking responsibility for watching the connection to the
        # remote. This responsibility was held by the Builder until our
        # startBuild was called, and will not return to them until we fire
        # the Deferred returned by this method.

        log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
        self.build_status = build_status
        # TODO: this will go away when build collapsing is implemented; until
        # then we just assign the bulid to the first buildrequest
        brid = self.requests[0].id
        self.buildid, self.number = \
            yield self.master.data.updates.newBuild(
                builderid=(yield self.builder.getBuilderId()),

        # now that we have a build_status, we can set properties

        # then narrow SlaveLocks down to the right slave
        self.locks = [(l.getLock(self.slavebuilder.slave), a)
                      for l, a in self.locks]
        self.conn = slavebuilder.slave.conn
        self.subs = self.conn.notifyOnDisconnect(self.lostRemote)

        metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', 1)

        self.deferred = defer.Deferred()

            self.setupBuild(expectations)  # create .steps
            # the build hasn't started yet, so log the exception as a point
            # event instead of flunking the build.
            # TODO: associate this failure with the build instead.
            # this involves doing
            # self.build_status.buildStarted() from within the exception
            # handler
            log.msg("Build.setupBuild failed")
            self.finished = True
            self.results = EXCEPTION
            self.deferred = None

        yield self.master.data.updates.setBuildStateStrings(self.buildid,
        yield self.acquireLocks()

            # start the sequence of steps and wait until it's finished
            yield self.deferred
            metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', -1)

        yield self.master.data.updates.setBuildStateStrings(self.buildid,
        yield self.master.data.updates.finishBuild(self.buildid, self.results)

        # mark the build as finished

    def canStartWithSlavebuilder(lockList, slavebuilder):
        for lock, access in lockList:
            slave_lock = lock.getLock(slavebuilder.slave)
            if not slave_lock.isAvailable(None, access):
                return False
        return True

    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        self._acquiringLock = None
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        if self.stopped:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        log.msg("acquireLocks(build %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if not lock.isAvailable(self, access):
                log.msg("Build %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
                self._acquiringLock = (lock, access, d)
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.claim(self, access)
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.executedSteps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = {}
        sps = []

        for factory in self.stepFactories:
            step = factory.buildStep()
            # TODO: remove once we don't have anything depending on setDefaultWorkdir
            if callable(self.workdir):
            name = step.name
            if name in stepnames:
                count = stepnames[name]
                count += 1
                stepnames[name] = count
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
                stepnames[name] = 0
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
        # pass all sourcestamps to the buildstatus

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
                  if "owner" in r.properties]
        if owners:
            self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = []  # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS  # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = []  # list of text string lists (text2)

    def getNextStep(self):
        """This method is called to obtain the next BuildStep for this build.
        When it returns None (or raises a StopIteration exception), the build
        is complete."""
        if not self.steps:
            return None
        if not self.conn:
            return None
        if self.terminate or self.stopped:
            # Run any remaining alwaysRun steps, and skip over the others
            while True:
                s = self.steps.pop(0)
                if s.alwaysRun:
                    return s
                if not self.steps:
                    return None
            return self.steps.pop(0)

    def startNextStep(self):
            s = self.getNextStep()
        except StopIteration:
            s = None
        if not s:
            return self.allStepsDone()
        self.currentStep = s
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.startStep, self.conn)
        d.addCallback(self._stepDone, s)

    def _stepDone(self, results, step):
        self.currentStep = None
        if self.finished:
            return  # build was interrupted, don't keep building
        terminate = self.stepDone(results, step)  # interpret/merge results
        if terminate:
            self.terminate = True
        return self.startNextStep()

    def stepDone(self, result, step):
        """This method is called when the BuildStep completes. It is passed a
        status object from the BuildStep and is responsible for merging the
        Step's results into those of the overall Build."""

        terminate = False
        text = None
        if isinstance(result, types.TupleType):
            result, text = result
        assert isinstance(result, type(SUCCESS)), "got %r" % (result,)
        log.msg(" step '%s' complete: %s" % (step.name, Results[result]))
        if text:
        self.result, terminate = computeResultAndTermination(step, result,
        if not self.conn:
            terminate = True
        return terminate

    def lostRemote(self, conn=None):
        # the slave went away. There are several possible reasons for this,
        # and they aren't necessarily fatal. For now, kill the build, but
        # TODO: see if we can resume the build when it reconnects.
        log.msg("%s.lostRemote" % self)
        self.conn = None
        if self.currentStep:
            # this should cause the step to finish.
            log.msg(" stopping currentStep", self.currentStep)
            self.result = RETRY
            self.text = ["lost", "connection"]
            self.stopped = True
            if self._acquiringLock:
                lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
                lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

    def stopBuild(self, reason="<no reason given>"):
        # the idea here is to let the user cancel a build because, e.g.,
        # they realized they committed a bug and they don't want to waste
        # the time building something that they know will fail. Another
        # reason might be to abandon a stuck build. We want to mark the
        # build as failed quickly rather than waiting for the slave's
        # timeout to kill it on its own.

        log.msg(" %s: stopping build: %s" % (self, reason))
        if self.finished:
        # TODO: include 'reason' in this point event
        self.stopped = True
        if self.currentStep:

        self.result = CANCELLED

        if self._acquiringLock:
            lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
            lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

    def allStepsDone(self):
        if self.result == FAILURE:
            text = ["failed"]
        elif self.result == WARNINGS:
            text = ["warnings"]
        elif self.result == EXCEPTION:
            text = ["exception"]
        elif self.result == RETRY:
            text = ["retry"]
        elif self.result == CANCELLED:
            text = ["cancelled"]
            text = ["build", "successful"]
        return self.buildFinished(text, self.result)

    def buildException(self, why):
        log.msg("%s.buildException" % self)
        # try to finish the build, but since we've already faced an exception,
        # this may not work well.
            self.buildFinished(["build", "exception"], EXCEPTION)
            log.err(Failure(), 'while finishing a build with an exception')

    def buildFinished(self, text, results):
        """This method must be called when the last Step has completed. It
        marks the Build as complete and returns the Builder to the 'idle'

        It takes two arguments which describe the overall build status:
        text, results. 'results' is one of SUCCESS, WARNINGS, or FAILURE.

        If 'results' is SUCCESS or WARNINGS, we will permit any dependant
        builds to start. If it is 'FAILURE', those builds will be

        self.finished = True
        if self.conn:
            self.subs = None
            self.conn = None
        self.results = results

        log.msg(" %s: build finished" % self)
        if self.progress and results == SUCCESS:
            # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
            log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
        self.deferred = None

    def releaseLocks(self):
        if self.locks:
            log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if lock.isOwner(self, access):
                lock.release(self, access)
                # This should only happen if we've been interrupted
                assert self.stopped

    def getSummaryStatistic(self, name, summary_fn, initial_value=_sentinel):
        step_stats_list = [
            for st in self.executedSteps
            if st.hasStatistic(name)]
        if initial_value is self._sentinel:
            return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list)
            return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status
Exemplo n.º 9
class Build(properties.PropertiesMixin):
    """I represent a single build by a single slave. Specialized Builders can
    use subclasses of Build to hold status information unique to those build

    I control B{how} the build proceeds. The actual build is broken up into a
    series of steps, saved in the .buildSteps[] array as a list of
    L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep} objects. Each step is a single remote
    command, possibly a shell command.

    During the build, I put status information into my C{BuildStatus}

    After the build, I go away.

    I can be used by a factory by setting buildClass on

    @ivar requests: the list of L{BuildRequest}s that triggered me
    @ivar build_status: the L{buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus} that
                        collects our status


    workdir = "build"
    build_status = None
    reason = "changes"
    finished = False
    results = None
    stopped = False
    set_runtime_properties = True

    def __init__(self, requests):
        self.requests = requests
        self.locks = []
        self.releaseLockInstance = None
        # build a source stamp
        self.sources = requests[0].mergeSourceStampsWith(requests[1:])
        self.reason = requests[0].reason

        self.progress = None
        self.currentStep = None
        self.slaveEnvironment = {}

        self.terminate = False

        self._acquiringLock = None

    def setBuilder(self, builder):
        Set the given builder as our builder.

        @type  builder: L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
        self.builder = builder

    def setLocks(self, lockList):
        # convert all locks into their real forms
        self.locks = [(self.builder.botmaster.getLockFromLockAccess(access), access)
                        for access in lockList ]

    def setSlaveEnvironment(self, env):
        self.slaveEnvironment = env

    def getSourceStamp(self, codebase=''):
        for source in self.sources:
            if source.codebase == codebase:
                return source
        return None

    def getAllSourceStamps(self):
        return list(self.sources)

    def allChanges(self):
        for s in self.sources:
            for c in s.changes:
                yield c

    def allFiles(self):
        # return a list of all source files that were changed
        files = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            for f in c.files:
        return files

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Build %s>" % (self.builder.name,)

    def blamelist(self):
        blamelist = []
        for c in self.allChanges():
            if c.who not in blamelist:
        for source in self.sources:
            if source.patch_info: #Add patch author to blamelist
        return blamelist

    def changesText(self):
        changetext = ""
        for c in self.allChanges():
            changetext += "-" * 60 + "\n\n" + c.asText() + "\n"
        # consider sorting these by number
        return changetext

    def setStepFactories(self, step_factories):
        """Set a list of 'step factories', which are tuples of (class,
        kwargs), where 'class' is generally a subclass of step.BuildStep .
        These are used to create the Steps themselves when the Build starts
        (as opposed to when it is first created). By creating the steps
        later, their __init__ method will have access to things like
        build.allFiles() ."""
        self.stepFactories = list(step_factories)

    useProgress = True

    def getSlaveCommandVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
        return self.slavebuilder.getSlaveCommandVersion(command, oldversion)
    def getSlaveName(self):
        return self.slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def setupProperties(self):
        props = interfaces.IProperties(self)

        # give the properties a reference back to this build
        props.build = self

        # start with global properties from the configuration
        master = self.builder.botmaster.master

        # from the SourceStamps, which have properties via Change
        for change in self.allChanges():

        # and finally, get any properties from requests (this is the path
        # through which schedulers will send us properties)
        for rq in self.requests:

        # now set some properties of our own, corresponding to the
        # build itself
        props.setProperty("buildnumber", self.build_status.number, "Build")
        if self.sources and len(self.sources) == 1:
            # old interface for backwards compatibility
            source = self.sources[0]
            props.setProperty("branch", source.branch, "Build")
            props.setProperty("revision", source.revision, "Build")
            props.setProperty("repository", source.repository, "Build")
            props.setProperty("codebase", source.codebase, "Build")
            props.setProperty("project", source.project, "Build")


    def setupSlaveBuilder(self, slavebuilder):
        self.slavebuilder = slavebuilder

        self.path_module = slavebuilder.slave.path_module

        # navigate our way back to the L{buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave}
        # object that came from the config, and get its properties
        buildslave_properties = slavebuilder.slave.properties
        if slavebuilder.slave.slave_basedir:

        self.slavename = slavebuilder.slave.slavename

    def startBuild(self, build_status, expectations, slavebuilder):
        """This method sets up the build, then starts it by invoking the
        first Step. It returns a Deferred which will fire when the build
        finishes. This Deferred is guaranteed to never errback."""

        # we are taking responsibility for watching the connection to the
        # remote. This responsibility was held by the Builder until our
        # startBuild was called, and will not return to them until we fire
        # the Deferred returned by this method.

        log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
        self.build_status = build_status
        # now that we have a build_status, we can set properties

        # then narrow SlaveLocks down to the right slave
        self.locks = [(l.getLock(self.slavebuilder.slave), a) 
                        for l, a in self.locks ]
        self.remote = slavebuilder.remote

        metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', 1)

        d = self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
        def _uncount_build(res):
            metrics.MetricCountEvent.log('active_builds', -1)
            return res

        def _release_slave(res, slave, build_status):
            if slave and build_status:
                yield slave.updateStatusBuildFinished(result=res, build=build_status)
        d.addCallback(_release_slave, slavebuilder.slave, build_status)

            self.setupBuild(expectations) # create .steps
            # the build hasn't started yet, so log the exception as a point
            # event instead of flunking the build. 
            # TODO: associate this failure with the build instead. 
            # this involves doing
            # self.build_status.buildStarted() from within the exception
            # handler
            log.msg("Build.setupBuild failed")
            self.finished = True
            self.results = EXCEPTION
            self.deferred = None
            return d

        return d

    def canStartWithSlavebuilder(lockList, slavebuilder):
        for lock, access in lockList:
            slave_lock = lock.getLock(slavebuilder.slave)
            if not slave_lock.isAvailable(None, access):
                return False
        return True

    def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
        self._acquiringLock = None
        if not self.locks:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        if self.stopped:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        log.msg("acquireLocks(build %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if not lock.isAvailable(self, access):
                log.msg("Build %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
                d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
                self._acquiringLock = (lock, access, d)
                return d
        # all locks are available, claim them all
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            lock.claim(self, access)
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def _startBuild_2(self, res):

    def setupStep(self, factory, stepnames):
        step = factory.buildStep()
        if callable(self.workdir):
        name = step.name
        if stepnames.has_key(name):
            count = stepnames[name]
            count += 1
            stepnames[name] = count
            name = step.name + "_%d" % count
            stepnames[name] = 0
        step.name = name
        return name, step

    def setupStepStatus(self, factory, stepnames, index=None):
        name, step = self.setupStep(factory, stepnames)
        step_status = self.build_status.getStepByName(name)
        stepNotAddedOrStepAlreadyExecuted = step_status is None or step_status.finished is not None
        if stepNotAddedOrStepAlreadyExecuted:
            name = name + "_%s" % self.slavename if step_status else name
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name, type(step), index)
        sp = None
        if self.useProgress:
            sp = step.setupProgress()
        return sp, step

    def maybeAddGlobalFactoryInitialSteps(self, laststep, stepnames, stepProgresses):
        if 'initialSteps' not in self.builder.botmaster.master.config.globalFactory \
                or self.builder.config.excludeGlobalFactory:
        intialSteps = self.builder.botmaster.master.config.globalFactory['initialSteps']
        if intialSteps and intialSteps.steps:
            status_index = self.build_status.steps.index(laststep) + 1 if laststep else 0
            for factory in intialSteps.steps:
                index = intialSteps.steps.index(factory)
                sp, step = self.setupStepStatus(factory, stepnames, index=status_index+index)
                self.steps.insert(index, step)
                if sp:
                    stepProgresses.insert(index, sp)

    def maybeAddGlobalFactoryLastSteps(self, stepnames, stepProgresses):
        if 'lastSteps' not in self.builder.botmaster.master.config.globalFactory \
                or self.builder.config.excludeGlobalFactory:
        lastSteps = self.builder.botmaster.master.config.globalFactory['lastSteps']
        if lastSteps and lastSteps.steps:
            for factory in lastSteps.steps:
                sp, step = self.setupStepStatus(factory, stepnames)
                if sp:

    def createSteps(self, sps):
        stepnames = {}
        laststep = None

        for factory in self.stepFactories:
            name, step = self.setupStep(factory, stepnames)

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            if self.build_status.results == RESUME:
                step_status = self.build_status.getStepByName(name)
                if step_status is None:
                    # previous build not saved properly
                step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name, type(step))

            if step_status.finished:
                laststep = step_status

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        self.maybeAddGlobalFactoryInitialSteps(laststep, stepnames=stepnames, stepProgresses=sps)
        self.maybeAddGlobalFactoryLastSteps(stepnames=stepnames, stepProgresses=sps)

    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        sps = []

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
        # pass all sourcestamps to the buildstatus
        self.builder.builder_status.reason = self.reason

        if len(self.requests) > 0:
            self.setProperty("submittedTime", self.requests[0].submittedAt, "buildrequest")
            brids = [req.id for req in self.requests]
            self.setProperty("brids", brids, "buildrequest")
            self.setProperty("buildChainID", self.requests[0].buildChainID, "buildrequest")

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
                  if r.properties.has_key('owner')]
        if owners: self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = [] # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = [] # list of text string lists (text2)

    def getBuildChain(self):
        master = self.builder.botmaster.parent
        startbrid = self.requests[0].buildChainID if len(self.requests) > 0 and self.requests[0].buildChainID else None
        buildchain = yield master.db.buildrequests.getBuildRequestBuildChain(startbrid)

    def getBuildRequestID(self):
        return self.requests[0].id if len(self.requests) > 0 else None

    def getNextStep(self):
        """This method is called to obtain the next BuildStep for this build.
        When it returns None (or raises a StopIteration exception), the build
        is complete."""
        if not self.steps:
            return None
        if not self.remote:
            return None

        if self.terminate or self.stopped:
            # Run any remaining alwaysRun steps, and skip over the others
            while True:
                s = self.steps.pop(0)
                if s.alwaysRun:
                    return s
                if not self.steps:
                    return None
            return self.steps.pop(0)

    def startNextStep(self):
            s = self.getNextStep()
        except StopIteration:
            s = None
        if not s:
            return self.allStepsDone()
        self.currentStep = s
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.startStep, self.remote)
        d.addCallback(self._stepDone, s)

    def _stepDone(self, results, step):
        self.currentStep = None
        if self.finished:
            return # build was interrupted, don't keep building
        terminate = self.stepDone(results, step) # interpret/merge results
        if terminate:
            self.terminate = True
        return self.startNextStep()

    def stepDone(self, result, step):
        """This method is called when the BuildStep completes. It is passed a
        status object from the BuildStep and is responsible for merging the
        Step's results into those of the overall Build."""

        terminate = False
        text = None
        if type(result) == types.TupleType:
            result, text = result
        assert type(result) == type(SUCCESS)
        log.msg(" step '%s' complete: %s" % (step.name, Results[result]))
        if text:
        if not self.remote:
            terminate = True

        possible_overall_result = result

        if result == FAILURE:
            if not step.flunkOnFailure:
                possible_overall_result = SUCCESS
            if step.warnOnFailure:
                possible_overall_result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnFailure:
                possible_overall_result = FAILURE
            if step.haltOnFailure:
                terminate = True

        elif result == WARNINGS:
            if not step.warnOnWarnings:
                possible_overall_result = SUCCESS
                possible_overall_result = WARNINGS
            if step.flunkOnWarnings:
                possible_overall_result = FAILURE
            terminate = True

        if result in (FAILURE, EXCEPTION) and step.pauseSlaveOnFailure:

        # if we skipped this step, then don't adjust the build status
        if result != SKIPPED:
            self.result = worst_status(self.result, possible_overall_result)

        return terminate

    def lostRemote(self, remote=None):
        # the slave went away. There are several possible reasons for this,
        # and they aren't necessarily fatal. For now, kill the build, but
        # TODO: see if we can resume the build when it reconnects.
        log.msg("%s.lostRemote" % self)
        self.remote = None
        self.result = RETRY
        self.text = ["lost", "remote"]
        if self.currentStep:
            # this should cause the step to finish.
            log.msg(" stopping currentStep", self.currentStep)
            self.text += ["slave"]
            self.stopped = True
            if self._acquiringLock:
                lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
                lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

    def stopBuild(self, reason="<no reason given>"):
        # the idea here is to let the user cancel a build because, e.g.,
        # they realized they committed a bug and they don't want to waste
        # the time building something that they know will fail. Another
        # reason might be to abandon a stuck build. We want to mark the
        # build as failed quickly rather than waiting for the slave's
        # timeout to kill it on its own.

        log.msg(" %s: stopping build: %s" % (self, reason))
        if self.finished:
        # TODO: include 'reason' in this point event
        self.stopped = True
        if self.currentStep:

        self.result = INTERRUPTED

        if self._acquiringLock:
            lock, access, d = self._acquiringLock
            lock.stopWaitingUntilAvailable(self, access, d)

    def allStepsDone(self):
        if self.result == FAILURE or self.result == DEPENDENCY_FAILURE:
            text = ["Build Failed"]
        elif self.result == WARNINGS:
            text = ["Build Finished with Warnings"]
        elif self.result == EXCEPTION:
            text = ["Build Caught Exception"]
        elif self.result == RETRY:
            text = ["Build Caught Exception, Will Retry"]
        elif self.result == INTERRUPTED:
            text = ["Build Interrupted"]
            reusedOldBuild = self.getProperty("reusedOldBuild", False)
            if reusedOldBuild:
                text = ["Successful Build Found (did not rebuild)"]
                self.result = NOT_REBUILT
                text = ["Build Finished Successfully"]
        return self.buildFinished(text, self.result)

    def buildException(self, why):
        log.msg("%s.buildException" % self)
        # try to finish the build, but since we've already faced an exception,
        # this may not work well.
            self.buildFinished(["Build Caught Exception"], DEPENDENCY_FAILURE)
            klog.err_json(Failure(), 'while finishing a build with an exception')

    def buildFinished(self, text, results):
        """This method must be called when the last Step has completed. It
        marks the Build as complete and returns the Builder to the 'idle'

        It takes two arguments which describe the overall build status:
        text, results. 'results' is one of SUCCESS, WARNINGS, or FAILURE.

        If 'results' is SUCCESS or WARNINGS, we will permit any dependant
        builds to start. If it is 'FAILURE', those builds will be

        self.finished = True
        if self.remote:
            self.remote = None
        self.results = results

        log.msg(" %s: build finished #%s results %s" % (self, self.build_status.number, self.results))
        if self.progress and results == SUCCESS:
            # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
            log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
        # TODO: check why callbacks are not triggered when stopping master and retrying builds
        # this maybe cause by the upstream merged
        self.deferred = None

    def releaseLocks(self):
        if self.locks:
            log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if lock.isOwner(self, access):
                lock.release(self, access)
                if self.releaseLockInstance:
                    lock.release(self.releaseLockInstance, access)
                    # This should only happen if we've been interrupted
                    assert self.stopped

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = []
        sps = []

        for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
            args = args.copy()
                step = factory(**args)
                log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s" %
                        (factory, args))
            name = step.name
            count = 1
            # LOCAL MOZILLA PATCH:
            # buildbotcustom.process.factory.ReleaseTaggingFactory uses
            # more than 100 ShellCommands when it runs - this has been bumped up
            # to support that. upstream buildbot bug here:
            # http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/366
            while name in stepnames and count < 1000:
                count += 1
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
            if name in stepnames:
                raise RuntimeError("duplicate step '%s'" % step.name)
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.

        self.results = []  # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS  # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = []  # list of text string lists (text2)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.executedSteps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = {}
        sps = []

        for factory in self.stepFactories:
            step = factory.buildStep()
            # TODO: remove once we don't have anything depending on setDefaultWorkdir
            if callable(self.workdir):
            name = step.name
            if name in stepnames:
                count = stepnames[name]
                count += 1
                stepnames[name] = count
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
                stepnames[name] = 0
            step.name = name

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
        # pass all sourcestamps to the buildstatus

        # gather owners from build requests
        owners = [r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
                  if "owner" in r.properties]
        if owners:
            self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)

        self.results = []  # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS  # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = []  # list of text string lists (text2)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def setupBuild(self, expectations):
        # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
        # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
        self.steps = []
        self.stepStatuses = {}
        stepnames = []
        sps = []

        for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
            args = args.copy()
                step = factory(**args)
                log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s"
                        % (factory, args))
            name = step.name
            count = 1
            # LOCAL MOZILLA PATCH:
            # buildbotcustom.process.factory.ReleaseTaggingFactory uses
            # more than 100 ShellCommands when it runs - this has been bumped up
            # to support that. upstream buildbot bug here:
            # http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/366
            while name in stepnames and count < 1000:
                count += 1
                name = step.name + "_%d" % count
            if name in stepnames:
                raise RuntimeError("duplicate step '%s'" % step.name)
            step.name = name

            # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
            # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
            step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)

            sp = None
            if self.useProgress:
                # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
                # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
                # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
                # tracking
                sp = step.setupProgress()
            if sp:

        # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
        # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
        # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
        # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
        # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call

        if self.useProgress:
            self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
            if self.progress and expectations:

        # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.

        self.results = [] # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
        self.result = SUCCESS # overall result, may downgrade after each step
        self.text = [] # list of text string lists (text2)