Exemplo n.º 1
 def __setstate__(self, d):
     # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that
     # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes.
     styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
     self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
     self.currentBuilds = []
     self.watchers = []
     self.slavenames = []
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __setstate__(self, d):
     # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that
     # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes.
     styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
     self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
     self.currentBuilds = []
     self.watchers = []
     self.slavenames = []
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, buildername, category=None):
        self.name = buildername
        self.category = category

        self.slavenames = []
        self.events = []
        # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current
        # state of the boxes.
        self.lastBuildStatus = None
        #self.currentBig = None
        #self.currentSmall = None
        self.currentBuilds = []
        self.nextBuild = None
        self.watchers = []
        self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
        self.logCompressionLimit = False  # default to no compression for tests
        self.logCompressionMethod = "bz2"
        self.logMaxSize = None  # No default limit
        self.logMaxTailSize = None  # No tail buffering
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, buildername, category=None):
        self.name = buildername
        self.category = category

        self.slavenames = []
        self.events = []
        # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current
        # state of the boxes.
        self.lastBuildStatus = None
        #self.currentBig = None
        #self.currentSmall = None
        self.currentBuilds = []
        self.nextBuild = None
        self.watchers = []
        self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
        self.logCompressionLimit = False # default to no compression for tests
        self.logCompressionMethod = "bz2"
        self.logMaxSize = None # No default limit
        self.logMaxTailSize = None # No tail buffering
Exemplo n.º 5
class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned):
    """I handle status information for a single process.build.Builder object.
    That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I
    provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML
    waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build
    summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't
    interested in seeing details of the individual build steps.

    I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds,
    pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk.

    I live in the buildbot.process.build.Builder object, in the
    .builder_status attribute.

    @type  category: string
    @ivar  category: user-defined category this builder belongs to; can be
                     used to filter on in status clients

    implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource)

    persistenceVersion = 1
    persistenceForgets = ('wasUpgraded', )

    # these limit the amount of memory we consume, as well as the size of the
    # main Builder pickle. The Build and LogFile pickles on disk must be
    # handled separately.
    buildCacheSize = 15
    eventHorizon = 50  # forget events beyond this

    # these limit on-disk storage
    logHorizon = 40  # forget logs in steps in builds beyond this
    buildHorizon = 100  # forget builds beyond this

    category = None
    currentBigState = "offline"  # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building
    basedir = None  # filled in by our parent

    def __init__(self, buildername, category=None):
        self.name = buildername
        self.category = category

        self.slavenames = []
        self.events = []
        # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current
        # state of the boxes.
        self.lastBuildStatus = None
        #self.currentBig = None
        #self.currentSmall = None
        self.currentBuilds = []
        self.nextBuild = None
        self.watchers = []
        self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
        self.logCompressionLimit = False  # default to no compression for tests
        self.logCompressionMethod = "bz2"
        self.logMaxSize = None  # No default limit
        self.logMaxTailSize = None  # No tail buffering

    # persistence

    def __getstate__(self):
        # when saving, don't record transient stuff like what builds are
        # currently running, because they won't be there when we start back
        # up. Nor do we save self.watchers, nor anything that gets set by our
        # parent like .basedir and .status
        d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self)
        d['watchers'] = []
        del d['buildCache']
        for b in self.currentBuilds:
            # TODO: push a 'hey, build was interrupted' event
        del d['currentBuilds']
        d.pop('pendingBuilds', None)
        del d['currentBigState']
        del d['basedir']
        del d['status']
        del d['nextBuildNumber']
        return d

    def __setstate__(self, d):
        # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that
        # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes.
        styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
        self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
        self.currentBuilds = []
        self.watchers = []
        self.slavenames = []
        # self.basedir must be filled in by our parent
        # self.status must be filled in by our parent

    def reconfigFromBuildmaster(self, buildmaster):
        # Note that we do not hang onto the buildmaster, since this object
        # gets pickled and unpickled.
        if buildmaster.buildCacheSize is not None:
            self.buildCacheSize = buildmaster.buildCacheSize

    def upgradeToVersion1(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'slavename'):
            self.slavenames = [self.slavename]
            del self.slavename
        if hasattr(self, 'nextBuildNumber'):
            del self.nextBuildNumber  # determineNextBuildNumber chooses this
        self.wasUpgraded = True

    def determineNextBuildNumber(self):
        """Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine
        what our self.nextBuildNumber should be. Set it one larger than the
        highest-numbered build we discover. This is called by the top-level
        Status object shortly after we are created or loaded from disk.
        existing_builds = [
            int(f) for f in os.listdir(self.basedir) if re.match("^\d+$", f)
        if existing_builds:
            self.nextBuildNumber = max(existing_builds) + 1
            self.nextBuildNumber = 0

    def setLogCompressionLimit(self, lowerLimit):
        self.logCompressionLimit = lowerLimit

    def setLogCompressionMethod(self, method):
        assert method in ("bz2", "gz")
        self.logCompressionMethod = method

    def setLogMaxSize(self, upperLimit):
        self.logMaxSize = upperLimit

    def setLogMaxTailSize(self, tailSize):
        self.logMaxTailSize = tailSize

    def saveYourself(self):
        for b in self.currentBuilds:
            if not b.isFinished:
                # interrupted build, need to save it anyway.
                # BuildStatus.saveYourself will mark it as interrupted.
        filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "builder")
        tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp"
            dump(self, open(tmpfilename, "wb"), -1)
            if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
                # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one
                if os.path.exists(filename):
            os.rename(tmpfilename, filename)
            log.msg("unable to save builder %s" % self.name)

    # build cache management

    def makeBuildFilename(self, number):
        return os.path.join(self.basedir, "%d" % number)

    def getBuildByNumber(self, number):
        return self.buildCache.get(number)

    def loadBuildFromFile(self, number):
        filename = self.makeBuildFilename(number)
            log.msg("Loading builder %s's build %d from on-disk pickle" %
                    (self.name, number))
            build = load(open(filename, "rb"))
            build.builder = self
            for step in build.getSteps():
                step.builder = self
                for loog in step.getLogs():
                    loog.builder = self

            # (bug #1068) if we need to upgrade, we probably need to rewrite
            # this pickle, too.  We determine this by looking at the list of
            # Versioned objects that have been unpickled, and (after doUpgrade)
            # checking to see if any of them set wasUpgraded.  The Versioneds'
            # upgradeToVersionNN methods all set this.
            versioneds = styles.versionedsToUpgrade
            if True in [
                    hasattr(o, 'wasUpgraded') for o in versioneds.values()
                log.msg("re-writing upgraded build pickle")

            # handle LogFiles from after 0.5.0 and before 0.6.5
            # check that logfiles exist
            return build
        except IOError:
            raise IndexError("no such build %d" % number)
        except EOFError:
            raise IndexError("corrupted build pickle %d" % number)

    def cacheMiss(self, number):
        # first look in currentBuilds
        for b in self.currentBuilds:
            if b.number == number:
                return b
        # then fall back to loading it from disk
        return self.loadBuildFromFile(number)

    def prune(self, events_only=False):
        # begin by pruning our own events
        self.events = self.events[-self.eventHorizon:]

        if events_only:

        # get the horizons straight
        if self.buildHorizon is not None:
            earliest_build = self.nextBuildNumber - self.buildHorizon
            earliest_build = 0

        if self.logHorizon is not None:
            earliest_log = self.nextBuildNumber - self.logHorizon
            earliest_log = 0

        if earliest_log < earliest_build:
            earliest_log = earliest_build

        if earliest_build == 0:

        # skim the directory and delete anything that shouldn't be there anymore
        build_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)$")
        build_log_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)-.*$")
        # if the directory doesn't exist, bail out here
        if not os.path.exists(self.basedir):

        for filename in os.listdir(self.basedir):
            num = None
            mo = build_re.match(filename)
            is_logfile = False
            if mo:
                num = int(mo.group(1))
                mo = build_log_re.match(filename)
                if mo:
                    num = int(mo.group(1))
                    is_logfile = True

            if num is None: continue
            if num in self.buildCache.cache: continue

            if (is_logfile and num < earliest_log) or num < earliest_build:
                pathname = os.path.join(self.basedir, filename)
                log.msg("pruning '%s'" % pathname)
                except OSError:

    # IBuilderStatus methods
    def getName(self):
        return self.name

    def getState(self):
        return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds)

    def getSlaves(self):
        return [self.status.getSlave(name) for name in self.slavenames]

    def getPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self):
        db = self.status.master.db
        d = db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(claimed=False,

        def make_statuses(brdicts):
            return [
                BuildRequestStatus(self.name, brdict['brid'], self.status)
                for brdict in brdicts

        return d

    def getCurrentBuilds(self):
        return self.currentBuilds

    def getLastFinishedBuild(self):
        for build in self.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=1):
            assert build and build.isFinished, \
                   'builder %s build %s is not finished' % (
                   self.getName(), build)
            return build
        return None

    def getCategory(self):
        return self.category

    def getBuild(self, number):
        if number < 0:
            number = self.nextBuildNumber + number
        if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber:
            return None

            return self.getBuildByNumber(number)
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def getEvent(self, number):
            return self.events[number]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def generateFinishedBuilds(self,
        got = 0
        for Nb in itertools.count(1):
            if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber:
            if Nb > max_search:
            build = self.getBuild(-Nb)
            if build is None:
            if max_buildnum is not None:
                if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum:
            if not build.isFinished():
            if finished_before is not None:
                start, end = build.getTimes()
                if end >= finished_before:
            if branches:
                if build.getSourceStamp().branch not in branches:
            got += 1
            yield build
            if num_builds is not None:
                if got >= num_builds:

    def eventGenerator(self,
        """This function creates a generator which will provide all of this
        Builder's status events, starting with the most recent and
        progressing backwards in time. """

        # remember the oldest-to-earliest flow here. "next" means earlier.

        # TODO: interleave build steps and self.events by timestamp.
        # TODO: um, I think we're already doing that.

        # TODO: there's probably something clever we could do here to
        # interleave two event streams (one from self.getBuild and the other
        # from self.getEvent), which would be simpler than this control flow

        eventIndex = -1
        e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
        for Nb in range(1, self.nextBuildNumber + 1):
            b = self.getBuild(-Nb)
            if not b:
                # HACK: If this is the first build we are looking at, it is
                # possible it's in progress but locked before it has written a
                # pickle; in this case keep looking.
                if Nb == 1:
            if b.getTimes()[0] < minTime:
            if branches and not b.getSourceStamp().branch in branches:
            if categories and not b.getBuilder().getCategory() in categories:
            if committers and not [
                    True for c in b.getChanges() if c.who in committers
            steps = b.getSteps()
            for Ns in range(1, len(steps) + 1):
                if steps[-Ns].started:
                    step_start = steps[-Ns].getTimes()[0]
                    while e is not None and e.getTimes()[0] > step_start:
                        yield e
                        eventIndex -= 1
                        e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
                    yield steps[-Ns]
            yield b
        while e is not None:
            yield e
            eventIndex -= 1
            e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
            if e and e.getTimes()[0] < minTime:

    def subscribe(self, receiver):
        # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished,
        # requestSubmitted, requestCancelled. Note that a request which is
        # resubmitted (due to a slave disconnect) will cause requestSubmitted
        # to be invoked multiple times.
        # our parent Status provides requestSubmitted and requestCancelled
        self.status._builder_subscribe(self.name, receiver)

    def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
        self.status._builder_unsubscribe(self.name, receiver)

    ## Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us)

    def setSlavenames(self, names):
        self.slavenames = names

    def addEvent(self, text=[]):
        # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call
        # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text
        e = Event()
        e.started = util.now()
        e.text = text
        return e  # they are free to mangle it further

    def addPointEvent(self, text=[]):
        # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic
        # instant of time.
        e = Event()
        e.started = util.now()
        e.finished = 0
        e.text = text
        return e  # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it

    def setBigState(self, state):
        needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState
        self.currentBigState = state
        if needToUpdate:

    def publishState(self, target=None):
        state = self.currentBigState

        if target is not None:
            # unicast
            target.builderChangedState(self.name, state)
        for w in self.watchers:
                w.builderChangedState(self.name, state)
                log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w)

    def newBuild(self):
        """The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is
        not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the
        Steps). Create a BuildStatus object that it can use."""
        number = self.nextBuildNumber
        self.nextBuildNumber += 1
        # TODO: self.saveYourself(), to make sure we don't forget about the
        # build number we've just allocated. This is not quite as important
        # as it was before we switch to determineNextBuildNumber, but I think
        # it may still be useful to have the new build save itself.
        s = BuildStatus(self, number)
        return s

    # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances
    def buildStarted(self, s):
        """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its
        Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers."""

        assert s.builder is self  # paranoia
        assert s.number == self.nextBuildNumber - 1
        assert s not in self.currentBuilds
        self.buildCache.put(s.number, s)

        # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can
        # announce the new build to all our watchers

        for w in self.watchers:  # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)?
                receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s)
                if receiver:
                    if type(receiver) == type(()):
                        s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1])
                    d = s.waitUntilFinished()
                    d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver))
                log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" %

    def _buildFinished(self, s):
        assert s in self.currentBuilds

        name = self.getName()
        results = s.getResults()
        for w in self.watchers:
                w.buildFinished(name, s, results)
                    "Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w)

        self.prune()  # conserve disk

    # waterfall display (history)

    # I want some kind of build event that holds everything about the build:
    # why, what changes went into it, the results of the build, itemized
    # test results, etc. But, I do kind of need something to be inserted in
    # the event log first, because intermixing step events and the larger
    # build event is fraught with peril. Maybe an Event-like-thing that
    # doesn't have a file in it but does have links. Hmm, that's exactly
    # what it does now. The only difference would be that this event isn't
    # pushed to the clients.

    # publish to clients
    ## HTML display interface

    def getEventNumbered(self, num):
        # deal with dropped events, pruned events
        first = self.events[0].number
        if first + len(self.events) - 1 != self.events[-1].number:
                    "lost an event somewhere: [0] is %d, [%d] is %d" % \
                     len(self.events) - 1,
            for e in self.events:
                log.msg("e[%d]: " % e.number, e)
            return None
        offset = num - first
        log.msg(self, "offset", offset)
            return self.events[offset]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    ## Persistence of Status
    def loadYourOldEvents(self):
        if hasattr(self, "allEvents"):
            # first time, nothing to get from file. Note that this is only if
            # the Application gets .run() . If it gets .save()'ed, then the
            # .allEvents attribute goes away in the initial __getstate__ and
            # we try to load a non-existent file.
        self.allEvents = self.loadFile("events", [])
        if self.allEvents:
            self.nextEventNumber = self.allEvents[-1].number + 1
            self.nextEventNumber = 0

    def saveYourOldEvents(self):
        self.saveFile("events", self.allEvents)

    ## clients

    def addClient(self, client):
        if client not in self.subscribers:

    def removeClient(self, client):
        if client in self.subscribers:

    def asDict(self):
        result = {}
        # Constant
        # TODO(maruel): Fix me. We don't want to leak the full path.
        result['basedir'] = os.path.basename(self.basedir)
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['slaves'] = self.slavenames
        #result['url'] = self.parent.getURLForThing(self)
        # TODO(maruel): Add cache settings? Do we care?

        # Transient
        # Collect build numbers.
        # Important: Only grab the *cached* builds numbers to reduce I/O.
        current_builds = [b.getNumber() for b in self.currentBuilds]
        cached_builds = list(set(self.buildCache.cache.keys() +
        result['cachedBuilds'] = cached_builds
        result['currentBuilds'] = current_builds
        result['state'] = self.getState()[0]
        # lies, but we don't have synchronous access to this info; use
        # asDict_async instead
        result['pendingBuilds'] = 0
        return result

    def asDict_async(self):
        """Just like L{asDict}, but with a nonzero pendingBuilds."""
        result = self.asDict()
        d = self.getPendingBuildRequestStatuses()

        def combine(statuses):
            result['pendingBuilds'] = len(statuses)
            return result

        return d

    def getMetrics(self):
        return self.botmaster.parent.metrics
Exemplo n.º 6
class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned):
    """I handle status information for a single process.build.Builder object.
    That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I
    provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML
    waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build
    summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't
    interested in seeing details of the individual build steps.

    I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds,
    pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk.

    I live in the buildbot.process.build.Builder object, in the
    .builder_status attribute.

    @type  category: string
    @ivar  category: user-defined category this builder belongs to; can be
                     used to filter on in status clients

    implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource)

    persistenceVersion = 1
    persistenceForgets = ( 'wasUpgraded', )

    # these limit the amount of memory we consume, as well as the size of the
    # main Builder pickle. The Build and LogFile pickles on disk must be
    # handled separately.
    buildCacheSize = 15
    eventHorizon = 50 # forget events beyond this

    # these limit on-disk storage
    logHorizon = 40 # forget logs in steps in builds beyond this
    buildHorizon = 100 # forget builds beyond this

    category = None
    currentBigState = "offline" # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building
    basedir = None # filled in by our parent

    def __init__(self, buildername, category=None):
        self.name = buildername
        self.category = category

        self.slavenames = []
        self.events = []
        # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current
        # state of the boxes.
        self.lastBuildStatus = None
        #self.currentBig = None
        #self.currentSmall = None
        self.currentBuilds = []
        self.nextBuild = None
        self.watchers = []
        self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
        self.logCompressionLimit = False # default to no compression for tests
        self.logCompressionMethod = "bz2"
        self.logMaxSize = None # No default limit
        self.logMaxTailSize = None # No tail buffering

    # persistence

    def __getstate__(self):
        # when saving, don't record transient stuff like what builds are
        # currently running, because they won't be there when we start back
        # up. Nor do we save self.watchers, nor anything that gets set by our
        # parent like .basedir and .status
        d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self)
        d['watchers'] = []
        del d['buildCache']
        for b in self.currentBuilds:
            # TODO: push a 'hey, build was interrupted' event
        del d['currentBuilds']
        d.pop('pendingBuilds', None)
        del d['currentBigState']
        del d['basedir']
        del d['status']
        del d['nextBuildNumber']
        return d

    def __setstate__(self, d):
        # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that
        # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes.
        styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
        self.buildCache = SyncLRUCache(self.cacheMiss, self.buildCacheSize)
        self.currentBuilds = []
        self.watchers = []
        self.slavenames = []
        # self.basedir must be filled in by our parent
        # self.status must be filled in by our parent

    def reconfigFromBuildmaster(self, buildmaster):
        # Note that we do not hang onto the buildmaster, since this object
        # gets pickled and unpickled.
        if buildmaster.buildCacheSize is not None:
            self.buildCacheSize = buildmaster.buildCacheSize

    def upgradeToVersion1(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'slavename'):
            self.slavenames = [self.slavename]
            del self.slavename
        if hasattr(self, 'nextBuildNumber'):
            del self.nextBuildNumber # determineNextBuildNumber chooses this
        self.wasUpgraded = True

    def determineNextBuildNumber(self):
        """Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine
        what our self.nextBuildNumber should be. Set it one larger than the
        highest-numbered build we discover. This is called by the top-level
        Status object shortly after we are created or loaded from disk.
        existing_builds = [int(f)
                           for f in os.listdir(self.basedir)
                           if re.match("^\d+$", f)]
        if existing_builds:
            self.nextBuildNumber = max(existing_builds) + 1
            self.nextBuildNumber = 0

    def setLogCompressionLimit(self, lowerLimit):
        self.logCompressionLimit = lowerLimit

    def setLogCompressionMethod(self, method):
        assert method in ("bz2", "gz")
        self.logCompressionMethod = method

    def setLogMaxSize(self, upperLimit):
        self.logMaxSize = upperLimit

    def setLogMaxTailSize(self, tailSize):
        self.logMaxTailSize = tailSize

    def saveYourself(self):
        for b in self.currentBuilds:
            if not b.isFinished:
                # interrupted build, need to save it anyway.
                # BuildStatus.saveYourself will mark it as interrupted.
        filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "builder")
        tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp"
            dump(self, open(tmpfilename, "wb"), -1)
            if runtime.platformType  == 'win32':
                # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one
                if os.path.exists(filename):
            os.rename(tmpfilename, filename)
            log.msg("unable to save builder %s" % self.name)

    # build cache management

    def makeBuildFilename(self, number):
        return os.path.join(self.basedir, "%d" % number)

    def getBuildByNumber(self, number):
        return self.buildCache.get(number)

    def loadBuildFromFile(self, number):
        filename = self.makeBuildFilename(number)
            log.msg("Loading builder %s's build %d from on-disk pickle"
                % (self.name, number))
            build = load(open(filename, "rb"))
            build.builder = self
            for step in build.getSteps():
                step.builder = self
                for loog in step.getLogs():
                    loog.builder = self

            # (bug #1068) if we need to upgrade, we probably need to rewrite
            # this pickle, too.  We determine this by looking at the list of
            # Versioned objects that have been unpickled, and (after doUpgrade)
            # checking to see if any of them set wasUpgraded.  The Versioneds'
            # upgradeToVersionNN methods all set this.
            versioneds = styles.versionedsToUpgrade
            if True in [ hasattr(o, 'wasUpgraded') for o in versioneds.values() ]:
                log.msg("re-writing upgraded build pickle")

            # handle LogFiles from after 0.5.0 and before 0.6.5
            # check that logfiles exist
            return build
        except IOError:
            raise IndexError("no such build %d" % number)
        except EOFError:
            raise IndexError("corrupted build pickle %d" % number)

    def cacheMiss(self, number):
        # first look in currentBuilds
        for b in self.currentBuilds:
            if b.number == number:
              return b
        # then fall back to loading it from disk
        return self.loadBuildFromFile(number)

    def prune(self, events_only=False):
        # begin by pruning our own events
        self.events = self.events[-self.eventHorizon:]

        if events_only:

        # get the horizons straight
        if self.buildHorizon is not None:
            earliest_build = self.nextBuildNumber - self.buildHorizon
            earliest_build = 0

        if self.logHorizon is not None:
            earliest_log = self.nextBuildNumber - self.logHorizon
            earliest_log = 0

        if earliest_log < earliest_build:
            earliest_log = earliest_build

        if earliest_build == 0:

        # skim the directory and delete anything that shouldn't be there anymore
        build_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)$")
        build_log_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)-.*$")
        # if the directory doesn't exist, bail out here
        if not os.path.exists(self.basedir):

        for filename in os.listdir(self.basedir):
            num = None
            mo = build_re.match(filename)
            is_logfile = False
            if mo:
                num = int(mo.group(1))
                mo = build_log_re.match(filename)
                if mo:
                    num = int(mo.group(1))
                    is_logfile = True

            if num is None: continue
            if num in self.buildCache.cache: continue

            if (is_logfile and num < earliest_log) or num < earliest_build:
                pathname = os.path.join(self.basedir, filename)
                log.msg("pruning '%s'" % pathname)
                try: os.unlink(pathname)
                except OSError: pass

    # IBuilderStatus methods
    def getName(self):
        return self.name

    def getState(self):
        return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds)

    def getSlaves(self):
        return [self.status.getSlave(name) for name in self.slavenames]

    def getPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self):
        db = self.status.master.db
        d = db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(claimed=False,
        def make_statuses(brdicts):
            return [BuildRequestStatus(self.name, brdict['brid'],
                    for brdict in brdicts]
        return d

    def getCurrentBuilds(self):
        return self.currentBuilds

    def getLastFinishedBuild(self):
        for build in self.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=1):
            assert build and build.isFinished, \
                   'builder %s build %s is not finished' % (
                   self.getName(), build)
            return build
        return None

    def getCategory(self):
        return self.category

    def _resolveBuildNumber(self, number):
        if number < 0:
            number = self.nextBuildNumber + number
        if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber:
            return None
        return number

    def _safeGetBuild(self, build_number):
            return self.getBuildByNumber(build_number)
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def getBuild(self, number):
        number = self._resolveBuildNumber(number)

        if number is None:
            return None

        return self._safeGetBuild(number)

    def getBuilds(self, numbers):
        """Cache-aware method to get multiple builds.

        Prevents cascading evict/load when multiple builds are requested in
        succession: requesting build 1 evicts build 2, requesting build 2 evicts
        build 3, etc.

        We query the buildCache and load hits first, then misses.  When loading,
        we randomize the load order to alleviate the problem when external web
        requests load builds sequentially (they don't have access to this

        numbers = list(enumerate(self._resolveBuildNumber(x) for x in numbers))

        builds = [None] * len(numbers)
        misses = []
        for idx, build_number in numbers:
            if build_number is None:
            if build_number in self.buildCache.cache:
                builds[idx] = self._safeGetBuild(build_number)
                misses.append((idx, build_number))

        for idx, build_number in misses:
            builds[idx] = self._safeGetBuild(build_number)

        return builds

    def getEvent(self, number):
            return self.events[number]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=[],
        got = 0
        for Nb in itertools.count(1):
            if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber:
            if Nb > max_search:
            build = self.getBuild(-Nb)
            if build is None:
            if max_buildnum is not None:
                if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum:
            if not build.isFinished():
            if finished_before is not None:
                start, end = build.getTimes()
                if end >= finished_before:
            if branches:
                if build.getSourceStamp().branch not in branches:
            got += 1
            yield build
            if num_builds is not None:
                if got >= num_builds:

    def eventGenerator(self, branches=[], categories=[], committers=[], minTime=0):
        """This function creates a generator which will provide all of this
        Builder's status events, starting with the most recent and
        progressing backwards in time. """

        # remember the oldest-to-earliest flow here. "next" means earlier.

        # TODO: interleave build steps and self.events by timestamp.
        # TODO: um, I think we're already doing that.

        # TODO: there's probably something clever we could do here to
        # interleave two event streams (one from self.getBuild and the other
        # from self.getEvent), which would be simpler than this control flow

        eventIndex = -1
        e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
        for Nb in range(1, self.nextBuildNumber+1):
            b = self.getBuild(-Nb)
            if not b:
                # HACK: If this is the first build we are looking at, it is
                # possible it's in progress but locked before it has written a
                # pickle; in this case keep looking.
                if Nb == 1:
            if b.getTimes()[0] < minTime:
            if branches and not b.getSourceStamp().branch in branches:
            if categories and not b.getBuilder().getCategory() in categories:
            if committers and not [True for c in b.getChanges() if c.who in committers]:
            steps = b.getSteps()
            for Ns in range(1, len(steps)+1):
                if steps[-Ns].started:
                    step_start = steps[-Ns].getTimes()[0]
                    while e is not None and e.getTimes()[0] > step_start:
                        yield e
                        eventIndex -= 1
                        e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
                    yield steps[-Ns]
            yield b
        while e is not None:
            yield e
            eventIndex -= 1
            e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
            if e and e.getTimes()[0] < minTime:

    def subscribe(self, receiver):
        # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished,
        # requestSubmitted, requestCancelled. Note that a request which is
        # resubmitted (due to a slave disconnect) will cause requestSubmitted
        # to be invoked multiple times.
        # our parent Status provides requestSubmitted and requestCancelled
        self.status._builder_subscribe(self.name, receiver)

    def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
        self.status._builder_unsubscribe(self.name, receiver)

    ## Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us)

    def setSlavenames(self, names):
        self.slavenames = names

    def addEvent(self, text=[]):
        # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call
        # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text
        e = Event()
        e.started = util.now()
        e.text = text
        return e # they are free to mangle it further

    def addPointEvent(self, text=[]):
        # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic
        # instant of time.
        e = Event()
        e.started = util.now()
        e.finished = 0
        e.text = text
        return e # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it

    def setBigState(self, state):
        needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState
        self.currentBigState = state
        if needToUpdate:

    def publishState(self, target=None):
        state = self.currentBigState

        if target is not None:
            # unicast
            target.builderChangedState(self.name, state)
        for w in self.watchers:
                w.builderChangedState(self.name, state)
                log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w)

    def newBuild(self):
        """The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is
        not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the
        Steps). Create a BuildStatus object that it can use."""
        number = self.nextBuildNumber
        self.nextBuildNumber += 1
        # TODO: self.saveYourself(), to make sure we don't forget about the
        # build number we've just allocated. This is not quite as important
        # as it was before we switch to determineNextBuildNumber, but I think
        # it may still be useful to have the new build save itself.
        s = BuildStatus(self, number)
        return s

    # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances
    def buildStarted(self, s):
        """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its
        Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers."""

        assert s.builder is self # paranoia
        # They can happen out of order.
        #assert s.number == self.nextBuildNumber - 1
        assert s not in self.currentBuilds
        self.buildCache.put(s.number, s)

        # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can
        # announce the new build to all our watchers

        for w in self.watchers: # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)?
                receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s)
                if receiver:
                    if type(receiver) == type(()):
                        s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1])
                    d = s.waitUntilFinished()
                    d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver))
                log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" % w)

    def _buildFinished(self, s):
        assert s in self.currentBuilds

        name = self.getName()
        results = s.getResults()
        for w in self.watchers:
                w.buildFinished(name, s, results)
                log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w)

        self.prune() # conserve disk

    # waterfall display (history)

    # I want some kind of build event that holds everything about the build:
    # why, what changes went into it, the results of the build, itemized
    # test results, etc. But, I do kind of need something to be inserted in
    # the event log first, because intermixing step events and the larger
    # build event is fraught with peril. Maybe an Event-like-thing that
    # doesn't have a file in it but does have links. Hmm, that's exactly
    # what it does now. The only difference would be that this event isn't
    # pushed to the clients.

    # publish to clients
    ## HTML display interface

    def getEventNumbered(self, num):
        # deal with dropped events, pruned events
        first = self.events[0].number
        if first + len(self.events)-1 != self.events[-1].number:
                    "lost an event somewhere: [0] is %d, [%d] is %d" % \
                     len(self.events) - 1,
            for e in self.events:
                log.msg("e[%d]: " % e.number, e)
            return None
        offset = num - first
        log.msg(self, "offset", offset)
            return self.events[offset]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    ## Persistence of Status
    def loadYourOldEvents(self):
        if hasattr(self, "allEvents"):
            # first time, nothing to get from file. Note that this is only if
            # the Application gets .run() . If it gets .save()'ed, then the
            # .allEvents attribute goes away in the initial __getstate__ and
            # we try to load a non-existent file.
        self.allEvents = self.loadFile("events", [])
        if self.allEvents:
            self.nextEventNumber = self.allEvents[-1].number + 1
            self.nextEventNumber = 0
    def saveYourOldEvents(self):
        self.saveFile("events", self.allEvents)

    ## clients

    def addClient(self, client):
        if client not in self.subscribers:
    def removeClient(self, client):
        if client in self.subscribers:

    def asDict(self):
        result = {}
        # Constant
        # TODO(maruel): Fix me. We don't want to leak the full path.
        result['basedir'] = os.path.basename(self.basedir)
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['slaves'] = self.slavenames
        #result['url'] = self.parent.getURLForThing(self)
        # TODO(maruel): Add cache settings? Do we care?

        # Transient
        # Collect build numbers.
        # Important: Only grab the *cached* builds numbers to reduce I/O.
        current_builds = [b.getNumber() for b in self.currentBuilds]

        # Populates buildCache with last N builds.
        buildnums = range(-1, -(self.buildCacheSize - 1), -1)

        cached_builds = list(set(self.buildCache.cache.keys() + current_builds))
        result['cachedBuilds'] = cached_builds
        result['currentBuilds'] = current_builds
        result['state'] = self.getState()[0]
        # lies, but we don't have synchronous access to this info; use
        # asDict_async instead
        result['pendingBuilds'] = 0
        return result

    def asDict_async(self):
        """Just like L{asDict}, but with a nonzero pendingBuilds."""
        result = self.asDict()
        d = self.getPendingBuildRequestStatuses()
        def combine(statuses):
            result['pendingBuilds'] = len(statuses)
            return result
        return d

    def getMetrics(self):
        return self.botmaster.parent.metrics