Exemplo n.º 1
def payment(request):

    # Grab the profile
    profile = request.user.get_profile()

    # Grab the user's payment trial
    payment_trial = profile.payment_trial
    trial_object  = TrialAnswer.objects.filter(user     = request.user,
                                               question = payment_trial)[0]

    # Reconstruct the trial
    from builds.build_trials import trial
    problem = trial(trial_object.incomes.split(","),

    # Get the responses, the wags, and, the optimal food profile, and the
    # totals.
    days_to_show = problem.days
    responses    = trial_object.responses.split(',')
    wags         = [calculate_wags(float(food)) for food in responses]
    optimum      = problem.calculate_optimum()
    optimum_wags = map(calculate_wags, optimum)
    totals       = {"wags":    reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, wags,         0),
                    "optimum": reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, optimum_wags, 0)}

    # The difference between the optimum solution and the subject's solution
    # is involved in the payment calculation. So is the value b, which
    # is a scaling parameter
    b       = 0.01
    dif     = totals["optimum"] - totals["wags"]
    payment = round(40 - b * (dif**2), 2)

    # Set the payment
    profile.payment = payment

    # Add on the proper suffix.
    suffix = {2:  "nd", 3:  "rd", 4:  "th", 5:  "th", 6:  "th", 7:  "th", 8:  "th", 9:  "th",
              10: "th", 11: "th", 12: "th", 13: "th", 14: "th", 15: "th", 16: "th", 17: "th"}
    payment_trial += 1
    payment_trial  = str(payment_trial) + suffix[payment_trial]

    # Collect all of the info to show.
    days = [{"day":  days_to_show[index], "response": responses[index],
             "wags": wags[index],         "optimum":  optimum[index]} for index in range(len(days_to_show))]
    context = {"user":    request.user, "days":  days, "totals": totals,
               "payment": payment,      "trial": payment_trial}
    return render_to_response("payment.html", context)
Exemplo n.º 2
def training_review(request):

    # Grab the user's profile
    profile = request.user.get_profile()

    # We want to grab the most recent answer.
    from builds.build_trials import trial
    current_problem_index = profile.trials_done - 1
    trial_object          = TrialAnswer.objects.filter(user     = request.user,
                                                       question = current_problem_index)[0]

    trial                 = trial(trial_object.incomes.split(','),
    days_to_show          = trial.days
    responses             = trial_object.responses.split(',')
    wags                  = [calculate_wags(float(food)) for food in responses]
    optimum               = trial.calculate_optimum()
    optimum_wags          = map(calculate_wags, optimum)
    totals                = {"wags":    reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, wags,         0),
                             "optimum": reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, optimum_wags, 0)}

    # Update the user's finished_training variable if necessary.
    if profile.trials_done == 2:
        next_url = "experiment"
        done     = True
        next_url = "training"
        done     = False

    # Collect all of the info to show.
    days = [{"day":          days_to_show[index], "response": responses[index],
             "wags":         wags[index],         "optimum":  optimum[index],
             "optimum_wags": optimum_wags[index]} for index in range(len(days_to_show))]
    context = {"user": request.user, "days": days, "totals": totals,
               "url":  next_url,     "done": done}
    return render_to_response("training_review.html", context)
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_input(form, user, training):
    profile = user.get_profile()

    # Grab all of the non-meaningless fields.
    responses = filter(
        lambda x: x != "None",
        map(str, [
            form.cleaned_data["Monday"], form.cleaned_data["Tuesday"],
            form.cleaned_data["Wednesday"], form.cleaned_data["Thursday"],
            form.cleaned_data["Friday"], form.cleaned_data["Saturday"],

    # Before we can submit the responses, we need to confirm that they're
    # legal responses given the trial's incomes and interests. To do that,
    # send the incomes, interests and responses over to our other helper.
    problem_index = profile.trials_done
    trial_object = TrialAnswer.objects.filter(user=user,
    from builds.build_trials import trial
    problem = trial(trial_object.incomes.split(","),

    # Add the responses to the trial object.
    trial_object.add_response(user, responses)

    # Check if we're done with the trial. If the user is static, this is
    # automatically true. If they're dynamic, we need to check that the
    # current day is the last day of their trial. First we need to get the
    # trial itself to confirm this.
    problem_index = profile.trials_done
    trial_object = TrialAnswer.objects.filter(user=user,

    done_with_trial =  profile.user_class == "static"  or \
                      (profile.user_class == "dynamic" and profile.day == problem.days[-2])

    # If we're done with the trial, update the trials_done counter
    # and check if we're now done with the training session or the
    # experiment itself.
    if done_with_trial:
        profile.trials_done = profile.trials_done + 1
        profile.day = "Monday"

        # Validate the responses

        # If there are 2 trials completed, we just finished the training.
        if profile.trials_done == 2:
            profile.finished_training = True

        elif (profile.user_class == "static"  and profile.trials_done == 17) or \
             (profile.user_class == "dynamic" and profile.trials_done == 5):
            profile.finished_experiment = True

    # If we're NOT done with the current trial, then we can infer that
    # we are a dynamic user, and we need to update the day variable.
        # If the user is dynamic, update their day variable automatically.
        next_day = {
            "Monday": "Tuesday",
            "Tuesday": "Wednesday",
            "Wednesday": "Thursday",
            "Thursday": "Friday",
            "Friday": "Saturday",
            "Saturday": "Sunday",
            "Sunday": "Monday"
        profile.day = next_day[profile.day]

    # Save the profile, and we're done!
Exemplo n.º 4
def experiment(request):

    # Get the profile
    profile = request.user.get_profile()

    # If the user has finished the training session, redirect them.
    if profile.finished_experiment:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/diagnostics/")
    elif not profile.finished_training:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/training/")

    # If the trial form has been submitted, let's check the inputs.
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = DogForm(request.POST)

        if form.is_valid():
            process_input(form, request.user, True)

            # Check to see if they're now done with the experiment
            if request.user.get_profile().finished_experiment:
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/diagnostics/")

    # Load the form.
    form = DogForm(auto_id = "whatever")

    # Grab the problem.
    profile       = request.user.get_profile()
    problem_index = profile.trials_done
    trial_object  = TrialAnswer.objects.filter(user     = request.user,
                                               question = problem_index)[0]

    # Reconstruct the trial
    from builds.build_trials import trial
    problem      = trial(trial_object.incomes.split(","), trial_object.interests.split(","))
    days_to_show = problem.days[:-1] if    profile.user_class == "static" \
                                     else [profile.day]
    days_inputs  = calculate_days(problem, request.user)
    user_class   = profile.user_class

        # Create the info for the dynamic users.
    today_index     = problem.days.index(profile.day)

    # If they're dynamic, we'll want to show how much they've spent
    # per day.
    spendings = trial_object.responses
    if spendings:
        spendings = map(float, spendings.split(','))
        spendings.extend(["-"]*(len(problem.days) - len(spendings)))
        spendings = ["-"]*len(problem.days)

    # We want to inform them how much money they can spend today. To do
    # so, we'll tell them how much money they actually have, plus how much
    # they can borrow from future days. First, calculate how much money they
    # have currently.
    incomes   = map(float, problem.incomes)
    interests = map(float, problem.interests)
    carry_over = 0
    for index in range(today_index):
        carry_over += incomes[index] - spendings[index]
        carry_over *= (interests[index] / 100. + 1)
    today_money = round(carry_over + incomes[today_index], 2)

    # Now calculate how much they can borrow.
    borrowable = float(incomes[-1])
    for day in reversed(range(today_index, len(interests))):
        borrowable = borrowable / (1 + interests[day] / 100.) + (incomes[day] if day != today_index else 0)
    borrowable = round(borrowable, 2) 

    # The amount of cash we can spend today is how much we have physically
    # plus how much we can borrow
    spendable = today_money + borrowable

    # Fill up the dictionary with all the info we'll need.
    dynamic_info = {"money":     today_money, "borrowable": borrowable,
                    "spendable": spendable,   "spendings":  spendings}

    context      = {"user":  request.user, "problem":     problem,
                    "days":  days_to_show, "days_inputs": days_inputs,
                    "form":  form,         "dynamic":     dynamic_info,
                    "class": profile.user_class}
    return render_to_response("experiment.html", context)