def insertWorkingDirectory(optionArgument): print("Setting new working directory") if optionArgument == None: optionArgument = "" loopQuestion = True defaultWD = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', 'starfish_working_directory')) print( "Enter an absolute or relative path to set the working directory, or (q) quit" ) input_prompt = "[Press enter to use the default path {}]: ".format( defaultWD) optionArgument = input3(input_prompt) or defaultWD if optionArgument != "q": optionArgument = os.path.expanduser(optionArgument) if os.path.isdir(optionArgument): saveConfigFile({'WorkingDirectory': optionArgument}) updateKnownWorkingDirectories() print(" working directory set!") else: print(" working directory does not exist! try to create folder") try: os.mkdir(optionArgument) saveConfigFile({'WorkingDirectory': optionArgument}) updateKnownWorkingDirectories() print(" created working directory folder successfully") print(" working directory set!") except: print( " WARNING: moduleStartUp.insertWorkingDirectory() could not set WorkingDirectory {} directory does not exists!" .format(optionArgument))
def main(args=None): print("") print('=====================================') print('# STARFiSh_v0. #') print('=====================================') mainMenuInput = "" while mainMenuInput not in ['q']: print('\n Main menu:\n') print(" [1] - run simulation |") if NOVNC: VNCSTR = "(Not Available)" else: VNCSTR = "" print(" [2] -{} run vnc (vascular network creator) |".format( VNCSTR)) if NOVIZ: VIZSTR = "(Not Available)" else: VIZSTR = "" print(" [3] -{} run visualisation |".format(VIZSTR)) print( " [4] - run uncertainty quantification tool box |" ) print(" [q] - quit \n") while mainMenuInput not in ('1', '2', '3', '4', 'q'): mainMenuInput = input3("what to do? ") if mainMenuInput == '1': print("\n .. running simulation \n") simulator.main() mainMenuInput = "" if mainMenuInput == '2' and NOVNC: print("\n .. vnc not available \n") mainMenuInput = "" elif mainMenuInput == '2': print("\n .. running vnc \n") vnc.main() mainMenuInput = "" if mainMenuInput == '3' and NOVIZ: print("\n .. visualisation not available \n") mainMenuInput = "" elif mainMenuInput == '3': print("\n .. running visualisation \n") visualisationToolBox.main() mainMenuInput = "" if mainMenuInput == '4': print("\n .. running uncertainty quantification tool box \n") uqsaToolBox.uncertaintyPropagation() mainMenuInput = "" print("bye bye ..")
def defineSimulationDescription(): simulationDescription = input3( "\n Type in description of the simulation case: ") try: simulationDescription = str(simulationDescription) except: print('ERROR: no String Convertable input given, system exit') exit() if simulationDescription in ['', ' ']: simulationDescription = '-' return simulationDescription
def userInputEvaluationInt(maxBound, minBound=0, question=" insert your choice, (q)-quit: "): ''' Question user to isert an integer number between minBound and maxBound ''' appropriateInputList = [ str(int(i + minBound)) for i in range(maxBound - minBound) ] userInput = "NONE" appropriateInputList.append('q') print("") while userInput not in appropriateInputList: userInput = input3(question) print("") if userInput == 'q': exit() else: return int(userInput)
def defineDataNumber(networkName): print( "No solution-datanumber defined (3 characters)! It needs to be defined" ) #TODO CRITICAL this fails for template networks existingDataNumbers = findExistingDataNumbers(networkName) correctDataNumber = False prettyPrintList( "\n Existing dataNumbers for this network: {}".format( networkName), existingDataNumbers) while correctDataNumber == False: dataNumber = input3("\n Please enter datanumber (3 characters): ") testedFailed = False try: dataNumber, xx = evaluateDataNumber(dataNumber) except ValueError as e: print(e) testedFailed = True if dataNumber in existingDataNumbers: listToPrint = [ " keep this datanumber and overwrite simulation case", " enter new data number" ] prettyPrintList( "\n Simulation case with datanumber exits already". format(networkName), listToPrint) userInput = userInputEvaluationInt(2, 0, " What to do? ") if userInput == 0: correctDataNumber = True elif userInput == 0: dataNumber = False correctDataNumber = False elif testedFailed == False: correctDataNumber = True return dataNumber
def chooseUQSACaseFile(networkName): """ console Interface to choose a vascularPolynomialChaos Config File including the possibility to create a template Config File Input: networkName of VascularNetwork Output: networkName,dataNumber of the Config File (networkName should be the same) """ from starfish.VascularPolynomialChaosLib import classUqsaCase workingDirectory = mFPH.getDirectory('workingDirectory', '', '', 'read') networkDirectory = os.path.join(*[workingDirectory, networkName]) filesNetworkDir = os.listdir(networkDirectory) filenames = [] for fileNetworkDir in filesNetworkDir: # check if polychaos directory: if 'vascularPolynomialChaos' in fileNetworkDir: allFilenames = os.listdir( os.path.join(*[workingDirectory, networkName, fileNetworkDir])) for filename in allFilenames: if ".xml" in filename and "uqsaCase" in filename: filenames.append(filename) print( "\n No dataNumber for UQSAcase file passed, choose between all available UQSAcase files:" ) print( " (NB: use -n dataNumber to define a specific UQSAcase you want to open)\n" ) print(" [ 0 ] - Create new template uqsa case file and exit") print(" [ 1 ] - Create new template uqsa case file and run") indexOffset = 2 if filenames != []: prettyPrintList('', filenames, indexOffset=indexOffset) question = " Choose Option or Config-File you want to open according to its number:, (q)-quit: " userInput = userInputEvaluationInt(indexOffset + len(filenames), 0, question) if userInput in [0, 1]: userInputDataNumber = 'xxxx' dataNumber = False while dataNumber == False: userInputDataNumber = input3( "\n Insert dataNumber for polynomial Chaos case (overwrites if existing): " ) dataNumber = evaluateDataNumber(userInputDataNumber, exception="Warning")[0] # create template configuration configurationFilePathTemplate = mFPH_VPC.getFilePath( 'uqsaCaseTemplateFile', networkName, dataNumber, 'read') uqsaCase = classUqsaCase.UqsaCase() uqsaCase.loadXMLFile(configurationFilePathTemplate) # TODO: check if file exits and ask if it should be overwritten configurationFilePath = mFPH_VPC.getFilePath('uqsaCaseXmlFile', networkName, dataNumber, 'write') uqsaCase.writeXMLFile(configurationFilePath) # copy network file toCopyFile = mFPH.getFilePath('networkXmlFile', networkName, 'xxx', 'write') destinationFile = mFPH_VPC.getFilePath('vpcNetworkXmlFile', networkName, dataNumber, 'write') shutil.copy(toCopyFile, destinationFile) if userInput == 0: print("files created!, exit()") exit() else: networkName = filenames[userInput - indexOffset] dataNumber = networkName.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1] return dataNumber
def extremaFinderFunction(self, dataPure, quantityNamePure, sampleSize, simulationTime, searchPointOfInflection): allDesieredPointsDetected = False delta = 0.005 colordef = ['r','g','b','m','k','c'] markerdef = ['o','d','x','s','*','v'] colors = colordef*len(markerdef) markerstyles = [item for sublist in [ [i]*len(colordef) for i in markerdef] for item in sublist] while allDesieredPointsDetected == False: amplitudesList = [] timingList = [] numberOfPointsFirst = None for sampleIndex in range(sampleSize): dataPureCurr = dataPure[sampleIndex] if searchPointOfInflection == True: pointInfAmp,pointInfTime = mProc.calculatePointOfInflection(dataPureCurr, simulationTime, simulationTime[0]) minMaxPoints = [[pointInfAmp],[pointInfTime]] numberOfPointsCurrent = len(minMaxPoints[0]) if numberOfPointsFirst == None: numberOfPointsFirst = numberOfPointsCurrent else: minMaxPoints = mProc.minMaxFunction(dataPureCurr,timeValues=simulationTime,delta=delta, seperateMinMax = False ) numberOfPointsCurrent = len(minMaxPoints[0]) if numberOfPointsFirst == None: numberOfPointsFirst = numberOfPointsCurrent deltaAltered = delta while numberOfPointsCurrent != numberOfPointsFirst: if numberOfPointsCurrent < numberOfPointsFirst: deltaAltered -= delta*0.1 elif numberOfPointsCurrent > numberOfPointsFirst: deltaAltered += delta*0.1 dataPureCurr = dataPure[sampleIndex] minMaxPoints = mProc.minMaxFunction(dataPureCurr,timeValues=simulationTime,delta=deltaAltered, seperateMinMax = False ) numberOfPointsCurrent = len(minMaxPoints[0]) amplitudesList.append(minMaxPoints[0]) timingList.append(minMaxPoints[1]) for c,m,t,x in zip(colors,markerstyles,minMaxPoints[1],minMaxPoints[0]): plt.plot(t,x,'o',color = c,marker=m, markersize = 5) if numberOfPointsCurrent == numberOfPointsFirst: plt.plot(simulationTime,dataPureCurr,'g', alpha = 0.2) elif numberOfPointsCurrent < numberOfPointsFirst: plt.plot(simulationTime,dataPureCurr,'m', alpha = 1.0) elif numberOfPointsCurrent > numberOfPointsFirst: plt.plot(simulationTime,dataPureCurr,'k', alpha = 1.0) # break for inflection point if searchPointOfInflection == True: allDesieredPointsDetected = True break plt.title(quantityNamePure) = False) print('\n Extrema detection all simulations are evaluated:') print(' [0] - Analyse all points') print(' [1] - Choose points for analysis') print(' [2] - Not all desiered peaks are detected (redo and adjust search-delta)') suggestions = [str(i) for i in range(3)] answer = "nothing" while answer not in suggestions: answer =input3("What do you want to do: ") if answer == '0': answerSelectionSplit = [str(i) for i in range(numberOfPointsFirst)] allDesieredPointsDetected = True if answer == '1': allDesieredPointsDetected = True print("\n points found for analysis:") for i in range(numberOfPointsFirst): print(" [{}] - color: {}, marker style {}".format(i,colors[i],markerstyles[i])) answerSelectionSplit = [''] while sum([item in [str(i) for i in range(numberOfPointsFirst)] for item in answerSelectionSplit]) != len(answerSelectionSplit): answerSelection =input3(" please enter the numbers of the points (separated with comma): ") if ',' in answerSelection: answerSelectionSplit = answerSelection.split(',') elif ' ' in answerSelection: answerSelectionSplit = answerSelection.split(' ') else: answerSelectionSplit = [answerSelection] elif answer == '2': answer2 = "haha" convertableToFloat = False while convertableToFloat == False: answer2 =input3("please redefine delta, current delta value == {} ".format(delta)) try: delta = float(answer2) convertableToFloat = True except ValueError as v: print("{} not convertable to float!!".format(v)) #TODO: save the figures and close .. plt.close() # get the data of the selected points selectedPoints = np.array([int(i) for i in answerSelectionSplit]) amplitudeData = np.array(amplitudesList) timingData = np.array(timingList) return selectedPoints, amplitudeData, timingData