Exemplo n.º 1
def create_planar_bundle(noise=.1):
    NUM_CAMERAS        = 4
    NUM_POINTS         = 12
    MISSING_FRAC       = 0      # fraction of measurements that are missing
    OUTLIER_FRAC       = 0      # fraction of measurements that are outliers
    OUTLIER_RANGE      = 10.    # bounds of uniform distribution from which outliers are sampled
    CAUCHY_PARAM       = .05    # determines the width of the robustifier

    # Setup some cameras
    np.random.seed(1111)  # for repeatability
    K = np.array([[  2.,  0., -.5  ],
                  [ .05,  3.,  .1  ],
                  [  0.,  0.,   1. ]])

    # Random rotations; zero translation
    Rs = [ SO3.exp(np.random.rand(3)*.1) for i in range(NUM_CAMERAS) ]
    ts = np.zeros((NUM_CAMERAS, 3))

    # Sample 3D points
    pts = np.random.uniform(-r, r, (NUM_POINTS, 3))
    pts[:,2] += 10   # ensure points are not close to focal plane

    # Compute ideal projections and add noise
    msm = np.array([[ bundle.project(K, R, t, pt) for pt in pts ]
                    for (R,t) in zip(Rs,ts) ])
    msm += np.random.randn(*msm.shape) * noise

    # Mark some measurements as missing
    np.random.seed(4309)  # for repeatability
    msm_mask = np.ones(msm.shape[:2], bool)
    nmissing = int(MISSING_FRAC * NUM_POINTS)
    if nmissing > 0:
        for i in range(NUM_CAMERAS):
            missing_inds = np.random.permutation(NUM_POINTS)[:nmissing]
            msm_mask[i, missing_inds] = False

    # Generate some outliers by replacing measurements with random data
    np.random.seed(101)  # for repeatability
    outlier_mask = np.zeros((NUM_CAMERAS, NUM_POINTS), bool)
    noutliers = int(OUTLIER_FRAC * NUM_POINTS)
    if noutliers > 0:
        for i in range(NUM_CAMERAS):
            outlier_inds = np.random.permutation(NUM_POINTS)[:noutliers]
            outlier_mask[i,outlier_inds] = True
            for j in outlier_inds:
                msm[i,j] = np.random.uniform(-OUTLIER_RANGE, OUTLIER_RANGE, 2)

    # Create the bundle
    b = bundle.Bundle.FromArrays(K, Rs, ts, pts, msm, msm_mask)

    # Attach robustifier
    b.sensor_model = sensor_model.GaussianModel(.1)
    #b.sensor_model = sensor_model.CauchyModel(CAUCHY_PARAM)

    # Store this for visualization later
    b.outlier_mask = outlier_mask
    return b
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_planar_bundle(noise=.1):
    NUM_POINTS = 12
    MISSING_FRAC = 0  # fraction of measurements that are missing
    OUTLIER_FRAC = 0  # fraction of measurements that are outliers
    OUTLIER_RANGE = 10.  # bounds of uniform distribution from which outliers are sampled
    CAUCHY_PARAM = .05  # determines the width of the robustifier

    # Setup some cameras
    np.random.seed(1111)  # for repeatability
    K = np.array([[2., 0., -.5], [.05, 3., .1], [0., 0., 1.]])

    # Random rotations; zero translation
    Rs = [SO3.exp(np.random.rand(3) * .1) for i in range(NUM_CAMERAS)]
    ts = np.zeros((NUM_CAMERAS, 3))

    # Sample 3D points
    pts = np.random.uniform(-r, r, (NUM_POINTS, 3))
    pts[:, 2] += 10  # ensure points are not close to focal plane

    # Compute ideal projections and add noise
    msm = np.array([[bundle.project(K, R, t, pt) for pt in pts]
                    for (R, t) in zip(Rs, ts)])
    msm += np.random.randn(*msm.shape) * noise

    # Mark some measurements as missing
    np.random.seed(4309)  # for repeatability
    msm_mask = np.ones(msm.shape[:2], bool)
    nmissing = int(MISSING_FRAC * NUM_POINTS)
    if nmissing > 0:
        for i in range(NUM_CAMERAS):
            missing_inds = np.random.permutation(NUM_POINTS)[:nmissing]
            msm_mask[i, missing_inds] = False

    # Generate some outliers by replacing measurements with random data
    np.random.seed(101)  # for repeatability
    outlier_mask = np.zeros((NUM_CAMERAS, NUM_POINTS), bool)
    noutliers = int(OUTLIER_FRAC * NUM_POINTS)
    if noutliers > 0:
        for i in range(NUM_CAMERAS):
            outlier_inds = np.random.permutation(NUM_POINTS)[:noutliers]
            outlier_mask[i, outlier_inds] = True
            for j in outlier_inds:
                msm[i, j] = np.random.uniform(-OUTLIER_RANGE, OUTLIER_RANGE, 2)

    # Create the bundle
    b = bundle.Bundle.FromArrays(K, Rs, ts, pts, msm, msm_mask)

    # Attach robustifier
    b.sensor_model = sensor_model.GaussianModel(.1)
    #b.sensor_model = sensor_model.CauchyModel(CAUCHY_PARAM)

    # Store this for visualization later
    b.outlier_mask = outlier_mask
    return b
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_measurements(K, R, t, pts, noise):
    assert pts.ndim == 2, 'pts.shape = '+str(pts.shape)
    assert pts.shape[1] == 3, 'pts.shape = '+str(pts.shape)
    return np.array([ bundle.project(K, R, t, x) + np.random.randn(2)*noise
                      for x in pts ])
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate_measurements(K, R, t, pts, noise):
    assert pts.ndim == 2, 'pts.shape = ' + str(pts.shape)
    assert pts.shape[1] == 3, 'pts.shape = ' + str(pts.shape)
    return np.array(
        [bundle.project(K, R, t, x) + np.random.randn(2) * noise for x in pts])