def deploy_services(site=None, dryrun=0): """ Collects the configurations for all registered services and writes the appropriate supervisord.conf file. """ dryrun = int(dryrun) render_paths() for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, renderer=render_paths): print site for cb in env._supervisor_create_service_callbacks: ret = cb() if isinstance(ret, basestring): env.supervisor_services.append(ret) # else: # print 'invalid' env.supervisor_services_rendered = "\n".join(env.supervisor_services) # print env.supervisor_services_rendered fn = common.render_to_file("supervisor_daemon.template.config") if dryrun: print open(fn).read() else: put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.supervisor_config_path, use_sudo=True)
def install_apt(fn=None, update=0): """ Installs system packages listed in apt-requirements.txt. """ print 'Installing apt requirements...' assert env[ROLE] env.apt_fqfn = fn or find_template(env.apt_fn) if not env.apt_fqfn: return assert os.path.isfile(env.apt_fqfn) fd, tmp_fn = tempfile.mkstemp() lines = [ _ for _ in open(env.apt_fqfn).readlines() if _.strip() and not _.strip().startswith('#') ] fout = open(tmp_fn, 'w') fout.write('\n'.join(lines)) fout.close() env.apt_fqfn = tmp_fn if not env.is_local: put(local_path=tmp_fn) env.apt_fqfn = env.put_remote_path if int(update): sudo('apt-get update -y') sudo('apt-get install -y `cat "%(apt_fqfn)s" | tr "\\n" " "`' % env)
def passwordless(username=None, pubkey=None): """ Configures the user to use an SSL key without a password. Assumes you've run generate_keys() first. """ env.user_username = username or env.user env.user_pubkey = pubkey or env.key_filename assert os.path.isfile(env.user_pubkey), \ 'Public key file "%s" does not exist.' % (env.user_pubkey,) first = os.path.splitext(env.user_pubkey)[0] env.user_pubkey = first+'.pub' env.user_pemkey = first+'.pem' env.user_home = env.user_home_template % env # Upload the SSH key. put(local_path=env.user_pubkey) sudo('mkdir -p %(user_home)s/.ssh' % env) sudo('cat %(put_remote_path)s >> %(user_home)s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % env) sudo('rm -f %(put_remote_path)s' % env) # Disable password. sudo('cp /etc/sudoers %(user_tmp_sudoers_fn)s' % env) sudo('echo "%(user_username)s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> %(user_tmp_sudoers_fn)s' % env) sudo('sudo EDITOR="cp %(user_tmp_sudoers_fn)s" visudo' % env) sudo('service ssh reload') print 'You should now be able to login with:' print '\tssh -i %(user_pemkey)s %(user_username)s@%(host_string)s' % env
def passwordless(username=None, pubkey=None): """ Configures the user to use an SSL key without a password. Assumes you've run generate_keys() first. """ env.user_username = username or env.user env.user_pubkey = pubkey or env.key_filename assert os.path.isfile(env.user_pubkey), \ 'Public key file "%s" does not exist.' % (env.user_pubkey,) first = os.path.splitext(env.user_pubkey)[0] env.user_pubkey = first + '.pub' env.user_pemkey = first + '.pem' env.user_home = env.user_home_template % env # Upload the SSH key. put(local_path=env.user_pubkey) sudo('mkdir -p %(user_home)s/.ssh' % env) sudo('cat %(put_remote_path)s >> %(user_home)s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % env) sudo('rm -f %(put_remote_path)s' % env) # Disable password. sudo('cp /etc/sudoers %(user_tmp_sudoers_fn)s' % env) sudo( 'echo "%(user_username)s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> %(user_tmp_sudoers_fn)s' % env) sudo('sudo EDITOR="cp %(user_tmp_sudoers_fn)s" visudo' % env) sudo('service ssh reload') print 'You should now be able to login with:' print '\tssh -i %(user_pemkey)s %(user_username)s@%(host_string)s' % env
def configure_modevasive(): env.apache_mods_enabled.append('mod-evasive') # Write modsecurity.conf. fn = common.render_to_file('apache_modevasive.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path='/etc/apache2/mods-available/mod-evasive.conf', use_sudo=True)
def deploy_services(site=None, dryrun=0): """ Collects the configurations for all registered services and writes the appropriate supervisord.conf file. """ dryrun = int(dryrun) render_paths() for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, renderer=render_paths): print site for cb in env._supervisor_create_service_callbacks: ret = cb() if isinstance(ret, basestring): env.supervisor_services.append(ret) # else: # print 'invalid' env.supervisor_services_rendered = '\n'.join(env.supervisor_services) #print env.supervisor_services_rendered fn = common.render_to_file('supervisor_daemon.template.config') if dryrun: print open(fn).read() else: put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.supervisor_config_path, use_sudo=True)
def install_sql(name=None, site=None): """ Installs all custom SQL. """ #_settings = get_settings(site=site, role=env.ROLE) set_db(name=name, site=site) paths = glob.glob(env.db_install_sql_path_template % env) #paths = glob.glob('%(src_dir)s/%(app_name)s/*/sql/*' % env) def cmp_paths(d0, d1): if d0[1] and d0[1] in d1[2]: return -1 if d1[1] and d1[1] in d0[2]: return +1 return cmp(d0[0], d1[0]) def get_paths(t): """ Returns SQL file paths in an execution order that respect dependencies. """ data = [] # [(path, view_name, content)] for path in paths: #print path parts = path.split('.') if len(parts) == 3 and parts[1] != t: continue content = open(path, 'r').read() matches = re.findall('[\s\t]+VIEW[\s\t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', content, flags=re.IGNORECASE) #assert matches, 'Unable to find view name: %s' % (p,) view_name = '' if matches: view_name = matches[0] data.append((path, view_name, content)) for d in sorted(data, cmp=cmp_paths): yield d[0] if 'postgres' in env.db_engine: #print 'postgres' for path in get_paths('postgresql'): put(local_path=path) #cmd = ("mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' %(db_name)s < %(put_remote_path)s") % env cmd = ( "psql --host=%(db_host)s --user=%(db_user)s -d %(db_name)s -f %(put_remote_path)s" ) % env #print cmd sudo(cmd) elif 'mysql' in env.db_engine: for path in get_paths('mysql'): put(local_path=path) cmd = ( "mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' %(db_name)s < %(put_remote_path)s" ) % env #print cmd sudo(cmd) else: raise NotImplementedError
def static(): """ Configures the server to use a static IP. """ fn = render_to_file('ip_interfaces_static.template') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.ip_interfaces_fn, use_sudo=True) #sudo('ifdown %(ip_interface)s' % env) #sudo('ifup %(ip_interface)s' % env) sudo(env.ip_network_restart_command % env)
def configure(): """ Installs supervisor configuration and daemon. """ render_paths() fn = common.render_to_file('supervisor_daemon.template.init') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.supervisor_daemon_path, use_sudo=True) sudo('chmod +x %(supervisor_daemon_path)s' % env) sudo('update-rc.d supervisord defaults' % env)
def configure(): """ Installs supervisor configuration and daemon. """ render_paths() fn = common.render_to_file("supervisor_daemon.template.init") put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.supervisor_daemon_path, use_sudo=True) sudo("chmod +x %(supervisor_daemon_path)s" % env) sudo("update-rc.d supervisord defaults" % env)
def install_sql(name=None, site=None): """ Installs all custom SQL. """ # _settings = get_settings(site=site, role=env.ROLE) set_db(name=name, site=site) paths = glob.glob(env.db_install_sql_path_template % env) # paths = glob.glob('%(src_dir)s/%(app_name)s/*/sql/*' % env) def cmp_paths(d0, d1): if d0[1] and d0[1] in d1[2]: return -1 if d1[1] and d1[1] in d0[2]: return +1 return cmp(d0[0], d1[0]) def get_paths(t): """ Returns SQL file paths in an execution order that respect dependencies. """ data = [] # [(path, view_name, content)] for path in paths: # print path parts = path.split(".") if len(parts) == 3 and parts[1] != t: continue content = open(path, "r").read() matches = re.findall("[\s\t]+VIEW[\s\t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)", content, flags=re.IGNORECASE) # assert matches, 'Unable to find view name: %s' % (p,) view_name = "" if matches: view_name = matches[0] data.append((path, view_name, content)) for d in sorted(data, cmp=cmp_paths): yield d[0] if "postgres" in env.db_engine: # print 'postgres' for path in get_paths("postgresql"): put(local_path=path) # cmd = ("mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' %(db_name)s < %(put_remote_path)s") % env cmd = ("psql --host=%(db_host)s --user=%(db_user)s -d %(db_name)s -f %(put_remote_path)s") % env # print cmd sudo(cmd) elif "mysql" in env.db_engine: for path in get_paths("mysql"): put(local_path=path) cmd = ("mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' %(db_name)s < %(put_remote_path)s") % env # print cmd sudo(cmd) else: raise NotImplementedError
def configure(full=1, site=ALL, delete_old=0): """ Configures Apache to host one or more websites. """ from burlap import service print 'Configuring Apache...' apache_specifics = set_apache_specifics() if int(delete_old): # Delete all existing enabled and available sites. sudo('rm -f %(apache_sites_available)s/*' % env) sudo('rm -f %(apache_sites_enabled)s/*' % env) for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, setter=set_apache_site_specifics): #print '-'*80 print site #continue print 'env.apache_ssl_domain:',env.apache_ssl_domain print 'env.apache_ssl_domain_template:',env.apache_ssl_domain_template fn = common.render_to_file('django.template.wsgi') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_django_wsgi, use_sudo=True) if env.apache_ssl: env.apache_ssl_certificates = list(iter_certificates()) fn = common.render_to_file('apache_site.template.conf') env.apache_site_conf = site+'.conf' env.apache_site_conf_fqfn = os.path.join(env.apache_sites_available, env.apache_site_conf) put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_site_conf_fqfn, use_sudo=True) sudo('a2ensite %(apache_site_conf)s' % env) #return if service.is_selected(APACHE2_MODEVASIVE): configure_modevasive() if service.is_selected(APACHE2_MODSECURITY): configure_modsecurity() for mod_enabled in env.apache_mods_enabled: env.apache_mod_enabled = mod_enabled sudo('a2enmod %(apache_mod_enabled)s' % env) if int(full): # Write master Apache configuration file. fn = common.render_to_file('apache_httpd.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_conf, use_sudo=True) # Write Apache listening ports configuration. fn = common.render_to_file('apache_ports.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_ports, use_sudo=True) #sudo('mkdir -p %(apache_app_log_dir)s' % env) #sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_app_log_dir)s' % env) # sudo('mkdir -p %(apache_log_dir)s' % env) # sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_log_dir)s' % env) sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_root)s' % env)
def install_yum(fn=None, update=0): """ Installs system packages listed in yum-requirements.txt. """ print 'Installing yum requirements...' assert env[ROLE] env.yum_fn = fn or find_template(env.yum_fn) assert os.path.isfile(env.yum_fn) update = int(update) if env.is_local: put(local_path=env.yum_fn) env.yum_fn = env.put_remote_fn if update: sudo('yum update --assumeyes') sudo('yum install --assumeyes $(cat %(yum_fn)s)' % env)
def configure(): """ Configures rules for IPTables. """ if env.iptables_enabled: fn = common.render_to_file('iptables.template.rules') put(local_path=fn) cmd = 'iptables-restore < %(put_remote_path)s; iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules' % env sudo(cmd) enable() restart() else: disable() stop()
def install_ssl(site=ALL, dryrun=0): apache_specifics = set_apache_specifics() for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, setter=set_apache_site_specifics): print site set_apache_site_specifics(site) sudo('mkdir -p %(apache_ssl_dir)s' % env) if env.apache_ssl: for cert_type, local_cert_file, remote_cert_file in iter_certificates(): print '='*80 print 'Installing certificate %s...' % (remote_cert_file,) if not int(dryrun): put( local_path=local_cert_file, remote_path=remote_cert_file, use_sudo=True) sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_ssl_dir)s' % env) sudo('chmod -R %(apache_ssl_chmod)s %(apache_ssl_dir)s' % env)
def install_fixtures(name, site=None): """ Installs a set of Django fixtures. """ set_site(site) render_remote_paths() fixtures_paths = env.db_fixture_sets.get(name, []) for fixture_path in fixtures_paths: env.db_fq_fixture_path = os.path.join(env.remote_app_src_package_dir, fixture_path) print "Loading %s..." % (env.db_fq_fixture_path,) if not env.is_local and not files.exists(env.db_fq_fixture_path): put(local_path=env.db_fq_fixture_path, remote_path="/tmp/data.json", use_sudo=True) env.db_fq_fixture_path = env.put_remote_path cmd = ( "export SITE=%(SITE)s; export ROLE=%(ROLE)s; cd %(remote_manage_dir)s; %(django_manage)s loaddata %(db_fq_fixture_path)s" % env ) print cmd run(cmd)
def install_fixtures(name, site=None): """ Installs a set of Django fixtures. """ set_site(site) render_remote_paths() fixtures_paths = env.db_fixture_sets.get(name, []) for fixture_path in fixtures_paths: env.db_fq_fixture_path = os.path.join(env.remote_app_src_package_dir, fixture_path) print 'Loading %s...' % (env.db_fq_fixture_path, ) if not env.is_local and not files.exists(env.db_fq_fixture_path): put(local_path=env.db_fq_fixture_path, remote_path='/tmp/data.json', use_sudo=True) env.db_fq_fixture_path = env.put_remote_path cmd = 'export SITE=%(SITE)s; export ROLE=%(ROLE)s; cd %(remote_manage_dir)s; %(django_manage)s loaddata %(db_fq_fixture_path)s' % env print cmd run(cmd)
def deploy(clean=0): """ Copies the tarball to the target server. Note, clean=1 will delete any dynamically generated files not included in the tarball. """ tarball_path = get_tarball_path() assert os.path.isfile(tarball_path), \ 'No tarball found. Ensure you ran create() first.' put(local_path=env.tarball_path) env.remote_app_dir = env.remote_app_dir_template % env env.remote_app_src_dir = env.remote_app_src_dir_template % env env.remote_app_src_package_dir = env.remote_app_src_package_dir_template % env if int(clean): print 'Deleting old remote source...' #sudo('[ -d %(remote_app_src_dir)s ] && rm -Rf %(remote_app_src_dir)s' % env) sudo('rm -Rf %(remote_app_src_dir)s' % env) sudo('mkdir -p %(remote_app_src_dir)s' % env) print 'Extracting tarball...' sudo('mkdir -p %(remote_app_src_dir)s' % env) sudo('tar -xvzf %(put_remote_path)s -C %(remote_app_src_dir)s' % env) for path in env.tarball_extra_dirs: env.tarball_extra_dir_path = path % env if path.startswith('/'): sudo('mkdir -p %(tarball_extra_dir_path)s' % env) else: sudo('mkdir -p %(remote_app_dir)s/%(tarball_extra_dir_path)s' % env) # Mark executables. print 'Marking source files as executable...' sudo('chmod +x %(remote_app_src_package_dir)s/*' % env) sudo('chmod -R %(apache_chmod)s %(remote_app_src_package_dir)s' % env) sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(remote_app_dir)s' % env)
def configure_modsecurity(): env.apache_mods_enabled.append('mod-security') env.apache_mods_enabled.append('headers') # Write modsecurity.conf. fn = common.render_to_file('apache_modsecurity.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path='/etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf', use_sudo=True) # Write OWASP rules. env.apache_modsecurity_download_filename = '/tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs.tar.gz' sudo('cd /tmp; wget --output-document=%(apache_modsecurity_download_filename)s %(apache_modsecurity_download_url)s' % env) env.apache_modsecurity_download_top = sudo("cd /tmp; tar tzf %(apache_modsecurity_download_filename)s | sed -e 's@/.*@@' | uniq" % env) sudo('cd /tmp; tar -zxvf %(apache_modsecurity_download_filename)s' % env) sudo('cd /tmp; cp -R %(apache_modsecurity_download_top)s/* /etc/modsecurity/' % env) sudo('mv /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.example /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf' % env) sudo('rm -f /etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/*') sudo('cd /etc/modsecurity/base_rules; for f in * ; do ln -s /etc/modsecurity/base_rules/$f /etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/$f ; done') sudo('cd /etc/modsecurity/optional_rules; for f in * ; do ln -s /etc/modsecurity/optional_rules/$f /etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/$f ; done') env.apache_httpd_conf_append.append('Include "/etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/*.conf"')
def deploy(site=None, dryrun=0): """ Writes entire crontab to the host. """ cron_crontabs = [] for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, renderer=render_paths): print 'site:', site print 'cron_crontabs_selected:', env.cron_crontabs_selected for selected_crontab in env.cron_crontabs_selected: for line in env.cron_crontabs_available.get(selected_crontab, []): cron_crontabs.append(line % env) if not cron_crontabs: return cron_crontabs = env.cron_crontab_headers + cron_crontabs cron_crontabs.append('\n') env.cron_crontabs_rendered = '\n'.join(cron_crontabs) fn = common.write_to_file(content=env.cron_crontabs_rendered) if not int(dryrun): put(local_path=fn) sudo('crontab -u %(cron_user)s %(put_remote_path)s' % env)
def deploy(site=None, dryrun=0): """ Writes entire crontab to the host. """ cron_crontabs = [] for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, renderer=render_paths): print 'site:',site print 'cron_crontabs_selected:',env.cron_crontabs_selected for selected_crontab in env.cron_crontabs_selected: for line in env.cron_crontabs_available.get(selected_crontab, []): cron_crontabs.append(line % env) if not cron_crontabs: return cron_crontabs = env.cron_crontab_headers + cron_crontabs cron_crontabs.append('\n') env.cron_crontabs_rendered = '\n'.join(cron_crontabs) fn = common.write_to_file(content=env.cron_crontabs_rendered) if not int(dryrun): put(local_path=fn) sudo('crontab -u %(cron_user)s %(put_remote_path)s' % env)
def install_ssl(site=ALL, dryrun=0): apache_specifics = set_apache_specifics() for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, setter=set_apache_site_specifics): print site set_apache_site_specifics(site) sudo('mkdir -p %(apache_ssl_dir)s' % env) if env.apache_ssl: for cert_type, local_cert_file, remote_cert_file in iter_certificates( ): print '=' * 80 print 'Installing certificate %s...' % (remote_cert_file, ) if not int(dryrun): put(local_path=local_cert_file, remote_path=remote_cert_file, use_sudo=True) sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_ssl_dir)s' % env) sudo('chmod -R %(apache_ssl_chmod)s %(apache_ssl_dir)s' % env)
def configure_modsecurity(): env.apache_mods_enabled.append('mod-security') env.apache_mods_enabled.append('headers') # Write modsecurity.conf. fn = common.render_to_file('apache_modsecurity.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path='/etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf', use_sudo=True) # Write OWASP rules. env.apache_modsecurity_download_filename = '/tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs.tar.gz' sudo( 'cd /tmp; wget --output-document=%(apache_modsecurity_download_filename)s %(apache_modsecurity_download_url)s' % env) env.apache_modsecurity_download_top = sudo( "cd /tmp; tar tzf %(apache_modsecurity_download_filename)s | sed -e 's@/.*@@' | uniq" % env) sudo('cd /tmp; tar -zxvf %(apache_modsecurity_download_filename)s' % env) sudo( 'cd /tmp; cp -R %(apache_modsecurity_download_top)s/* /etc/modsecurity/' % env) sudo( 'mv /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.example /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf' % env) sudo('rm -f /etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/*') sudo( 'cd /etc/modsecurity/base_rules; for f in * ; do ln -s /etc/modsecurity/base_rules/$f /etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/$f ; done' ) sudo( 'cd /etc/modsecurity/optional_rules; for f in * ; do ln -s /etc/modsecurity/optional_rules/$f /etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/$f ; done' ) env.apache_httpd_conf_append.append( 'Include "/etc/modsecurity/activated_rules/*.conf"')
def load(db_dump_fn, dryrun=0, force_upload=0): """ Restores a database snapshot onto the target database server. """ print "!" * 80 print "", env.SITE print "db.load.role:", env.ROLE env.db_dump_fn = db_dump_fn set_db(site=env.SITE, role=env.ROLE) dryrun = int(dryrun) # Copy snapshot file to target. missing_local_dump_error = ("Database dump file %(db_dump_fn)s does not exist.") % env if env.is_local: env.db_remote_dump_fn = db_dump_fn else: env.db_remote_dump_fn = "/tmp/" + os.path.split(env.db_dump_fn)[-1] if int(force_upload) or (not dryrun and not env.is_local and not files.exists(env.db_dump_fn)): assert os.path.isfile(env.db_dump_fn), missing_local_dump_error print "Uploading database snapshot..." put(local_path=env.db_dump_fn, remote_path=env.db_remote_dump_fn) if env.is_local: assert os.path.isfile(env.db_dump_fn), missing_local_dump_error if env.db_load_command: run(env.db_load_command % env) elif "postgres" in env.db_engine: with settings(warn_only=True): cmd = "dropdb --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s %(db_name)s" % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) cmd = 'psql --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s -c "CREATE DATABASE %(db_name)s;"' % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) with settings(warn_only=True): cmd = 'psql --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s -c "DROP OWNED BY %(db_user)s CASCADE;"' % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) cmd = ( 'psql --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s -c "DROP USER IF EXISTS %(db_user)s; ' "CREATE USER %(db_user)s WITH PASSWORD '%(db_password)s'; " 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE %(db_name)s to %(db_user)s;"' ) % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) for createlang in env.db_postgresql_createlangs: env.db_createlang = createlang cmd = "createlang -U %(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s %(db_createlang)s %(db_name)s || true" % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) cmd = ( "gunzip -c %(db_remote_dump_fn)s | pg_restore -U %(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s --create --dbname=%(db_name)s" % env ) print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) elif "mysql" in env.db_engine: # Drop the database if it's there. # cmd = ("mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' " cmd = ( "mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_root_user)s -p'%(db_root_password)s' " "--execute='DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %(db_name)s'" ) % env run(cmd) # Now, create the database. # cmd = ("mysqladmin -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' " cmd = ("mysqladmin -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_root_user)s -p'%(db_root_password)s' " "create %(db_name)s") % env run(cmd) # TODO:create user # DROP USER '<username>'@'%'; # CREATE USER '<username>'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'; # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '<username>'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; # FLUSH PRIVILEGES; # set collation to unicode? # ALTER DATABASE <database> CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; # Raise max packet limitation. run( ( "mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -D %(db_name)s -u %(db_root_user)s " '-p"%(db_root_password)s" --execute="SET global ' "net_buffer_length=%(db_mysql_net_buffer_length)s; SET global " 'max_allowed_packet=%(db_mysql_max_allowed_packet)s;"' ) % env ) # Run any server-specific commands (e.g. to setup permissions) before # we load the data. for command in env.db_mysql_preload_commands: run(command % env) # Restore the database content from the dump file. env.db_dump_fn = db_dump_fn cmd = ( "gunzip < %(db_dump_fn)s | mysql -u %(db_root_user)s " "--password=%(db_root_password)s --host=%(db_host)s " "-D %(db_name)s" ) % env run(cmd) else: raise NotImplemented
def configure(name=None, site=None, _role=None, dryrun=0): """ Configures a fresh install of the database """ assert env[ROLE] require("app_name") set_db(name=name, site=site, role=_role) # print 'site:',env[SITE] # print 'role:',env[ROLE] env.dryrun = int(dryrun) if "postgres" in env.db_engine: env.pg_ver = run('psql --version | grep -o -E "[0-9]+.[0-9]+"') print "PostgreSQL version %(pg_ver)s detected." % env print "Backing up PostgreSQL configuration files..." sudo( "cp /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf.$(date +%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M).bak" % env ) sudo( "cp /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/pg_hba.conf.$(date +%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M).bak" % env ) print "Allowing remote connections..." fn = common.render_to_file("pg_hba.template.conf") put(local_path=fn, remote_path="/etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/pg_hba.conf" % env, use_sudo=True) # Don't do this. Keep it locked down and use an SSH tunnel instead. # See common.tunnel() # sudo('sed -i "s/#listen_addresses = \'localhost\'/listen_addresses = \'*\'/g" /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf' % env) print "Enabling auto-vacuuming..." sudo('sed -i "s/#autovacuum = on/autovacuum = on/g" /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf' % env) sudo('sed -i "s/#track_counts = on/track_counts = on/g" /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf' % env) # Set UTF-8 as the default database encoding. sudo( 'psql --user=postgres --no-password --command="' "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = FALSE WHERE datname = 'template1';" "DROP DATABASE template1;" "CREATE DATABASE template1 WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UNICODE';" "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template1';" "\c template1\n" "VACUUM FREEZE;" "UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = FALSE WHERE datname = 'template1';\"" ) elif "mysql" in env.db_engine: if env.db_allow_remote_connections: # Enable remote connections. sudo("sed -i 's/' %(db_mysql_conf)s" % env) # Enable root logins from remote connections. sudo( "mysql -u %(db_root_user)s -p\"%(db_root_password)s\" --execute=\"USE mysql; GRANT ALL ON *.* to %(db_root_user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY '%(db_root_password)s'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\"" % env ) sudo("service mysql restart") else: print "No database parameters found."
def configure(name=None, site=None, _role=None, dryrun=0): """ Configures a fresh install of the database """ assert env[ROLE] require('app_name') set_db(name=name, site=site, role=_role) # print 'site:',env[SITE] # print 'role:',env[ROLE] env.dryrun = int(dryrun) if 'postgres' in env.db_engine: env.pg_ver = run('psql --version | grep -o -E "[0-9]+.[0-9]+"') print 'PostgreSQL version %(pg_ver)s detected.' % env print 'Backing up PostgreSQL configuration files...' sudo( 'cp /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf.$(date +%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M).bak' % env) sudo( 'cp /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/pg_hba.conf.$(date +%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M).bak' % env) print 'Allowing remote connections...' fn = common.render_to_file('pg_hba.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path='/etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/pg_hba.conf' % env, use_sudo=True) # Don't do this. Keep it locked down and use an SSH tunnel instead. # See common.tunnel() #sudo('sed -i "s/#listen_addresses = \'localhost\'/listen_addresses = \'*\'/g" /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf' % env) print 'Enabling auto-vacuuming...' sudo( 'sed -i "s/#autovacuum = on/autovacuum = on/g" /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf' % env) sudo( 'sed -i "s/#track_counts = on/track_counts = on/g" /etc/postgresql/%(pg_ver)s/main/postgresql.conf' % env) # Set UTF-8 as the default database encoding. sudo( 'psql --user=postgres --no-password --command="' 'UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = FALSE WHERE datname = \'template1\';' 'DROP DATABASE template1;' 'CREATE DATABASE template1 WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = \'UNICODE\';' 'UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = \'template1\';' '\c template1\n' 'VACUUM FREEZE;' 'UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = FALSE WHERE datname = \'template1\';"' ) elif 'mysql' in env.db_engine: if env.db_allow_remote_connections: # Enable remote connections. sudo("sed -i 's/' %(db_mysql_conf)s" % env) # Enable root logins from remote connections. sudo( 'mysql -u %(db_root_user)s -p"%(db_root_password)s" --execute="USE mysql; GRANT ALL ON *.* to %(db_root_user)s@\'%%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'%(db_root_password)s\'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"' % env) sudo('service mysql restart') else: print 'No database parameters found.'
def load(db_dump_fn, dryrun=0, force_upload=0): """ Restores a database snapshot onto the target database server. """ print '!' * 80 print '', env.SITE print 'db.load.role:', env.ROLE env.db_dump_fn = db_dump_fn set_db(site=env.SITE, role=env.ROLE) dryrun = int(dryrun) # Copy snapshot file to target. missing_local_dump_error = ( "Database dump file %(db_dump_fn)s does not exist.") % env if env.is_local: env.db_remote_dump_fn = db_dump_fn else: env.db_remote_dump_fn = '/tmp/' + os.path.split(env.db_dump_fn)[-1] if int(force_upload) or (not dryrun and not env.is_local and not files.exists(env.db_dump_fn)): assert os.path.isfile(env.db_dump_fn), \ missing_local_dump_error print 'Uploading database snapshot...' put(local_path=env.db_dump_fn, remote_path=env.db_remote_dump_fn) if env.is_local: assert os.path.isfile(env.db_dump_fn), \ missing_local_dump_error if env.db_load_command: run(env.db_load_command % env) elif 'postgres' in env.db_engine: with settings(warn_only=True): cmd = 'dropdb --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s %(db_name)s' % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) cmd = 'psql --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s -c "CREATE DATABASE %(db_name)s;"' % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) with settings(warn_only=True): cmd = 'psql --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s -c "DROP OWNED BY %(db_user)s CASCADE;"' % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) cmd = ( 'psql --user=%(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s -c "DROP USER IF EXISTS %(db_user)s; ' 'CREATE USER %(db_user)s WITH PASSWORD \'%(db_password)s\'; ' 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE %(db_name)s to %(db_user)s;"' ) % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) for createlang in env.db_postgresql_createlangs: env.db_createlang = createlang cmd = 'createlang -U %(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s %(db_createlang)s %(db_name)s || true' % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) cmd = 'gunzip -c %(db_remote_dump_fn)s | pg_restore -U %(db_postgresql_postgres_user)s --create --dbname=%(db_name)s' % env print cmd if not dryrun: run(cmd) elif 'mysql' in env.db_engine: # Drop the database if it's there. #cmd = ("mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' " cmd = ( "mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_root_user)s -p'%(db_root_password)s' " "--execute='DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %(db_name)s'") % env run(cmd) # Now, create the database. #cmd = ("mysqladmin -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_user)s -p'%(db_password)s' " cmd = ( "mysqladmin -h %(db_host)s -u %(db_root_user)s -p'%(db_root_password)s' " "create %(db_name)s") % env run(cmd) #TODO:create user # DROP USER '<username>'@'%'; # CREATE USER '<username>'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'; # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '<username>'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; # FLUSH PRIVILEGES; #set collation to unicode? #ALTER DATABASE <database> CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; # Raise max packet limitation. run(('mysql -v -h %(db_host)s -D %(db_name)s -u %(db_root_user)s ' '-p"%(db_root_password)s" --execute="SET global ' 'net_buffer_length=%(db_mysql_net_buffer_length)s; SET global ' 'max_allowed_packet=%(db_mysql_max_allowed_packet)s;"') % env) # Run any server-specific commands (e.g. to setup permissions) before # we load the data. for command in env.db_mysql_preload_commands: run(command % env) # Restore the database content from the dump file. env.db_dump_fn = db_dump_fn cmd = ('gunzip < %(db_dump_fn)s | mysql -u %(db_root_user)s ' '--password=%(db_root_password)s --host=%(db_host)s ' '-D %(db_name)s') % env run(cmd) else: raise NotImplemented
def configure(full=1, site=ALL, delete_old=0): """ Configures Apache to host one or more websites. """ from burlap import service print 'Configuring Apache...' apache_specifics = set_apache_specifics() if int(delete_old): # Delete all existing enabled and available sites. sudo('rm -f %(apache_sites_available)s/*' % env) sudo('rm -f %(apache_sites_enabled)s/*' % env) for site, site_data in common.iter_sites(site=site, setter=set_apache_site_specifics): #print '-'*80 print site #continue print 'env.apache_ssl_domain:', env.apache_ssl_domain print 'env.apache_ssl_domain_template:', env.apache_ssl_domain_template fn = common.render_to_file('django.template.wsgi') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_django_wsgi, use_sudo=True) if env.apache_ssl: env.apache_ssl_certificates = list(iter_certificates()) fn = common.render_to_file('apache_site.template.conf') env.apache_site_conf = site + '.conf' env.apache_site_conf_fqfn = os.path.join(env.apache_sites_available, env.apache_site_conf) put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_site_conf_fqfn, use_sudo=True) sudo('a2ensite %(apache_site_conf)s' % env) #return if service.is_selected(APACHE2_MODEVASIVE): configure_modevasive() if service.is_selected(APACHE2_MODSECURITY): configure_modsecurity() for mod_enabled in env.apache_mods_enabled: env.apache_mod_enabled = mod_enabled sudo('a2enmod %(apache_mod_enabled)s' % env) if int(full): # Write master Apache configuration file. fn = common.render_to_file('apache_httpd.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_conf, use_sudo=True) # Write Apache listening ports configuration. fn = common.render_to_file('apache_ports.template.conf') put(local_path=fn, remote_path=env.apache_ports, use_sudo=True) #sudo('mkdir -p %(apache_app_log_dir)s' % env) #sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_app_log_dir)s' % env) # sudo('mkdir -p %(apache_log_dir)s' % env) # sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_log_dir)s' % env) sudo('chown -R %(apache_user)s:%(apache_group)s %(apache_root)s' % env)