Exemplo n.º 1
class NaoQiModule(object):

    VERBOSE = True # mainly here so I can shut it down when using twisted

    def __init__(self, con, modname):
        self._con = con
        self._modname = modname
        # async? nah, don't bother right now. (everything here
        # should be twisted.. ok, it can be asynced some other way)
        self.initDeferred = Deferred() # hook for inheriting classes, will be called when init is done
        self.post = ModulePosts()
        self.methods = MethodHolder()

    def onMethodsAvailable(self, methods):
        self.method_names = methods
        for meth in self.method_names:
            methobj = NaoQiMethod(self, meth)
            setattr(self, meth, methobj)
            setattr(self.methods, meth, methobj)
            setattr(self.post, meth, methobj.post)
        # this actually uses one of the methods above!
        self._has_docs = False
        self.__doc__ = """ Call con.%s.makeHelp() to generate help for this module and it's methods """ % self._modname

    def makeHelp(self):
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "going to get help..",
        for meth in self.methods.__dict__.values():
            if hasattr(meth, 'makeHelp'):
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "done"
        self._has_docs = True

    def _getDoc(self):
        """ self annihilating method """

    def _onGetDocReturn(self, result):
        self.__doc__ = result[0]

    def getName(self):
        return self._modname

    def getMethods(self):
        """ returns the method names in unicode for the given module
        return self._con._sendRequest(callNaoQiObject(self._modname,

    def _getMethods_onResponse(self, soapbody):
        return [e.firstChild.wholeText for e in soapbody.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes]

    def justModuleHelp(self):
        return self._con._sendRequest(callNaoQiObject(self._mod._modname, 'moduleHelp'))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, varlist):
     """ construct a SharedMemoryReader, given a variable list (names
     from ALMemory). Since this is done in async style, there is a deferred
     for completion of the init called self.openDeferred which
     can be used, i.e. self.openDeferred.addCallback(on_shm_inited)
     if not self.isMMapAvailable():
         raise Exception("Don't initialize me if there is no MMAP!")
     self._shm_proxy = shm_proxy = burst.getBurstMemProxy(deferred=True)
     self._var_names = varlist
     self._fd = None
     self._buf = None
     self._unpack = 'f' * len(self._var_names)
     self._unpack_start = start_offset
     self._unpack_end = start_offset + struct.calcsize(self._unpack)
     self._sonar_unpack = 'f'*US_ELEMENTS_NUM
     self._sonar_start = 0
     self._sonar_end = struct.calcsize(self._sonar_unpack) + self._sonar_start
     self.vars = dict((k, 0.0) for k in self._var_names)
     # TODO - ugly (next year)
     self.vars[US_DISTANCES_VARNAME] = [0.0] * US_ELEMENTS_NUM
     print "SharedMemory: asked burstmem to map %s variables" % len(self._var_names)
     # set all the names of the variables we want mapped - we don't block
     # or anything since we expect the first few frames to be eventless,
     # but this is definitely a TODO
     self.openDeferred = Deferred()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, url="http://localhost:9559/", verbose = True, options=None):
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.options = options # the parsed command line options, convenient place to store them
        self._url = url
        self._message_maker = MessageMaker(url)
        self._is_webots = self._message_maker._port == 9560
        self.s = None # socket to connect to broker. reusing - will it work?
        self._myip = getip()
        self._myport = 12345 # bogus - we are acting as a broker - this needs to be a seperate class
        self._error_accessing_host = False

        self.modulesDeferred = Deferred()
        self._modules_to_wait_for_init_of = None

        if self.options.twisted:
            # if we have twisted, use that implementation
                import twisted.internet.reactor
                print "twisted found, using self._twistedSendRequest"
                self._sendRequest = self._twistedSendRequest
                from .pynaoqi_twisted import SoapConnectionManager
                self.connection_manager = SoapConnectionManager(self)
                NaoQiModule.VERBOSE = False

Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, con, modname):
     self._con = con
     self._modname = modname
     # async? nah, don't bother right now. (everything here
     # should be twisted.. ok, it can be asynced some other way)
     self.initDeferred = Deferred() # hook for inheriting classes, will be called when init is done
     self.post = ModulePosts()
     self.methods = MethodHolder()
Exemplo n.º 5
class SharedMemoryReader(object):
    """ read from memory mapped file and not from ALMemory proxy, which
    is painfully slow (but only if the file is there - for example, we
    don't want to break running controllers not on the robot)

    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, varlist):
        """ construct a SharedMemoryReader, given a variable list (names
        from ALMemory). Since this is done in async style, there is a deferred
        for completion of the init called self.openDeferred which
        can be used, i.e. self.openDeferred.addCallback(on_shm_inited)
        if not self.isMMapAvailable():
            raise Exception("Don't initialize me if there is no MMAP!")
        self._shm_proxy = shm_proxy = burst.getBurstMemProxy(deferred=True)
        self._var_names = varlist
        self._fd = None
        self._buf = None
        self._unpack = 'f' * len(self._var_names)
        self._unpack_start = start_offset
        self._unpack_end = start_offset + struct.calcsize(self._unpack)
        self._sonar_unpack = 'f'*US_ELEMENTS_NUM
        self._sonar_start = 0
        self._sonar_end = struct.calcsize(self._sonar_unpack) + self._sonar_start
        self.vars = dict((k, 0.0) for k in self._var_names)
        # TODO - ugly (next year)
        self.vars[US_DISTANCES_VARNAME] = [0.0] * US_ELEMENTS_NUM
        print "SharedMemory: asked burstmem to map %s variables" % len(self._var_names)
        # set all the names of the variables we want mapped - we don't block
        # or anything since we expect the first few frames to be eventless,
        # but this is definitely a TODO
        self.openDeferred = Deferred()

    def _complete_init(self, _):
        # TODO - this is slow but only done on init
        map_d = chainDeferreds([lambda result, i=i, varname=varname: self._shm_proxy.addMappedVariable(i, varname)
            for i, varname in enumerate(self._var_names)])
        map_d.addCallback(lambda _: self._shm_proxy.getNumberOfVariables().addCallback(
        map_d.addCallback(lambda _:

    def _reportNumberOfVariablesInBurstmem(self, num):
        print "SharedMemory: burstmem says it has %s variables" % num

    def _completeOpen(self, mmap_running):
        """ callback for shm_proxy.isMemoryMapRunning called by open """
        print "SharedMemory: _completeOpen: memory mapped = %s (if True then previous session didn't close it)" % mmap_running
        def assertMMAPRunning(is_running):
            lambda _: self._shm_proxy.isMemoryMapRunning().addCallback(assertMMAPRunning)).addErrback(log.err)
        if self._fd is not None: return
        data = open(MMAP_FILENAME, 'r')
        self._fd = fd = data.fileno()
        self._buf = mmap.mmap(fd, MMAP_LENGTH, mmap.MAP_SHARED | mmap.ACCESS_READ, mmap.PROT_READ)
        print "world: shared memory opened successfully"

    def close(self):
        if self._fd is None: return
        # no mmap.munmap??
        self._fd = None
        self._buf = None

    def update(self):
        # TODO - this is slow
        # TODO - instead of updating the dict I could just update the
        # values and only make the dict if someone explicitly wants it,
        # and give values using cached indices created in constructor.
        if not self._buf: return
        values = struct.unpack(self._unpack, self._buf[self._unpack_start:self._unpack_end])
        # TODO - would a single dict.update be faster?
        for k, v in zip(self._var_names, values):
            self.vars[k] = v
        # update sonar variables differently - they are stored at the beginning
        # of the shared memory region
        self.vars[US_DISTANCES_VARNAME] = struct.unpack(self._sonar_unpack,
        if self.verbose:
            print self.vars

    def isMMapAvailable(cls):
        return (os.path.exists(MMAP_FILENAME))

    def tryToInitMMap(cls):
        """ This is just the mmap setup file hidden in a class variable here.
        It is perfectly safe to run on a regular computer since it won't
        do anything if it finds it isn't on a nao, and only creates a file
        if there is none there right now.
        if not os.path.exists(MMAP_FILENAME):
            fd = open(MMAP_FILENAME, "w+")
            assert(os.stat(MMAP_FILENAME)[stat.ST_SIZE] == MMAP_LENGTH)
Exemplo n.º 6
class BaseNaoQiConnection(object):

    def __init__(self, url="http://localhost:9559/", verbose = True, options=None):
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.options = options # the parsed command line options, convenient place to store them
        self._url = url
        self._message_maker = MessageMaker(url)
        self._is_webots = self._message_maker._port == 9560
        self.s = None # socket to connect to broker. reusing - will it work?
        self._myip = getip()
        self._myport = 12345 # bogus - we are acting as a broker - this needs to be a seperate class
        self._error_accessing_host = False

        self.modulesDeferred = Deferred()
        self._modules_to_wait_for_init_of = None

        if self.options.twisted:
            # if we have twisted, use that implementation
                import twisted.internet.reactor
                print "twisted found, using self._twistedSendRequest"
                self._sendRequest = self._twistedSendRequest
                from .pynaoqi_twisted import SoapConnectionManager
                self.connection_manager = SoapConnectionManager(self)
                NaoQiModule.VERBOSE = False


    def getHost(self):
        return self._message_maker._host
    host = property(getHost)

    def _initModules(self):
        """ internal method. Initializes the list of modules and their list of methods """
        self._modules = []
        modules = []
            modules = self.getModules()
        except urllib2.URLError:
            if not self._error_accessing_host:
                print "!!! connection refused, will retry 1 second after reactor.start"
                self._error_accessing_host = True
            import twisted.internet.reactor as reactor
            reactor.callLater(1.0, self._initModules)
        for i, modname in enumerate(modules):
            if self.verbose:
                print "(%s) %s.." % (i + 1, modname),
            mod = self.getModule(modname)
        if len(modules) > 0 and self.verbose:
        self.modules = ModulesHolder()
        for m in self._modules:
            self.__dict__[m.getName()] = m
            self.modules.__dict__[m.getName()] = m
        if len(self._modules) > 0:
            # assume this is the fixed number of modules.
            # this doesn't hold if we start in the middle of
            # a loading naoqi - live with it.
            self._modules_to_wait_for_init_of = len(self._modules)
            for m in self._modules:
                m.initDeferred.addErrback(lambda failure, m=m: self._moduleInitDoneFailure(failure, m))

    def _moduleInitDoneFailure(self, failure, module):
        print "%s init failed" % module.getName()

    def _moduleInitDone(self, _):
        self._modules_to_wait_for_init_of -= 1
        if self._modules_to_wait_for_init_of <= 0:

    def contentLengthFromHeaders(self, headers):
        return int(re.search('Content-Length: ([0-9]+)', headers).groups()[0])

    def closeSocketFromHeaders(self, headers):
        return  re.search('Connection: (.*)', headers).groups()[0].strip() == 'close'

    def _sendRequest(self, o):
        """ sends a request, returns a Deferred, which you can do addCallback on.
        If this is in fact synchronous, your callback will be called immediately,
        otherwise it will be called upon availability of data from socket.
        if self.s is None:
            self.s = socket.socket()
            self.s.connect((self._message_maker._host, self._message_maker._port))
        s = self.s
        tosend = self._message_maker.make(o, keepalive=True)
        if DEBUG:
            print "***     Sending:     ***\n%s" % tosend
        # get headers, read size, read the rest
        h = []
        c = None
        if DEBUG:
            print "receiving:"
        while c != '<':
            c = s.recv(1)
            if DEBUG:
        if DEBUG:
        headers = ''.join(h[:-1])
        content_length = self.contentLengthFromHeaders(headers)
        # Connection: close
        close_socket = self.closeSocketFromHeaders(headers)
        if close_socket and DEBUG_CLOSE:
            print "Will close socket"
        if DEBUG:
            print "expecting %s" % content_length
        # this loop is required for getting large stuff, like
        # getRemoteImage (1200000~ bytes for 640x480 RGB)
        rest = []
        left = content_length - 1
        while left > 0:
            left -= len(rest[-1])
        if DEBUG:
            print "memory = %s" % memory.memory()
        body = h[-1] + ''.join(rest)
        if DEBUG:
            print "***     Got:          ***\n%s" % compresstoprint(
                                                headers + body, 1000, 1000)
            print "*************************"
        if close_socket:
            self.s = None
        xml = minidom.parseString(body)
        soapbody = xml.documentElement.firstChild
        return succeed(soapbody)

    def _twistedSendRequest(self, o):
        """ send a request for object o, return deferred to be called with
            result as soapbody instance
        tosend = self._message_maker.make(o, keepalive=True)
        return self.connection_manager.sendPacket(tosend)

    # Reflection api - getMethods, getModules

    def getModules(self):
        """ get the modules list by parsing the http page for the broker -
        probably there is another way, but who cares?! 8)

         * Supports naoqi 1.6.0 sdk - still using soap, but format changed. Page
         now includes a little more data. Instead of the nextSibling strategy
         using [-1] which should be a little more future proof as long as
         modules is the last entry.
        x = minidom.parse(urllib2.urlopen(self._url))
        modulesroot = broker.getElementsByTagName('modules')[0]
        modules = modulesroot.getElementsByTagName('module')
        module_names = [m.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue for m in modules]
        return module_names

    def getModule(self, modname):
        if modname == 'ALMotion':
            # specializations
            return ALMotionExtended(self)
        return NaoQiModule(self, modname)

    def makeHelp(self):
        for m in self._modules:

    # Helpers

    def call(self, modname, meth, *args):
        """ debugging helper call method. In general better to use
        return self._sendRequest(callNaoQiObject(modname, meth, *args))