Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_user_skip_dao_constructor(self, mock_user_dao_class):
        mock_class = mock_user_dao_class.return_value
        # no need to create a Person, just use Mock's sentinel
        sentinel.person.last_name = 'Lincoln'
        mock_class.query_user.return_value = sentinel.person
        bus_obj = BusinessObject('mock_demo')

        user_id = 123
        actual_result = bus_obj.get_user(user_id)

        self.assertEquals(sentinel.person, actual_result)
    def test_get_user(self, mock_query_user_method):
        expected_result = Person('Isaac', None, 'Newton')
        # set the return value for the mock method
        mock_query_user_method.return_value = expected_result

        bus_obj = BusinessObject('mock_demo')

        user_id = 123
        actual_result = bus_obj.get_user(user_id)

        self.assertEquals(expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_get_user_dao_error(self):
        mock_dao = Mock(spec=UserDao)
        # Configure the mock query_user method to raise a DB error
        mock_dao.query_user = Mock(side_effect=sqlite3.Error('SQL error'))

        bus_obj = BusinessObject('mock_demo')
        bus_obj.user_dao = mock_dao

        user_id = 123
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(BusinessError, 'SQL error'):

Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_user_not_found(self):
        mock_dao = Mock(spec=UserDao)
        mock_dao.query_user = Mock()
        mock_dao.query_user.return_value = None

        bus_obj = BusinessObject('mock_demo')
        bus_obj.user_dao = mock_dao

        user_id = 123
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'[Vv]alid.*[Ii][Dd]'):

    def test_get_user_skip_dao_constructor(self, mock_user_dao_class):
        mock_dao = mock_user_dao_class.return_value
        expected_result = Person('Isaac', None, 'Newton')
        mock_dao.query_user.return_value = expected_result

        # BusinessObject constructor's call to UserDao() now creates a mock
        bus_obj = BusinessObject('mock_demo')
        # no need to set BusinessObject's user_dao

        user_id = 123
        actual_result = bus_obj.get_user(user_id)

        self.assertEquals(expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_get_user(self, mock_query_user_method):
        # no need to create a Person, just use Mock's sentinel
        # as a generic object

        # BusinessObject.get_user references Person.last_name, so add a
        # person attribute, which has a last_name attribute, to the sentinel
        sentinel.person.last_name = 'Jackson'
        # Tell the mock query_user method to return the sentinel
        mock_query_user_method.return_value = sentinel.person

        bus_obj = BusinessObject('mock_demo')

        user_id = 123
        actual_result = bus_obj.get_user(user_id)

        self.assertEquals(sentinel.person, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_get_user(self):
        expected_result = Person('Isaac', None, 'Newton')

        # create a mock for the DAO itself
        mock_dao = Mock(spec=UserDao)
        # create a mock for the DAO's query_user method and
        # set the return value of the mock method
        mock_dao.query_user.return_value = expected_result

        bus_obj = BusinessObject('mock_demo')
        # replace the real DAO with the mock DAO
        bus_obj.user_dao = mock_dao

        user_id = 123
        # when the business method is called, it will use the mock DAO
        # instead of the real DAO
        actual_result = bus_obj.get_user(user_id)

        # verify that the mock method was called correctly
        # verify that the actual result equals the expected result
        self.assertEquals(expected_result, actual_result)
monkey_patch_business_object.py - Example of monkey patching, from Chapter 3
import types

from business_object import BusinessObject, UserDao

from person import Person

# Here's our monkey patch
def patch_get_user(obj, user_id):
    print("patch_get_user({}, {})".format(obj, user_id))
    return Person('Curious', '', 'George')

bus_obj = BusinessObject('Business As Usual')

person = bus_obj.get_user(123)
print('\nBefore monkey patch, person = {}'.format(person))

# Save a reference to the old method
old_get_user = BusinessObject.get_user
# Replace the class's get_user method with our monkey patch.
# Now all instances of BusinessObject have the new method.
BusinessObject.get_user = patch_get_user

person = bus_obj.get_user(123)
print('After monkey patch, person = {}'.format(person))

# Restore the old method definition
BusinessObject.get_user = old_get_user