Exemplo n.º 1
def internal_singlepart_to_multipart(
    vector: Union[str, ogr.DataSource],
    out_path: Optional[str] = None,
    overwrite: bool = True,
    add_index: bool = True,
    process_layer: int = -1,
) -> str:
    type_check(vector, [str, ogr.DataSource], "vector")
    type_check(out_path, [str], "out_path", allow_none=True)
    type_check(overwrite, [bool], "overwrite")
    type_check(add_index, [bool], "add_index")
    type_check(process_layer, [int], "process_layer")

    vector_list, path_list = ready_io_vector(vector, out_path, overwrite=overwrite)
    ref = open_vector(vector_list[0])
    out_name = path_list[0]

    out_format = path_to_driver_vector(out_name)
    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(out_format)
    overwrite_required(out_name, overwrite)

    metadata = internal_vector_to_metadata(ref)

    remove_if_overwrite(out_name, overwrite)

    destination: ogr.DataSource = driver.CreateDataSource(out_name)

    for index, layer_meta in enumerate(metadata["layers"]):
        if process_layer != -1 and index != process_layer:

        name = layer_meta["layer_name"]
        geom = layer_meta["column_geom"]

        sql = f"SELECT ST_Collect({geom}) AS geom FROM {name};"

        result = ref.ExecuteSQL(sql, dialect="SQLITE")
        destination.CopyLayer(result, name, ["OVERWRITE=YES"])

    if add_index:


    return out_name
Exemplo n.º 2
def internal_vector_to_disk(
    vector: Union[str, ogr.DataSource],
    out_path: str,
    overwrite: bool = True,
) -> str:
    """OBS: Internal. Single output.

    Copies a vector source to disk.
    type_check(vector, [str, ogr.DataSource], "vector")
    type_check(out_path, [str], "out_path")
    type_check(overwrite, [bool], "overwrite")

    overwrite_required(out_path, overwrite)

    datasource = open_vector(vector)
    metadata = internal_vector_to_metadata(vector)

    if not os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(out_path)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Output folder does not exist. Please create first. {out_path}")

    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(path_to_driver_vector(out_path))

    if driver is None:
        raise Exception(f"Error while parsing driver for: {vector}")

    remove_if_overwrite(out_path, overwrite)

    copy = driver.CreateDataSource(out_path)

    for layer_idx in range(metadata["layer_count"]):
        layer_name = metadata["layers"][layer_idx]["layer_name"]
        copy.CopyLayer(datasource.GetLayer(layer_idx), str(layer_name),

    # Flush to disk
    copy = None

    return out_path
Exemplo n.º 3
def ready_io_vector(
    vector: Union[List[Union[str, ogr.DataSource]], str, ogr.DataSource],
    out_path: Optional[Union[List[str], str]],
    overwrite: bool = True,
    add_uuid: bool = False,
    prefix: str = "",
    postfix: str = "",
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    type_check(vector, [list, str, ogr.DataSource], "vector")
    type_check(out_path, [list, str], "out_path", allow_none=True)
    type_check(overwrite, [bool], "overwrite")
    type_check(prefix, [str], "prefix")
    type_check(postfix, [str], "postfix")

    vector_list = to_vector_list(vector)

    if isinstance(out_path, list):
        if len(vector_list) != len(out_path):
            raise ValueError(
                "The length of vector_list must equal the length of the out_path"

    # Check if folder exists and is required.
    if len(vector_list) > 1 and isinstance(out_path, str):
        if not os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(out_path)):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Output folder does not exist. Please create first. {out_path}"

    # Generate output names
    path_list: List[str] = []
    for index, in_vector in enumerate(vector_list):
        metadata = internal_vector_to_metadata(in_vector)

        name = metadata["name"]

        if add_uuid:
            uuid = uuid4().int
            uuid = ""

        if out_path is None:
            path = f"/vsimem/{prefix}{name}{uuid}{postfix}.gpkg"
        elif isinstance(out_path, str):
            if folder_exists(out_path):
                path = os.path.join(out_path,
                path = out_path
        elif isinstance(out_path, list):
            if out_path[index] is None:
                path = f"/vsimem/{prefix}{name}{uuid}{postfix}.tif"
            elif isinstance(out_path[index], str):
                path = out_path[index]
                raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse out_path: {out_path}")
            raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse out_path: {out_path}")

        overwrite_required(path, overwrite)

    return (vector_list, path_list)
Exemplo n.º 4
def extract_patches(
    raster: Union[List[Union[str, gdal.Dataset]], str, gdal.Dataset],
    out_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    prefix: str = "",
    postfix: str = "_patches",
    size: int = 32,
    offsets: Union[list, None] = [],
    generate_border_patches: bool = True,
    generate_zero_offset: bool = True,
    generate_grid_geom: bool = True,
    clip_geom: Optional[Union[str, ogr.DataSource, gdal.Dataset]] = None,
    clip_layer_index: int = 0,
    epsilon: float = 1e-9,
    verbose: int = 1,
) -> tuple:
    """Extracts square tiles from a raster.
        raster (list of rasters | path | raster): The raster(s) to convert.

        out_dir (path | none): Folder to save output. If None, in-memory
        arrays and geometries are outputted.

        prefix (str): A prefix for all outputs.

        postfix (str): A postfix for all outputs.

        size (int): The size of the tiles in pixels.

        offsets (list of tuples): List of offsets to extract. Example:
        offsets=[(16, 16), (16, 0), (0, 16)]. Will offset the initial raster
        and extract from there.

        generate_border_patches (bool): The tiles often do not align with the
        rasters which means borders are trimmed somewhat. If generate_border_patches
        is True, an additional tile is added where needed.

        generate_zero_offset (bool): if True, an offset is inserted at (0, 0)
        if none is present.

        generate_grid_geom (bool): Output a geopackage with the grid of tiles.

        clip_geom (str, raster, vector): Clip the output to the
        intersections with a geometry. Useful if a lot of the target
        area is water or similar.

        epsilon (float): How much for buffer the arange array function. This
        should usually just be left alone.

        verbose (int): If 1 will output messages on progress.

        A tuple with paths to the generated items. (numpy_array, grid_geom)
    type_check(raster, [str, list, gdal.Dataset], "raster")
    type_check(out_dir, [str], "out_dir", allow_none=True)
    type_check(prefix, [str], "prefix")
    type_check(postfix, [str], "postfix")
    type_check(size, [int], "size")
    type_check(offsets, [list], "offsets", allow_none=True)
    type_check(generate_grid_geom, [bool], "generate_grid_geom")
        [str, ogr.DataSource, gdal.Dataset],
    type_check(clip_layer_index, [int], "clip_layer_index")
    type_check(overwrite, [bool], "overwrite")
    type_check(epsilon, [float], "epsilon")
    type_check(verbose, [int], "verbose")

    in_rasters = to_raster_list(raster)

    if out_dir is not None and not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
        raise ValueError(f"Output directory does not exists: {out_dir}")

    if not rasters_are_aligned(in_rasters):
        raise ValueError(
            "Input rasters must be aligned. Please use the align function.")

    output_geom = None

    metadata = internal_raster_to_metadata(in_rasters[0])

    if verbose == 1:
        print("Generating blocks..")

    # internal offset array. Avoid manipulating the og array.
    if offsets is None:
        offsets = []

    in_offsets = []
    if generate_zero_offset and (0, 0) not in offsets:
        in_offsets.append((0, 0))

    for offset in offsets:
        if offset != (0, 0):
            if not isinstance(offset, (list, tuple)) or len(offset) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"offset must be a list or tuple of two integers. Recieved: {offset}"
            in_offsets.append((offset[0], offset[1]))

    border_patches_needed_x = True
    border_patches_needed_y = True

    if clip_geom is not None:
        border_patches_needed_x = False
        border_patches_needed_y = False

    shapes = []
    for offset in in_offsets:
        block_shape = shape_to_blockshape(metadata["shape"], (size, size),

        if block_shape[0] * size == metadata["width"]:
            border_patches_needed_x = False

        if block_shape[1] * size == metadata["height"]:
            border_patches_needed_y = False


    if generate_border_patches:
        cut_x = (metadata["width"] - in_offsets[0][0]) - (shapes[0][0] * size)
        cut_y = (metadata["height"] - in_offsets[0][1]) - (shapes[0][1] * size)

        if border_patches_needed_x and cut_x > 0:
            shapes[0][0] += 1

        if border_patches_needed_y and cut_y > 0:
            shapes[0][1] += 1

    # calculate the offsets
    all_rows = 0
    offset_rows = []
    for i in range(len(shapes)):
        row = 0

        for j in range(len(shapes[i])):
            if j == 0:
                row = int(shapes[i][j])
                row *= int(shapes[i][j])

        all_rows += row

    offset_rows_cumsum = np.cumsum(offset_rows)

    if generate_grid_geom is True or clip_geom is not None:

        if verbose == 1:
            print("Calculating grid cells..")

        mask = np.arange(all_rows, dtype="uint64")

        ulx, uly, _lrx, _lry = metadata["extent"]

        pixel_width = abs(metadata["pixel_width"])
        pixel_height = abs(metadata["pixel_height"])

        xres = pixel_width * size
        yres = pixel_height * size

        dx = xres / 2
        dy = yres / 2

        # Ready clip geom outside of loop.
        if clip_geom is not None:
            clip_ref = open_vector(
            clip_layer = clip_ref.GetLayerByIndex(clip_layer_index)

            meta_clip = internal_vector_to_metadata(clip_ref)
            # geom_clip = meta_clip["layers"][clip_layer_index]["column_geom"]

            clip_extent = meta_clip["extent_ogr"]
            # clip_adjust = [
            #     clip_extent[0] - clip_extent[0] % xres,  # x_min
            #     (clip_extent[1] - clip_extent[1] % xres) + xres,  # x_max
            #     clip_extent[2] - clip_extent[2] % yres,  # y_min
            #     (clip_extent[3] - clip_extent[3] % yres) + yres,  # y_max
            # ]

        coord_grid = np.empty((all_rows, 2), dtype="float64")

        # tiled_extent = [None, None, None, None]

        row_count = 0
        for idx in range(len(in_offsets)):
            x_offset = in_offsets[idx][0]
            y_offset = in_offsets[idx][1]

            x_step = shapes[idx][0]
            y_step = shapes[idx][1]

            x_min = (ulx + dx) + (x_offset * pixel_width)
            x_max = x_min + (x_step * xres)

            y_max = (uly - dy) - (y_offset * pixel_height)
            y_min = y_max - (y_step * yres)

            # if clip_geom is not None:
            #     if clip_adjust[0] > x_min:
            #         x_min = clip_adjust[0] + (x_offset * pixel_width)
            #     if clip_adjust[1] < x_max:
            #         x_max = clip_adjust[1] + (x_offset * pixel_width)
            #     if clip_adjust[2] > y_min:
            #         y_min = clip_adjust[2] - (y_offset * pixel_height)
            #     if clip_adjust[3] < y_max:
            #         y_max = clip_adjust[3] - (y_offset * pixel_height)

            # if idx == 0:
            #     tiled_extent[0] = x_min
            #     tiled_extent[1] = x_max
            #     tiled_extent[2] = y_min
            #     tiled_extent[3] = y_max
            # else:
            #     if x_min < tiled_extent[0]:
            #         tiled_extent[0] = x_min
            #     if x_max > tiled_extent[1]:
            #         tiled_extent[1] = x_max
            #     if y_min < tiled_extent[2]:
            #         tiled_extent[2] = y_min
            #     if y_max > tiled_extent[3]:
            #         tiled_extent[3] = y_max

            # y is flipped so: xmin --> xmax, ymax -- ymin to keep same order as numpy array
            x_patches = round((x_max - x_min) / xres)
            y_patches = round((y_max - y_min) / yres)

            xr = np.arange(x_min, x_max, xres)[0:x_step]
            if xr.shape[0] < x_patches:
                xr = np.arange(x_min, x_max + epsilon, xres)[0:x_step]
            elif xr.shape[0] > x_patches:
                xr = np.arange(x_min, x_max - epsilon, xres)[0:x_step]

            yr = np.arange(y_max, y_min + epsilon, -yres)[0:y_step]
            if yr.shape[0] < y_patches:
                yr = np.arange(y_max, y_min - epsilon, -yres)[0:y_step]
            elif yr.shape[0] > y_patches:
                yr = np.arange(y_max, y_min + epsilon, -yres)[0:y_step]

            if generate_border_patches and idx == 0:

                if border_patches_needed_x:
                    xr[-1] = xr[-1] - (
                        (xr[-1] + dx) - metadata["extent_dict"]["right"])

                if border_patches_needed_y:
                    yr[-1] = yr[-1] - (
                        (yr[-1] - dy) - metadata["extent_dict"]["bottom"])

            oxx, oyy = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)
            oxr = oxx.ravel()
            oyr = oyy.ravel()

            offset_length = oxr.shape[0]

            coord_grid[row_count:row_count + offset_length, 0] = oxr
            coord_grid[row_count:row_count + offset_length, 1] = oyr

            row_count += offset_length

            offset_rows_cumsum[idx] = offset_length

        offset_rows_cumsum = np.cumsum(offset_rows_cumsum)
        coord_grid = coord_grid[:row_count]

        # Output geometry
        driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("GPKG")
        patches_path = f"/vsimem/patches_{uuid4().int}.gpkg"
        patches_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(patches_path)
        patches_layer = patches_ds.CreateLayer("patches_all",
        patches_fdefn = patches_layer.GetLayerDefn()

        og_fid = "og_fid"

        field_defn = ogr.FieldDefn(og_fid, ogr.OFTInteger)

        if clip_geom is not None:
            clip_feature_count = meta_clip["layers"][clip_layer_index][
            spatial_index = rtree.index.Index(interleaved=False)
            for _ in range(clip_feature_count):
                clip_feature = clip_layer.GetNextFeature()
                clip_fid = clip_feature.GetFID()
                clip_feature_geom = clip_feature.GetGeometryRef()
                xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = clip_feature_geom.GetEnvelope()

                spatial_index.insert(clip_fid, (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))

        fids = 0
        mask = []
        for tile_id in range(coord_grid.shape[0]):
            x, y = coord_grid[tile_id]

            if verbose == 1:
                progress(tile_id, coord_grid.shape[0], "Patch generation")

            x_min = x - dx
            x_max = x + dx
            y_min = y - dx
            y_max = y + dx

            tile_intersects = True

            grid_geom = None
            poly_wkt = None

            if clip_geom is not None:
                tile_intersects = False

                if not ogr_bbox_intersects([x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max],

                intersections = list(
                    spatial_index.intersection((x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max)))
                if len(intersections) == 0:

                poly_wkt = f"POLYGON (({x_min} {y_max}, {x_max} {y_max}, {x_max} {y_min}, {x_min} {y_min}, {x_min} {y_max}))"
                grid_geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(poly_wkt)

                for fid1 in intersections:
                    clip_feature = clip_layer.GetFeature(fid1)
                    clip_geom = clip_feature.GetGeometryRef()

                    if grid_geom.Intersects(clip_geom):
                        tile_intersects = True

            if tile_intersects:
                ft = ogr.Feature(patches_fdefn)

                if grid_geom is None:
                    poly_wkt = f"POLYGON (({x_min} {y_max}, {x_max} {y_max}, {x_max} {y_min}, {x_min} {y_min}, {x_min} {y_max}))"
                    grid_geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(poly_wkt)

                ft_geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(poly_wkt)

                ft.SetField(og_fid, int(fids))

                ft = None

                fids += 1

        if verbose == 1:
            progress(coord_grid.shape[0], coord_grid.shape[0],
                     "Patch generation")

        mask = np.array(mask, dtype=int)

        if generate_grid_geom is True:
            if out_dir is None:
                output_geom = patches_ds
                raster_basename = metadata["basename"]
                geom_name = f"{prefix}{raster_basename}_geom_{str(size)}{postfix}.gpkg"
                output_geom = os.path.join(out_dir, geom_name)

                overwrite_required(output_geom, overwrite)
                remove_if_overwrite(output_geom, overwrite)

                if verbose == 1:
                    print("Writing output geometry..")


    if verbose == 1:
        print("Writing numpy array..")

    output_blocks = []

    for raster in in_rasters:

        base = None
        basename = None
        output_block = None

        if out_dir is not None:
            base = os.path.basename(raster)
            basename = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
            output_block = os.path.join(out_dir +

        metadata = internal_raster_to_metadata(raster)

        if generate_grid_geom is True or clip_geom is not None:
            output_shape = (row_count, size, size, metadata["band_count"])
            output_shape = (all_rows, size, size, metadata["band_count"])

        input_datatype = metadata["datatype"]

        output_array = np.empty(output_shape, dtype=input_datatype)

        # if clip_geom is not None:
        #     ref = raster_to_array(raster, filled=True, extent=tiled_extent)
        # else:
        ref = raster_to_array(raster, filled=True)

        for k, offset in enumerate(in_offsets):
            start = 0
            if k > 0:
                start = offset_rows_cumsum[k - 1]

            blocks = None
            if (k == 0 and generate_border_patches
                    and (border_patches_needed_x or border_patches_needed_y)):
                blocks = array_to_blocks(
                    (size, size),
                blocks = array_to_blocks(ref, (size, size), offset)

            output_array[start:offset_rows_cumsum[k]] = blocks

        if generate_grid_geom is False and clip_geom is None:
            if out_dir is None:
                np.save(output_block, output_array)
            if out_dir is None:
                np.save(output_block, output_array[mask])

    if verify_output and generate_grid_geom:

    if len(output_blocks) == 1:
        output_blocks = output_blocks[0]

    return (output_blocks, output_geom)
Exemplo n.º 5
def array_to_raster(
    array: Union[np.ndarray, np.ma.MaskedArray],
    reference: Union[str, gdal.Dataset],
    out_path: Optional[str] = None,
    overwrite: bool = True,
    creation_options: Union[list, None] = None,
) -> str:
    """Turns a numpy array into a GDAL dataset or exported
        as a raster using a reference raster.

        array (np.ndarray): The numpy array to convert

        reference (path or Dataset): A reference on which to base
        the geographical extent and projection of the raster.

        out_path (path): The location to save the raster. If None is
        supplied an in memory raster is returned. filetype is infered
        from the extension.

        overwrite (bool): Specifies if the file already exists, should
        it be overwritten?

        creation_options (list): A list of options for the GDAL creation. Only
        used if an outpath is specified. Defaults are:

        If an out_path has been specified, it returns the path to the
        newly created raster file.
    type_check(array, [np.ndarray, np.ma.MaskedArray], "array")
    type_check(reference, [str, gdal.Dataset], "reference")
    type_check(out_path, [str], "out_path", allow_none=True)
    type_check(overwrite, [bool], "overwrite")
    type_check(creation_options, [list], "creation_options", allow_none=True)

    # Verify the numpy array
    if (not isinstance(array, (np.ndarray, np.ma.MaskedArray))
            or array.size == 0 or array.ndim < 2 or array.ndim > 3):
        raise ValueError(f"Input array is invalid {array}")

    # Parse the driver
    driver_name = "GTiff" if out_path is None else path_to_driver_raster(
    if driver_name is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse filetype from path: {out_path}")

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name)
    if driver is None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Error while creating driver from extension: {out_path}")

    # How many bands?
    bands = 1
    if array.ndim == 3:
        bands = array.shape[2]

    overwrite_required(out_path, overwrite)

    metadata = raster_to_metadata(reference)
    reference_nodata = metadata["nodata_value"]

    # handle nodata. GDAL python throws error if conversion in not explicit.
    if reference_nodata is not None:
        reference_nodata = float(reference_nodata)
        if (reference_nodata).is_integer() is True:
            reference_nodata = int(reference_nodata)

    # Handle nodata
    input_nodata = None
    if np.ma.is_masked(array) is True:
        input_nodata = array.get_fill_value(
        )  # type: ignore (because it's a masked array.)

    destination_dtype = numpy_to_gdal_datatype(array.dtype)

    # Weird double issue with GDAL and numpy. Cast to float or int
    if input_nodata is not None:
        input_nodata = float(input_nodata)
        if (input_nodata).is_integer() is True:
            input_nodata = int(input_nodata)

    output_name = None
    if out_path is None:
        output_name = f"/vsimem/array_to_raster_{uuid4().int}.tif"
        output_name = out_path

    if metadata["width"] != array.shape[1] or metadata[
            "height"] != array.shape[0]:
        print("WARNING: Input array and raster are not of equal size.")

    remove_if_overwrite(out_path, overwrite)

    destination = driver.Create(


    for band_idx in range(bands):
        band = destination.GetRasterBand(band_idx + 1)
        if bands > 1 or array.ndim == 3:
            band.WriteArray(array[:, :, band_idx])

        if input_nodata is not None:
        elif reference_nodata is not None:

    return output_name
Exemplo n.º 6
def ready_io_raster(
    raster: Union[List[Union[str, gdal.Dataset]], str, gdal.Dataset],
    out_path: Optional[Union[List[str], str]],
    overwrite: bool = True,
    prefix: str = "",
    postfix: str = "",
    uuid: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    Prepares a raster or a list of rasters for writing for writing.
    type_check(raster, [list, str, gdal.Dataset], "raster")
    type_check(out_path, [list, str], "out_path", allow_none=True)
    type_check(overwrite, [bool], "overwrite")
    type_check(prefix, [str], "prefix")
    type_check(postfix, [str], "postfix")

    raster_list = get_raster_path(raster, return_list=True)

    if isinstance(out_path, list):
        if len(raster_list) != len(out_path):
            raise ValueError(
                "The length of raster_list must equal the length of the out_path"

    # Check if folder exists and is required.
    test_out_path = [out_path] if not isinstance(out_path, list) else out_path
    for path in test_out_path:
        if isinstance(path, str):
            if "vsimem" in path:
            if os.path.basename(path) == "" and not os.path.isdir(
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Output folder does not exist. Please create first. {path}"
            elif os.path.dirname(path) == "" or not os.path.isdir(
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Output folder does not exist. Please create first. {os.path.dirname(path)}"

    # Generate output names
    path_list: List[str] = []
    for index, in_raster in enumerate(raster_list):
        metadata = raster_to_metadata(in_raster)

        name = metadata["name"]

        path_id = "" if uuid is False else uuid4().int

        if out_path is None:
            path = f"/vsimem/{prefix}{name}{path_id}{postfix}.tif"
        elif isinstance(out_path, str):
            if folder_exists(out_path):
                path = os.path.join(out_path,
                path = out_path
        elif isinstance(out_path, list):
            if out_path[index] is None:
                path = f"/vsimem/{prefix}{name}{path_id}{postfix}.tif"
            elif isinstance(out_path[index], str):
                path = out_path[index]
                raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse out_path: {out_path}")
            raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse out_path: {out_path}")

        overwrite_required(path, overwrite)

    return (raster_list, path_list)
Exemplo n.º 7
def stack_rasters(
    rasters: List[Union[str, gdal.Dataset]],
    out_path: Optional[str] = None,
    overwrite: bool = True,
    dtype: Optional[str] = None,
    creation_options: Union[list, None] = None,
) -> str:
    """Stacks a list of rasters. Must be aligned."""
    type_check(rasters, [list], "rasters")
    type_check(out_path, [str], "out_path", allow_none=True)
    type_check(overwrite, [bool], "overwrite")
    type_check(dtype, [str], "dtype", allow_none=True)
    type_check(creation_options, [list], "creation_options", allow_none=True)

    if not rasters_are_aligned(rasters, same_extent=True):
        raise ValueError("Rasters are not aligned. Try running align_rasters.")

    overwrite_required(out_path, overwrite)

    # Ensures that all the input rasters are valid.
    raster_list = get_raster_path(rasters, return_list=True)

    if out_path is not None and path_to_ext(out_path) == ".vrt":
        raise ValueError("Please use stack_rasters_vrt to create vrt files.")

    # Parse the driver
    driver_name = "GTiff" if out_path is None else path_to_driver_raster(
    if driver_name is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse filetype from path: {out_path}")

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name)
    if driver is None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Error while creating driver from extension: {out_path}")

    output_name = None
    if out_path is None:
        output_name = f"/vsimem/stacked_rasters_{uuid4().int}.tif"
        output_name = out_path

    raster_dtype = raster_to_metadata(raster_list[0])["datatype_gdal_raw"]

    datatype = translate_datatypes(
        dtype) if dtype is not None else raster_dtype

    nodata_values: List[Union[int, float, None]] = []
    nodata_missmatch = False
    nodata_value = None
    total_bands = 0
    metadatas = []
    for raster in raster_list:
        metadata = raster_to_metadata(raster)

        nodata_value = metadata["nodata_value"]
        total_bands += metadata["band_count"]

        if nodata_missmatch is False:
            for ndv in nodata_values:
                if nodata_missmatch:

                if metadata["nodata_value"] != ndv:
                        "WARNING: NoDataValues of input rasters do not match. Removing nodata."
                    nodata_missmatch = True


    if nodata_missmatch:
        nodata_value = None

    remove_if_overwrite(out_path, overwrite)

    destination = driver.Create(


    bands_added = 0
    for index, raster in enumerate(raster_list):
        metadata = metadatas[index]
        band_count = metadata["band_count"]

        array = raster_to_array(raster)

        for band_idx in range(band_count):
            dst_band = destination.GetRasterBand(bands_added + 1)
            dst_band.WriteArray(array[:, :, band_idx])

            if nodata_value is not None:

            bands_added += 1

    return output_name