def computeSNVTreeError(snvMatrix, cMatrix, lafMatrix, realTree):
    sampleNum = snvMatrix.shape[1]

    cObjMatrix = np.empty(cMatrix.shape, dtype=object)
    for row in range(0, cMatrix.shape[0]):
        for col in range(0, cMatrix.shape[1]):
            currentC = cMatrix[row][col]
            cObj = C([
                2, int(currentC)
            ], [])  #empty vector to stop initialization of allele combinations
            dummyCMu = DummyCMu()
            dummyCMu.c = cObj
            cObjMatrix[row][col] = dummyCMu

    [chromosomes, positions, variantIndices] = obtainSomaticVariantIndices()
    #print variantIndices

    #Compute the distance pairwise between samples
    distanceMatrix = np.empty([sampleNum, sampleNum], dtype=float)

    for sample1 in range(0, sampleNum):
        for sample2 in range(0, sampleNum):

            #Make the sample objects. These now need somatic variants and a CMu
            sample1Obj = Sample(None, None)
            sample1Obj.bestCMu = cObjMatrix[:, sample1]
            #the dummy c mu is actually a list of dummy c mu's, so we need to make one for each c
            #dummyCMu = DummyCMu()
            #dummyCMu.c = cObjMatrix[:,sample1]
            #sample1Obj.bestCMu = dummyCMu
            sample1Obj.somaticVariants = snvMatrix[:, sample1]
            sample1Obj.somaticVariantsInd = variantIndices
            sample1Obj.measurements = LAF(lafMatrix[:, sample1], chromosomes,
                                          positions, positions)
            sample2Obj = Sample(None, None)
            #dummyCMu = DummyCMu()
            #dummyCMu.c = cObjMatrix[:,sample2]
            sample2Obj.bestCMu = cObjMatrix[:, sample2]
            sample2Obj.somaticVariants = snvMatrix[:, sample2]
            sample2Obj.somaticVariantsInd = variantIndices
            sample2Obj.measurements = LAF(lafMatrix[:, sample2], chromosomes,
                                          positions, positions)
            #The distance can be computed for the entire column at once using the FST
                messages, dist
            ] = SomaticVariantDistance().computeDistanceBetweenSomaticVariants(
                sample1Obj, sample2Obj, sample1, sample2)

            distanceMatrix[sample1, sample2] = dist

    #Compute the MST
    fullGraph = generateInitialTree(distanceMatrix, realTree.vertices)
    mst = computeMST(fullGraph, realTree.vertices)
    simulationErrorHandler = SimulationErrorHandler()
    treeScore = simulationErrorHandler.computeTreeError([mst], realTree)
    return treeScore
Exemplo n.º 2
def c_input(keys, c=None, auto_eq=True, return_c=True):

  if c is None:
    c = C()

  for key in keys:

  if auto_eq:

  if return_c:
    return c.c

  return c
Exemplo n.º 3
	def duplicateGenome(self, simulator):
		newC = []
		for c in self.C:
			oldCTumor = c.c[1]
			newC.append(C([2, oldCTumor*2]))
		newAlleles = []
		#Make sure that the allele identifiers are the same across a region with the same chromosome arm.
		prevArm = simulator.chromosomeArms[0]
		currentAlleleA = 'A' + str(uuid.uuid4())
		currentAlleleB = 'B' + str(uuid.uuid4())
		for a in range(0, len(self.A)):
			newACount = self.A[a].ACount*2
			newBCount = self.A[a].BCount*2
			#make the new names
			#Check for each arm if it is the same as the previous. If true, append the same name
			#if the chromosome arm is different, append a new one
			if simulator.chromosomeArms[a] != prevArm:
				currentAlleleA = 'A' + str(uuid.uuid4())
				currentAlleleB = 'B' + str(uuid.uuid4())
			#the identifiers for the new alleles depends on the ACount.
			newAlleleObjects = Alleles(newACount, newBCount)
			newAlleleObjects.alleleIdentifiers += self.A[a].alleleIdentifiers
			for newAIdentifier in range(0, (self.A[a].ACount*2 - self.A[a].ACount)):
			for newBIdentifier in range(0, (self.A[a].BCount*2 - self.A[a].BCount)):
			prevArm = simulator.chromosomeArms[a]
		#Check if our alleles always match across the chromosomes
		#we are using this for duplicating a precursor that does not have somatic variants. If the precursor did have somatic variants, we should duplicate these too here!
		precursor = Subclone()
		precursor.C = newC
		precursor.A = newAlleles
		precursor.somaticVariants = deepcopy(self.somaticVariants)
		precursor.parent = self = str(uuid.uuid4())
		return precursor
Exemplo n.º 4
    def inferBestCMu(self, samples, currentGraph):
        #import threading
        import time
        start_time = time.time()
        fitness = Fitness()
        threads = []
        #can we run the method for each sample in parallel? This would speed up the process by a lot. THe samples are not dependent on each other!
        for sampleInd in range(
                1, len(samples)):  #Skip the first 'dummy' precursor sample
            self.inferBestCMuPerSample(samples, sampleInd, currentGraph,
            #t = threading.Thread(target=self.inferBestCMuPerSample, args=[samples,sampleInd,currentGraph, fitness])
        #for thread in threads:
        #	thread.join()

        #After we have inferred the best C and mu for each sample, we can update the best C and mu in the samples.
        for sample in range(0, len(samples)):

            samples[sample].originalCMu = samples[sample].bestCMu
            if samples[sample].bestCMu is None:
                measurementLength = len(samples[0].measurements.measurements)
                samples[sample].Mu = Mu(0)  #assume 100% tumor
                #Set a default bestCMu in this case, we don't know the solution.
                print "sample ", sample, " setting CMu to 2"
                samples[sample].bestCMu = [
                    CMuCombination(C([2, 2]), Mu(0), self.eventDistances)
                ] * measurementLength
                if samples[sample].bestCMu[0] is not None:
                    print "setting mu to: ", samples[sample].bestCMu[
                        0], " in sample: ", samples[sample].name
                    samples[sample].Mu = samples[sample].bestCMu[0].mu
                else:  #without a successfully inferred C and mu the sample is so complex it is most likely 100% tumor or contains a lot of subclones.
                    print sample, " Assuming 100% tumor"

                    samples[sample].Mu = Mu(0)  #assume 100% tumor

        print("--- %s seconds for all samples of 1 patient ---" %
              (time.time() - start_time))
        return samples
def computeResult(data):
    data = {Exercise, Solution}
    aus data werden Exercise und Solution Objekte erstellt
    erst Exercise Objekt erstellen und dann dem Solution Objekt übergeben (analog zur main)
    Solution Objekt muss Copiler übergeben werden -> Import language specific compiler file
        comp = C(solution)
        r = comp.result
        return r.createJson() in Dockerfile einfügen

    #print("sys.argv[0]: " + sys.argv[0])
    #print("os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])): " + os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
    exercise = dataObjects.Exercise({"Exercise": data["Exercise"]})
    solution = dataObjects.Solution({"Solution": data["Solution"]}, exercise)
    comp = C(solution)
    return comp.result.createJson()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        self.kmin = settings.general['kmin']
        self.kmax = settings.general['kmax']

        #Make a dummy bestCMu for the healthy sample
        self.eventDistances = EventDistances(self.kmin, self.kmax)

        #Initialize C+mu combinations and store in a matrix, objects do not need to be remade in loop
        #These are the combinations that we will explore and score for each LAF in the method
        self.combinationMatrix = np.empty([101, self.kmax], dtype='object')
        for muIndex in range(
                0, 101
        ):  #we allow a maximum of 0-100, so it is fine to use these settings here.
            muClass = Mu(muIndex)
            for k in range(self.kmin, self.kmax + 1):
                c = C([2, k])
                cMuCombination = CMuCombination(c, muClass,
                self.combinationMatrix[muIndex][k - 1] = cMuCombination

        self.cCombinations = CCombinations(
            self.kmin, self.kmax
        )  #re-make this, we use iterators, otherwise the combinations need to be stored in memory.
Exemplo n.º 7
if __name__ == "__main__":

    from c import C
    c = C()
Exemplo n.º 8
espaceLettre = point * 3
espaceMot = point * 7 - espaceLettre

message = raw_input('Que voulez-vous dire ? ')

for x in message:
    if x.upper() == 'A':

    elif x.upper() == 'B':

    elif x.upper() == 'C':

    elif x.upper() == 'D':

    elif x.upper() == 'E':

    elif x.upper() == 'F':

    elif x.upper() == 'G':
Exemplo n.º 9
#Obtain the ploidy of the precursor
precursorPloidy = int(settings.general['precursorPloidy'])

precursorAlleleACount = int(settings.general['precursorAlleleACount'])
precursorAlleleBCount = int(settings.general['precursorAlleleBCount'])

#Check if the ploidy is correct
totalPloidy = precursorAlleleACount + precursorAlleleBCount

precursorTumorFrequency = 100  #Check if the ploidy is different from 2 (or allele balance). If true, then the precursor is not a healthy cell and we have 100% tumor
if precursorAlleleACount != 1 or precursorAlleleBCount != 1 or precursorPloidy != 2:
    precursorTumorFrequency = 0  #In this case we have 100% tumor in the precursor. Only if the precursor it is normal it is 0% tumor.

#Initialize the 'healthy' sample, this can now also be a precursor
healthySample = Sample(None, None)
healthySample.C = [C([2, precursorPloidy])] * measurementLength
healthySample.A = [Alleles(precursorAlleleACount, precursorAlleleBCount)
                   ] * measurementLength
healthySample.Mu = [Mu(precursorTumorFrequency)]
#obtain the chromosome, start and end information from the other samples
healthySample.measurements = LAF([0.5] * measurementLength,
healthySample.somaticVariants = [0] * somVarNum
healthySample.somaticVariantsInd = tmpSamples[0].somaticVariantsInd
healthySample.setParent(None) = 'Precursor'  #do not call it healthy, it may also be a 4N precursor.

#Make a dummy bestCMu for the healthy sample
eventDistances = targetClone.eventDistances
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     print("D in initiated")
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    c = C()