Exemplo n.º 1
def get_result(model,sys_dic,sentences):
    score = 0
    scores = []
    for param_1 in [-1.,-2.,1.,2.]:
        for param_2 in [-1.,-2.,1.,2.]:
            print param_1,param_2
            for i,p in enumerate(sentences):
                words = p.split()
                for q in words[0:-1]:
                    #print q,words[-1]
                    if model.__contains__(q) and model.__contains__(words[-1]): #and q in sys_dic and words[-1] in sys_dic:
                        score += c1.inner_product(model.vector[q],model.vector[words[-1]],model.vocab[q],param_1,param_2)
                score = 0
            print 'calculation finish'
            for sq in heapq.nlargest(50,range(len(scores)),scores.__getitem__):
                print sentences[sq]
                #print scores[sq]
            scores = []