def MgSelTagsFromSelectedClones(obj):
    tag = obj.GetLastTag()  # Get object's last tag
    tags = obj.GetTags()  # Get object's tags
    md = mo.GeGetMoData(obj)  # Get object's MoGraph data
    cnt = md.GetCount()  # Get clone count
    selection = mo.GeGetMoDataSelection(
        tag)  # Get selection from MoGraph selection tag
    prefix = "ms"  # Prefix
    sep = "_"  # Separator
    x = 0  # Initialize iteration variable
    for k in tags:  # Loop through reversed list of tags
        if k.GetName().split("_")[0] == prefix:
            x = x + 1  # Increase iteration variable
    for i in range(0, cnt):  # Loop through reversed list of clones
        if selection.IsSelected(i) == True:
            t = c4d.BaseTag(1021338)  # Initialize MoGraph selection tag
            t[c4d.ID_BASELIST_NAME] = prefix + sep + str(x)  # Set tag name
            s = c4d.BaseSelect()  # Initialize BaseSelect
            s.Select(i)  # Select clone
            obj.InsertTag(t, obj.GetLastTag())  # Insert new tag to object
                        t)  # Add undo command for inserting new tag
            mo.GeSetMoDataSelection(t, s)  # Set MoGraph selection
            x = x + 1  # Increase iteration variable
    tag.Remove()  # Remove old tag
    doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_DELETE, tag)  # Add undo command for removing tag
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    tag = op.GetLastTag()
    tags = op.GetTags()
    md = mo.GeGetMoData(op)
    cnt = md.GetCount()
    selection = mo.GeGetMoDataSelection(tag)
    prefix = "ms"
    sep = "_"
    x = 0
    for k in reversed(tags):
        if k.GetName().split("_")[0] == prefix:
            x = x + 1
    for i in reversed(xrange(0, cnt)):
        if selection.IsSelected(i) == True:
            t = c4d.BaseTag(1021338)
            t[c4d.ID_BASELIST_NAME] = prefix + sep + str(x)
            s = c4d.BaseSelect()
            doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_NEW, t)
            mo.GeSetMoDataSelection(t, s)
            x = x + 1
    doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_DELETE, tag)
Exemplo n.º 3
def MgSelTagForEveryClone(obj):
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()  # Get active Cinema 4D document
    try:  # Try to execute following
        md = mo.GeGetMoData(obj)  # Get MoGraph data
        cnt = md.GetCount()  # Get clone count
        for i in xrange(0, cnt):  # Loop through clones
            tag = c4d.BaseTag(1021338)  # Initialize MoGraph selection tag
            tag[c4d.ID_BASELIST_NAME] = "ms_" + str(i)
            s = c4d.BaseSelect()  # Initialize BaseSelect
            obj.InsertTag(tag, obj.GetLastTag())  # Insert tag to object
                        tag)  # Add undo command for inserting tag
            s.Select(i)  # Select clone
            mo.GeSetMoDataSelection(tag, s)  # Set selection to tag
    except:  # If something went wrong
        pass  # Do nothing
def MoGraphSelectionFromRange(obj):
    tag = obj.GetLastTag()  # Get last tag of object
    tags = obj.GetTags()  # Get object's tags
    md = mo.GeGetMoData(obj)  # Get MoGraph data
    cnt = md.GetCount()  # Get clone count
    prefix = "ms"  # Prefix for selection tag
    sep = "_"  # Separator for selection tag
    p = 0  # Initialize iteration variable
    userInput = g.InputDialog("Selected IDs for " + obj.GetName(),
                              "")  # User input dialog
    baseList = userInput.split(",")  # Split user input to list
    add = []  # Initialize empty list
    finalList = []  # Initialize empty list
    for x in baseList:  # Loop through list items
        rng = x.split("-")  # Split range value (e.g. 5-15)
        if len(rng) > 1:
            for i in xrange(int(rng[0]), int(rng[1]) + 1):
    fullList = baseList + add
    for f in fullList:
        if type(f) is int:
        if type(f) is not int:
            if f.find("-") is -1:
    for k in reversed(tags):  # Loop through tags
        if k.GetName().split("_")[0] == prefix:
            p = p + 1  # Increase iteration
    t = c4d.BaseTag(1021338)  # Initialize MoGraph Selection tag
    t[c4d.ID_BASELIST_NAME] = prefix + sep + str(p)  # Set tag name
    s = c4d.BaseSelect()  # Initialize BaseSelect
    for f in finalList:  # Loop through list
        s.Select(int(f))  # Select items
    obj.InsertTag(t)  # Insert tag to object
    doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_NEW, t)  # Add undo command for inserting new tag
    mo.GeSetMoDataSelection(t, s)  # Set MoGraph selection
Exemplo n.º 5
def MoGraphSelectionFromRange(obj, keyMod):
    userInput = g.InputDialog("Selected IDs for " + obj.GetName(),
                              "")  # User input dialog
    if userInput == "": return
    baseList = userInput.split(",")  # Split user input to list
    add = []  # Initialize empty list
    finalList = []  # Initialize empty list
    for x in baseList:  # Loop through list items
        rng = x.split("-")  # Split range value (e.g. 5-15)
        if len(rng) > 1:
            for i in xrange(int(rng[0]), int(rng[1]) + 1):
    fullList = baseList + add
    for f in fullList:
        if type(f) is int:
        if type(f) is not int:
            if f.find("-") is -1:

    if keyMod == "None":
        tags = obj.GetTags()  # Get object's tags
        prefix = "ms"  # Prefix for selection tag
        sep = "_"  # Separator for selection tag
        msNums = []
        for k in tags:  # Loop through tags
            if k.GetName().split("_")[0] == prefix:
        t = c4d.BaseTag(1021338)  # Initialize MoGraph Selection tag
        if len(msNums) != 0:
            num = max(msNums) + 1
            num = 0
        t[c4d.ID_BASELIST_NAME] = prefix + sep + str(num)  # Set tag name
        s = c4d.BaseSelect()  # Initialize BaseSelect
        for f in finalList:  # Loop through list
            s.Select(int(f))  # Select items
        obj.InsertTag(t, obj.GetLastTag())  # Insert tag to object
                    t)  # Add undo command for inserting new tag
        mo.GeSetMoDataSelection(t, s)  # Set MoGraph selection

    elif keyMod == "Shift":
        prefix = "ms"  # Prefix for selection tag
        sep = "_"  # Separator for selection tag
        msNums = []
        for i, f in enumerate(finalList):  # Loop through list
            tags = obj.GetTags()  # Get object's tags
            #for k in reversed(tags): # Loop through tags
            for k in tags:  # Loop through tags
                if k.GetName().split("_")[0] == prefix:
            t = c4d.BaseTag(1021338)  # Initialize MoGraph Selection tag
            if len(msNums) != 0:
                num = max(msNums) + 1
                num = 0
            t[c4d.ID_BASELIST_NAME] = prefix + sep + str(num)  # Set tag name
            s = c4d.BaseSelect()  # Initialize BaseSelect
            s.Select(int(f))  # Select items
            obj.InsertTag(t, obj.GetLastTag())  # Insert tag to object

                        t)  # Add undo command for inserting new tag
            mo.GeSetMoDataSelection(t, s)  # Set MoGraph selection